Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 7 through 8, 2025
Nebraska 2025 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationMar. 7, 2025
This seminar will cover some background of our home education experience, the one guarantee of home education, pitfalls to avoid, and finishing off with some statistics and research information.
Mar. 7, 2025
Twenty-plus years and 17 kids later, what a veteran homeschool mom would repeat and what she would do differently on this homeschooling journey!
Mar. 7, 2025
Will homeschooling really prepare your children for life academically, socially, and spiritually? Will they be able to go to college and be competitive in the job market? Will they be able to stand against the world’s culture and be able to stand for Christ? Dara will talk about making life management skills a part of your home life and how to incorporate it into high school credits. She will bring wisdom from Proverbs and show you how to teach your kids to apply it to their lives as she shares with you the journey of her own 5 boys and their successes and failures in the real world.
Mar. 7, 2025
Parents, we must get our children off the couch, out of the house and outside of themselves. Teaching our children to serve and to become selfless is literally the medicine to improving almost anything, including: sibling unity, respect for family and family relationships, self confidence, selflessness, compassion, empathy, self respect and so much more. Come and listen to master motivator, Monica Irvine, share wonderful ideas that will inspire your family to become selfless while having a blast!! It will be so fun!!
Mar. 8, 2025
This seminar will address the biblical role and responsibility of fathers in the education and discipleship of their children. Although home education is often seen as the purview of mothers, there is much that fathers can do to bring together academic instruction and faith formation and even assist their wives in formal or informal instruction. The goal is to encourage fathers to have a lasting and meaningful impact in the home education journey, raising children that become followers of Christ, and strengthening marriage relationships as both parents work together for a common goal.
Mar. 8, 2025
Success is not high scores, perfect children, or a clean house! Success is about obedience. What is it God is calling your family to be about? What are your goals and desires for yourself, your marriage, and your children? Do they line up with God’s word? Dara will share how to be a success in homeschooling your children in spite of shortcomings, feelings of inadequacy, life’s interruptions, and the world’s influence.
Feb. 22 2025
2025 Homeschool Idaho North Conference: Called to Grow
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $14.00
Complete set North Idaho 2025 Conference
When you check this box you do not have to select individual recordings. All available recordings made at the 2025 North Idaho conference will be sent to you (by email link) when they become available.
Feb. 22, 2025
In this session, you will learn what research shows is the fallout rate of kids raised in church that eventually walk away. What the influences are, when does the disengagement begin, and what you can do to put the odds in your favor that your kids will not disengage from their faith.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 2024
OR 2024 Mission Possible
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $49.00
2024 Complete Oregon Conference Set
Jun. 21, 2024
The Bible says to think on things which are noble, good, and true, to let the weak say they are strong, that as a man thinketh so is he, and so on… Neurological science is proving the Bible right again by revealing how God designed the brain to be renewed, literally re-wired, and re-trained. When we intentionally, purposefully, consistently wash our thoughts with His Word and program our computer with His promises, the brain is remade… old neurological connections are overridden with new ones, and we replace the old man with what Paul called the new man. Learn how to replace bad habits, restore a joyful attitude, and instill in your children one of the most important life skills… renewing the mind!
Jun. 21, 2024
Many parents begin the Homeschool Journey desiring to nurture deep and enduring relationships with their children; over time, realizing winning and keeping their children’s hearts requires more than schooling them at home...especially during the teenage years. How do you keep your child’s heart without controlling it? How do you instill your deepest convictions while avoiding the traps of legalism and permissiveness? How do you foster healthy communication with your older children, maintaining the balance of love and respect? With stories that will make you laugh (and maybe cry), Daniel shares how God used two wonderful but imperfect parents to humbly, lovingly, and courageously train him in the way he should go and not depart from it.
Jun. 22, 2024
Children are bombarded daily with media of every possible variety. In today's ever-changing economic and social climate, parents must find balance to positively raise their children. Rick Green’s mentor, Zig Ziglar, devoted much of his career to providing golden nuggets and guidelines still needed today to face parenting challenges. The Greens credit Zig's biblically based, scientifically-sound strategies with helping them raise children who remained teachable through the “teenage” years, and they want to share Zig's wisdom with YOU! While there is no magic formula for raising kids, these strategies will positively improve the relationships in your home.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 14 through 15, 2024
Iowa 2024 Homeschool Conference
Presented by: Homeschool IowaSet Price: $65.00
2024 Complete Iowa Set
You need not check any other boxes- by purchasing this set, a link to each available recordings will be emailed to you when the recording becomes available. This is the complete set for the 2024 IOWA event.
