Recordings Listing


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 27 through 28, 2018

2018 NCHEA Adult Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
ID: 2018G5
Apr. 28, 2018

It’s not just about the program, but instead the key components of instruction necessary to master the complex skills needed to read. Through her video, Pam Bazis, UNL, will focus on why the components of Orton-Gillingham based reading instruction are effective in learning to read based on research and theory into reading instruction and how the brain processes information in relationship to dyslexia. Pam will share strategies and practices that can be incorporated into teaching individuals to learn to read and spell. This workshop is a 2-session presentation moderated by Becky Kugler and Gwelda Carlson of the Nebraska Dyslexia Association.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 2018G6
Apr. 28, 2018

Creating a transcript is a vital part of high school records— but it doesn’t have to be hard! Learn to create a transcript for a pattern when designing your own. The session guides you through transcript essentials, credit evaluation, grading guidelines and scales, and calculation of grade point averages (GPAs). In addition, you’ll receive sample transcripts showing other formats for you to consider.

Topics: High school

No matter the author or genre, every work of literature is built in part on symbols. Identifying them, however, can be frustrating and difficult. Often it seems that an author’s symbols obscure his themes instead of making them clear. In a riveting presentation of one of the earliest English Poems, Ian Andrews explains this powerful device and shows how it can help you unlock the meaning of even the most difficult classics. All you need is the right series of simple questions.

ID: 2018H2
Apr. 28, 2018

Are you concerned about college entrance exams for your homeschooled students? Learn about the various national tests and how Nebraska students compare with other states on those tests. This workshop will present alternatives to the Common Core-aligned SAT test.

Topics: High school

What do you do when your child is not progressing as expected? Discover a simple model for identifying skill and performance deficits. Learn how to test whether the child has a skill or a performance deficit and select strategies to improve performance. A variety of instructional and motivational strategies that can be added as a supplement to the curriculum will be presented and described to try at home.

ID: 2018H4
Apr. 28, 2018

In Nebraska, fourth graders learn all about Nebraska. For homeschoolers, teaching this can seem intimidating. How can this subject be tackled at home when multiple grades are involved? Learn how to study Nebraska in a purposeful way and get interactive ideas, book lists, and project possibilities. Discuss a recommended textbook and get online ideas for helping Nebraska become a meaningful topic at home.

ID: 2018H4
Apr. 28, 2018

In Nebraska, fourth graders learn all about Nebraska. For homeschoolers, teaching this can seem intimidating. How can this subject be tackled at home when multiple grades are involved? Learn how to study Nebraska in a purposeful way and get interactive ideas, book lists, and project possibilities. Discuss a recommended textbook and get online ideas for helping Nebraska become a meaningful topic at home.

ID: 2018H5
Apr. 28, 2018

It’s not just about the program, but instead the key components of instruction necessary to master the complex skills needed to read. Through her video, Pam Bazis, UNL, will focus on why the components of Orton-Gillingham based reading instruction are effective in learning to read based on research and theory into reading instruction and how the brain processes information in relationship to dyslexia. Pam will share strategies and practices that can be incorporated into teaching individuals to learn to read and spell. This is Part 2 of a 2-session presentation moderated by Becky Kugler and Gwelda Carlson of the Nebraska Dyslexia Association.

Topics: Special needs

As a parent homeschooling a teen (or thinking about homeschooling a teen), you may have doubts about your ability... and your sanity. Are you weighed down by the seriousness of high school? Do you question your competence to teach your teen? Be encouraged as you discover a new long range perspective that is filled with much hope, faith, help and joy!

ID: 2018H7
Apr. 28, 2018

Many have been led to believe the lie that all our Founders were Deists or non-christians. Examine the evidence from the lips of our Founders themselves and you will be very encouraged to discover not only what they believed but that they held a Biblical View of Law and Government which was the foundation upon which they built a Republic designed to secure the God given rights of every person.

Does literature seem like a mystery? Are you at a loss about how to understand it yourself, much less teach it? This inspiring lecture demonstrates that everything you need to know about understanding and teaching literature is present in your second grader’s bedtime story. Adam reads a classic children’s story and leads a discussion of eternal literary themes. Learn how you can do the same at home by following five simple steps. Your literature curriculum – to say nothing of family story time – will come alive. You’ll never put the kids to bed the same way again!

Education is not an object we can posses; it’s a state of the heart, mind, and soul. All great leaders share certain attributes in these areas, and Job was one of the greatest! Adam’s unique perspective on Job’s career inspires parents to prepare their students for leadership. Get a renewed vision for the liberal arts and practical suggestions to applying this vision at home.

If you had only one hour in which to give your student a complete education, could you do it? If you accepted the challenge, what lesson would you teach? Adam Andrews argues that a complete and profound education can be acquired in one lesson – and then sets out to prove this audacious claim in an eye-opening, inspiring presentation. Adam first demonstrates the lesson using an example from his own subject, Literature. He then shows you how to teach it in your own area of interest. Adam gives examples of the lesson from every subject in the curriculum and invites the audience to contribute their own ideas. The power of this lesson may revolutionize the way you teach on a daily basis – and it only takes an hour!

