Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 7 through 8, 2025
Nebraska 2025 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationMar. 8, 2025
This seminar will address the biblical role and responsibility of fathers in the education and discipleship of their children. Although home education is often seen as the purview of mothers, there is much that fathers can do to bring together academic instruction and faith formation and even assist their wives in formal or informal instruction. The goal is to encourage fathers to have a lasting and meaningful impact in the home education journey, raising children that become followers of Christ, and strengthening marriage relationships as both parents work together for a common goal.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 2024
OR 2024 Mission Possible
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $49.00
2024 Complete Oregon Conference Set
Jan. 5, 1900
As servant leaders of our family, how do we leverage our time, treasures, and talents to create a setting for our children to grow closer to the Lord, nurture their giftings, and prepare them for a life well-lived that honors their creator? Join Forrest Mora, dad of eight, as he unpacks the resources God has given each of us to invest in our family.
Jun. 22, 2024
“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!” were the words spoken by the Father to the Son. “I delight to do Your will” were the words spoken by the Son to the Father. The ultimate Father-Son relationship was characterized by delighting and seeking to delight. Does this characterize your father-son relationship? Drawing from the Word and experiences as both a father and son, Daniel will paint a picture for both fathers and sons of how delighting and seeking to delight can help forge the strongest of father-son bonds.
Jun. 22, 2024
How do a skid steer loader, backhoe, front tine tiller, small tractor, and diesel pick-up truck relate to being a husband, father, and servant leader of your family? In this unique talk, Forrest Mora, a landscape contractor and equipment operator, speaks to men using language men can relate to. Forrest shares real-life stories from his experiences over the last 30 years, sometimes laughing at himself and other times challenging everyone in the room. His nuts-and-bolts communication style provides a welcomed outlet for men to gather and discover they are not alone in life’s challenges.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 14 through 15, 2024
Iowa 2024 Homeschool Conference
Presented by: Homeschool IowaSet Price: $65.00
2024 Complete Iowa Set
You need not check any other boxes- by purchasing this set, a link to each available recordings will be emailed to you when the recording becomes available. This is the complete set for the 2024 IOWA event.
Jun. 15, 2024
Are you a homeschooling dad like I am? Do you need an occasional booster shot like I do? Come, let us reason together, encourage one another, bear each other’s burdens, and leave refreshed to carry out our vital role
Jun. 15, 2024
Traditionally, fathers were revered as the “Paterfamilias”— the Head of the House. In modern times, the father’s role has been diminished, usurped, and mocked. But there can be no substitute: Father is the pattern for the family, and vision for its future begins with him.
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 13 through 15, 2024
PA-2024 Coming Together to Equip, To Encourage, To Endure
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2024 CHAP Convention Set (Includes Special Needs)
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set. 6/15/2024
Set Price: $19.00
The 2024 Getting Started Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the Getting Started sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Jun. 13, 2024
Unsure of how to support your wife’s new interest in homeschooling? Concerned about your kids? Unsure of what to do as a homeschool husband and dad? In this session we will discuss how to support your wife and kids as the head of a homeschooling family.
The Bible tells fathers to teach their children the things of God - and tells the kids to be sure and ask! But even if you come from a great family, there will always be things you have to learn on your own - from the sublime to the ridiculous. For a lot of us, we're trying to do things a little (or a lot) differently than our fathers did. Hal's dad was an only child and father of two. Come hear what Hal's learned raising eight homeschooled kids of his own and laugh with him about the strange turns our lives take when we take on this adventure.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 7 through 8, 2024
2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Walking In Freedom
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $39.99
2024 Complete Homeschool Idaho Convention Set
This is the complete conference set for the 2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention. You need not check any other boxes to enjoy all the available recordings made at the Meridian event. Links to the messages will be emailed to you as the sessions become available for download. Personal use only - all rights reserved-
Jun. 7, 2024
Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Dr. Steve in a lively discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!
Jun. 7, 2024
If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character-healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children, we must focus on first things first and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge parents to use every opportunity to teach their children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.
Jun. 7, 2024
Karen has graduated three out of four of her children. They did not all follow the typical post high school path, but have been successful as adults- not necessarily worldly success, but as disciples of Christ. Come hear their unique story of running away from homeschooling in kindergarten, to raising adults that are living for Jesus!