Jun. 14, 2024
Ginger will share wisdom from her best-selling book, Don’t Make Me Count to Three! There is far more to parenting than getting children to “act” right. We have to get them to “think” right and to be motivated out of a love of virtue rather than a fear of punishment. Ginger quips parents to reach past the outward behavior of their children and address the issues of the heart. Move beyond the frustrations of not knowing how to handle issues of disobedience and into a confident approach to raising your children.
Jun. 14, 2024
Are you ever embarrassed or shocked by what comes out of your child’s mouth? Based on her newest book, I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, Ginger provides a practical three-step plan to reach beyond the behaviors of tongue-related struggles (such as lying, defying, and manipulating) to address your child’s heart. After all, as Matthew 12:34 tells us, “The mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”
Jun. 14, 2024
Do your kids “forget” to do their chores? Is their schoolwork just a box that gets sloppily checked off? Do you feel like they’ll never take initiative? If you’re looking for the magic pill to help your kids get off the couch and work hard, this isn’t the session for you. But if you want practical ways to kick laziness to the curb, be sure to join us as we learn how to encourage and nurture our kids to be disciplined and responsible workers.
Every parent wants grace to be the biggest part of how they interact with a child who has done wrong. But a parent looking back often sees regretfully that in the heat of the moment, they fell short of the way they wish they had acted toward the child. Anger, fear, and judging are the three main suspects that can overwhelm the deep desire to act graciously. This presentation will lay down a solid Biblical foundation for dealing with those so they can no longer hijack our heart’s desire to transmit grace to a child.
Jun. 15, 2024
Kids' Brains and Screens - Show More
This workshop is a condensed version of ScreenStrong’s Kids’ Brains & Screens Course, that offers a basic overview of the science behind healthy brain development, the effects of screens on the developing brain, symptoms of screen overuse, and solutions to prevent and reverse the effects of addictive screen habits.
Jun. 15, 2024
Are you a homeschooling dad like I am? Do you need an occasional booster shot like I do? Come, let us reason together, encourage one another, bear each other’s burdens, and leave refreshed to carry out our vital role
Jun. 15, 2024
Does your child (or do you) display primarily reflexive/impulsive problem solving or deliberate/meticulous problem solving? Do either of you struggle getting out of the box, or taking time that is needed to think something through? Developing understanding of these two default modes of thinking can create better decision making and problem solving in school and all of life. In this session, we’ll explore the principles of neuroscience that lead to brain activity, connectivity, and function We’ll ask questions to make the jump from principles of science to applications for learning. Learn how cognitive tasks work, how the brain problem solves, and how to improve focus (both more and less). Lessons will be shared from both clinical and learning environments, and homework will be given to parents to help apply these general ideas into your home. Dr. Joe has an engaging way of making the complex simple, and while his two sessions aren't connected, it will be helpful to attend both as you will learn two sides of a coin (how information is processed and how an individual relates to the surrounding world). Dr. Joe’s second workshop is in Session IX. This session is more focused on internal processes than external interpretation.
Jun. 15, 2024
Does your child have a comeback for everything you tell him to do or always try and get the last word, even if it’s mumbled under his breath? Does he become mad and lose control when you discipline him rather than repenting? Or does he seem indifferent, giving the impression that discipline doesn’t faze him in the least? Through biblical insights and powerful drama, learn how to avoid the snares of parent-provoked anger and raise emotionally healthy children.
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 13 through 15, 2024
PA-2024 Coming Together to Equip, To Encourage, To Endure
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2024 CHAP Convention Set (Includes Special Needs)
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set. 6/15/2024
Set Price: $40.00
The 2024 Special Needs Conference Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Special Needs Conference in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Jun. 13, 2024
We may hope our kids are really smart, but what happens when they are? It’s intimidating homeschooling a kid who’s racing ahead and seems to need more. Can you really meet his needs or would he be better off with professionals? How can you help her fit in socially? Should he graduate early or not? Hal & Melanie both went through gifted programs in school and now, having raised precocious children of their own, they have the insider’s perspective about the academic, social, and spiritual needs of talented kids. Learn how to teach, parent, and enjoy your bright kids!