Topics: Encouragement


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 9 through 10, 2018

CHOH Annual Conference - 2018

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
Recording ID: 2018-F
Original Price: $145.00
Set Price: $59.00

2018 Full Conference Set

The entire set of recordings for the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii 2018 Conference. Key Note Speakers: Steve & Megan Scheibner Featured Workshop Speaker: Woody Robertson

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-01Living on Borrowed Time: Parenting in a Post 9/11 World by: Steve Scheibner2018-02Marriage, Communication and Friendship by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-03Marriage and Parenting Go Hand-in-Hand by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-04Battling With Behavior? by: Steve Scheibner2018-05Training Teens to Take the Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2018-06Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2018-07Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner2018-08The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2018-09The Character Conscious Mom by: Megan Scheibner2018-10The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2018-11Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner2018-12Homeschool 2.0: A Fresh Look at Education by: Woody Robertson2018-13Study Like a Genius: Unlocking Your Brain by: Woody Robertson2018-14How to Homeschool High School by: Woody Robertson2018-15Five Mistakes Parents and Students Make Planning for College by: Woody Robertson2018-16Now Calling All Entrepreneurs: 10 Musts for Starting and Growing Successful Businesses by: Woody Robertson2018-17Eight Practical Steps to Life After High School: Training Starts Now by: Woody Robertson2018-18Homeschool 101 by: Lora Burbage2018-19Choosing Curriculum by: Lora Burbage2018-20Raising Your Child to Have Sexual Integrity by: David Willweber2018-21How To Raise Children Who Love God and Walk in Godly Character by: Wendy Tang2018-22Foreign Languages and Teacher Training by: Louise Minervino, Douglas Groesser2018-23Evaluating Your Child's Skills and Abilities by: Sarah Olbris2018-24Experience Excellence in Writing by: Jan Miller2018-25What Do My Child's Test Scores REALLY Mean? by: Sarah Olbris2018-29Let's Play Games with RightStart™ Math! by: Rachel Wilkes2018-30American Heritage Girls: Christ-centered Ministry for Girls by: Richelle Benson2018-31Teacher Mother—How to Get it Done by: Panel 2018-33Getting Through the High School Years by: Panel This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2018-S
Original Price: $55.00
Set Price: $20.00

Steve & Megan Scheibner Keynotes & Workshops

All keynote and workshop sessions with Steve & Megan Scheibner

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-01Living on Borrowed Time: Parenting in a Post 9/11 World by: Steve Scheibner2018-02Marriage, Communication and Friendship by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-03Marriage and Parenting Go Hand-in-Hand by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-04Battling With Behavior? by: Steve Scheibner2018-05Training Teens to Take the Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2018-06Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2018-07Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner2018-08The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2018-09The Character Conscious Mom by: Megan Scheibner2018-10The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2018-11Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2018-WR
Original Price: $30.00
Set Price: $10.00

All Workshop Sessions with Woody Robertson

All workshop sessions with Woody Robertson at the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii 2018 Conference

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-12Homeschool 2.0: A Fresh Look at Education by: Woody Robertson2018-13Study Like a Genius: Unlocking Your Brain by: Woody Robertson2018-14How to Homeschool High School by: Woody Robertson2018-15Five Mistakes Parents and Students Make Planning for College by: Woody Robertson2018-16Now Calling All Entrepreneurs: 10 Musts for Starting and Growing Successful Businesses by: Woody Robertson2018-17Eight Practical Steps to Life After High School: Training Starts Now by: Woody Robertson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God’s providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent.

Recognizing that a healthy marriage is the basis of a healthy home, Steve and Megan will teach from their book The Eight Rules Of Communication For Successful Marriages. They will finish the session with a fun, loving look at marriage and F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P.

Parenting and marriage have a great deal in common. Both are loaded with challenges and pitfalls. Ephesians 4:22-24 gives us insight into parenting and marriage success by introducing us to the principle of Put-off and Put-on. This joint seminar will give you the practical tools to raise the standard in your marriage and in your parenting.

ID: 2018-04
Mar. 9, 2018

Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he reveals seven practical steps to raising the behavior bar in your home. A Character Matters session will begin the process of moving your young people from ordinary to extraordinary.

ID: 2018-05
Mar. 10, 2018

Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? Steve shares the important phases that teens need to learn in order to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree."

ID: 2018-06
Mar. 10, 2018

Second mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. Teach men to Earn The Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude.

Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Dr. Steve in a discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Come discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!

If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children we must focus on the first things first and character is always the first thing! In this workshop, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge your homeschoolers to use every opportunity to teach their children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.

ID: 2018-09
Mar. 9, 2018

Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our kids to play-dates. With only a few short years to impart important spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an important opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side.

ID: 2018-10
Mar. 10, 2018

Are the “Terrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with 8 toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. This workshop is intensely practical and will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!

