Recordings Listing


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 14 through 15, 2014

CHOH Annual Conference - 2014

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
ID: 2014-46
Mar. 15, 2014


Patchogue, NY
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 14 through 15, 2014

2014 NYS LEAH Downstate Convention

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home
ID: DNY1402
Mar. 14, 2014

Jonathan Brush of College Plus talks about the 10 crucial years between the ages of 10 and 20.


Portland Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 through 22, 2013

OR-2013 Anchored in Christ

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 13-101
Jun. 21, 2013

Prepare your student for college and life with cutting-edge information about different types of reasoning. Find out about the training a student should receive if they want to digest and master complex information for success in high school, college and the real world.

Great results come from participating in the arts... developing character, learning how to handle disappointment, allowing God-given talents to be used and much more. Join Sheryl Russell, Co-Founder of CYT, the largest children’s theater program in the nation, as she engages you in integrating acting into your daily routine.

Grades have the power to motivate some and destroy others. Listen to veteran homeschooler Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, share theories of grade keeping as well as tips on keeping it simple.

ID: 13-200
Jun. 21, 2013

This message has been restored and is complete- One of the greatest challenges facing homeschooling moms is relating to a budding young man. What can a mom do to avoid creating a “mama’s boy?” What should she do if her husband is a passive father?

ID: 13-202
Jun. 22, 2013

Teaching writing and evaluating your student’s work may be simpler than it seems! Capture the vision for writing instruction that leans on God’s structured design of the language and receive practical tips and inspiration for nurturing your student’s writing. Telisa encourages parents to mentor their students in writing and provides ideas for giving clear assignments and templates for evaluations to guide student’s development in writing

ID: 13-206
Jun. 22, 2013

Times are changing, and opportunities are opening for homeschoolers to acquire dual credit more effectively now than ever before. High school students can get college credit for work they are already doing. Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak, gives students the ability get going early with lifelong advantages for homeschooling young adults.

ID: 13-302
Jun. 22, 2013

This session provides helpful information about the achievement test tool and how it can benefit your homeschool. Topics include testing requirements in Oregon, opportunities available for testing your student, and preparing your student to take an achievement test.

Orphans. Impurity. Poverty. There are many needs in the world and so many people who need Jesus. Becoming a beautiful, godly woman is more than being a pure and pampered princess. Romans 10:15 says, “How beautiful are the feet of them who bring the gospel of peace…” No matter where you live, or where you’re called to go, you can dare to care, dare to cry, and dare to make a difference for God. As Amy Carmichael prayed, “Give me the love that leads the way, the passion that burns like fire.”

ID: 13-404
Jun. 22, 2013

Gleaning from a 17th-century gem, The Education of a Child from The Wisdom of Fenelon, Mark presents a “radical reversal” of our traditional approach to a biblical education. Commissioned to educate King Louis XIV’s incorrigible grandson to become the next king of France, Francois Fenelon wrote and then lived one of the greatest educational treatises ever written. In fact, in 1802, nearly 150 years later, Fenelon’s work was still revered as the most extraordinary educational work on record. Parenting based on gentleness, mentoring, joy, and patience will be among just a few of the highlights of this seminar.

ID: 13-509
Jun. 22, 2013

Who are the worst of the worst dictators of the 20th century? Opinions vary, but you can learn about four renowned “bad boys” with Linda Lacour Hobar. In this session, Linda will recount the chilling rise to power of Vladimir Lenin, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. No previous knowledge needed to appreciate the message of what should be learned from history!

It's time. Time to take all that your parents have taught you and put it into practice. Time to serve the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Time to make a difference. But no road is without its bumps, and life will be difficult at times. Learn how to stay strong, cultivate a passion for God and for people, even when you encounter hardship.

ID: 13-609
Jun. 22, 2013

The Messy and Marvelous: Tales of the Early Church to the Middle Ages. From Pentecost to the printing press, Linda Lacour Hobar pulls together a few of the messy and the marvelous tales from the Early Church and the Middle Ages. Through Paul, Constantine, and Marco Polo, as well as Mohammed, William the Conqueror, and John Wycliffe, learn of the triumph and the tragedies of medieval times and how they relate to our world today. This session is designed to equip and inspire teachers, parents, and students of this time period.