Jun. 14, 2024
So many parents ask, “Why doesn’t my son enjoy reading? I want him to love it!” We look at ways to help your boys read better (because it’s hard to love it when it’s hard!), enjoy reading more, and find joy in stories and in research. From the parents of six adult sons, all of whom learned (eventually) to love reading! Many boys struggle with writing, too. They complain that it's too hard, that they can't think of anything to write, that they don't know why they have to do it anyway. Hal & Melanie homeschooled all six of their boys all the way through. Their boys learned to love writing and won writing awards. You can pull it off, too!
If you’ve ever heard your kids say this, it’s time to have a frank discussion about it. What is genius? What are we measuring ourselves up against anyway? Sometimes we need freedom from our own limited view of intelligence so that we free our children from the narrow-minded perspective of the world. Let’s unlock the individual genius in the kids we have been given—and in ourselves—as we lift the veil and choose to see the bigger picture together.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 7 through 8, 2024
2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Walking In Freedom
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $39.99
2024 Complete Homeschool Idaho Convention Set
This is the complete conference set for the 2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention. You need not check any other boxes to enjoy all the available recordings made at the Meridian event. Links to the messages will be emailed to you as the sessions become available for download. Personal use only - all rights reserved-
• Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? • Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? • Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he unwraps seven practical steps to help raise the behavior bar in your home. While most of our sessions highlight the positive training we can bring into our homes, Battling with Behavior addresses the unavoidable behavior issues that trip us up and can derail the best of days.
Jun. 7, 2024
If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character-healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children, we must focus on first things first and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge parents to use every opportunity to teach their children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.
Jun. 7, 2024
Join veteran homeschooler and mother of eight, Megan Scheibner, as she discusses the importance of thoughtfully traveling the road of change and maturity with your children. Discover the significance of traditions in building security, the necessity of relational transitions for building trust, and the power of transparency to break down communication barriers. Homeschooling isn’t just about preparing our children for success. Successfully homeschooling is a ministry training ground for parents and students alike. Come be encouraged as you see how God can use your faithfulness in homeschooling to reach your world for Him.
Jun. 8, 2024
Wait what? That’s right. This journey is about so much more than school. We are raising up our children to be capable human beings in a world that is often chaotic and confusing. Don’t get so caught up in school that you aren’t living life and training for life!
Jun. 8, 2024
Can your students read between the lines? Decode advertisements? Interpret political cartoons? Make judgments about logic? Discern between inevitable biases and compromising agendas? Take counterarguments seriously? Pinpoint ideology? Contextualize events in history? Tease out nuance? Define subtlety? Take apart rhetoric? Account for psychology? Distinguish between intuition and reason? Assess the impact of the medium? Discuss images vs. text vs. video? Read laterally? Research reliably? Uncover original sources? Identify circumstantial evidence? Tolerate boredom? Frame and characterize charitably? Distinguish between facts, opinions, and value judgments? Distinguish between readily-available sources, well-financed sources, aesthetically-pleasing sources, and good sources? Breakdown satire? Unpack persuasiveness? Co-exist with misinformation, disinformation, and fake news? Literacy with today’s media requires a world of insights from history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and media studies. Come learn how to structure a course that targets all layers of a student’s needs in today’s information and media environment.
Jun. 8, 2024
As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Although initially scheduled to be the First Officer on Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on September 11, 2001, Steve was bumped from that flight the night before through an extraordinary set of circumstances. In this session, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Discover why God gave Steve a second chance, and how He now uses Steve to teach parents around the world to parent with purpose and urgency, as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents the tools they need and the necessary hope, to build a Christ-centered and character-driven home environment. We’ll never be better as homeschoolers than we are as parents! The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in their all-important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Join Steve as he unwraps the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more.
Thursday - Saturday
May. 9 through 11, 2024
INCH 2024 Building the Future
Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool NetworkSet Price: $25.00
Dad's Sessions Set
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set- Attendees ONLY
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set
This set of recordings from INCH 2024, was recorded in Lansing, Michigan on May 9-11, 2024. It includes 62 sessions, which is everything presented at the conference except the sessions by Brant Hansen, which have been removed at the speaker's request.
Set Price: $25.00
Homeschooling Through Highschool Sessions
Sibling rivalry and squabbling is something we all deal with every day. It can be very frustrating as well as discouraging! It’s important that we teach our children how to respond to conflict God’s way. Don’t let the arguing and strife disrupt your home. Find out what some of the most common causes are, and learn some practical Biblical solutions to the problem.