Jun. 7, 2024
Join veteran homeschooler and mother of eight, Megan Scheibner, as she discusses the importance of thoughtfully traveling the road of change and maturity with your children. Discover the significance of traditions in building security, the necessity of relational transitions for building trust, and the power of transparency to break down communication barriers. Homeschooling isn’t just about preparing our children for success. Successfully homeschooling is a ministry training ground for parents and students alike. Come be encouraged as you see how God can use your faithfulness in homeschooling to reach your world for Him.
Jun. 7, 2024
Our social media doesn’t dictate how our homeschool should look. God does. Learn to take your eyes off internet ideals and onto what God says. Let His Word saturate your mind rather than getting caught up in the false expectations of social media. Find freedom for your family to walk this journey with God leading you!
Jun. 7, 2024
Recognizing that a healthy marriage is the basis of a healthy home, this Marriage session is a fun and fruitful way to invest in your marriage relationship. Steve and Megan teach from their book The Eight Rules of Communication for Successful Marriages and finish the session with a fun-loving look at marriage and F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P Practical advice in a guilt-free environment makes the teaching real and applicable to all those in attendance.
Jun. 8, 2024
Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? In this session, Dr. Steve shares the important phases teens need to learn to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree."
Jun. 8, 2024
Wait what? That’s right. This journey is about so much more than school. We are raising up our children to be capable human beings in a world that is often chaotic and confusing. Don’t get so caught up in school that you aren’t living life and training for life!
Jun. 8, 2024
Second-mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men how to Earn the Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude. Powerful teaching that produces proactive fruit in our homes.
Ever feel like homeschooling is for those ‘blessed enough’ to afford it? Ever feel like you don’t have the financial resources to give your kids all the opportunities everyone else is giving their kids? Ever feel like if you just had a little more, your homeschool would be so much better? Come and learn tips and tricks to homeschool affordably and be reminded of the heart behind the Great Provider that has called us to this gig in the first place!
Jun. 8, 2024
Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our children to play dates! With only a few short years to impart critical spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an eternal opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. The Disciple-Making Mom session will give mothers the tools they need to disciple their children in the most critical areas of prayer, service, Bible study, scripture memorization, and genuine fellowship. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side!
As Christians we face a spiritual battle every day of our lives. And homeschooling is no different. Expect battles. Be equipped for them. And know that as you fight them, you are becoming stronger in the Lord each day.
Jun. 8, 2024
Can your students read between the lines? Decode advertisements? Interpret political cartoons? Make judgments about logic? Discern between inevitable biases and compromising agendas? Take counterarguments seriously? Pinpoint ideology? Contextualize events in history? Tease out nuance? Define subtlety? Take apart rhetoric? Account for psychology? Distinguish between intuition and reason? Assess the impact of the medium? Discuss images vs. text vs. video? Read laterally? Research reliably? Uncover original sources? Identify circumstantial evidence? Tolerate boredom? Frame and characterize charitably? Distinguish between facts, opinions, and value judgments? Distinguish between readily-available sources, well-financed sources, aesthetically-pleasing sources, and good sources? Breakdown satire? Unpack persuasiveness? Co-exist with misinformation, disinformation, and fake news? Literacy with today’s media requires a world of insights from history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and media studies. Come learn how to structure a course that targets all layers of a student’s needs in today’s information and media environment.
Jun. 8, 2024
Do your children struggle with learning hard concepts or facts but can quote their favorite movie to you verbatim? Join me as we discuss how and when to use educational apps to help your children master hard concepts and learn facts without the tears. Cherie will share some of her favorite learning apps. If you have favorites please be prepared to share about them.
Jun. 8, 2024
Why do military families choose to homeschool? The last survey completed by Blue Star Families estimates that at least 6% of military families homeschool. This number is continuing to rise post-COVID as more military families choose to homeschool. This session will give an overview of these reasons and examine some of the challenges—and solutions—to homeschooling military-style.
Jun. 8, 2024
As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Although initially scheduled to be the First Officer on Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on September 11, 2001, Steve was bumped from that flight the night before through an extraordinary set of circumstances. In this session, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Discover why God gave Steve a second chance, and how He now uses Steve to teach parents around the world to parent with purpose and urgency, as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents the tools they need and the necessary hope, to build a Christ-centered and character-driven home environment. We’ll never be better as homeschoolers than we are as parents! The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in their all-important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Join Steve as he unwraps the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more.
