Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 2024
OR 2024 Mission Possible
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $54.00
2024 Complete Oregon Conference Set
Jun. 21, 2024
No matter how long you’ve been homeschooling, creating a bright future for your young adult can be daunting. There’s much to learn and talk about: •Independent versus interdependent learning and why it matters •Calculating credits for High School graduation •Preparing a student for college learning and creating transcripts •Internships: why are they a game-changer for your student’s homeschool experience •Creating a positive homeschool experience filled with wonderful memories Join Beth Mora, veteran homeschool mom of eight children, for an interactive workshop that promises to help your student have a bright future.
Jun. 21, 2024
Have you just started your homeschooling journey? Receive information on legal requirements, what to expect in the first year or two, and how to navigate the various ages and stages of homeschooling. Whether you're starting with preschoolers or high schoolers, this session will help you start strong!
Getting Started Handout
Jun. 21, 2024
Hear from the panel of veteran homeschooling moms as they discuss their struggles and triumphs of homeschooling. They will share how they scheduled their days, taught multiple levels, managed high school while also having toddlers, what hindsight has revealed, and much more! Receive encouragement from moms just like you! (Followed by Q&A.)
Jun. 22, 2024
Teach babies, toddlers, pre-school, elementary school, tweens, and teens all at once? Yes, it’s God’s design. Multi-level teaching is where one lesson is taught to your entire family while still meeting each child’s individual needs. Multi-level teaching is a practical and effective approach to instruction and requires less time than separate instruction. Younger students benefit from being exposed to more advanced skills, and older students benefit from demonstrating their skills to younger students. It’s a win-win! Learn how to implement this teaching style into your family’s educational plan and create lasting memories.
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 13 through 15, 2024
PA-2024 Coming Together to Equip, To Encourage, To Endure
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2024 CHAP Convention Set (Includes Special Needs)
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set. 6/15/2024
Set Price: $40.00
The 2024 Special Needs Conference Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Special Needs Conference in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Set Price: $19.00
The 2024 Getting Started Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the Getting Started sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Jun. 13, 2024
Ready to get started homeschooling, but not sure what to do next? In this session we will discuss homeschool resources, understanding homeschool lingo, and ways to connect with other homeschoolers in your area and throughout the state.
Jun. 13, 2024
Is the PA Homeschool Law a total jumble to you? Are you confused about the paperwork? What about all those requirements? Have your fears and confusion allayed as Ginger explains the process and the details of homeschooling in PA.
Jun. 13, 2024
We may hope our kids are really smart, but what happens when they are? It’s intimidating homeschooling a kid who’s racing ahead and seems to need more. Can you really meet his needs or would he be better off with professionals? How can you help her fit in socially? Should he graduate early or not? Hal & Melanie both went through gifted programs in school and now, having raised precocious children of their own, they have the insider’s perspective about the academic, social, and spiritual needs of talented kids. Learn how to teach, parent, and enjoy your bright kids!
The turmoil of the tween/preteen years between nine and thirteen usually catches parents by surprise. Diligent students become addled and distracted. Kids raised in church start questioning the existence of God. Sweet children seem to climb on an emotional rollercoaster – and then invite you to join them. Don’t get a ticket for that ride! Instead, learn to resist the temptation to lose it yourself and to shepherd our children through this challenging age at this funny and all-too-real workshop — and lay a foundation to make the teen years great!
Jun. 14, 2024
While evaluations are a requirement specified in the PA Homeschool Law, they don’t need to be terrifying or cause anxiety in you or your children. You will get a better understanding of what goes on during an evaluation and how you can best prepare for one. Prospective evaluators, this workshop is for you too. We will discuss evaluator qualifications, as well as the importance of an evaluator in helping families end their homeschool years positively.
Whether you have or are considering starting your own business, entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart and truthfully, it’s not for everyone. In this session, Rebecca will share some of the highs and lows of her own journey creating multiple businesses and some of the things she has learned along the way about leadership, innovation, and following God’s lead. If you have a big idea you’ve been sitting on and are trying to make your way to financial freedom, make sure to bookmark this session!