ID: 2018-11
Mar. 10, 2018

Women thrive on relationships! But are our relationships glorifying to God or do they draw our hearts away from faithful obedience to the Lord and His Word? Megan will encourage women to use their relationships to encourage, edify, and exhort one another while also challenging women to examine their friendships and to structure Christ-centered, God honoring, faith deepening relationships.

ID: 2018-12
Mar. 9, 2018

Basic Academic knowledge is important, but will it prepare students for success in their future employment? Are they developing media, information, technology, and life and career skills? When college professors and CEO’s are surveyed, they disagree greatly on how prepared a graduate is for life in the modern world. Come learn how to set up your student for success… beyond the curriculum.

ID: 2018-13
Mar. 9, 2018

All learning is founded on one key—the ability to take in information and then remember it. Each school year, students spend countless hours studying, only to have the information seemingly disappear when they need it most. Whether a parent or student, in this interactive and practical session, you will learn how to use study tools such as speed reading and memory techniques.

ID: 2018-14
Mar. 9, 2018

Woody walks parents through the high school years and provides a fresh look at the unique opportunities of homeschoolers. Learn about dual credit, transcripts, and getting ready for college. Escape the conveyor belt of modern education and pursue a personalized education which gives students autonomy to learn at their pace and ability, provides hands-on application and ultimately inspire lifelong learners.

The words affordable, efficient, or effective are not typically associated with college. Learn five proven strategies to help you save 30-50% on your college costs and up to two years of time and, most importantly, give your student a huge head start on the competition. Learn the secrets colleges don’t tell.

This session is for those who think outside of the box, take risks and are not afraid to put their creative juices to work. Hear stories of entrepreneurs who started small and built wildly successful businesses. We’ll cover the fundamentals of entrepreneurialism and discover 10 musts for starting and growing a successful business.

This information-packed session prepares students to launch into the next phase of life with vigor, excellence and confidence. Topics include: how to dress for success, creative conversation techniques, essential character qualities, time management, résumé and business building and more! Today’s activities and choices will either help or hinder future successes. Look out world—the next generation of leaders are on their way.

ID: 2018-18
Mar. 9, 2018

This workshop will give you solid reasons for educating and training your children at home. You can teach your children positive socialization skills, train their character and develop an academic program to fit their needs. You’ll also learn about the homeschool law in Hawaii and gets some tips on how to get started.

ID: 2018-19
Mar. 9, 2018

By understanding your child's learning style, determining an educational approach and deciding on objectives, you will be able to make a better decision when choosing curriculum.

PEACE Hawaii believes that young people will choose to save sex for a permanent lifelong committed marital relationship when they are consistently encouraged to do so. We have resources that will equip parents and churches, to engage young people about this most critical topic that will shape not only their life and future, but generations to come.

Learn how to teach and train your children in hearing the voice of God and gaining a heart to worship Him. Find out how to establish your own unique Family Identity and gain the treasure of holding your children’s hearts.

ICC Hawaii has the capability of teaching 20 world languages including Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog. With the communicative approach, students use the language rather than listen to a lecture. Learn how ICC can help with learning languages and widely applicable instructional methodologies.

ID: 2018-23
Mar. 9, 2018

Although we usually think of evaluating as testing, there are a multitude of methods to monitor progress that don’t involve paper and pencil and a 100 point scale. You can creatively evaluate how your child is doing in any given subject while clarifying expectations for both of you.

ID: 2018-24
Mar. 10, 2018

Discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports and essays with style. Parents and students alike find it easy to use and effective in all their writing endeavors. Get an overview of the program and learn how to get started with even the most reluctant writing student.

ID: 2018-25
Mar. 10, 2018

This workshop will help parents interpret the significance of test scores and use them to get a balanced view of the child’s strengths and weaknesses. Parents will gain a clearer understanding of the types of achievement tests available, the differences between them, and the benefits of testing to monitor student progress and to guide instruction.

ID: 2018-29
Mar. 9, 2018

Are you tired of flashcards? Does your child cry when you give another timed math fact test? Are you beating your head against the wall because your child can’t seem to remember the multiples of 7? This workshop will show you fabulous and effective alternatives to worksheets and flashcards by playing easy and fun math card games from the RightStart™ Math curriculum. Imagine your kids asking to practice their math facts more! Come and discover games to help your child learn their math facts!

American Heritage Girls is the premiere national character development organization for girls ages 5 – 18 that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.

ID: 2018-31
Mar. 9, 2018

Homeschooling your child is a big commitment and it can be challenging to teach your children while still managing the home. Moms will share teaching tips on multi level teaching, scheduling the school year, organization, and more.

ID: 2018-33
Mar. 10, 2018

The best tips come from moms who have gone through the high school years—or are navigating through it now. Come to ask questions and get answers from mothers like you!