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
May. 16 through 18, 2013

2013 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

A radical disruption is in progress that is challenging our most fundamental assumptions about education in general and higher education in particular. Escalating costs, ‘college for free’, the increasing disconnect between college outcomes and marketplace demands, combining high school and college, credit for service learning and internships, increased transfer opportunities, and the list goes on. Think four years of college is your ticket to a successful career? Think again. Find out what you can do to navigate through the chaos and achieve the extraordinary.

ID: 1307
May. 17, 2013

What is ‘real science’? Jonathan discusses the distinction between ‘origins science’ which seeks to explain what happened in the past and ‘operational science’ which is testable, repeatable, and is the source of things like cell phones and antibiotics. He shows how what we see from operational science—things we observe today—support the Bible’s statements about origins and an intelligent Designer—the God of the Bible. This includes startling evidence for a globe-covering Flood that laid down rock layers, formed fossils, and carved canyons.

ID: 1318
May. 17, 2013

In popular culture (media, movies and public education), dinosaurs are probably used more than any other topic to indoctrinate people, particularly our youth, into the worldview of evolution and its associated millions-of-years timeframe. However, most have never heard the overwhelming evidence that demonstrates man and dinosaurs have coexisted in recent history. Moreover, evolutionary paleontologists have been confronted by physical evidence that contradicts their idea that the last dinosaur walked the earth 65 million years ago. What does this mean for Christians? Gary relates how we can use this information to reaffirm the Bible’s account of history, and the dinosaurs’ place in it. It’s important information that we can use to equip our children when they are confronted by the cultural view of dinosaurs and the millions of years of evolution.

How did our Founding Fathers graduate from college at 15, 16, and 17 years old? This practical session gives an inspiring overview to what’s happened to education and how today’s students can maximize their high school study by incorporating a souped-up version of dual credit into their daily schedule using the curriculum they already own. Topics covered include: how to earn dual credit, how to record dual credit on a H.S. transcript, a suggested daily schedule, and many others. A shortcut to life or graduate studies, this concept saves thousands of dollars and years of time. Learn how to graduate from college by the time your peers are graduating high school. We’re serious!

Creatures do change over time. It’s called natural selection, but it’s not evolution, because they can only change within predetermined limits. Frogs stay as frogs, and dogs remain as dogs. If we are taught to understand it from a biblical perspective, natural selection is actually great evidence for the incredible capacity for animals to adapt due to their design. In short, what we observe is the opposite of evolution, and great evidence of a designer—the Creator God of the Bible. Equip your children to understand this important issue so they can withstand the humanistic evolutionary bias that interprets the real evidence to discredit the Bible. Romans 1:20 “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

ID: 1332
May. 17, 2013

Why do most scientists believe in evolution? Is it because the science behind evolution is so strong? In this eye-opening presentation, and using their very own data, Gary ‘busts’ the myths behind evolutionary assumptions and shows how the evidence fits the biblical account better. But why is this an important debate for Christians? It’s because our children will be taught evolution as ‘fact’ when they undertake higher education. The consequences are having a damaging effect on the church as our youth walk away from their faith. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can actually empower our children if we can teach them how to think straight in this crooked world.

For so many families today, things fall apart during the teenage years. Rebellion is sometimes thought of as a norm. Their minds and hearts are under almost continual assault during these years. As parents, how do we nurture both mind and heart during these critical years? As the father of three teens and one twenty-something, Kevin Swanson addresses the emotional, the spiritual, and the academic issues in this important presentation.

What is ‘real science’? Jonathan discusses the distinction between ‘origins science’ which seeks to explain what happened in the past and ‘operational science’ which is testable, repeatable, and is the source of things like cell phones and antibiotics. He shows how what we see from operational science—things we observe today—support the Bible’s statements about origins and an intelligent Designer—the God of the Bible. This includes startling evidence for a globe-covering Flood that laid down rock layers, formed fossils, and carved canyons.

“I can’t get my son to sit at his desk and study!” “All my son wants to do is climb trees and play with LEGOs!” If this sounds familiar, you’ll find that most boys have more in common than you think! In this session, Woody shares the fears his mom had about home education and will help shift the paradigm to one of raising men. Sharing from his own perspective, he will help turn task-oriented drudgery into delight with practical tips and tricks! Do more than survive—help your son take personal ownership of his education and launch into life!