Jun. 14, 2024
Are you wondering how in the world you will be able to homeschool multiple kids at different grade levels? Especially without losing your mind? Abby Banks is a homeschool mom of five and has been homeschooling since 2008. While it's not always roses & buttercups, she’s learned how to have a flexible rhythm & flow in her day and still be productive – even with five kids. In this workshop, we’ll share three keys to homeschooling multiple kids without going crazy (on most days!). We’ll also walk through specific action steps to take to implement what you learn.
Jun. 15, 2024
In this informative talk, Will discusses the law in your state, and how homeschool families can take steps to protect their children from abuse and neglect, as well as from unnecessary and traumatic investigations by CPS investigators.
How do grades work in homeschooling? Do you grade your kids from kindergarten on? Can my child skip a grade? What exactly is the supervisor's role? In this helpful chat, Ginger shares new thoughts about grades, grading, and the process of learning. There may just be a few thoughts about 'Things I Wish I Knew', too!
Jun. 15, 2024
Let’s be honest: homeschooling is hard. But what makes it even harder is that it is not our only responsibility. We also have to be parents and homemakers while working at our jobs or being involved in our churches or ministries. How do we effectively balance all these important missions that we have been given? How do we prioritize and strategize what truly matters? If you’ve been feeling pulled in a million directions, this one’s for you.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 7 through 8, 2024
2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Walking In Freedom
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $39.99
2024 Complete Homeschool Idaho Convention Set
This is the complete conference set for the 2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention. You need not check any other boxes to enjoy all the available recordings made at the Meridian event. Links to the messages will be emailed to you as the sessions become available for download. Personal use only - all rights reserved-
Are the “Terrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop, Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with eight toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. Find out how to use “self-control practice” to help your toddler become an integral part of the family team. Intensely practical, this session will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!
Jun. 7, 2024
What plan would suit your high school student? What subjects do you teach and when? This seminar will help you organize your thoughts and lay the groundwork for a viable four-year plan. You’ll learn about high school credits, simplifying grading, and the fundamentals of recordkeeping—transcripts, extracurriculars, and diplomas.
• Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? • Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? • Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he unwraps seven practical steps to help raise the behavior bar in your home. While most of our sessions highlight the positive training we can bring into our homes, Battling with Behavior addresses the unavoidable behavior issues that trip us up and can derail the best of days.
Jun. 7, 2024
A transcript is a vital part of your teen’s high school records. In this interactive, practical seminar, you’ll create a transcript that can be used as a template when designing your own. The session will guide you through the how-to of transcripts, evaluating credit, and calculating grade point averages (GPAs).
Jun. 7, 2024
Our social media doesn’t dictate how our homeschool should look. God does. Learn to take your eyes off internet ideals and onto what God says. Let His Word saturate your mind rather than getting caught up in the false expectations of social media. Find freedom for your family to walk this journey with God leading you!
Jun. 7, 2024
The high school years are a prime opportunity to equip your teens for future success. Whether your teen is headed to college, a career, or the military, they will benefit from advanced skills in study and time management. This session provides parents and teens with practical ways to develop these skills during high school, and lists resources that will help.
Jun. 8, 2024
Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? In this session, Dr. Steve shares the important phases teens need to learn to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree."
Jun. 8, 2024
Preparing your teen for their post-graduation goals requires planning. This seminar provides a timeline and checklist to ensure that important items are included! For college-bound teens, this includes entrance tests, applications, and financial aid information. Students headed directly into the workforce can benefit from career aptitude testing, training opportunities, and building a resume. Learn about the military’s homeschool enlistment policy and advice for applying to service academies.
Do you know what to do if Child Protection Services knocks at your door? In this workshop, Homeschool Idaho Board member, Melissa Nash will walk you through the Idaho Homeschool education requirements and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfares’ policies and procedures so you are prepared if your doorbell rings.
Although it’s easy to get caught up in our role as “MOM,” the greatest gift we can give our families is to show them how much we love fulfilling our primary role as “WIFE.” The Wise Wife session is jam-packed with practical ways to focus on becoming a wife who brings glory to God, delights the heart of her husband, and models a Christian marriage for her children. Being a godly wife is serious business, but you’ll get plenty of time to laugh as Megan shares some “What the Heck!” differences between men and women. Come be challenged and refreshed in your most important role!
