Recordings Listing


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2012

OR-2012 Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 12-14
Jun. 22, 2012

YES YOU CAN. Hey, we won't lie to you! It can be intimidating. But the fact of the matter is that you really CAN do it! Homeschooling through high school is the gift that keeps on giving because it affords the one thing that is so fleeting in the teen years: time.

Are you so overwhelmed that you find yourself going through the motions of school, without a clear sense of purpose or direction for each of your children? With a few tips, tools and techniques you can create a doable plan that will help you feel more confident and purposeful. We’ll look at how to assess the whole child, evaluate the school year and set tangible, achievable goals for each of your students. Come learn how to start with The Counselor, take practical steps, and even include your spouse in the process!

ID: 12-24
Jun. 22, 2012

One of the chief benefits of homeschooling is allowing our high school students to spend extra time pursuing their passions and delights. Can these also be added as credits to their transcripts? You bet. Learn some techniques to take the activities your students are already doing and discover how to create credits for their transcripts that will make them shine.

ID: 12-30
Jun. 22, 2012

Do you feel like your homeschooling has hit the wall? Or maybe you have hit the wall?! Would you like to engage your children more? Heidi will teach you the wonderful skill of notebooking using the "show ‘n’ tell" approach. She will have plenty of examples for you to look at and resources to take home. This is not a condemnation of workbooks (They do have their place.), but rather it is an opportunity for you to discover a life-giving, truly interactive way of learning. This is also a very hands-on workshop. Heidi will walk you through several approaches to notebooking, and you will discover that there is a notebooker inside of you!

ID: 12-40
Jun. 23, 2012

The essential history crash course for every Christian homeschool parent. Do you wonder, "Whom do I trust and what do I read to know real history?" Diana will equip YOU, regardless of your curriculum, to find your way through the challenges. She will lead you to a path you can follow in discovering treasures of history with your family.

Choose your college with results in mind. Learn what colleges expect of homeschooled applicants and how to make it work for you. Build a portfolio that sets you apart. Ace the Common Application and interview. Write winning application essays. Win college scholarships for tuition, housing, meals, books and travel.

ID: 12-56
Jun. 23, 2012

Christian young people are leaving the faith in droves and, homeschoolers are not completely exempt from this tragedy. Even though we have received so many blessings and advantages through the sacrifices of our parents, the fight continues, and we will lose if we let down our guard. This session, addressed primarily to the next generation of homeschoolers, will clarify what is at stake in this new era, and inspire young people with the courage necessary to be faithful to, and build upon their godly heritage.

ID: 12-57
Jun. 23, 2012

It's a Jungle out there - How do we equip intrepid explorers with skills and tools to navigate through the forests of knowledge and data?

ID: 12-58
Jun. 23, 2012

What parents don’t want their children to be effective and successful in life? How ironic! That's exactly what God wants for your children, too. But God’s idea of effectiveness and being successful – generational faithfulness – is about much more than mere success, American-style. How do we pursue this path? In achieving God's best, we’ll need to embrace His intentions and priorities. Parents, you have a vital part to play BUT, Young Person, so do you!