Thursday - Saturday
May. 9 through 11, 2024
INCH 2024 Building the Future
Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool NetworkSet Price: $25.00
Dad's Sessions Set
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set- Attendees ONLY
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set
This set of recordings from INCH 2024, was recorded in Lansing, Michigan on May 9-11, 2024. It includes 62 sessions, which is everything presented at the conference except the sessions by Brant Hansen, which have been removed at the speaker's request.
Male leadership has been and continues to be assaulted by the culture. A recent television series ‘Shiny Happy People,’ is just the most recent barrage against male headship in the home. Indeed, men have sinned against God and their families, but that doesn’t remove God’s mandate for men to lead their homes. Is this really God’s mandate? How can men spiritually lead their homes if God has commanded such? Let’s talk about it together.
May. 10, 2024
The most important thing we can do as we raise our kids is strive to win and keep their hearts! When we have their hearts, we are able to influence them and their values. That is one of the main reasons many parents feel led to home school their children - so THEY can be the ones influencing their children's values. When we fail to win their hearts, or that heart connection becomes weak, our kids will often begin to look to their friends for relationship, and no longer be open to our teaching. Kathie will share some things to avoid that often lead to losing their hearts, and then give 6 key things to help you win & keep their hearts.
How can we faithfully obey God’s command to raise children in the way they should go? Will it work? God’s command means God expects us to do our part as faithfully and diligently as possible with His help by the power of the Holy Spirit. What can we do and should we do to provide the best probable outcome for producing children who love God, love others, and are good citizens of our nation?
May. 10, 2024
Calling all pastors, fathers, and homeschool advocates! Join Paul Suarez with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine as he unveils The Pastor Plan Initiative (PPI), a groundbreaking nonprofit aimed at guiding evangelical churches and Fathers worldwide to prioritize Christian education. Backed by alarming statistics, Paul will shed light on the staggering 87% of Christian youth abandoning their faith post-public school education. With homeschooling emerging as the fastest-growing form of education, Paul offers a beacon of hope and a tangible solution for churches and families alike.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2024
Nebraska 2024 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
NCHEA 2024 C&CF Full Recording Set
2024 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference and Curriculum Fair, full set of recordings, Fri-Sat.
Mar. 8, 2024
Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he unwraps seven practical steps to help raise the behavior bar in your home. While most of our sessions highlight the positive training we can bring into our homes, Battling with Behavior addresses the unavoidable behavior issues that trip us up and can derail the best of days.
Mar. 8, 2024
Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Steve in a lively discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!
Mar. 8, 2024
Second-mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men how to Earn the Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude. Powerful teaching that produces proactive fruit in our homes.
Mar. 9, 2024
Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? In this session, Dr. Steve shares the important phases teens need to learn to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree.”
Feb. 24 2024
2024 Homeschool Idaho North Conference: Called to Engage
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $19.00
All recordings for the 2024 North Idaho Convention
You do not need to check any other boxes if you purchase this set. All available recordings from the North Idaho, 2024 event will be available in your account. Individual links will be emailed to you as the session recordings become available.
Feb. 24, 2024
In this session, open to everyone, but designed specifically for men, you will hear from Titus Leger, a local pastor in our area. He will speak to how God designed men to engage in their families as 1) fathers, 2) disciple makers, and 3) teachers. Homeschooling is one incredible tool to fulfill our God-given purpose: to lead - spiritually and physically - in humility and love.
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024
2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $120.00
ND 2024 Complete Conference Set
When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.
Feb. 16, 2024
There's nothing more rewarding to a faithful father than getting together with his wife and children for the evening "family time." But it's not always easy to make good use of the time when Dad is tired after a hard day's work. In this workshop Rick Boyer shares ideas he has used over the years with his fourteen children. Now you can have the tools to make the evening get-together a blessing for the whole family--without a lot of preparation!
What’s a dad to do? In a busy home, dads often find themselves being dragged along in all the activity involving the children. But can it be another way? The influence of the father can be the thing that helps all the activity stay on course. Dr. Smith will share ways he and others have made significant contributions to the home amid a busy career. This session will not be an attempt to produce guilt about failures but will offer solutions and hope for increasing the influence of dad in the home, resulting in everyone being happier.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 16 through 17, 2023
OR 2023 - A Future and a Hope
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $99.00
2023 OR - Complete Conference Set
The complete conference set includes the available MP3 messages recorded at the 2023 conference. (Messages lost to technical difficulties will not be included.)