Jun. 8, 2024
Second-mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men how to Earn the Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude. Powerful teaching that produces proactive fruit in our homes.
Jun. 8, 2024
You’re not just your teen’s teacher; you’re also their guidance counselor! Find out how to navigate the entire admissions process—from narrowing down the selection of colleges to filling out applications, applying for financial aid, and asking the questions that will help you and your teen discern when and where they should go to college.
Ever feel like homeschooling is for those ‘blessed enough’ to afford it? Ever feel like you don’t have the financial resources to give your kids all the opportunities everyone else is giving their kids? Ever feel like if you just had a little more, your homeschool would be so much better? Come and learn tips and tricks to homeschool affordably and be reminded of the heart behind the Great Provider that has called us to this gig in the first place!
Homeschooling provides an education that is beyond comparison with any other method. That said, Idaho code requires that homeschoolers provide instruction, “in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools.” This is often summed up as a requirement to provide a “comparable education.” But how are we to meet that requirement without stifling the amazing educational freedom that homeschooling offers? Join Linda Patchin as she unpacks various teaching methods used by homeschoolers and how they can each meet, and exceed, the statutory requirement of a “comparable education.”
Jun. 8, 2024
Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our children to play dates! With only a few short years to impart critical spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an eternal opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. The Disciple-Making Mom session will give mothers the tools they need to disciple their children in the most critical areas of prayer, service, Bible study, scripture memorization, and genuine fellowship. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side!
Jun. 8, 2024
Can your students read between the lines? Decode advertisements? Interpret political cartoons? Make judgments about logic? Discern between inevitable biases and compromising agendas? Take counterarguments seriously? Pinpoint ideology? Contextualize events in history? Tease out nuance? Define subtlety? Take apart rhetoric? Account for psychology? Distinguish between intuition and reason? Assess the impact of the medium? Discuss images vs. text vs. video? Read laterally? Research reliably? Uncover original sources? Identify circumstantial evidence? Tolerate boredom? Frame and characterize charitably? Distinguish between facts, opinions, and value judgments? Distinguish between readily-available sources, well-financed sources, aesthetically-pleasing sources, and good sources? Breakdown satire? Unpack persuasiveness? Co-exist with misinformation, disinformation, and fake news? Literacy with today’s media requires a world of insights from history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and media studies. Come learn how to structure a course that targets all layers of a student’s needs in today’s information and media environment.
Jun. 8, 2024
Do your children struggle with learning hard concepts or facts but can quote their favorite movie to you verbatim? Join me as we discuss how and when to use educational apps to help your children master hard concepts and learn facts without the tears. Cherie will share some of her favorite learning apps. If you have favorites please be prepared to share about them.
Jun. 8, 2024
Why do military families choose to homeschool? The last survey completed by Blue Star Families estimates that at least 6% of military families homeschool. This number is continuing to rise post-COVID as more military families choose to homeschool. This session will give an overview of these reasons and examine some of the challenges—and solutions—to homeschooling military-style.
Thursday - Saturday
May. 9 through 11, 2024
INCH 2024 Building the Future
Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool NetworkSet Price: $25.00
Dad's Sessions Set
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set- Attendees ONLY
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set
This set of recordings from INCH 2024, was recorded in Lansing, Michigan on May 9-11, 2024. It includes 62 sessions, which is everything presented at the conference except the sessions by Brant Hansen, which have been removed at the speaker's request.
Set Price: $25.00
Homeschooling Through Highschool Sessions
May. 10, 2024
In a rapidly changing world, it can be both scary and confusing to shepherd our kids through their years of homeschooling. Learn tried and true methods that will give you confidence and wisdom when you feel stuck or lost.
Many children have difficulty learning to spell, but the difficulty may not be with the student. Often parents and teachers feel ill-equipped to help students who are not natural spellers. Join Andrew Pudewa to learn how spelling information is most efficiently stored in the brain, to gain greater insight into the nature of spelling and neurological function, and to be better equipped to teach students how to spell.