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 23 through 24, 2017

OR-2017 Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 2017-all
Original Price: $247.50
Set Price: $99.00

All sessions from the 2017 Oregon Conference

This one price allows you to download any or all of the sessions from the 2017 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference, (for personal use only) now and in the future. Sessions unavailable (or lost) due to technical difficulties will not be included.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-01Fearless Homeschooling by: Heidi St John17-02The Home God Uses to Change the World by: Matthew Jacobson17-03Ripped from the Case Files by: Jim Mason17-04Uncommon Courage by: Heidi St John17-101Multi-Level Teaching by: Heidi St John17-102Homeschooling the Early Years: You Gotta Turn Right to Go Left by: Heather Haupt17-103High School 101 by: Jean Burk17-104Micro Business for Teens: Starting a Micro Business by: Carol Topp, CPA17-105Successful Homeschooling by: Lisa Jacobson17-106Homeschooling: Real Hard and Real Blessings by: Colene Lewis17-107Recruiting & Retaining Volunteers by: Beth Mora, Forrest Mora17-108The Prodigal Son, the Forgiving Father, and the Power of Beholding by: Jim Mason17-109Math-You-Hate becomes Math-U-Love with Math-U-See by: exhibitor17-201Strong Roots – Strong Families by: Heidi St John17-202Sharing Life, Loving, and Learning by: Heather Haupt17-203Managing Anger and Conflict in Your Home by: Beth Mora17-204Free College at Your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-205The Secret to Building a Strong Marriage by: Lisa Jacobson17-206Well Planned Day, Yes It's Possible by: Rebecca Farris17-207Top 10 Tips for Running a Homeschool Organization by: Carol Topp, CPA17-208Choosing and Using the Best Curriculum by: Caleb Crossman17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: exhibitor17-211Walking Tall: How a Man Can Win in This Sex-Saturated Culture by: Matthew Jacobson17-212Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-301Help and Hope for the Overwhelmed Mom by: Heidi St John17-302Marriage Wisdom: Practical Tools for Love and Friendship between Husband and Wife by: 17-303Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt17-304Learn Real Life Skills by: Carol Topp, CPA17-305Dream Bigger by: Beth Mora17-306Homeschooling Hints from Calvin & Hobbs by: Colene Lewis17-307Dyslexia: Facts and Fiction by: Joann Matson17-308Note to Self: The Vital Role of Homeschooling Dads by: Jim Mason17-309Logic Through All Ages by: exhibitor17-311Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist by: exhibitor17-312Seven Principles for Living a Passionate Life with Joy, Purpose, and Victory by: exhibitor17-401The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies by: Heidi St John17-402Beauty in the Bloom by: Beth Mora17-403Stepping Outside the School Box: Creating a Home Where We Learn by: Heather Haupt17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk17-405An Equipment Operator's Guide to Keeping Your Family by: Forrest Mora17-406How the IRS Sees Homeschool Organizations by: Carol Topp, CPA17-407Choosing and Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Students by: Jennifer Bliesner17-408History of Homeschooling in Oregon by: Dick Karman17-453Thriving in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Christian Homeschoolers by: exhibitor17-454Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-455TROWEL - Teaching Children about Christ and Culture by: Dennis Tuuri17-456Radically Different Spelling Success with Spelling You See by: exhibitor17-501Better for Best: Keeping Christ as the Center of Your Home by: Heidi St John17-502Why We Need a Parental Rights Amendment by: Jim Mason17-503Help for the Homeschooling Mom: How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Move Forward by: Heather Haupt17-50430+ Micro Business Ideas by: Carol Topp, CPA17-505Treating Writing Allergies by: Beth Mora17-506Homeschooling Teens – Tips That Work by: Colene Lewis17-507The Who, What, When, Why & Hows of Developing a PDP by: Jennifer Bliesner17-50810 Relationship Mistakes by: Matthew Jacobson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-01
Jun. 23, 2017

"I’m not strong enough."
"My kids are going to have gaps in their education."
"Everything depends on me."
"I’ve failed too many times."
"I can’t do this right."
"I’m screwing up my kids."
"Everyone else’s kids are doing better than mine."

Have you heard the lies, too? Join Heidi as she talks about her own experience of homeschooling out of fear and into faith. You’ll want to bring a friend to this one!

ID: 17-02
Jun. 23, 2017

Does the quality of your marriage matter? Do the endless days of child rearing and homeschooling matter? Does your family have a larger purpose in this world? God says, "Yes!" Will you live for His plan and purpose?

ID: 17-03
Jun. 24, 2017

A serious but entertaining look at HSLDA’s recent cases and why they are important to you and your homeschool. You’ll want to hear about the Case of the Miscreated Court, the Case of the Rotten Big Apple, and the Case of the Caseworker’s Monumental Miscalculation. With over 15 years’ experience representing homeschooling families around the country, Jim has a unique, up-close perspective on trends, emerging issues, and what the future holds for homeschool freedom.

ID: 17-04
Jun. 24, 2017

In today’s culture, parenting requires an uncommon courage. Being a Christian parent in a culture that has rejected Christ requires a steadfast commitment to imparting truth to our children in a world that has rejected Truth. This is not our grandparents’ generation. We are parenting in a generation where fear is a driving force. But when faith finds its feet in this generation of parents, Heidi believes we will begin to see amazing things.