If you are struggling with postpartum depression or know someone who is, this is for you! Shanda personally experienced postpartum depression with three out of four of her pregnancies, and she shares practical insight and HOPE for those who are also walking this road. Her husband James will join her and offer a man's perspective on supporting and loving your spouse through the sometimes hard season following the birth of a baby. You will leave feeling encouraged and have a better understanding of what postpartum depression is, as well as how to move forward helping yourself or someone you love.
May. 10, 2024
Gone are the days when people would choose a career and stick with it for life. Many careers these days last less than three years and the majority of 20-year-olds will have four career changes within that decade. In fact, it is likely that the careers they will have, haven’t even been invented yet. How are we supposed to prepare our homeschooled children for a world that we can’t predict? Learn research-backed ways to ensure your homeschooler is prepared for an uncertain future.
May. 10, 2024
The most important thing we can do as we raise our kids is strive to win and keep their hearts! When we have their hearts, we are able to influence them and their values. That is one of the main reasons many parents feel led to home school their children - so THEY can be the ones influencing their children's values. When we fail to win their hearts, or that heart connection becomes weak, our kids will often begin to look to their friends for relationship, and no longer be open to our teaching. Kathie will share some things to avoid that often lead to losing their hearts, and then give 6 key things to help you win & keep their hearts.
May. 10, 2024
Calling all pastors, fathers, and homeschool advocates! Join Paul Suarez with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine as he unveils The Pastor Plan Initiative (PPI), a groundbreaking nonprofit aimed at guiding evangelical churches and Fathers worldwide to prioritize Christian education. Backed by alarming statistics, Paul will shed light on the staggering 87% of Christian youth abandoning their faith post-public school education. With homeschooling emerging as the fastest-growing form of education, Paul offers a beacon of hope and a tangible solution for churches and families alike.
May. 10, 2024
Discover insider tips on the most important tactics to homeschool your children successfully as a single parent. Learn how to quiet the skeptics and thrive with the unique opportunities homeschooling presents. Sarah, a ten-year homeschooling mother (who homeschooled as a single mother) will show you practical applications of prioritizing, simplifying and collaborating. You too can step away from fear and step into the boldness and authority Christ gives to homeschool your children.
“All knowledge is rooted in wonder.” - Sharon Lovejoy. Add wonder to your school year by gardening with kids. Learn how gardening will help your kids learn and will add joy and excitement to your school year. You’ll come away with lots of project ideas and inspiration.
May. 10, 2024
Internet safety is a serious issue, but most parents feel overwhelmed, unqualified, and out of control when it comes to navigating the digital world with their kids--unsure of where to begin or how to effectively protect their family online. But it doesn't need to be this way. Despite the seeming complexity of the issue, there are plenty of simple, practical steps that any parent can take to drastically improve their children's online safety. In this session, we will cover numerous, specific techniques you can start implementing today--most of which require essentially zero technical expertise. We'll also cover common mistakes most parents make, and how to fix or prevent them. You'll come away with a sobering perspective on the seriousness of your role in protecting the hearts of your children as well as a new sense of empowerment that even you can take control of your family's digital safety.
May. 10, 2024
Recent years have seen an enormous increase in the use of technology in education for even the youngest students. But is technology really the cure-all that many believe it to be? While traditional skills such as cursive penmanship are seen as unnecessary in the modern world, the actual research tells a different story. Join Andrew Pudewa to learn the compelling reasons to read paper books instead of electronic devices, handwrite instead of type, teach cursive instead of printing, and grab a pen instead of a pencil. Discover how to unleash creativity that goes beyond technology.
May. 10, 2024
Evangelism is a scary word for many of us. We imagine door to door visits, handing out tracts, or street preachers with a megaphone. But what if evangelism was something you did naturally, in your own home, every week? Hospitality is a biblical command, but many of us forget it's also one of the best ways to love people well and show them who Christ is. Modeling a lifestyle of hospitality to our kids sets them up for a habit of diverse social experience and selflessness. Learn how to cultivate the habit of hospitality and how it equips us for evangelism in this session.
Do you have a child that needs to have the last word or grumbles under their breath? In this workshop Sarah will share approaches that have worked with her children from ages 1-18 that gave a super fast turnaround in the sass department. They are easy and work in most any situations. Keep your sanity and peace in tact while teaching your child to be respectful and obedient.
May. 10, 2024
You can’t do everything, but did you know that you shouldn’t even try? In this session, you’ll learn how independent learning decreases burn out, helps students excel, and equips them for life. This workshop will give you the tools to guide your child as they gradually transition to learning independently, whether you have preschoolers or high schoolers!