Gary is arguably the world’s leading Christian authority in this area. His book, Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection, is the only creation book to be an Amazon top 50 best-seller. He points out that life can only arise from one of two mechanisms; either it was created (as the Bible says) or it evolved (as evolutionists claim). Countless numbers, including most Christians, believe in alien life due to popular culture and evolutionism. So what about life on other planets? What about all the UFO sightings and experiences with alleged aliens that people (including some Christians) claim to have? Are these real events, and are they really aliens? Gary’s investigations have taken him all over the world to uncover a sinister agenda by spiritual forces that have deceived millions. And yes, the experiences can be real, but they are not really aliens. As much as it might surprise many, Gary will demonstrate from Scripture that, even in this incomprehensively massive universe, the earth and mankind are unique, and that the Bible does not allow for intelligent life on other planets. Prepare to have your thinking challenged.

ID: 1349
May. 18, 2013

Panel of college admissions personnel discusses how to prepare for college admissions.

Many non-believers rail against God because they witness so much death and suffering in the world, and this is one of the main reasons why people reject the God of the Bible. However, if they are atheists, what logical basis do they have for determining what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ anyway? Sadly, many have left their Christian faith because they have been taught that death and struggle is an essential part of ‘life’, and so this must be the way that God created. However, if we understand and take the Bible’s history at face value, the death and suffering we see in the world should actually serve as a reminder that something is wrong with this fallen world. When we look at the world through the lens of the Scripture, we find that indeed God has done something about all the death and suffering in the world. You will be immensely encouraged by this message.

We can tell when something shows evidence of having a human designer. So when things in nature show those same characteristics—only on a much more complex level—it makes sense to attribute that to a Designer as well. Jonathan discusses several evidences of magnificent design in nature, including DNA, molecular machines, the complexity of the cell, and more. He also demolishes arguments of ‘bad design’.

ID: 1365
May. 18, 2013

Graduation address, class of 2013.

Topics: High school


Patchogue, NY
Saturday - Saturday
Mar. 16 through 8, 2013

2013 NYS LEAH Downstate Convention

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home
ID: DNY1317
Jun. 8, 2013

Introduction to the Common Core and what it means for homeschoolers. This was presented at the 2013 NYS LEAH Downstate Homeschool Convention.


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2012

OR-2012 Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 12-14
Jun. 22, 2012

YES YOU CAN. Hey, we won't lie to you! It can be intimidating. But the fact of the matter is that you really CAN do it! Homeschooling through high school is the gift that keeps on giving because it affords the one thing that is so fleeting in the teen years: time.

Are you so overwhelmed that you find yourself going through the motions of school, without a clear sense of purpose or direction for each of your children? With a few tips, tools and techniques you can create a doable plan that will help you feel more confident and purposeful. We’ll look at how to assess the whole child, evaluate the school year and set tangible, achievable goals for each of your students. Come learn how to start with The Counselor, take practical steps, and even include your spouse in the process!

ID: 12-24
Jun. 22, 2012

One of the chief benefits of homeschooling is allowing our high school students to spend extra time pursuing their passions and delights. Can these also be added as credits to their transcripts? You bet. Learn some techniques to take the activities your students are already doing and discover how to create credits for their transcripts that will make them shine.

ID: 12-30
Jun. 22, 2012

Do you feel like your homeschooling has hit the wall? Or maybe you have hit the wall?! Would you like to engage your children more? Heidi will teach you the wonderful skill of notebooking using the "show ‘n’ tell" approach. She will have plenty of examples for you to look at and resources to take home. This is not a condemnation of workbooks (They do have their place.), but rather it is an opportunity for you to discover a life-giving, truly interactive way of learning. This is also a very hands-on workshop. Heidi will walk you through several approaches to notebooking, and you will discover that there is a notebooker inside of you!

ID: 12-40
Jun. 23, 2012

The essential history crash course for every Christian homeschool parent. Do you wonder, "Whom do I trust and what do I read to know real history?" Diana will equip YOU, regardless of your curriculum, to find your way through the challenges. She will lead you to a path you can follow in discovering treasures of history with your family.

Choose your college with results in mind. Learn what colleges expect of homeschooled applicants and how to make it work for you. Build a portfolio that sets you apart. Ace the Common Application and interview. Write winning application essays. Win college scholarships for tuition, housing, meals, books and travel.