ID: 17-101
Jun. 23, 2017

Toddlers, Tweens, and Teens, OH MY! Do you have a houseful? Are you planning on having a houseful? If so, then this is a great workshop for YOU! Heidi and Jay St. John are the homeschooling parents of seven perfect, never messy, always obedient, very sweet, usually tidy, generally obedient, always energetic, very curious children. They have homeschooled all the way through high school.

One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day! Moms are always wondering if they are “doing enough” and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually… can be overwhelming.

In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten you! If you’ve got a houseful, then you’ve got your hands full! Let’s laugh together, and rediscover the JOY of homeschooling with a full heart AND a full house

Want to give your preschooler and kindergartner an edge? Though it may seem counter-intuitive, having a playful relaxed, yet intentional attitude towards learning in the early years develops creativity, encourages curiosity, builds independence, expands attention span, enhances relationships, and has fun, too. And it is PROVEN to give them an academic edge! Join Heather as she share's the art of teaching young children through play.

ID: 17-103
Jun. 23, 2017

Many parents are intimidated at the thought of homeschooling a teenager through high school. The idea of teaching physics, chemistry, and calculus elicits fear and trembling from most parents… throw in grading essays and creating transcripts and you’ve got a complete recipe for a true mental breakdown! Home school high school veteran Jean Burk’s two homeschooled students received full-rides to college, grad school, and law school. She joyfully testifies that the high school years have been the most rewarding! She’ll share her successes and failures and everything else you need to know to homeschool through high school. At this workshop she’ll answer these questions and many more:

  • Why homeschool high school?
  • Statistically, how do homeschool graduates perform as adults?
  • What’s the difference between credits, grades, and transcripts?
  • What every high school student needs to know beyond academics (life skills, spiritual skills, social skills)
  • How can middle school students acquire high school credit?
  • How in the world do I teach chemistry, algebra, and calculus?
  • What’s the difference between CLEP, AP, and Dual Enrollment?
  • Can my homeschooled student really get into college?
  • What scholarships are available to home school students?
  • Do I need an accredited transcript?
If you have a middle or high school student and you’re considering home education through high school, you should definitely attend High School 101! You’ll walk away knowing you CAN do it!

Encouragement for teenagers to start and run their own micro business. They will learn a lot while earning some money. A micro business can be started quickly and easily with no debt from home. Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has counseled dozens of teenagers starting a business and will discuss business plans and ideas. Teenagers and their parents are encouraged to attend together!

ID: 17-105
Jun. 23, 2017

The very thought of homeschooling can be overwhelming—whether you're a newbie or a veteran homeschooling parent. It's a big job and there's no way of getting around it. But after 18 years of teaching, I've found these steps that actually work. And these aren't merely academic solutions, but answers that have helped our family relationships—and my sanity—as well. It's a surprisingly simple plan that will prepare your student—and the teacher—for real success.

ID: 17-106
Jun. 23, 2017

This talk provides honest encouragement to those considering homeschooling. The real hard part of home education is the commitment of time, energy and resources. The real blessings of home education include stronger family bonds and a personalized education. And these blessings will make the work worth it.

ID: 17-107
Jun. 23, 2017

Volunteers are the backbone of nonprofit organizations. Without volunteers, visions crumble. How do you recruit qualified volunteers? How can a leader strengthen a volunteer to go the distance? How do you inspire your volunteers to serve with passion? Forrest and Beth Mora will share ten key principles to help you form a team that will thrive and create a lasting impact.

We homeschooling parents invest a lot of ourselves in our children. When one of them strays, it is a painful, prayerful time. As one who has wandered himself, and one who has shepherded seven children through sometimes challenging times, Jim has a word of encouragement, reconciliation, and hope for walking through troubled times.

Presented by Math-U-See

Math-U-See’s unique instructional approach using simple but powerful manipulatives, videos, and textbooks helps students master math concepts and fundamental skills. Our manipulatives are used to represent abstract math concepts to be represented in clear, relatable ways. Come see how even reluctant mathematicians can help children develop a positive relationship with math.

ID: 17-201
Jun. 23, 2017

Arguably the most profound change in America in the past 50 years has been the deconstruction of the family unit. The foundational building block of 4000 years of world culture and 250 years of American society has been undermined, underappreciated, and under attack since the 1960’s. Learn how to put down the kind of strong roots that will help you become an “intentional arborist” as you nurture the strong family that you desire-and that your children need. Learn how you can nurture what’s important and learn to ignore the flurry of cultural foolishness that we all-too-often mistake for what’s really important.

ID: 17-202
Jun. 23, 2017

Heather Haupt is joined by her mother, Colene Lewis for this 2-generation workshop.

One of the perks of homeschooling is the opportunity families have to build relationships. Learning to live and learn together 24-7 provides a wonderful environment where relationships are cultivated. It isn't always easy, but the benefits are well worth the effort!

ID: 17-203
Jun. 23, 2017

Conflict happens. Anger happens. Siblings fight. Mom and Dad don’t see eye to eye. Feelings get hurt. Things are said that shouldn’t be said, and things are done that shouldn’t be done. We each have different points of views on how life should go. Add the personal character flaws of each family member to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for calamity. Unchecked anger and unresolved conflict can undo the best of homeschool plans. Teaching your child how to manage anger and conflict far outweighs any school subject. Beth Mora, author, blogger, and homeschool mom tackles real-life tensions that happen behind all of our homeschool doors and offers practical solutions for messy moments.