May. 10, 2024
So you’ve got a box full of unused planners and half-erased lesson plan books. Trust me, you’re not alone! From curriculum to the daily schedule, there is a simple way to plan your whole school year in just ONE week. Reclaim your Sunday nights and your sanity by joining veteran homeschool mom, Kim Sorgius, for this practical session.
May. 10, 2024
Baking cookies creates a mixture; making ice cubes changes the state of matter, and feeding the dog is an opportunity for a biology lesson. Science, and the opportunities to teach it, are everywhere around us. Learn practical tips for keeping your eyes open to the many ways God has designed our lives and the science to back it up, whether you’re in the kitchen, bathroom, yard, or car. Join veteran homeschooling mom and the author of the Mystery of Science series, Karri Iverson, to learn tips and tricks for putting it all together.
May. 10, 2024
Charlotte Mason emphasized the importance of learning the history of our native country, neighboring countries, and the world. I’ll share helpful resources and tips on how to integrate geography, literature, art, music, movement, and nature study into your history lessons — resulting in a joyful education. “Our aim in education is to give a full life.” -Charlotte Mason
May. 10, 2024
Kevin Swanson obtained his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering, but he would be the first to tell you he didn’t like science very much (as taught in secular college). Here, he expresses his passion to making mathematics and science meaningful to our children by bringing it back into a God-centered view. This presentation will radically change your view of these subjects, and help you to understand the right worldview foundations for these subjects.
May. 10, 2024
Are we teaching the right things at the right time? Will there be gaps if we teach outside the box? This session is all about fostering a love of learning and creating a flexible, interest-driven curriculum all while meeting the academic needs of your kids and keeping the important things in focus.
May. 10, 2024
Can you overcome self-doubt and lack of experience to teach the harder subjects like pre-algebra, chemistry, or English literature? Instead of putting it off, find out what your options are! Karri Iverson, veteran homeschooling mom and author of The Mystery of Science series, will share how she’s used resources available to teach her kids through high school.
May. 10, 2024
Theology, for Christian homeschoolers, isn't just another school subject. It's a lifestyle! Theology affects every subject, and every subject reflects an aspect of Christian theology. Learn how to integrate theology into your homeschool without becoming preachy, legalistic, or burdening your kids with long theological tomes.
May. 10, 2024
Discover insider tips on the most important tactics to homeschool your children successfully as a single parent. Learn how to quiet the skeptics and thrive with the unique opportunities homeschooling presents. Sarah, a ten-year homeschooling mother (who homeschooled as a single mother) will show you practical applications of prioritizing, simplifying and collaborating. You too can step away from fear and step into the boldness and authority Christ gives to homeschool your children.
May. 10, 2024
Mary calls Lansing, Michigan, home, but has a desire to travel across America, exploring natural wonders in our national parks. She has been in all fifty states, stopping to visit sixty national parks. Experiences while traveling prompted Mary to write the National Park Mystery Books, with ten titles in the series. Now that she has two grandchildren, taking them on mystery trips to a national park is the perfect vacation.
“All knowledge is rooted in wonder.” - Sharon Lovejoy. Add wonder to your school year by gardening with kids. Learn how gardening will help your kids learn and will add joy and excitement to your school year. You’ll come away with lots of project ideas and inspiration.
May. 10, 2024
Internet safety is a serious issue, but most parents feel overwhelmed, unqualified, and out of control when it comes to navigating the digital world with their kids--unsure of where to begin or how to effectively protect their family online. But it doesn't need to be this way. Despite the seeming complexity of the issue, there are plenty of simple, practical steps that any parent can take to drastically improve their children's online safety. In this session, we will cover numerous, specific techniques you can start implementing today--most of which require essentially zero technical expertise. We'll also cover common mistakes most parents make, and how to fix or prevent them. You'll come away with a sobering perspective on the seriousness of your role in protecting the hearts of your children as well as a new sense of empowerment that even you can take control of your family's digital safety.