May. 10, 2024
In this session, we'll take a guided tour of the current landscape of tech that homeschool parents need to know about in order to keep their kids safe in an increasingly internet-connected world. We'll cover iPhones, Androids, tablets, computers, online classes, internet filters, parental control apps, screen time, social media, home networks and more. You'll get both a high-level overview of the dangers, tools, and decisions you'll need to grapple with, as well as some opinionated advice and recommendations from a computer programmer homeschool dad. We'll also cover how to test your family’s current internet safety, common mistakes most parents make, and how to evolve and adapt your family's tech security as your kids age and technology continues to change.
May. 11, 2024
Faith, family, and freedoms have faded in Europe and the Americas. But God has given us a tremendous opportunity now — islands of freedom and culture unlike anything we’ve seen. He appears to be using homeschooling as a catalyst for good things. How can your family plant fruitful, beautiful gardens at such a time as this? How does the Gospel of Jesus Christ break through in our homes?
May. 11, 2024
Do your kids “forget” to do their chores? Is their schoolwork just a box that gets sloppily checked off? Do you feel like they’ll never take initiative? If you’re looking for the magic pill to help your kids get off the couch and work hard, this isn’t the session for you. But if you want practical ways to kick laziness to the curb, be sure to join us as we learn how to encourage and nurture our kids to be disciplined and responsible workers.
May. 11, 2024
As a homeschool dad responsible for my family's internet safety, I've got a major advantage over most parents: I've been a professional computer programmer for nearly 20 years. And I literally wrote my own parental controls app because I wasn't satisfied with the available options. Not everyone can (or will want to) replicate all the steps I've taken, but sometimes just hearing a detailed breakdown and retrospective can help parents gain valuable insights and inspiration to tailor their own approach to internet safety for their families. Join me as I delve into a case study of the specific measures I've tried (and rejected) over the years, and get a detailed description of how one homeschool family has navigated internet safety with kids ranging in age from 7 to 18. We'll cover parenting issues, home network, parental controls, phones, and more.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2024
Nebraska 2024 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
NCHEA 2024 C&CF Full Recording Set
2024 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference and Curriculum Fair, full set of recordings, Fri-Sat.
Mar. 8, 2024
Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he unwraps seven practical steps to help raise the behavior bar in your home. While most of our sessions highlight the positive training we can bring into our homes, Battling with Behavior addresses the unavoidable behavior issues that trip us up and can derail the best of days.
Mar. 8, 2024
Join veteran homeschooler and mother of eight, Megan Scheibner, as she discusses the importance of thoughtfully traveling the road of change and maturity with your children. Discover the significance of traditions in building security, the necessity of relational transitions for building trust, and the power of transparency to break down communication barriers. Homeschooling isn’t just about preparing our children for success. Successfully homeschooling is a ministry training ground for parents and students alike. Come be encouraged as you see how God can use your faithfulness in homeschooling to reach your world for Him.
Mar. 8, 2024
Second-mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men how to Earn the Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude. Powerful teaching that produces proactive fruit in our homes.
Mar. 9, 2024
Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? In this session, Dr. Steve shares the important phases teens need to learn to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree.”
Are the “Terrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop, Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with eight toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. Find out how to use “self-control practice” to help your toddler become an integral part of the family team. Intensely practical, this session will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!
Mar. 9, 2024
Homeschooling days are busy and it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of our daily activities! However, when we allow the busyness of our days to distract us, we run the risk of simply raising well-educated children; not spiritually focused young adults. Join Megan to discover practical ways to make sure that your homeschool days are building fruit for eternity, as she shares truths about the Trasher, the Stasher, and the Catcher!
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024
2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $120.00
ND 2024 Complete Conference Set
When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.
Throughout the history of Israel and Judah, God raised up several great men to rule over His people. But it was a king who took the throne at the tender age of eight who became the most godly king of all. II Kings 23:25 tells us: "Before him there was no king like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might...nor did any like him arise after him." The life of Josiah provides parents with dynamic principles for training up the next generation of godly leaders to turn OUR nation back to God!
You can simplify your life! A veteran home-educator will share practical tips on managing your daily schedule, chore chart, lesson plans and curriculum, Scripture memory, sports and music activities, and college decisions. This workshop will not give you any advice whatsoever on how to make a baby sleep through the night, how to can your own food, or how to teach Latin! However, this workshop will encourage you to sort through the unrealistic expectations and clutter in your life to find freedom in God’s unique plan for you and your family.