ID: 12-56
Jun. 23, 2012

Christian young people are leaving the faith in droves and, homeschoolers are not completely exempt from this tragedy. Even though we have received so many blessings and advantages through the sacrifices of our parents, the fight continues, and we will lose if we let down our guard. This session, addressed primarily to the next generation of homeschoolers, will clarify what is at stake in this new era, and inspire young people with the courage necessary to be faithful to, and build upon their godly heritage.

ID: 12-57
Jun. 23, 2012

It's a Jungle out there - How do we equip intrepid explorers with skills and tools to navigate through the forests of knowledge and data?

ID: 12-58
Jun. 23, 2012

What parents don’t want their children to be effective and successful in life? How ironic! That's exactly what God wants for your children, too. But God’s idea of effectiveness and being successful – generational faithfulness – is about much more than mere success, American-style. How do we pursue this path? In achieving God's best, we’ll need to embrace His intentions and priorities. Parents, you have a vital part to play BUT, Young Person, so do you!


Portland, OR
Friday - Sunday
Jun. 24 through 26, 2011

OR-2011 Delight in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Dad, you don’t have to be a spiritual giant with a towering intellect to be a leader in your family’s homeschool.

ID: 11-14
Jun. 24, 2011

Find a College or University that will love your student almost as much as you do! Topics include finding colleges to visit, comparing college statistics, getting to know colleges, visiting colleges, evaluating colleges and applying to colleges.

ID: 11-15
Jun. 24, 2011

Mad? Angry? Ticked off? Or just frustrated? What ever you call it, it will drive your kids away, divide your marriage, and destroy your home. No one likes living next to a volcano that could erupt at any moment. What are the dangers, the signs, and some Biblical solutions? How does one deal with an angry person and how do I get rid of these feelings that scream at me?

What type of homeschool parent are you? A box checker? Eclectic? Do you love schedules? Loathe them? Maybe you’re still looking for that perfect “niche.” Paige will share practical tips for helping all personalities succeed as homeschooling parents. Examine areas of struggle, identify strengths, and most importantly, be encouraged that God knew your strengths and weaknesses when He placed your children in your home.

ID: 11-19
Jun. 24, 2011

Not many people realize that the historical development of evolutionary ideas were based on philosophical assumptions and shifts, not on scientific discovery. This seminar takes a critical look at this fascinating piece of history.

ID: 11-24
Jun. 24, 2011

What does the Bible say about homeschooling? How can Christians draw on their faith to succeed in high school? How should Christians conduct their homeschool if they are thinking about college? In this talk, Lee discusses all these questions as well as covers all the homeschool high school basics. Learn to prepare and not panic about high school. You are your child's best teacher, even for the tough high school subjects.

ID: 11-28
Jun. 24, 2011

Society tries to convince us of what’s hot and what’s not. But what does God have to say about bulging muscles and striving for the perfect figure?

ID: 11-29
Jun. 24, 2011

Families with kids of all ages are invited to come and hear the compelling evidence that shows dinosaurs were on the Ark and the subsequent eye witness accounts.

Our children are precious gifts from the Lord but sometimes they can interfere with our human plans. Many homeschooling parents are in distress because they find their little ones seeking attention at all the wrong times. Let Paige share with you creative ways to prepare these young “sponges” for school while keeping them creatively occupied at times when the parent needs to concentrate on the older ones. The workshop is full of practical suggestions for educational toys and common household items that can be used to educate and occupy young ones. Homeschooling with young ones can be easier than you think!

ID: 11-34
Jun. 24, 2011

Plan your high school courses so you are prepared for anything! This course will explain what core classes to cover every year, and what classes are required for college graduation. Learn how to plan for English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Fine Arts, and electives like Religion, Technology, Occupational Education, or delight-directed learning. We will discuss how to get the core classes covered within four years, and ideas for planning your homeschool week. You will use what you know about your students and their learning styles and consider the subjects that colleges want to see.

ID: 11-37
Jun. 24, 2011

It’s difficult to be a Christian when you feel like you’re faking it. Harder still when you actually are faking it. Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to our relationship with God. It’s time to sit down, take a deep breath and hear what He has to say.

ID: 11-38
Jun. 24, 2011

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a thought pattern you cannot escape from? Are there circumstances or hurts that keep you hindered or afraid? Having first hand seen the devastation that comes from believing the lies of Satan, Elizabeth will address the power of female emotions and the freedom that comes from having a mind controlled by the love of Christ.