May. 10, 2024
Recent years have seen an enormous increase in the use of technology in education for even the youngest students. But is technology really the cure-all that many believe it to be? While traditional skills such as cursive penmanship are seen as unnecessary in the modern world, the actual research tells a different story. Join Andrew Pudewa to learn the compelling reasons to read paper books instead of electronic devices, handwrite instead of type, teach cursive instead of printing, and grab a pen instead of a pencil. Discover how to unleash creativity that goes beyond technology.
May. 10, 2024
Evangelism is a scary word for many of us. We imagine door to door visits, handing out tracts, or street preachers with a megaphone. But what if evangelism was something you did naturally, in your own home, every week? Hospitality is a biblical command, but many of us forget it's also one of the best ways to love people well and show them who Christ is. Modeling a lifestyle of hospitality to our kids sets them up for a habit of diverse social experience and selflessness. Learn how to cultivate the habit of hospitality and how it equips us for evangelism in this session.
Do you have a child that needs to have the last word or grumbles under their breath? In this workshop Sarah will share approaches that have worked with her children from ages 1-18 that gave a super fast turnaround in the sass department. They are easy and work in most any situations. Keep your sanity and peace in tact while teaching your child to be respectful and obedient.
May. 10, 2024
Do you feel like productivity ends after your morning lessons? Are you discouraged with the afternoon slump that hits before dinner? Learn how efficient, intentional scheduling can make all the difference for your family. Be inspired to integrate a simple 15-minute activity into your schedule to defeat the afternoon slump and revive your children's love for learning! "Brisk work and ample leisure and freedom should be the rule of the Home School. The work not done in its own time must be left undone." -Charlotte Mason
May. 10, 2024
You can’t do everything, but did you know that you shouldn’t even try? In this session, you’ll learn how independent learning decreases burn out, helps students excel, and equips them for life. This workshop will give you the tools to guide your child as they gradually transition to learning independently, whether you have preschoolers or high schoolers!
This is a hands-on class! You will leave with a few projects in hand. Handcrafts are great for hand-eye coordination as well as for synaptic growth. Learn about the benefits of handcrafts and actually try some! Kids and adults welcome!
May. 10, 2024
In this session, we'll take a guided tour of the current landscape of tech that homeschool parents need to know about in order to keep their kids safe in an increasingly internet-connected world. We'll cover iPhones, Androids, tablets, computers, online classes, internet filters, parental control apps, screen time, social media, home networks and more. You'll get both a high-level overview of the dangers, tools, and decisions you'll need to grapple with, as well as some opinionated advice and recommendations from a computer programmer homeschool dad. We'll also cover how to test your family’s current internet safety, common mistakes most parents make, and how to evolve and adapt your family's tech security as your kids age and technology continues to change.
May. 11, 2024
Learn the steps needed to venture into entrepreneurship in your homeschool and also what the long-term benefits are of trying new things and even of failing! This session will be helpful for student or adult entrepreneurs.
May. 11, 2024
A transcript is a vital part of your teen’s high school records. In this interactive, practical seminar, you’ll create a transcript that can be used as a template when designing your own. The session will guide you through the how-to of transcripts, evaluating credit, and calculating grade point averages (GPAs).
May. 11, 2024
Have you pulled your child out of public school where he or she used to have an IEP (Individual Education Plan)? In this workshop, you’ll learn the purposes and benefits of an SEP, the homeschool version of an IEP. You’ll receive guidance on drafting your own SEP, explore sample plans, obtain your own template, and leave with a resource list of books to set you and your student up for success.
May. 11, 2024
Do your kids “forget” to do their chores? Is their schoolwork just a box that gets sloppily checked off? Do you feel like they’ll never take initiative? If you’re looking for the magic pill to help your kids get off the couch and work hard, this isn’t the session for you. But if you want practical ways to kick laziness to the curb, be sure to join us as we learn how to encourage and nurture our kids to be disciplined and responsible workers.
May. 11, 2024
Under the new covenant, Christ is our Sabbath rest. But we still need physical rest, all the more in an ever-hustling culture. Add to this the demands of homeschooling and parenting, and we're left wondering where rest fits in! This session teaches you that rest never "fits in"; you plan your life around it. Learn how to observe a day of rest as a Christian, homeschooling family without becoming legalistic; what activities to integrate into a restful day; how to observe sabbath with shift work; and more.
