Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 7 through 8, 2025
Nebraska 2025 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationMar. 7, 2025
Discover how new evidence challenges the foundations of evolution, revealing processes once thought to take eons now occurring in hours. Creation instructor, Brian Young will clarify misconceptions about the theory of natural selection and expose the impossibility of evolution from a Biblical perspective. Equip yourself and your children with the knowledge to navigate and discern false information about evolution in all subjects, and marvel at God's profound, super-natural involvement in our lives.
God proclaims His great power and wisdom in His creation (Romans 1:20). As we study the laws of science, they proclaim the necessity of a Creator. The study will be a literal, scientific reading of Genesis chapter one “as it is written”. I will go step by step through each day of creation explaining the great things God did on that day. I hope to shed some light on the creation week for His glory and our edification. We will also discover that Genesis is relevant for our lives today. To have a true grasp of science and its interruption, and the events happening today, we must understand the true historical account of Genesis. Your life and eternity depend on it.
God proclaims His great power and wisdom in His creation (Romans 1:20). As we study the laws of science, they proclaim the necessity of a Creator. The study will be a literal, scientific reading of Genesis chapter Two “as it is written”. I will go step by step through each day of creation explaining the great things God did on that day. I hope to shed some light on the creation week for His glory and our edification. We will also discover that Genesis is relevant for our lives today. To have a true grasp of science and its interruption, and the events happening today, we must understand the true historical account of Genesis. Your life and eternity depend on it.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 2024
OR 2024 Mission Possible
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $49.00
2024 Complete Oregon Conference Set
Jun. 21, 2024
Volcanoes are nasty things! Even though we are surrounded by them, we know so little about them. How did they originate? Do they show that the earth is older than the Bible? In this seminar, we will tackle these subjects and the fascinating world of volcanic rocks. I have samples to look at and will set off a fun volcanic eruption using some special chemicals!
Jun. 21, 2024
An old earth is the non-negotiable core of evolution. This talk uses stories and demonstrations to explain how dating methods work and why they give erroneously ancient results.
Jun. 21, 2024
This workshop provides a fascinating look at how human nature has driven the search for and discovery of dinosaur fossils. We will look at some of the intriguing people who have been driven to find these creatures, and the strange directions they took because of their worldviews.
Jun. 21, 2024
Join Bruce Malone for this presentation of an astounding model for the rapid formation of the earth’s rock layers from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980. This lecture has opened thousands of people’s eyes to the reality of a worldwide flood and destroys the myth that Noah’s flood was a small local event.
Jun. 21, 2024
Hear from the panel of veteran homeschooling moms as they discuss their struggles and triumphs of homeschooling. They will share how they scheduled their days, taught multiple levels, managed high school while also having toddlers, what hindsight has revealed, and much more! Receive encouragement from moms just like you! (Followed by Q&A.)
Jun. 21, 2024
The common approach to teaching geology is to hit it once, probably in 8th grade. But Geology is the beginning point of understanding biology, astronomy, paleontology, anthropology, archaeology, and so much more. If we hope to win the battle for our children’s minds in the area of worldview, it is vitally important that we teach geology with the importance that it deserves. This seminar will equip you on how to teach geology effectively.
Jun. 22, 2024
Genesis and the Ice Age - Show More
Probably the least understood of subjects in Earth history is the Ice Age and how it fits into a biblical worldview. We’ll examine the evidence for an Ice Age caused by the Genesis Flood, how it could fit into the period between Noah and Abraham, and reinforce confidence in what the Bible says historically.
Jun. 22, 2024
A look at specific inventions that have changed human history as a direct result of observing creation. God is both the greatest artist and the ultimate engineer.
Throughout our public education, university, media, and museum system, your children will hear only naturalistic explanations of origins and Earth history. This lecture draws upon 30 years of speaking at schools and churches to explain WHY our schools only allow “naturalism,” HOW we reached this point where American education has become indoctrination, what is being left out of the classroom, and how parents can prepare their children for what they are up against.