The internet has opened up a seemingly endless stream of social opportunities. What are the pros and cons of this new world and what are the principles for effective and godly use of these amazing tools? Join us for a conversation about these questions and more.

ID: 11-54
Jun. 25, 2011

This course will answer the common homeschool lament, "How can I give grades when I don't give tests?” Learn how you are already evaluating your children, and how you can translate that information into words and numbers colleges understand. You will learn “grouch-free” ways to determine high school grades, and find freedom in grading criteria and grading scales. Come and learn the many ways of determining high school credits and discover how to make mommy-grades and kitchen credits easy for colleges to understand!

ID: 11-59
Jun. 25, 2011

Let’s be frank. There are two kinds of homeschoolers, those who think homeschooling rocks and those who think it doesn’t. Come hear two homeschool graduates talk about the good, bad and ugly of growing up in a homeschool and why, in fact, homeschooling isn’t lame.


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 25 through 26, 2010

OR-2010 Educating for Eternity

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Rick Boyer and his wife have been home schooling since 1980. Starting out young and green in a time when only a handful of families was home schooling, Rick and Marilyn found few resources to help them in their journey. They had to blaze their own trail, surviving such obstacles as skeptical grandparents, hostile school authorities, unhelpful curriculum publishers, blizzards, Indian attacks&(just kidding). The Boyers are still home schooling today and now share their experiences around the world through their books and their speaking ministry. Rick will share some of the most profound lessons learned along the way, including: -It's not schooling, it's discipleship -Life is the curriculum -The kid is the can -Socialization is for socialists -George Washington survived without Little League -and many more!

ID: 10-15
Jun. 25, 2010

How do you decide what to study in high school? How do you know that your teen is learning enough (and of the right things)? How can parents continue a home-school lifestyle during the high school years? Must home-school students model their high school years after the institutionalized educational style of learning? Come and learn how to make your high school years special, wonderful,and complete as we discuss the overall plans needed to teach high school at home.

ID: 10-17
Jun. 25, 2010

A Biblical, age-appropriate approach to sex education. In this workshop parents of elementary and middle school children will learn what to talk about with their kids at every stage of development. This workshop includes information on how to set the paradigm for purity and courtship beginning in preschool. We will also discuss media discernment, how to give "the talk", and how parents can begin now to open up the lines of communication with their children to pave the way for honesty and openness during adolescence.

Once decisions have been made about what to require for high school graduation, once the overall plan has been set, there is still much to do. How do you set up each course? Courses can be designed or modified by using prepackaged curricula, by using a variety of materials you already have on hand, or by outlining the course and finding materials to fit your needs. We will discuss these methods of course planning, and will also cover grading, keeping track of assignments with no stress, and record keeping.

Is your daughter the "odd girl out" or the "leader of the pack"? The rise and fall of the hierarchies of our daughters, and their siblings and friends, is like the rise and fall of kingdoms and world powers. How do we as parents deal with the cliques and their fall out? What is a Godly pattern for our girls and how should they structure their relationships? How do the lies of our culture perpetuate the need for our daughters to bolster their self image and define themselves through the eyes of their peers? Come and hear about God's design for our daughters and their relationships. Step off the treadmill of our culture's say so and into the Spirit of God as the architect of relationships-even those of girls.

Selecting curriculum for the upper grades can become a real nightmare. On the one hand, many materials seem designed for a classroom setting with expensive equipment required, and on the other hand, home-school-designed materials vary so widely in ability level (for both students and teachers) that it is hard to know what will work. Parents often wonder if they need an advanced degree to teach advanced courses, or if "throwing money" at a difficult subject will help, or if materials they like are too basic to count for high school. In this session, we will focus on resources for a variety of subjects that almost any family can use, and will discuss ways to evaluate the myriad of texts and programs available.

Marilyn Boyer is no stranger to the joys and challenges of raising teenagers. With ten sons and daughters now having graduated from high school at home, Marilyn shares why she taught them herself from kindergarten through the high school years and why she wouldn't consider doing it any other way.


Atlanta, GA
Saturday - Monday
May. 1 through 3, 2010

2010 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1006
May. 1, 2010

This session will cover the following: preparation for college admissions, college choices, the admissions and the financial aid processes.