May. 11, 2024
Listening and reading well, speaking and writing clearly, and thinking and debating effectively are abilities that most parents hope to cultivate in their children. With that goal in mind, Andrew Pudewa explores various environments and activities that accelerate the development of these language skills, beginning with the youngest students and continuing into the high school years.
May. 11, 2024
As a homeschool dad responsible for my family's internet safety, I've got a major advantage over most parents: I've been a professional computer programmer for nearly 20 years. And I literally wrote my own parental controls app because I wasn't satisfied with the available options. Not everyone can (or will want to) replicate all the steps I've taken, but sometimes just hearing a detailed breakdown and retrospective can help parents gain valuable insights and inspiration to tailor their own approach to internet safety for their families. Join me as I delve into a case study of the specific measures I've tried (and rejected) over the years, and get a detailed description of how one homeschool family has navigated internet safety with kids ranging in age from 7 to 18. We'll cover parenting issues, home network, parental controls, phones, and more.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2024
Nebraska 2024 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
NCHEA 2024 C&CF Full Recording Set
2024 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference and Curriculum Fair, full set of recordings, Fri-Sat.
Mar. 8, 2024
Across Nebraska, there are 568+ markers that tell the story of our state. Join Nebraska enthusiast and writer, Gretchen Garrison, in learning how you can use these markers
Mar. 8, 2024
Unpack the frequently asked questions of how to homeschool struggling learners and those who learn differently. Be encouraged and equipped as Rochelle shares diagnostic checklists for struggling learners, discusses common roadblocks homeschooling parents face (and how to navigate them), and gives strategies for achieving success with your children who learn differently.
It’s time to jump to the root of your kids’ spelling issues. Discover the common thread as to why they are having trouble with spelling and implement 7 strategies that will help to fix spelling issues for good! You will walk away with a list of things to start doing now to help your student to become an excellent speller in just a couple of months.
Mar. 8, 2024
How to start, where to find curriculum, when to school, and what a typical day looks like are some of the areas discussed. Get an understanding of Rule 13 and gain valuable information for your homeschool journey. This workshop is a MUST for new homeschoolers.
Mar. 8, 2024
This session focuses on using evidence-based instruction methods to address the core issues of autism spectrum disorders: communication and social skills. Rochelle Integrates developmental perspectives and strategies to provide practical, functional intervention approaches that you can easily implement within your daily homeschool routine.
Mar. 8, 2024
High School Without Fear - Show More
Teaching high school does not have to be intimidating. It can be fun and engaging. Dara will share tips and tricks for successfully navigating your child through the teen years and on to the next years of work and/or college. She will have resource lists and reading lists, emotional support ideas for the teenager and parents, classes needed lists and how to set up a transcript with a transcript template included.
What is perfect vision? The number 20/20 might come to mind. Actually, 20/20 means perfect visual acuity, however, the 17 other visual skills that are needed for efficient learning, reading, sports, and overall life performance are not taken into consideration with this one value. Visual acuity, or 20/20 vision, gives no meaning about what a person sees, yet many people including medical professionals use this single value as a measure of visual proficiency. If you or your child is not achieving their full potential academically, struggling with written reading comprehension, skips lines or words when reading, reverses words or letters, avoids reading or near work, is uncoordinated, or struggles with car sickness this presentation is for you!
This session offers a discussion of learners who experience some form of disability or learning challenge alongside an exceptional gift. You’ll come away with a broader understanding of how different exceptionalities can manifest themselves within learning styles and preview resources that match your child’s unique learning profile. Ultimately, this workshop will enable you to spend less time searching for resources and more time nurturing your child’s gifts.
Mar. 8, 2024
Second-mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men how to Earn the Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude. Powerful teaching that produces proactive fruit in our homes.