Jun. 17, 2023
You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it's your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of teaching our children. Now don't worry, I won't make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six-point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is—fathering.
Jun. 17, 2023
Marriage is fact, it's real hard! Yet when it is right and good, it can withstand anything. It doesn't matter what the economy does, the status of your bank account, the condition of your home or vehicles, or what your children dish out...because when a husband and wife are right, they're unbeatable. On the flip side, when a husband and wife feel distant or apathetic, it only takes the slightest breeze to ruffle a bunch of feathers. The truth is a mediocre marriage sucks the joy right out of life and your homeschool. The economy can swing up, your checking account can be healthy, your home and vehicles can purr like kittens, the kids can behave like angels, and life still...stinks. That's because marriage matters. Join Todd Wilson, The Familyman, for a time of laughter and encouragement as he shares real-life stories, problems, and frustrations, along with practical, simple solutions to having a marriage that can't be beat!
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 9 through 10, 2023
Iowa 2023 - Homeschool Iowa Conference
Presented by: Homeschool IowaSet Price: $75.00
IOWA 2023 - complete conference set
When you buy this set you do not need to check any other boxes. All of the recorded sessions will be available to you (for personal use only) and the links for the messages will be in your Alliance Recording account. No need to store them- we'll store them for you!
Jun. 9, 2023
You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it's your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don't worry, I won't make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six-point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is: fathering.
A mommy-to-mommy challenge about priorities in your home school. Sonya shares six ways to reach your child’s heart—taken from Elizabeth’s example in Luke 1—and four obstacles that can keep us from reaching the heart. This workshop puts the emphasis on the things that are not seen. It reminds parents of the importance of focusing on our children’s hearts and gives practical ways to do that: being available and approachable, being Spirit-led, giving affirming words, setting aside our own agendas, pointing out how God is at work, and encouraging our children to take God at His Word.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2023
2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Legacy: Rooted, Abounding, Enduring
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $49.95
2023 Idaho Complete Convention Recordings Set
When you buy this set you do not need to check off any individual recordings. All available recordings from the 2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention will be in your account. You can download them and listen to them at your convenience (for personal use only)- they stay in your account for at least 3 years.
Jun. 3, 2023
Adam Andrews recounts the difficulties of his scholastic journey. Fathers will find something to relate to in the testimony of this homeschool veteran. What do our children need most from their fathers? How can we be sure to give it to them? Most importantly, how do we fix things when we do it wrong? Come hear about the hope that waits for us all on the other side of failure. You will find balm for your wounds, peace for your mind, and rest for your soul – and all in a most unlikely place.
Thursday - Saturday
May. 18 through 20, 2023
MI 2023 Convention - Teach Me to Walk in Truth
Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool NetworkSet Price: $79.00
MICHN 2023 Complete Convention Set
When you buy the set there is no need to select individual recordings from MICHN. Any recording made at the 2023 event is available to you as they become available. Enjoy each or any recording whenever you like (for personal use only).
May. 19, 2023
Many of us started this homeschooling journey thinking this was going to be "fun." You envisioned yourself teaching your children and smiling through each day. Then something happened: You stopped smiling. There’s a reason for that and some things you can do to bring back those smiles, not only for yourself but for your children, as well. During our family night time together we’re going to talk about the smile stealers and smile makers in your homeschooling world... and get everyone smiling again. Because you have a lot to smile about!!!
Learn about Leading and Learning with Colonel Brown. He is a father of 5 children who are currently excelling in a home school education program while continuing his service commitment in the United States Air Force. Col. Joel N. Brown is the Commander, 360th Recruiting Group, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania.
May. 19, 2023
God designed men to be servant-hearted leaders and lay their life down for their families. Married for 40 years and father to four homeschooled sons, Steve shares with men what he has learned from God's word and his own family experiences over the years
May. 19, 2023
As a parent, you are uniquely qualified to be the primary educator of your children. You have more assets than you realize. Listen and be encouraged by a veteran homeschooling father of four sons.
May. 19, 2023
It's a fact! The only thing tougher than being a homeschooling mom is... being married to a homeschooling mom! Dad, your wife needs your help. Come join me as we discuss how to support and assist our wives in the homeschooling journey. We'll also do a lot of laughing, as I encourage men to be encouragers of their homeschooling wives.