Feb. 16, 2024
There's nothing more rewarding to a faithful father than getting together with his wife and children for the evening "family time." But it's not always easy to make good use of the time when Dad is tired after a hard day's work. In this workshop Rick Boyer shares ideas he has used over the years with his fourteen children. Now you can have the tools to make the evening get-together a blessing for the whole family--without a lot of preparation!
Feb. 16, 2024
Parenting style MUST SHIFT as your child grows. Developing influence with your child is essential to reducing the struggle for control as he matures. Having raised 4 children to lead productive lives as adults, the Smiths bring real-life stories from their past to illustrate both good and bad approaches to controlling kids in the family. Effectively handling each stage of growth, from toddler to teen, will set the stage for more influence. You will be encouraged, and you will be inspired.
Feb. 16, 2024
Few things create more tension for parents than hearing their children fight with each other. But it's nothing new, as the Bible clearly shows. Scripture also shows several causes of sibling rivalry AND teaches us how to deal with it effectively. Peace in your home really is possible! Come and hear how you can help your children learn to live at peace with each other, laying foundations for successful relationships all throughout life.
Feb. 16, 2024
Discover how you can help your child acquire the essential habits to learn anything. This talk will model these "core habits," allowing you to experience them yourself!
Feb. 16, 2024
Conflict with our children can cause a great gulf between us. Discipline in the home is a must, but it need not create tension between us and our children. The Smiths will share how Biblical discipline is often misapplied, but more importantly, how we can pattern our family discipline after that of our Heavenly Father. Stories of parents doing it well will empower you to make needed adjustments in your approach to discipline.
Feb. 17, 2024
Communication patterns open, or close, the door to connectedness. Conflict is a normal part of every relationship, yet healthy conflict resolution is not common. Simple principles help us develop this skill that can be learned. This session will review some of the basic communication principles that are foundational to successful conflict resolution.
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 8 through 10, 2024
CHOH Whistle-Stop Tour with Andrew Pudewa
Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of HawaiiFeb. 10, 2024
Principles of Motivation - Show More
A life-long student of motivation, Andrew Pudewa has organized fundamental ideas of motivation into categories: four forms of relevancy, three laws of motivation, and two secret weapons. This expansion of Andrew's previous talk Teaching Boys & Other Children Who Would Rather Be Making Forts All Day includes new and updated stories, tips, and information.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 16 through 17, 2023
OR 2023 - A Future and a Hope
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $99.00
2023 OR - Complete Conference Set
The complete conference set includes the available MP3 messages recorded at the 2023 conference. (Messages lost to technical difficulties will not be included.)
Every parent wants great things for his children. Yet all around, we see young people without purpose or vision, addicted to shallow amusements, and with no passion for worthy goals. Learn how to motivate your children to greatness. They were born for such a time as this.
Eighty percent of the children labeled "Learning Disabled" in school are boys. That's why wise parents understand that the confinement, boredom, and regimentation of school should be avoided if boys are to thrive. The key to understanding and cooperating with the drives God has built into boys is recognizing that boyhood is preparation for the roles of family protector, provider, and leader that naturally and biblically fall upon men. We must understand that we are not raising boys but training future men if we are to make boyhood the exciting and profitable season of life that God intended it to be.
Jun. 16, 2023
One of the perks of homeschooling is the opportunity families have to build relationships. Learning to live and learn together, 24-7, provides a wonderful environment where relationships are cultivated. It isn't always easy, but the benefits are well worth the effort! Heather and Colene provide an honest look at how to thrive in the beautiful but sometimes messy world of living and learning together.
Jun. 16, 2023
X-Boxes, Game-Cubes, the INTERNET, Facebook, and iPhones have changed how we live, have fun, and interact. Children quietly glued to game monitors for hours have replaced laughter and creativity. They beg to play, whine when they can't, and even lie about the time they've spent on "the gadget." Teens and pre-teens spend most of their waking hours texting, chatting on Facebook, or 'tweeting' on Twitter. Today's latest-breaking technology becomes tomorrow's obsession, demanding more time, attention, and sacrifices. Technology has become a powerful tool, and everyone is doing it...but maybe you feel like you've lost control in your home. Does the chill down your spine tell you that something is terribly wrong? Do you feel like a beast has invaded your home, but you don't know how to handle it? If so, listen to Todd talk about the timely topic of taming the TECHNO-BEAST!