Mar. 9, 2024
Have you pulled your child out of public school where he or she used to have an IEP (Individual Education Plan)? In this workshop, you’ll learn the purposes and benefits of an SEP, the homeschool version of an IEP. You’ll receive guidance on drafting your own SEP, explore sample plans, obtain your own template, and leave with a resource list of books to set you and your student up for success.
Mar. 9, 2024
Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? In this session, Dr. Steve shares the important phases teens need to learn to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree.”
Mar. 9, 2024
Mar. 9, 2024
This workshop addresses some of the challenges associated with teaching struggling or atypical learners at home in the high school years. Do you have questions such as “How do I award my teen with special needs a diploma?” or “What do I do when my teen with dyslexia can’t read high school-level material?” Rochelle discusses alternative coursework, specialized curricula and learning materials, assistive technology, transcript options, possible graduation guidelines, high school programs for special learners, and post-high school options. She also offers tips for navigating the process of applying for testing accommodations for College Board tests.
Are the “Terrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop, Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with eight toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. Find out how to use “self-control practice” to help your toddler become an integral part of the family team. Intensely practical, this session will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!
Mar. 9, 2024
Do your children have interest in computers? Do all the "teach your kids coding" materials out there make you dizzy? This workshop will help you cut through the noise and give you the real-world resources to help encourage your child(ren) further into the world of computing.
Mar. 9, 2024
Participants will be better prepared to implement effective reading instruction for their child who struggles with reading by gaining a deeper understanding of the five components of literacy instruction -- phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. They will learn how to use available screeners to accurately place children in a reading intervention, using phonics and word-reading screeners, spelling screeners, and phonemic awareness screeners.
Mar. 9, 2024
Could you use some encouragement and strategies to help reignite your student’s love of learning? If so, this session is for you! There are many factors that impact a child’s motivation level—stress, executive function, nutritional needs, media usage, and more. With a little bit of theory and a whole lot of practical application, Rochelle equips parents with the tools they need to tap into their child’s God-given gift of curiosity.
Mar. 9, 2024
Homeschooling days are busy and it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of our daily activities! However, when we allow the busyness of our days to distract us, we run the risk of simply raising well-educated children; not spiritually focused young adults. Join Megan to discover practical ways to make sure that your homeschool days are building fruit for eternity, as she shares truths about the Trasher, the Stasher, and the Catcher!
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024
2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $120.00
ND 2024 Complete Conference Set
When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.
Feb. 16, 2024
By definition, you can't prod your child down the narrow path. They don't need to be prodded, they need to be inspired. Here are some tips for getting your children excited about learning.
You can simplify your life! A veteran home-educator will share practical tips on managing your daily schedule, chore chart, lesson plans and curriculum, Scripture memory, sports and music activities, and college decisions. This workshop will not give you any advice whatsoever on how to make a baby sleep through the night, how to can your own food, or how to teach Latin! However, this workshop will encourage you to sort through the unrealistic expectations and clutter in your life to find freedom in God’s unique plan for you and your family.
Feb. 16, 2024
Learn from pediatrician, Dr. Roger Smith, how stress and trauma affects a child’s ability to learn and perform. Research on stress has yielded a better understanding of the biochemical and neurologic responses we see as “behavior.” Parents can tap into this research to better guide their child through life’s stresses. This session will review both the science and the social impact of emotions in the context of a Biblical worldview. Dr. Smith will transform scientific gobbledygook into layman’s language with tangible application.
Feb. 16, 2024
Time must be budgeted just like money. We must determine the difference between the fixed - what we must do, and the discretionary - what we would like to do, and set our priorities. This workshop will be filled with practical tips and encouragement for everyday living as a homeschool family. Areas covered include understanding your calling, relationships, schooling, meals, household clutter and cleaning, and general household management.
Feb. 16, 2024
Have you ever had one of those days when it seems your children are constantly misbehaving, yet they really don’t seem to be rebellious? How do we discern the difference between irritating childish behavior and real disobedience? Here’s a sane, practical and proven method (Marilyn has 14 kids!) to turn irritations into solutions!
Feb. 16, 2024
In this session, Llora will give an introduction and explanation to homeschooling through high school. From creating a four-year plan, selecting courses, and figuring grade point average, to preparing for college.