ID: 17-204
Jun. 23, 2017

Are you ready to make $500 an hour? Although it sounds too good to be true, it’s possible to earn this much in scholarships for college. Author, Jean Burk, will teach you two important concepts: how to get into the college of your choice and how to find the scholarships to pay for it. You will learn methods of receiving substantial scholarships that go beyond tuition and may include room and board, graduate school, and money to study abroad! Unlock the keys to finding free college at your fingertips!

ID: 17-205
Jun. 23, 2017

No one really talks about this part. They talk about curriculum and co-op classes. Schedules and science fairs. Teacher-student relationships and sibling relationships. But there's little mention of the most important behind-the-scenes relationship of all: the one with your husband. Here's how you can do more than maintain your marriage; you can grow and even thrive while you homeschool together.

ID: 17-206
Jun. 23, 2017

Having a productive day is so much more than buying a planner or a tool for organization. In this workshop, Rebecca, the Well Planned Gal, takes listeners a few steps back, helping them begin with a philosophy and understanding of the uniqueness God has created in each family. From there, Rebecca explores ten essentials for having a Well Planned Day.

This is a “potpourri” of topics and attendees can bring up any subject they wish to discuss. Carol Topp will lead off with her Topp 10 tips for running a homeschool organization. Included are tips on bylaws, boards, avoiding fraud, hiring workers, buying insurance, and conducting fund raisers. A handout of tips for leaders to share with your board back home will be provided.

ID: 17-208
Jun. 23, 2017

Choosing the right curriculum can be daunting — not only are there too many options, understanding them is often more work than teaching the content. In this brief workshop, we'll discuss some hacks to understanding what a curriculum offers, including its strengths and weaknesses, and how to make the best choice without hurting your head. It isn't really the curriculum that matters — it's what it represents, both in terms of worldview and practical concerns.

ID: 17-209
Jun. 23, 2017

Presented by Excellence in Writing

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started.

Your family is counting on you. The Enemy loves taking down men and making them ineffective for the Kingdom through impurity. God made you a warrior and gave you all you need to triumph over the Enemy’s plan to destroy you. Candid discussion/practical strategies to employ on the field of moral battle.

Topics: Fathers

Presented by Help Eliminate Learning Problems

As the Director of Help Eliminate Learning Problems (HELP, Inc.), Bill Hartner has a unique perspective of seeing learning problems from both sides. Bill will give a fascinating look at the right brain and left brain and why balancing the two is so important to effective learning. You’ll learn how concentration, focus, time management, cause-and-effect thinking and organization can be improved by integrating more left-brain critical thinking into the learning process.

Bill has been HELP’s Director for 34 years. HELP is a not for profit organization located on the campus of Marylhurst University between West Linn and Lake Oswego and provides testing and drug-free treatment for children and adults with learning and processing problems. For more information about HELP, check or call 503-635-3389 for an evaluation appointment.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 17-301
Jun. 23, 2017

Parenting. It’s exhausting and exhilarating. Frustrating and fascinating. Like all things that are God-breathed, it’s a Kingdom building exercise. It’s a masterful strategy, this idea of using all night feedings and miscarriage and labor and teenagers (see how teens and labor go hand in hand?) and even homeschooling to teach us to trust the heart of the Father. But that’s exactly what God wants you to learn to do. Join Heidi St. John for an hour of encouragement and inspiration that will lift you up and remind you of the WHY of homeschooling.

Are you providing a marriage example you would encourage others to follow? What steps are you taking to deepen your love and build a lasting friendship with your husband/wife?

ID: 17-303
Jun. 23, 2017

Come discover how we can reach the heart of our boys and inspire them to embrace this training phase of their lives as they pursue living a life of purpose that, like the knights of old, courageously puts the needs of others before their own. What is holding modern day boys back and how can we move forward by giving boys a vision for their future and honoring their innate love for adventure? The world needs more kind, courageous, and bold men who will lead their families well and make an impact in their world both now and for the rest of their lives. It starts with igniting the imagination, honoring their love for adventure, and casting a vision for the training process.

ID: 17-304
Jun. 23, 2017

Wouldn’t it be great to earn money and learn important life skills that are needed every day in adult life? A micro business can help you do that! Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has encouraged hundreds of teenagers to start a micro business and has seen them learn a lot about real life. She’ll offer tips to get you started on launching a viable micro business. Teenagers and their parents are encouraged to attend together.

ID: 17-305
Jun. 23, 2017

Question: What is the end goal of Christian home education? Answer: To love God more and serve more. Parents, your elementary-aged child needs an education in dreaming big. “But wait!” the parent says, “He can’t even complete his regular assignments!” Dreaming big can turn your ho-hum learner into an active one. We all need purpose behind even the simplest of tasks. We, as home educating families can get buried in a pile of book learning and forget what education is really for, to serve others. Please bring your wiggly child with you to this inspiring talk that just might change your city, state, country, or even the world. Disclaimer: There may be no stopping your child!