Jun. 22, 2024
What do you do with those rocks your kids are bringing home? You identify them! This seminar will give you a short primer in basic rock identification, with encouragement to not be afraid of a dirty subject.
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 13 through 15, 2024
PA-2024 Coming Together to Equip, To Encourage, To Endure
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2024 CHAP Convention Set (Includes Special Needs)
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set. 6/15/2024
Jun. 15, 2024
This session normally closes the seminars. With fascinating illustrations, it contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historic standpoint through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. It contrasts some of these civilizations to our own.
Thursday - Saturday
May. 9 through 11, 2024
INCH 2024 Building the Future
Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool NetworkSet Price: $25.00
Dad's Sessions Set
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set- Attendees ONLY
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set
This set of recordings from INCH 2024, was recorded in Lansing, Michigan on May 9-11, 2024. It includes 62 sessions, which is everything presented at the conference except the sessions by Brant Hansen, which have been removed at the speaker's request.
May. 10, 2024
Baking cookies creates a mixture; making ice cubes changes the state of matter, and feeding the dog is an opportunity for a biology lesson. Science, and the opportunities to teach it, are everywhere around us. Learn practical tips for keeping your eyes open to the many ways God has designed our lives and the science to back it up, whether you’re in the kitchen, bathroom, yard, or car. Join veteran homeschooling mom and the author of the Mystery of Science series, Karri Iverson, to learn tips and tricks for putting it all together.
May. 10, 2024
Kevin Swanson obtained his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering, but he would be the first to tell you he didn’t like science very much (as taught in secular college). Here, he expresses his passion to making mathematics and science meaningful to our children by bringing it back into a God-centered view. This presentation will radically change your view of these subjects, and help you to understand the right worldview foundations for these subjects.
May. 10, 2024
Will Christian curriculum look any different from public school curriculum when it comes to subjects like history, science, and literature? As the author of most of the Christian Family Discipleship Curriculum provided by Generations, Kevin Swanson discusses the fundamental and radical differences a Christian worldview provides in these subjects.
This is a fascinating look at how human nature has driven the search and discovery of dinosaur fossils. We will look at some of the intriguing people who have been driven to find these creatures, and the strange directions they took because of their worldviews.
Discover, perhaps for the first time, the geology of your own state, using the book of Genesis as a framework.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2024
Nebraska 2024 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
NCHEA 2024 C&CF Full Recording Set
2024 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference and Curriculum Fair, full set of recordings, Fri-Sat.
Mar. 8, 2024
In this presentation we will look at radiometric dating. Is it really accurate? Are there other scientific dating methods that give us a much younger age for the earth? Richard will reveal the best and most accurate method to use for dating purposes. What about the fossil record, does it provide evidence for evolution or creation? Come study some of the transitional forms (missing links) that are used to support evolution. Do they really exist or are they still missing? Richard will present information about mutations (genetic mistakes), the mechanism used to generate new genetic information causing one creature to evolve into another creature. Are they truly helpful, or are they harmful?
Why have so many Christians departed from the literal reading of Genesis? Come learn the teachings of the Gap Theory, Day Age Theory, Theistic Evolution, and Progressive Creationism. Come take a look at the consequences of compromise and what is at stake in these issues.
Mar. 9, 2024
Today we can continue to see increasing compromise even among the churches because of the lack of biblical authority. See how a strong foundation in Genesis is vital not only for our country but for our homes and schooling as well. How can we rebuild this foundation to keep our children from being led astray?
Mar. 9, 2024
Science gives evidence there is a god, but the problem is there are many gods in the world. Which god is the one true God, and which god will you put your faith in? Examine the scientific, historical, and prophetic accuracy of Scripture. This presentation gives evidence that the one true God of the universe is also the God of the Bible.