Jun. 16, 2023
It's quiet but deadly. It can poison a whole family when no one knows it's there. It dampens affection, kills communication, and leaves hearts wounded and hurting. It is the number one reason marriages break up, and parents lose their children's hearts. The Bible describes it as a "root" that springs up and defiles many. In this talk, Rick Boyer explains how the poison of bitterness damages relationships and how the grace of God can put them back together again. Peace and love in your home are not just a dream.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the demands of parenting? Life is certainly a challenge for parents, especially those who accept the added responsibility of home education. But there are ways to make life easier and more productive, and this workshop discusses some of those. Marilyn Boyer, mother of fourteen children and a veteran home educator with more than forty years of experience shares her techniques for accomplishing a mammoth amount of housework while giving her children a superior education at the same time.
Handout available at:
Jun. 17, 2023
Discover how we can reach the heart of our boys and inspire them to embrace this training phase of their lives as they pursue living a life of purpose that, like the knights of old, courageously puts the needs of others before their own. The world needs more kind, courageous, and bold men who will lead their families well and make an impact in their world both now and for the rest of their lives. It starts with igniting the imagination, honoring their love for adventure, and casting a vision for the training process.
Failure to launch is a national phenomenon. The final goal is to launch our child into their future is not an event; it is a long process that starts from the early years. Come and learn principles and practical ideas that will help prepare you and your child for that transference into successful, independent adulthood.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 9 through 10, 2023
Iowa 2023 - Homeschool Iowa Conference
Presented by: Homeschool IowaSet Price: $75.00
IOWA 2023 - complete conference set
When you buy this set you do not need to check any other boxes. All of the recorded sessions will be available to you (for personal use only) and the links for the messages will be in your Alliance Recording account. No need to store them- we'll store them for you!
Jun. 9, 2023
Identity – how children define themselves – is extremely important. How they see themselves controls their behavior. Therefore, identity influences their academics, relationships, future, hopes, and so much more. Why is it complex today? Why are so many children confused? Learn how to parent so children will have a healthy identity and believe the most important identities of all.
Jun. 9, 2023
You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it's your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don't worry, I won't make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six-point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is: fathering.
Jun. 9, 2023
All children are smart and probably smarter than they realize. Knowing they’re smart empowers them to believe in their todays and tomorrows, to expect some learning to be easy, and to study when something isn’t. The eight intelligences are relevant for our teaching and reteaching. In addition to learning, they’re also relevant to our children’s spiritual growth, behavior, relationships, and career choice. Asking “How am I smart?” instead of “Am I smart?” can change everything!
A mommy-to-mommy challenge about priorities in your home school. Sonya shares six ways to reach your child’s heart—taken from Elizabeth’s example in Luke 1—and four obstacles that can keep us from reaching the heart. This workshop puts the emphasis on the things that are not seen. It reminds parents of the importance of focusing on our children’s hearts and gives practical ways to do that: being available and approachable, being Spirit-led, giving affirming words, setting aside our own agendas, pointing out how God is at work, and encouraging our children to take God at His Word.
Jun. 10, 2023
Dyscalculia often causes parents and children alike to want to run for the hills anytime math is even mentioned. This session will clarify what causes dyscalculia, how it presents in the learning environment, and key strategies to navigate learning and apply math skills successfully. If your child struggles with quantitative reasoning, math concepts, calculation, and math fact automaticity, this session will empower you with effective strategies to help your struggling student learn (and maybe even like) math.
Jun. 10, 2023
Are you frustrated because your children aren’t changing in ways you want them to? Learn subtle attitudes and habits that make change difficult so you can decrease their effects. Then learn strategies, relevant Scripture, and a change process that will work!
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2023
2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Legacy: Rooted, Abounding, Enduring
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $49.95
2023 Idaho Complete Convention Recordings Set
When you buy this set you do not need to check off any individual recordings. All available recordings from the 2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention will be in your account. You can download them and listen to them at your convenience (for personal use only)- they stay in your account for at least 3 years.
Jun. 3, 2023
Protecting children on social media is a critical issue in today’s world, where online platforms are increasingly becoming a part of everyday life. With the rise of cyberbullying, online predators, selling of drugs laced with Fentanyl, and exposure to inappropriate content, it is essential to establish new approaches and guidelines to safeguard kids on social media. In this speech, Connie will discuss what parents can do to protect their child from the dangers of social media.
Jun. 3, 2023
Adam Andrews recounts the difficulties of his scholastic journey. Fathers will find something to relate to in the testimony of this homeschool veteran. What do our children need most from their fathers? How can we be sure to give it to them? Most importantly, how do we fix things when we do it wrong? Come hear about the hope that waits for us all on the other side of failure. You will find balm for your wounds, peace for your mind, and rest for your soul – and all in a most unlikely place.