ID: 17-306
Jun. 23, 2017

Almost everything you need to know to homeschool, from educational philosophy to practical homeschool how-to’s, can be found in Calvin & Hobbes. Come laugh, learn, be encouraged as a veteran homeschooler presents wisdom gleaned from the stories of a young boy and his stuffed tiger.

ID: 17-307
Jun. 23, 2017

Have you ever wondered if you or anyone you know has dyslexia? If so, you are not alone. dyslexia affects approximately 1 in 5 people. As a mom and home educator of a dyslexic learner, Joann has experienced the worry and frustration of watching her bright and creative child struggle, even though he tries hard. As a person with dyslexia, she has experienced the difficulties and benefits first-hand.

This presentation will encourage you on your journey. Dyslexia is a distinctive difference, not a divisive deficit. Using the most reliable research, we'll cover the basics of identifying, re-mediating, and accommodating. We will also cover the gifts and strengths of the dyslexic mind - because, yes, those exist too!

Are you a homeschooling dad like I am? Do you need an occasional booster shot like I do? Come let us reason together, encourage one another, bear each other’s burdens, and leave refreshed to carry out our vital role.

ID: 17-309
Jun. 23, 2017

Presented by Classical Conversations

Learn how Classical Conversations programs from Foundations all the way through Challenge, promote logical thinking and help build relationships through effective communication.

ID: 17-311
Jun. 23, 2017

Discover a step-by-step guide to what medical transcription is; medical transcription versus medical billing & coding; learning medical transcription simply. Learn about marketing your business easily and everything you wanted to know about earning potential, equipment, electronic files, how to get hands-on work experience, work for services and much more.

We are faced with daily challenges, Biblical standards are being compromised, our culture adheres to having no absolute truths, and spiritually, we are at war between good and evil. This workshop sheds light on seven key principles for living daily with passion, purpose, and victory and teach our children to do the same!

If homeschooling up 'til now feels more like drudgery than delight, or if the thought of homeschooling makes your knees shake and your palms sweat, this is the workshop for you! Perhaps you've been hearing from “experts” that view homeschooling as just another form of education, like any other. Public schools think that way, but homeschooling is nothing like the school system. It's just the opposite. Learning at home is an adventure, a journey, a new lifestyle. Join veteran homeschool mom of seven (including one homeschool graduate!) Heidi St.John as she talks about the three things you’ve got to know as a new homeschooler that will set you on a track for success and enjoyment with your children.

ID: 17-402
Jun. 24, 2017

Are you worn out from everyone needing another piece of you? Do you feel pushed and pulled in all directions? Are there places in your heart you don’t have time to visit? Women of all ages and stages will discover the joy of blooming! Join Beth Mora, author and blogger, as she shares from God’s Word the power of open transparency and the sweet life that blooms in Christ.

Learning to embrace a natural, holistic way of education can make homeschooling doable and successful academically, spiritually, and socially for both the students and the parents. It’s important to let go of our pre-conceived notions of what “school” should look like and instead major on the strengths of homeschooling – flexibility, real life learning, real books (living books), dialogue rather than formal tests, etc. Discover how to emphasize the benefits of homeschooling and avoid the burn out that happens when parents try to replicate a traditional school in their homes.

ID: 17-404
Jun. 24, 2017

Test-prep Guru, Jean Burk, will share her secrets of SAT success that have helped tens of thousands of students raise their test scores as much as 600 points! Learn how to find shortcuts in test patterns and save time on all types of questions. Math, Writing, and Verbal sections are all covered in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Learn tips to help you prepare for the SAT! Parents and high schoolers, you are welcome to sit in this session and learn the tips for preparing for the SAT to help your students score well.

How does a skid steer loader, a backhoe, a front tine tiller, a small tractor, and a diesel pick-up truck relate to being a husband, father, and servant leader of your family? In this very unique talk, Forrest Mora, a landscape contractor and equipment operator, speaks to the men using language that men can relate to. He relates real life stories from his experiences over the last 30 years to sometimes laugh at himself and other times challenge everyone in the room. His nuts and bolts style of communicating will provide a welcomed outlet for men to gather together and discover that they are not alone in their challenges of life.

Topics: Fathers
ID: 17-406
Jun. 24, 2017

Presenter, Carol Topp, a homeschooling mother and CPA, has helped over 250 homeschool organizations understand their status with the IRS. She will teach leaders the required filings to keep their homeschool organizations legal but with the least amount of government paperwork and interference. Tips and handouts on required reporting, taxes, and several examples from Carol’s experience will be offered. This is an invaluable session for support group and co-op leaders.

Topics: Support groups

All children have special needs, but some have more challenges than others. Learn how to adapt and plan an effective curriculum so that your child shows measurable progress. Explore the stumbling blocks that can prevent true learning. Don't waste money and time buying the wrong curriculum. This is a great session for parents of more than one child. You'll learn how to adapt curriculum to fit more than one student.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 17-408
Jun. 24, 2017

Freedom isn’t free! Hear the stories and rejoice in God’s grace as one of Oregon’s home education pioneers hits the high points starting with a significant Supreme Court ruling in Pierce v. Society of Sisters, and moving through the last 35 years of more recent challenges and victories.