Mar. 9, 2024
Come explore the evidence that man and dinosaurs did exist together just as the Bible proclaims. Study the Scripture’s description of the unicorn, behemoth, and leviathan to see what they actually are. God is not describing wild oxen, ponies, elephants, hippos, or crocodiles. Did dinosaurs go on the ark? If they did, how did Noah get those big beasts on board? Come and see!
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024
2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $120.00
ND 2024 Complete Conference Set
When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.
The book of Genesis comes under more attack than any other book in the Bible. Specifically, the accounts of creation, original sin, and the global flood are at the forefront. It’s understandable that secularists would criticize it because it stands squarely in the path of their evolutionary views. However, much more troubling is the question of why so many Christians dilute the Bible here?
Could you explain where the water for a world-wide flood would have come from, & where it all went afterward?! Many Christians can’t. Understanding the flood (the purpose, causes, aftermath and evidence) is very important to an understanding of a biblically sound creation model. This session covers the basics of this event, and also includes a video & PowerPoint presentation of the “Hydroplate Theory” - a biblically accurate and scientifically feasible portrayal of the flood event.
In this session we define “science”, and illustrate the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, the three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also to give Christians some “tools” with which to combat the theory.
Feb. 16, 2024
With fascinating illustrations, this session contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historic standpoint through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. These accomplishments baffle us even today! How did ancient man do these things? This session contrasts some of these civilizations to our own and has a personal application.
The earth is wearing out just like the Bible said it would. The earth is undergoing changes that can be seen everywhere. Why do volcanoes erupt? Why are there earthquakes? Why do rocks fall from the sky? What are comets? Why are there unique weather patterns? Is the earth warming? If so, why? Why are all continents shifting toward the Pacific? What produces El Niños? What does the mid-Atlantic Ridge have to do with the west Pacific? Etc. The answers are all related, & might surprise you!
While most people’s negative reaction to spiders is understandable, those willing to suspend their disgust long enough for a closer look will discover a hidden world of incredible design! Not only do spiders benefit us by consuming massive quantities of insect pests, they do so using ingenious tactics. Some hunt and pounce, others build traps and wait. Many are cleverly disguised or camouflaged. They can spin up to six different kinds of silk for various purposes, each a marvel of engineering!
Feb. 17, 2024
This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures, and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject - What were dinosaurs? When did the live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about them? Etc.
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 28 through 29, 2023
WA 2023 Spring -Let Us Press On
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $59.00
Let Us Press On: Complete Conference Set
This is the complete set of recorded sessions from the 2023 Christian Heritage Family Discipleship Conference held in Kent Washington.
Apr. 28, 2023
When America has more Christian resources and ministries than ever before, a brief look at our culture reveals it is becoming less “Christian” every day.?Why is this happening? And as Christians, how do we respond? What is the relevance of the book of Genesis in today’s world?
Apr. 29, 2023
“How did Noah get all those animals onto the ark? Where did the flood water come from and go to? Did the waters really cover the entire earth? Is there evidence?”—these are popular questions used today to attack the history in the Bible and thus its authority. But, if we start with God’s Word, they are easily answered and can provide a great opportunity to share the Gospel!
Apr. 28, 2023
In this family-friendly lab, Joel builds and tests simple electric motors. It helps if you have a solid understanding of electromagnetism before taking this lab, though it isn’t required. Together, we tackle questions like: When was the electric motor invented? How does an electromagnet drive a motor? Can a working electric motor really be made with a battery, paperclip, wire, magnet, and tape?
Apr. 29, 2023
Fruit Batteries - Lab Demo - Show More
In this family-friendly lab Joel builds and tests wet cell and dry cell batteries. Together, we tackle questions like: How were batteries invented? What is inside a battery? Where does the power come from? How on earth does a potato produce electricity? What is electricity? Why is a 9 Volt battery so powerful when it is smaller than a 1.5 Volt D-cell battery?