May. 19, 2023
Today, many of us have an intuitive sense that major changes are coming, that soon our world may be very different in ways not necessarily convenient or comfortable. But at the same time, we must wake up each day and live as though things will continue on pretty much as they are. Resolving this cognitive dissonance requires that we carefully contemplate our circumstances because we truly are in a cultural war, fighting the "non-gospel" of aesthetic and moral relativism on three fronts - personal, familial, and social. What should our priorities be, and how can we prepare our children to be "culture warriors?"
May. 19, 2023
SmartPhones, X-Boxes, Playstations, online gaming... Facebook, InstaGram, SnapChat, TikTok, and all the other social media platforms- They have changed the way we live, have fun, and interact. Children silently glued to screens for hours have replaced laughter and creativity in our homes. They beg to play, whine when they can't, and even lie about the time they've spent on "the gadget". Teens, pre-teens, and even their parents, spend many of their waking hours tweeting, texting, chatting, FaceTiming, and "snapping." Today's latest-breaking technology becomes tomorrow's obsession, demanding more time, attention, and ever-increasing distraction. Technology has become a powerful tool and 'everyone is doing it'..but maybe you feel like you've lost control in your own home. Does the chill down your spine tell you that something is terribly wrong? Do you feel like a beast has invaded your home, but you don't know how to handle it? If so, then join me as we talk together about the timely topic of taming the TECHNO-BEAST!
May. 19, 2023
One day a terrible parent in your state may do something criminal to a child-and the media may push the narrative that because the child was homeschooled, more restrictions should be placed on homeschooling families. This session will analyze some real-life situations where this has actually happened and equip you to give a compassionate, commonsense answer when family, friends, coworkers, or the local media assert that the problem is not enough homeschool regulations.
May. 19, 2023
Homeschool principal? Teacher? Provider? What is a homeschool dad supposed to do? Homeschooling allows you to become the dad you always wanted to be. You have both responsibilities and opportunities to impact your children significantly for Christ through homeschooling if you embrace them. Let's talk about where you are greatly needed and where you can have great fun as a homeschool dad.
May. 19, 2023
The plague of man is passivity. It kept Adam from loving his wife correctly, leading to the death of us all. Leadership is initiative. Leadership is taking action toward a goal. What actions must we take if we would lead ourselves, our families, and our world? In our short time together, we will discuss some first steps toward the leadership areas men are responsible for before God, to succeed as His stewards in this world.
May. 20, 2023
Every family has a culture ... a way of living. And every family is defined by it. Are your family's mission and culture breathing life into your days? Being intentional and purposeful is the best way to make sure your mission aligns with your worldview. You'll leave this session armed with a list of practical ideas and an encouraged heart!
May. 20, 2023
What sort of man did God want when He fashioned him from the dust? What does it mean to be made in the image of God? How does Jesus define for us the true definition of manhood? What are you seeking to become as a man of God? What target are you aiming your sons toward in their masculine journey? What scale will you use to weigh the young men seeking to marry your daughters? The Bible provides God's answers to these questions. Over coffee and donuts, we will consider together what God has revealed about these things from His Word.
Friday & Saturday
May. 12 through 13, 2023
PA-2023 Teach me Your Way, O Lord
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2023 CHAP Convention Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2023 Convention in York, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
May. 13, 2023
Loving Your Family Well - Show More
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 28 through 29, 2023
WA 2023 Spring -Let Us Press On
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $59.00
Let Us Press On: Complete Conference Set
This is the complete set of recorded sessions from the 2023 Christian Heritage Family Discipleship Conference held in Kent Washington.
Apr. 28, 2023
Thursday - Saturday
Apr. 27 through 29, 2023
MA-2023 MassHOPE Convention Walking in Freedom
Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent EducatorsSet Price: $99.00
MA 2023 ALL - MassHOPE complete convention Set
When you select this you do not need to list individual recordings. All recordings that were made in 2023 are included in this price.
Apr. 29, 2023
Tests and exams are a typical part of school, even home schools. This session will help homeschooling dads take an exam – a spiritual exam of the heart. It uses the acronym H.E.A.R.T. to display truths found in the book of Malachi, which deals with very real heart issues. Topics covered by “Dr. Malachi” include relationships with both God and family. The goal is to discover the practical and faithful steps a father can take in the journey toward turning one’s heart to his children.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 10 through 11, 2023
Nebraska 2023 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
2023 Complete Nebraska convention set
When you buy this set you need not check off or purchase any individual recordings from the 2023 Nebraska Convention and Curriculum Fair
Mar. 10, 2023
Joe discusses the key issues dads face as they strive to instill a Christ-centered vision in sons. Joe addresses the cultural pressures on young men and shares practical advice to counter the culture and instill a vision of purity in sons and daughters. Because of the frank and sensitive nature of this discussion, we request that only men attend.