Learn from the past and be reminded of the stone memorials erected along the way (Joshua 4:6) In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them... Join us to hear the stories of men and women that God used like Pastor Dennis Tuuri, Representative Charles Star, lobbyist Rodger Williams, hearings Officer “Les” and congressional aid Lisa Bart. Remember the days of old, Consider the years of all generations. Ask your father, and he will inform you, Your elders, and they will tell you. (NAS Deuteronomy 32:7)

Gutenberg College tutor Dr. Eliot Grasso examines the opportunities, challenges, preconceptions, and outcomes for Christian homeschoolers who are exploring and participating in Higher Education. The objective of this workshop is to give insider perspectives on Christian and secular institutions so that families can make informed decisions about the next critical developmental step in their children's education.

EXHIBITOR, help Eliminate Learning Problems

As the Director of Help Eliminate Learning Problems (HELP, Inc.), Bill Hartner has a unique perspective of seeing learning problems from both sides. Bill will give a fascinating look at the right brain and left brain and why balancing the two is so important to effective learning. You’ll learn how concentration, focus, time management, cause-and-effect thinking and organization can be improved by integrating more left-brain critical thinking into the learning process.

PRESENTED BY Parent's Education Association

What should we teach our children about the relationship of Christ and Culture? There are few topics as important in schooling as the telos, the goal, of all that we do. This workshop is aimed to help us become more self-conscious about the goal of our schooling, which may change what and how we teach. The workshop will also present some initial material on developing specific lesson plans about Christ, Culture and Vocation.

EXHIBITOR: Demme Learning

Spelling You See’s unique low-stress learning experience guides students through four essential activities (listening, reading, copywork, dictation) presented at appropriate developmental stages. Without using word lists or tests, these activities help students transfer correct spellings of common words to long-term memory, so they can use correct spellings in everyday writing.

Do you struggle to keep your heart tuned into God’s voice through all the other “noise” of this life? In this Pinterest-Perfect world where everyone Pins their Perfect Life, it’s all too easy to hold the Lord at arms length until we do the “important” things. Learn the secret of developing an intimate spiritual life and why it makes all the difference in your family and marriage.

Topics: Encouragement
ID: 17-502
Jun. 24, 2017

This message was recorded at a different conference - contents are the same. - - Homeschooling freedom stands on two essential pillars of freedom: the right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children, and the free exercise of religion. Yet only one of these freedoms—religious liberty—is explicitly guaranteed in the United States Constitution, and both freedoms are under attack. Jim recently became as president of after its founder (and Jim’s mentor) Michael Farris moved to Alliance Defending Freedom in order to focus more exclusively on religious freedom. Jim has taken up the challenge of explicitly including parental rights in the Constitution. HSLDA and believe children are best served when parents are empowered to act in their children’s best interests without undue interference from the state. Come and hear about what it takes to change the Constitution—and how you can help.

Homeschooling is a grand adventure, but sometimes there are moments or even seasons where we just feel stuck. Or maybe we’ve veered off course. It’s easy to think that changing curriculum for the umpteenth time, making a new schedule, or even throwing in the towel will solve the problem. It usually never does because the problem runs deeper… But there is hope, glorious hope, for us. Let’s rediscover together the secret to enjoying this journey and finishing strong!

ID: 17-504
Jun. 24, 2017

Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has encouraged hundreds of teenagers to start their own micro business. She’ll share with you at least 30 viable business ideas that a teenager (or parent) can launch this week. Plus information on how to get started, pitfalls to avoid, and tips for success.

ID: 17-505
Jun. 24, 2017

Do you have a student who is allergic to writing? You are not alone! It seems there is an epidemic, especially in the elementary grades. Could it be that we as educators might have lost sight of the goals of writing in the younger years? Join Beth Mora, 20-year homeschool veteran and the creator/author of Here to Help Learning‘s Writing Program, as she shares effective teaching strategies that will unlock your child’s ability to write. She’ll also unpack the latest research in elementary school writing education. You won’t leave empty-handed because you’ll walk away with ten teaching techniques that you can immediately implement and see results!

ID: 17-506
Jun. 24, 2017

Most teens crave to be independent, express their opinions, and control their lives. Smart parents will channel these tendencies to propel homeschool forward. Learn how to start to communicate with your teen to work together on your teen’s homeschool strategy.

Who needs a Personal Development Plan? What exactly is it? When should you apply? Why should you apply? And most importantly, how do you write an effective measurable plan for your child? Mother of eight, (five with special needs) and homeschool consultant/tutor who has worked with more than 200 individual special needs children in the last 25 years, Jennifer Bliesner will lay out a clear course for developing and maintaining an effective “Personal Development Plan” for your special needs child. This important document will navigate you through the state requirements as well as enhance your child’s education.