Thursday - Saturday
Apr. 27 through 29, 2023
MA-2023 MassHOPE Convention Walking in Freedom
Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent EducatorsSet Price: $99.00
MA 2023 ALL - MassHOPE complete convention Set
When you select this you do not need to list individual recordings. All recordings that were made in 2023 are included in this price.
Apr. 28, 2023
What makes the creation model different and better than others? The answer lies in one’s worldview. Naturalism views the cosmos and all matter as all there ever was, is, and will be. Many people in the West think that Science is the only thing we can trust. Darwin was a major influence in this arena. Many in the East are more aligned with Transcendentalism – the physical world is a dream, an illusion, not real – and we can’t trust our senses. Postmodernism says that truth is relative and can’t be known. We’ll compare all four options to help you come to a reasonable conclusion of your own.
Apr. 28, 2023
We have been teaching science wrong for over 100 years - current methods are not inspiring students to pursue science careers. My goal is to present a better understanding of the What, Why, and How to teach science in a way that is more engaging, and therefore this knowledge will be retained. Key topics covered will be: What is Science, SMET not STEM, Physics First, and Motivation by Mission. Not everyone is meant to be an engineer or research scientist, but with a better presentation, everyone can have a basic understanding of the applications and importance of science and math.
This session defines “science” and illustrates the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, the three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also to give people some “tools” with which to combat the theory.
Could you explain where the water for a world-wide flood would have come from, and where it all went?! Many Christians can’t. Understanding the flood (the purpose, the causes, the aftermath and the evidence) is very important to an understanding of a biblically sound creation model. This session covers the basics about this event, and also includes a video & PowerPoint presentation on the “Hydroplate Theory”. This theory is a biblically accurate and scientifically feasible portrayal of the flood event.
Apr. 29, 2023
This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures, and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject - What were dinosaurs? When did they live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about them?, etc. This is one of our most requested sessions.
Apr. 29, 2023
Do you need help getting your child excited about science? Having trouble getting excited about science yourself? Get new visions and methods for teaching science with a biblical worldview in this workshop. Get ready to have some hands-on fun!
The earth is wearing out, just like the Bible said it would. The earth is undergoing changes that can be seen everywhere -- Why do volcanoes erupt? Why are there earthquakes and tsunamis? Why do rocks fall from the sky? What are comets? Why are there unique weather patterns? And, is the earth warming? If so, why? Why are all continents shifting toward the Pacific? What produces El Niños? The answers are all related, and might surprise you!
Animals display incredible variety. This includes the amazing aspect of instinct, which each animal possesses uniquely. Some, however, go beyond this and enter the world of symbiosis, especially "mutualism" - when creatures need each other to survive! It is inconceivable to imagine that both instinct and symbiosis just randomly happened, unguided by a Designer! This session closes with a twist on what many people think is impossible with God's involvement with the issues found in Genesis 1-12.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 10 through 11, 2022
IOWA 2022 Conference
Presented by: Homeschool IowaSet Price: $85.00
Access to all recordings made at the 2022 Conference in Iowa
When you purchase this option, all 45 recordings made at the 2022 Iowa Conference are available to you (for personal use only). You need not select individual titles or other offers. This option holds all available session recordings (some were lost in the process) in your account for up to 3 years.
Jun. 10, 2022
There is a reason that American school children score at the bottom on international science assessments. It is the ineffective way in which science is taught in schools. Most of us were subjected to this system and obtained only a cursory understanding of science. As homeschoolers, we have the freedom and opportunity to throw out those unproductive techniques. We can truly impart a deeper knowledge and love for science. Jeannie will share five vital steps, inspired by Charlotte Mason, that will ensure you impart a superior science education. These five steps will not only enrich your homeschool, they will prepare your children for high school and college.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2022
WA - 2022 Spring Conference
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $59.99
2022 Conference Complete Audio Set
Jun. 3, 2022
Take a closer look at this familiar group of insects. By taking a quick tour of some of the more interesting species of ants, we will be flabbergasted at the complexity, diversity, and behavior of these ordinary, yet extraordinary insects. All these talks are meant to be more than entertainment. They will show us that wonders surround us at every turn. We just need, as teachers, to remove the curricular cataracts that prevent us from seeing these creatures with childlike wonder.