Mar. 10, 2023
Imagine what it feels like to watch your daughter continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of her life, because she knows she has endless potential and a great responsibility. She matures with a desire to be a voice for good and a contributor to making our world a better place. She seems fearless, yet uses great wisdom. She is courageous, yet humble. She is KIND. You watch her as she exercises true empathy for those in need and although she holds herself to high standards, she never places herself above others. She has been taught by example of what a true lady is and she looks forward to one day being that example to her family. She is truly a lady. Parents, this Master Class will help you understand how to create the example your daughter needs to become this lady. You don’t want to miss this. She needs you.
Mar. 10, 2023
Relaxing and enjoying your children is an important part of homeschooling. Focusing on conversation with your kids is an important key to that. Conversation is also an essential tool in providing a rich educational experience. In the traditional classroom environment, students have an average of eight to ten individual interactions with their teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal interactions can number in the hundreds and greatly enhance the quality of education your children receive. Zan shares how the simple and free tool of conversation can help your children replace boredom with a motivation to learn. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your home and promote camaraderie, enthusiasm, and joy in learning. Conversation is the key! Conversation IS core curriculum.
Mar. 11, 2023
Imagine what it will feel like, as you watch your son, even while they are young, be an example to those around him of what a true gentleman looks like, acts like and is. His focus is on others. He notices without effort when someone near him is in need, and then quickly acts. He guards his tongue knowing that his words have impact and his desire is to only have impact for good. He is kind to his family and understands that his example to his family is his duty as a son of God. He is a leader among his peers and although his standards are high, those in his presence do not feel judged by him, but accepted and valued. His goals are lofty, however he looks forward with anticipation to be a righteous husband and father one day. He is a true gentleman. Parents, this Master Class will help you understand how to create the example your son needs to become this gentleman. You don’t want to miss this. He needs you.
Mar. 11, 2023
A cell phone commercial features an NBA point guard trying to play basketball blindfolded. Because he can’t see the goal, he’s never sure if he’s scoring. Too often, men take on the tasks of husband, father, shepherd, principal, coach, and disciplinarian without the vision necessary to define and accomplish the goal. Joe Tyler helps define the goal and shares how to discover the divinely appointed means of achieving it. You may even learn the secret to making your wife deliriously happy, your home a quiet and peaceful kingdom, your children rich beyond measure, and your father-in-law in awe of your great accomplishments. Hear our discussion of what it really means to leave a legacy as a Christian husband and dad.
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 16 through 18, 2023
2023 ND Convention Choose Joy !
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $62.00
Complete 2023 Covention set of recordings
When you purchase this set, you do not need to purchase individual recordings. You have access to listen to any of the recordings which were successfully made at the 2023 North Dakota Convention
Feb. 17, 2023
In recent years, homeschooling has become a responsibility placed solely on mothers. The Scriptures, however, give a very different recipe for success in training up children in the ways of God. In this workshop, fathers will learn not only the vision that God has for them in the area of homeschooling, but also some great ideas for being involved in their greatest calling. Dads are essential to their children’s education.
Feb. 17, 2023
Second mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men to Earn The Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn to elevate virtues above feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude.
Feb. 18, 2023
The Bible teaches that the basic economic unit of society is the Family—not the corporation, not the government, not the individual. This talk explores the basic elements of a family-centered economy and provides practical steps for families to reclaim productive households that will thrive in uncertain times.
Feb. 18, 2023
Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Steve in a discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!
Feb. 18, 2023
Do you long for a life that has more joyful peaks than crash-and-burn joyless valleys? Do you want to be joyous but wonder where Joy fits into your days full of busyness? This session will provide a biblical road map to the joy-filled, God-honoring life that we all long to live. By uncovering the definition of Joy, the eternal Source of Joy, and our part in snatching and holding on to that Joy, you'll discover a wellspring of Joy to refresh you in even the "stinkiest" of times! When we overflow with Biblical Joy, we can become joy-bearers who bring encouragement and hope into the lives of everyone in our sphere of influence.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 17 through 18, 2022
OR- 2022 Joy in the Journey Conference
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $99.00
Complete Conference Set of recordings
This gives you access to all of the available recordings made at the 2022 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference. No need to click on any other title. This selection provides all of the available session recordings.