ID: 1011
May. 1, 2010

When the truths of history (the good, the bad, and the ugly) are sifted through the strainer of political correctness, it loses its potency and relevance. In this modern age that some professionals have labeled, "The Age of Entitlement", both children and adults often appear clueless and nonchalant when it comes to understanding the sacrifices made on their behalf. It often seems that America has forgotten what it means to be grateful. In this session, Jamie will share her heart as she explains how the "watered down", politically correct, history textbooks have had a part in helping students so easily forget the past and think it irrelevant. "For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children; That the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children, that they may set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments; and may not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not set its heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful to God."? Ps. 78:5-8


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 12 through 13, 2009

For Such a Time as This

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 09-06
Jun. 13, 2009

This charge was given to high school graduates at the Graduate Recognition Event of the 2009 OCEAN Conference. The text of the address is found in Micah 6:8: "And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (NASB) Mike explains what it means to "do justly", to "walk humbly", and to "love mercy" as we go through our daily living. The aim of the address is to remind graduates of what's important in life and how to evaluate true success.

ID: 09-13
Jun. 12, 2009

This session presents important questions to ask regarding home schooling teens and stresses building good relationships at home. The academic advantages and getting them ready for college are discussed. For those deciding about home schooling during the teen years, this is a must. Also, hear Elizabeth's "Top 10 Priorities" for home schooling your teen.

ID: 09-21
Jun. 12, 2009

Homeschooling is the most powerful form of education rediscovered in the modern age. Its power and success is unquestioned. Yet for most home educators, the principles that worked in home education are not transferred into post-secondary education. Cutting edge visionaries are bringing a Copernican revolution to the method of higher education in the form of mentorship. If our movement takes this next step, we will make far greater impact on the way we do post-secondary education and economics, then we have seen in K-12 education. Based on years of experience with mentoring, Kevin Swanson presents a vision for mentorship applied to both the college and entrepreneurial tracks.

ID: 09-28
Jun. 12, 2009

The secrets of homeschooling high school success will be explained in this workshop. Learn how to plan a rigorous curriculum, emphasize specialization, prepare for college admission exams, and document learning from outside sources. Starting with a plan early on is the key. You will receive a handy one-page Planning Guide to take home to help you provide an excellent high school education for your child!


Atlanta, GA
Friday - Sunday
May. 1 through 3, 2009

2009 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 905
May. 1, 2009

Join Tom Clark, founder of VideoText Interactive, as he offers an entertaining and educational session designed to help you discover the reasons behind the difficulty, on several of the traditional trouble spots in math. Topics discussed will be determined by the audience, and may include division of fractions and multiplication of decimals (using those mindless rules), long-division, story-problems, positive and negative numbers, and numerous others, all of which seem to indicate that Mathematics is just naturally “difficult”.

ID: 907
May. 1, 2009

Many children really do not like to write. Why? This workshop will answer that basic question and teach a specific and successful method of separating the complex process of writing into the smallest possible steps, making it possible for even the most reluctant writer to produce short but complete compositions. He will be proud and motivated to write again. If you remove the problem of what to write, you will be free to help your child learn how to write, using source texts, key word outlines and �dress-up� checklists. Results guaranteed!

ID: 917
May. 1, 2009
ID: 932
May. 1, 2009

Dr. Humphreys first shows that a basic assumption of the big bang theory, that the universe has no center, contradicts Scripture. Then he shows that putting a Bible-based assumption, that the universe has a (Conference Speakers & Exhibitor Workshops are listed alphabetically.) 22 center, into Einstein�s theory of relativity provides a way to get light from distant galaxies to the earth within one ordinary day, the fourth day of creation. He explains this in simple layman�s language, no equations or jargon. The toughest thing to explain is how the Big Bang theorists imagine a cosmos without a center. The creationist picture is much closer to what laymen already imagine. Several other creationists have built cosmologies from this simple beginning point, so we now have at least four creation cosmologies to choose from. Now believers can again see the universe as being young, only the Biblical 6,000 years old. Once again, the heavens declare the glory of God.