Jun. 3, 2022
Join Rockman Pat, of Northwest Treasures, Geology! He will help your students to grasp a few basic principles in identification to help them when they are out hunting for their geologic treasures.
Jun. 3, 2022
In this workshop we will?discuss not only why parents should cultivate a love?for science in their?kids but how they can actually?do it. Our starting point will be a robust belief in and gratitude toward the?Lord of all creation (from a biblical young earth creation perspective). We will explore the reasons why biology is often taught in a boring way and we will discuss very practical solutions to remedy this tragic situation.
Jun. 4, 2022
Many will dismiss what the Bible says simply because they believe the Bible can’t be trusted in the arena of historical accuracy.? Egyptian?Chronology?is?the lynch pin for this.??This seminar includes?the latest in archaeology as it relates to Egyptian Chronology, and is a great help to those teaching early history.
Jun. 4, 2022
Take a few minutes with Patrick Nurre of Northwest Treasures to learn a variety of ways to reinforce Biblical geology with your family.
Probably the least understood of subjects in earth history is the Ice Age and how it fits into a biblical worldview. We’ll examine the evidence for an Ice age caused by the Genesis Flood, how it could fit into the period between Noah and Abraham, and reinforce confidence in what the Bible says historically.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2022
Nebraska 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
Complete set of recordings for the 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair, held at Indian Hills Church, March 11 & 12 2022.
Mar. 11, 2022
Dinosaurs have been taken as the icon of evolution and most people have been taught that the fossil evidence supports. But does it really? The answer is no! New discovery in modern science is proving the Bible to be accurate and in the workshop we will be looking at some of those discoveries including dinosaur soft tissue, red blood cells and DNA.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 19 through 20, 2021
WA - 2021 Spring Conference
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $49.00
WA - 2021 Spring Conference
More Than Conquerors - Pursuing Christ Amid New Challenges (Please note: Dr. McLeod's and Bill Jack's sessions are not included in the set)
In this workshop we will be completing a dissection together while taking a closer look at the challenges a dissection at home can present. Together we will also answer questions such as where specimens can be sourced, what preservation methods are available and what are important safety considerations.
Mar. 19, 2021
Jimmy’s 15th birthday goes from joy to disaster after his father passes down a watch and a journal containing information that two men are sent to silence. In modern day, Scott Penner finds his faith challenged when he’s handed an assignment to cover Darwin’s voyage to the Galapagos. At home he must confront the family’s bad habits and poor attitudes towards each other.
Mar. 19, 2021
Jimmy’s captured and put in a place where nobody seems to care that he’s been kidnapped, except a young boy, Tom. For the Penner family, Scott’s father, Ian, dies. This leaves behind his mother, Ellie (who’s suffering from Alzheimer’s) and living in a mysterious home.
Mar. 20, 2021
Is your child interested in electricity and you aren’t sure how to support their interest? In this workshop we will demonstrate the best ways to present abstract concepts around electricity. We will also provide your family with a number of simple, low cost and high interest experiments to help cement learning.
Mar. 20, 2021
The two men who burned down Jimmy’s barn (Marley and Clive) comeback, looking for his father’s journal and threatening Jimmy’s mother. The Penners come to Ian’s funeral and find that there’s no one to take care of Grandma (Ellie). The family begins to work together to fix up the house, but Ellie refuses to sell.
Mar. 20, 2021
Marian and her brother (Daschel) discover where Jimmy has been taken, and risk everything to rescue him. At the Penners, rumors around town abound about strange activities surrounding the Penner family.