Technical difficulties - same speaker- same topic from Washington convention--- Johnny is a constant motion machine. Tom cries in frustration over minor matters. Susie forgets what she has just learned. According to Dr. Sydney Walker, children tend to “act how they feel.” This fascinating workshop provides you with clues to your child’s brain/body chemistry. William Crook, MD, has found that over 85% of children who suffer with Sensory Processing Disorders or attention or mood disorders when older have experienced multiple ear infections as a young child. Untreated, these children often go on to have many hidden food allergies and asthma. It is easy to correct these imbalances at home and dramatically affect your child’s learning day. The testimonies that we receive from parents across the United States who are using these simple remedies with their children are amazing!
Jun. 3, 2023
How do we raise children in a culture of chaos when confusion and strife surround us? And how do we remain steadfast while adjusting along the way? While the culture is in chaos, you can tune out the turmoil and provide stability in your home. As the culture shifts, God’s Word provides the answers we need to navigate this season, knowing we are equipped to lead our family. Whether you are new to homeschooling or a veteran, you can raise godly children who will stand strong through it all.
Jun. 3, 2023
If you had only one hour in which to give your student a complete education, could you do it? If you accepted the challenge, what lesson would you teach? Adam Andrews argues that a complete and profound education can be acquired in one lesson – and then sets out to prove this audacious claim in an eye-opening, inspiring presentation. Adam first demonstrates the lesson using an example from his own subject, Literature. He then shows you how to teach it in your own area of interest. Adam gives examples of the lesson from every subject in the curriculum and invites the audience to contribute their own ideas. The power of this lesson may revolutionize the way you teach on a daily basis – and it only takes an hour!
Thursday - Saturday
May. 18 through 20, 2023
MI 2023 Convention - Teach Me to Walk in Truth
Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool NetworkSet Price: $79.00
MICHN 2023 Complete Convention Set
When you buy the set there is no need to select individual recordings from MICHN. Any recording made at the 2023 event is available to you as they become available. Enjoy each or any recording whenever you like (for personal use only).
May. 19, 2023
Meeke explores the best way to grow Christian children who are able to resist the strong pull of the culture. Learn a new term: Culture-proof. Learn how to do it and what results you should expect. The loss of generations of Christian kids should be enough to force the question, "How do we help them resist?"
Like you, when we began our homeschooling journey we asked ourselves, “Will we be able to teach them all they need to know for success?” There were so many options and subjects to teach them. They were loaned to us to us knowing almost NOTHING and we were expected to fill up their noggins and prepare them for adulthood. Little did we know then that homeschooling turned out to be not only what we taught them…but what THEY taught US. Never would we have believed how God would use homeschooling to teach us what he needed us to know as parents, homeschoolers, and as His children. So join me for an intimate time of sharing and laughing at the lessons my children taught me. My hope is that you’ll start to view your homeschool day less as a time to teach and muscle through... but as a gift.
May. 19, 2023
We're all set. We've got the curriculum, the co-op, and the extra-curricular activities. The days shape up nicely, when they do shape up nicely... but what about Christ? Have we neglected the primary reason for homeschooling? In this presentation, Meeke and Wil encourage parents to check the heartbeat of their homeschool. The end of homeschooling isn't homeschooling or even education!
May. 19, 2023
Many well-intentioned parents make harmful mistakes as they relate to their children. These mistakes often contribute to bitterness in relationships and in their children. Over time, they can result in children rejecting their parents, their faith and their values. Learn to avoid these pitfalls.
May. 19, 2023
Frustrated by the fact that what works for your homeschooling friends doesn't seem to work for you or what works for one of your children doesn't work for all your children? For the first time ever discover the FOUR homeschool Temperaments. You'll discover if you're a Falcon, Owl, Swan, or Sand Piper and how to homeschool in light of those traits. As you listen, you'll laugh, nod your head in agreement and find yourself saying, "That finally makes sense." Todd will discuss tips for each temperament, how to teach your children who may NOT be your temperament, and what types of homeschool curriculum works best for your temperament. This will be fun as you discover your homeschool temperament!!
May. 19, 2023
From rolling eyes to slamming doors, sometimes a kid's attitude is simply frustrating! If you're at your wits' end or just looking for practical ways to get to the HEART of the matter, this session is for you. As Proverbs 4 says, your attitude determines your life's path.