What's a dad to do? In a busy home, dads often find themselves being dragged along in all the activities involving the children. But can it be another way? The influence of the father can be the thing that helps all the activities stay on course. Dads can make a significant contributions to the home even in the midst of a busy career. This will offer solutions and hope for increasing the influence of dad in the home, resulting in everyone being happier.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 10 through 11, 2022
PA-2022 Do Not Be Afraid, I Will Help You
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2022 CHAP Convention Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2022 Convention from York, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings, - this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years- no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Jun. 11, 2022
It's a fact! The only thing tougher than being a homeschooling mom is...being married to a homeschooling mom! Dad, your wife needs your help. Come join me as we discuss how to support and assist our wives in the homeschooling journey. We'll also do a lot of laughing, as I encourage men to be encouragers of their homeschooling wives.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 10 through 11, 2022
IOWA 2022 Conference
Presented by: Homeschool IowaSet Price: $85.00
Access to all recordings made at the 2022 Conference in Iowa
When you purchase this option, all 45 recordings made at the 2022 Iowa Conference are available to you (for personal use only). You need not select individual titles or other offers. This option holds all available session recordings (some were lost in the process) in your account for up to 3 years.
Jun. 11, 2022
The Bible teaches that the basic economic unit of society is the Family—not the corporation, not the government, not the individual. This talk explores the basic elements of a family-centered economy and provides practical steps for families to reclaim productive households that will thrive in uncertain times.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2022
WA - 2022 Spring Conference
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $59.99
2022 Conference Complete Audio Set
Jun. 4, 2022
Our children are the future of our country and the Church. They must be trained to stand in the day of battle, lead when others falter, and live lives that exemplify character, courage, and perseverance. We do not have to invent historical examples of such leaders, nor despair because such men are hard to find today. The exemplary lives of Washington, Lee and Churchill provide ample illustration and witness of the kind of men whose lives can inspire our children today.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2022
2022 Homeschool Idaho Convention
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $49.95
Complete set of recordings from 2022 Homeschool Idaho
When you buy this package you have access to all of the recordings that were captured at the 2022 Homeschool Idaho convention. You can listen to any recording (for your personal use) any time. You do not need to check any other sessions- they are all here.
Jun. 4, 2022
How is each dad uniquely equipped as the spiritual leader of his family? What are the unique roles that God has given parents to fulfill as they bring up children “in the way they should go?” How does this work for single parents? Practical advice for discipling children at all stages will be given. This seminar will seek to answer the question: “how can I disciple my children when I don’t have a Bible degree?”
Jun. 4, 2022
This session will explicate the essential roles that dads should play in homeschooling. It will focus on the essential diversity that two parents working together can bring to their child’s education. It will encourage dads to take part and not sit back. It will offer practical advice for how a dad can insert himself effectively into the homeschool environment.
Thursday - Saturday
Apr. 21 through 23, 2022
MA-2022 Masshope Planting with a Purpose (Isaiah 61:3)
Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent EducatorsSet Price: $99.00
Complete convention set 2022 MassHOPE
When you purchase this set you have access to all of the sessions that were recorded at the 2022 MassHOPE convention for your personal use. Each message is copyrighted by the speaker- all right reserved. (You don't need to click on any of the individual session recordings- this has them all.)
Apr. 23, 2022
Shortly after the birth of his first son, Paul lost the use of both of his arms and hands. For months he was forced to stop working and finally listened to the message that God was trying to share with him… ...that work had become an obsession and his family an afterthought. What Paul learned has transformed his perspective on parenting and what being a strong father means.
Apr. 23, 2022
What does it mean to be a godly father who leads his family faithfully? Hear these true stories about homeschool dads who have grappled with this question: • An NFL Super Bowl Champion who came to Christ after realizing the world's definition of success was hollow. • An Orthodox Jew who found Christ after reading the Book of Matthew, even at the price of being shunned by everyone he knew. • An Army Lieutenant Colonel who was at the Pentagon on 9/11 when a Boeing 757 crashed yards away from him, engulfing his body in flames, sending him on an unforgettable journey of faith and hope.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2022
Nebraska 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
Complete set of recordings for the 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair, held at Indian Hills Church, March 11 & 12 2022.