Mar. 20, 2021
Jimmy’s transported to the port of Plymouth, England. Marian and Daschel are in a race against time to find Jimmy before Marley and Clive. For the Penner family, Ellie shows up with a burnt diary containing a code. Winny, Hope, and Heath must work together to try to discover the meaning.
Mar. 20, 2021
Jimmy and Daschel come face to face with his captors. Who will prevail? The Penners have to work together to get to the parade in Ellie's small town. Later, they find Ellie remembering enough to help the family decode the secret of the Penner home. What will they find?
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020
2020 North Dakota Home School Convention
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $65.00
2020 Complete NDHSA Convention Recording Set
By purchasing this "complete set" you have the ability to listen to any or all of the great sessions at the 2020 NDHSA convention. A few sessions had been excluded at the request of the speaker. Sessions that were technically damaged or not recorded are not included in this set.
There are four words that if understood correctly will help you to navigate the debate that rages around Genesis, our origins, and the Flood. These four words will help your children be better apologists for the Faith.
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019
WA - 2019 Spring Conference
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $125.00
2019 Conference Complete Audio Set
This set contains all recordings available from the 2019 Christian Heritage Spring Conference, Building a Godly Legacy.
Feb. 22, 2019
God invented physics to make the world, so it should be wonderful. But terribly intimidating formulas and equations scare off many would-be explorers. Instead, maybe an introduction to physics should teach the big concepts rather than getting lost in the details. Learn about the seven major gears that drive the universe and rediscover the wonder of God’s physical universe.
Animals display incredible variety. This includes the amazing aspect of instinct, which each animal possesses uniquely. Some, however, go beyond this and enter the world of symbiosis, especially mutualism-when creatures need others to survive. It is inconceivable to imagine that both instinct and symbiosis just randomly happened, unguided by a Designer!
The biggest eruption in modern times happened in the Alaskan Peninsula in 1912. It was thirty times larger than Mount St. Helens’s eruption! Afterwards, Dr. Robert Griggs led an expedition into the blast zone. His book inspired another explorer a hundred years later to return to this amazing wilderness and document evidence for a worldwide flood and a biblical ice-age.
Apr. 26, 2019
The plateau is a most breathtaking and perplexing site. Standard geological explanations for its formation are wrong, and most creationists overlook major pieces of the puzzle. Amazingly, what carved the canyon also explains fascinating geological features (e.g. Monument Valley, The Petrified Forest, Canyonlands and Arches, Canyon de Chelley). Furthermore, they all formed quickly! What happened?!
The First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy/matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The Second Law states that disorder in the universe is always increasing. Together, these laws completely invalidate the idea that the universe could create itself. But, they are in harmony with the Bible.
Repulsive beasts, right? Perhaps, but spiders have incredible abilities. They are marvels of design and very beneficial to mankind. Let’s take a fun and fascinating look at these creatures in a new light. Will you hesitate to squish the ones you see in your house after this? No, probably not! But outside? That’s another matter!
Apr. 27, 2019
The Pillars of Evolution - Show More
Mike defines “science” and illustrates the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. Mike will not only show you that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also give you some “tools” with which to combat the theory.
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019
MA - 2019 MassHOPE Christian Homeschool & Family Discipleship Convention
Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent EducatorsSet Price: $99.00
Complete Convention Set all available recordings
This set will allow you to download any or all of the available sessions from the 2019 MassHOPE convention (for personal use only). One purchase will give you access to this great resource for years to come.
Apr. 27, 2019
Having trouble getting your child excited about science? Having trouble getting excited about science yourself? Get new vision and methods for teaching science with a biblical worldview in this workshop. Get ready to have some fun! Handout:
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2019
2019 NCHEA Adult Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $50.00
Friday Sessions 2019
Set Price: $50.00
2019 Saturday Sessions
Who was Joseph in Egyptian Records?
Mar. 8, 2019