We've all suffered it at one time or another: Frustration about writing assignments. Either on the receiving end, or perhaps now on the giving end, there can be a few distinctly discouraging aspects to teaching and being taught writing. The tough questions include: What to correct and how to give a grade? How much help is too much? Isn't the assignment clear enough? Why don't students find their own errors? Learn and avoid four teaching mistakes that contribute to this frustration: Overcorrecting, Holding Back Help, Unclear Assignments, & Over-Expectation.

ID: 946
May. 1, 2009

Doing their best on the SAT is one avenue God has before our children to prepare to be the kind of Christians who will change their world no matter what the obstacles. In light of the changes to the new 2005 SAT I, this workshop is especially relevant. Pastor Stobaugh will share insights concerning the essay portion of the SAT I.

Are your students learning passively, or are they involved in concept development? Are they figuring things out for themselves, or are they just learning tricks and shortcuts? Come brainstorm with Tom Clark, founder of VideoText Interactive, as he humorously explores with you, the reasons instruction can be difficult, developing along the way, a list of benchmark signals, and strategies which will help students �think� critically and analytically.

In our modern day, many question the worth of serving God with their whole heart, and consequently we offer unto Him that which should be considered refuse. By our actions, even Christians suggest that submitting themselves to the whole counsel of God is an unprofitable exercise and not worthy of the necessary investment. Do you secretly question the equity of God? Do you fail to offer God your best and first fruits? Do you have fortitude in the midst of social, economic, and civil declension? The 5th century message of Malachi offers instruction for our modern challenges, along with a prescription for reformation and revival in every generation.

ID: 979
May. 1, 2009

For such a time as this, every moment counts. With so many opportunities available we need to be very wise in our designing of a high school curriculum track. The problem is not that there is a paucity of choices but that there is a plethora of good choices! Via email, Pastor Stobaugh will provide a sample transcript for attendees.


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2008

When You Walk By the Way

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

We are losing 75-88% of professing Christian kids by the end of their freshman year in college. In this message, Dr. Baucham explains why, and what the Bible has to say about stemming the tide.

ID: 08-26
Jun. 21, 2008

Do you have a child who is doubting his faith? Or perhaps a daughter who has rejected your beliefs completely? Are you convinced you've failed...and the state of this child's heart is weighing heavily on you and your spouse? Come and listen to Carol share her own journey away from and back to her faith after 13 years as an atheist. She'll share thoughts and views from inside the mind of a lost child. You'll learn the best thing you can do for this child and for yourself. Come and find an understanding heart that hurts and rejoices along with your own.

ID: 08-31
Jun. 21, 2008

Based on the life of Ehud the Benjamite, Mark will unveil the unique strategy that God and his parents used to prepare him to become a skilled and strategic warrior, confident leader, and a skillful entrepreneur. In this seminar we will look at the assessment of a child’s natural abilities and the instructive insights that are necessary to prepare each child, teen, and adult for God’s ultimate purpose and calling. This seminar promises to be an eye opener for all ages—in more ways than you expect; but in a way you will never forget!

For many homeschool students, a future college degree may be necessary to fulfill God’s purposes; yet the process of admissions and financial aid can be intimidating. The Dunagan family have coached their first three totally-homeschooled graduates to college admissions and scholarship success. By taking advantage of our unique freedoms in home education, they emphasize leadership, individual strengths, international missions, community service, CLEP exams, scholarship competitions, and dual-enrolment in high school and community college. And through a growing process of faith, and by God's grace, their family has earned (so far) over $200,000 in college scholarships and financial grants. . . for God's glory!

ID: 08-38
Jun. 21, 2008

Apologetics is making a defense for the Christian faith. How do you explain the trinity to your children or prepare them to witness with questions they may need to answer such as, "How could a loving God create hell?" Through weekly meetings, for students 12 and older, dads teach, and parents coach as the students verbally present written cards; defining, expounding Biblical proof, and the significance of God's nature, salvation, scripture, the nature of man and Jesus Christ. Students are encouraged with fellowship, working with their dads and possible competition locally with NCFCA. Come hear our students, their dads, and be introduced to the study of apologetics.


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
May. 1 through 3, 2008

2008 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

This practical session focuses on how students can incorporate Accelerated Distance Learning into their homeschool schedule. Topics covered include: the foundations of effective learning, balancing aca-demics and spiritual development, and earning college credit while still in high school. Learn how you can earn a college degree before your high school graduation.

ID: 832
May. 6, 2008

Are you currently homeschooling your high schooler but need some direction? Are you currently homeschooling a middle school child and want to prepare for high school? Learn about preparing transcripts, diploma requirements, credits, portfolios, accreditation and more.


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 17 through 18, 2007

Passing the Baton

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 07-01
Aug. 17, 2007

In three years of earthly ministry, Jesus equipped 12 ordinary men to change the world—and they did it. What can we learn from the life of Christ about how to disciple our children to be a blessing to all nations of the earth?

ID: 07-11
Aug. 17, 2007

Homeschool parents are motivated to help children avoid being taken captive by worldly ideas, but how do we simultaneously protect and prepare our children? Dr. Myers gives you proven strategies for being alert to wrong ideas and strengthening your child’s ability to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

You want your children to be the best in academics, spirituality, and physical health. You also want to have godly compassion for your children. In striving to lead his wife and eight children to "greatness," however, Brian has found that he can fall into the sin of provoking them. He'll use scripture and experience to address the way to combine high expectations with justice, mercy, and love. Especially for fathers.

ID: 07-16
Aug. 17, 2007

The teenage years should be the beginning of the harvest as our young people come into their own. If we plan for the storms of life and prepare, we can build through these years with less frustration, wasted time, conflicts, and fruitlessness. We need to make the most of the time we have (Eph. 5:15-17). Betsy will help you consider and examine important principles so that you can prepare yourself physically and spiritually for situations that will arise.

Far too many young people have heads full of knowledge but no idea of what God designed them to do and be. Discover how to recognize your child's motivated abilities, cultivate his God-given gifts, and avoid the cultural traps that the culture uses to distort his identity.

Effective communication is essential to a successful, God-honoring life. Dr. Myers unravels the mysteries of communication and shows you how you and your children can conquer fear and move people to action—whether in everyday life or in front of a crowd.


Atlanta, GA
Tuesday - Thursday
May. 1 through 3, 2007

2007 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

History has been used to distort reality. Some of the distortion has a purpose behind it. Those who control the historical record control how we think about the world in which we live and how we react to cultural trends. Much of what the Myth-Historians have written has been used to discredit Christianity, everything from geo-centrism and the flat earth to slavery and the secular founding of America. Then there are some Christian historical myths that need to be dispelled. Did James Madison really praise the Ten Commandments? Is the de Tocqueville quotation about churches accurate? Teaching honest critical thinking skills is a necessity if we are going to capture the next generation.

Is the aim of home education simply to get a diploma or is there something else that we should target as our goal? Conscientious moms fear we�re not teaching our children everything they should know to be prepared to get a good job. We fear our boys may not be on grade level and our girls may not find a godly husband. We fear we may not be able to afford a good college. Yet in spite of all these fears, we don�t even recognize the biggest gap in home schooling. In this thought-provoking discussion about the main purpose of education, learn what God calls His people to do and how to educate our children by faith rather than by fear.


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 18 through 19, 2006

Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 06-02
Aug. 18, 2006

One of the biggest failures of our public and private school systems is that they do not teach students how to think critically. In this seminar, Dr. Wile gives you specific suggestions as to how you can teach your child to think critically, regardless of the subject matter that the student is learning. You will learn how to help your student evaluate statements, look for hidden assumptions, find political/social agendas, and discover faulty logic. Although Dr. Wile’s area of interest is science, he will show you how critical thinking applies to all academic areas, as well as all facets of your life.

God has not called Christians to be influenced by society around them, but to be salt and light in that society. Every family must instill children with a sense of mission and equip them with methods to shine a light into the darkness of our community, city, and nation.

ID: 06-23
Aug. 19, 2006

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a nuclear chemist, explores the complicated Creation Versus Evolution debate. He discusses Christian attempts to make the Genesis account compatible with the theory of evolution and shows how these attempts fail. The conclusion is that a literal interpretation of Genesis is completely incompatible with the theory of evolution. He then proceeds to show that this is not at all a problem for someone who is both a Christian and a scientist. He presents strong scientific evidence that supports a literal interpretation of Genesis and equally strong scientific evidence that discounts the theory of evolution. He discusses evolutionists’ attempts to explain away this data and how such attempts fail. Perhaps the most intriguing part of this seminar comes when Dr. Wile details some of the fantastic life forms on this planet whose existence can never be explained using the theory of evolution.