Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 2024
OR 2024 Mission Possible
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $54.00
2024 Complete Oregon Conference Set
Jun. 21, 2024
So often, Satan tries to sabotage our effectiveness for the kingdom by placing boulders in our path stealing our God-given joy. Erika speaks truth and encouragement as she identifies how to choose joy along the journey while avoiding some of the major joy-killing sinkholes of our current culture. Homeschool moms will be empowered in their callings as wives, moms, and educators as they are pointed to their true identity in Christ.
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 13 through 15, 2024
PA-2024 Coming Together to Equip, To Encourage, To Endure
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2024 CHAP Convention Set (Includes Special Needs)
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set. 6/15/2024
Jun. 14, 2024
If you’re experiencing burnout or can’t seem to stay on top of the homeschooling, you’re not alone! If you’ve lost the joy in your calling as a homeschool mom, then maybe you’re making homeschooling harder than it needs to be! This session will help you refocus your vision, while learning how to implement effective systems to get the most important things done in your homeschool.
Jun. 14, 2024
“What’s your secret for staying together?” That’s the number one question younger couples want to ask veterans of long-term marriage, according to a recent study. There are bonds which are tighter than the strongest glue, and they’re not dramatic – just very, very powerful, and what’s more, Biblical. Join Hal and Melanie as they share what they’ve learned in 38 years of marriage and years of talking to other couples about the things that stick us together - and help us enjoy it!
Jun. 15, 2024
Preteens and teens crave connection and acceptance, while media of all kinds are telling them that identifying as a different gender or sexual orientation will solve all their problems. Even kids not tempted by these things are affected by the kids and culture around them, sometimes believing their parents are hateful or unloving in their response to that culture. Find out about the influences reaching out to our kids, learn how to respond in a way that will preserve your relationship, and get practical help in guiding them through the clamoring voices of our society.
Jun. 15, 2024
“He never talks to me.” “My teens are so disrespectful.” “I have no idea what she’s thinking.” “They’re so ugly to each other.” “I wish we could just talk.” We hear these things all the time from families. It’s easy to get into a cycle of communicating badly with each other, but it doesn’t have to be that way! The Word of God gives us a lot of really practical advice about communicating with one another, but it’s hard to know what that looks like in real life. Come learn how to turn that advice into action, change your family culture for the better, improve your other relationships, and laugh a little, too.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 7 through 8, 2024
2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Walking In Freedom
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $39.99
2024 Complete Homeschool Idaho Convention Set
This is the complete conference set for the 2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention. You need not check any other boxes to enjoy all the available recordings made at the Meridian event. Links to the messages will be emailed to you as the sessions become available for download. Personal use only - all rights reserved-
Jun. 7, 2024
Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Dr. Steve in a lively discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!
• Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? • Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? • Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he unwraps seven practical steps to help raise the behavior bar in your home. While most of our sessions highlight the positive training we can bring into our homes, Battling with Behavior addresses the unavoidable behavior issues that trip us up and can derail the best of days.
Jun. 7, 2024
If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character-healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children, we must focus on first things first and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge parents to use every opportunity to teach their children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.
Jun. 7, 2024
Karen has graduated three out of four of her children. They did not all follow the typical post high school path, but have been successful as adults- not necessarily worldly success, but as disciples of Christ. Come hear their unique story of running away from homeschooling in kindergarten, to raising adults that are living for Jesus!
Jun. 7, 2024
Join veteran homeschooler and mother of eight, Megan Scheibner, as she discusses the importance of thoughtfully traveling the road of change and maturity with your children. Discover the significance of traditions in building security, the necessity of relational transitions for building trust, and the power of transparency to break down communication barriers. Homeschooling isn’t just about preparing our children for success. Successfully homeschooling is a ministry training ground for parents and students alike. Come be encouraged as you see how God can use your faithfulness in homeschooling to reach your world for Him.
Jun. 7, 2024
Our social media doesn’t dictate how our homeschool should look. God does. Learn to take your eyes off internet ideals and onto what God says. Let His Word saturate your mind rather than getting caught up in the false expectations of social media. Find freedom for your family to walk this journey with God leading you!
Jun. 7, 2024
Recognizing that a healthy marriage is the basis of a healthy home, this Marriage session is a fun and fruitful way to invest in your marriage relationship. Steve and Megan teach from their book The Eight Rules of Communication for Successful Marriages and finish the session with a fun-loving look at marriage and F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P Practical advice in a guilt-free environment makes the teaching real and applicable to all those in attendance.
Jun. 8, 2024
Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? In this session, Dr. Steve shares the important phases teens need to learn to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree."
Jun. 8, 2024
Wait what? That’s right. This journey is about so much more than school. We are raising up our children to be capable human beings in a world that is often chaotic and confusing. Don’t get so caught up in school that you aren’t living life and training for life!
Although it’s easy to get caught up in our role as “MOM,” the greatest gift we can give our families is to show them how much we love fulfilling our primary role as “WIFE.” The Wise Wife session is jam-packed with practical ways to focus on becoming a wife who brings glory to God, delights the heart of her husband, and models a Christian marriage for her children. Being a godly wife is serious business, but you’ll get plenty of time to laugh as Megan shares some “What the Heck!” differences between men and women. Come be challenged and refreshed in your most important role!
Jun. 8, 2024
Second-mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. This session will teach men how to Earn the Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude. Powerful teaching that produces proactive fruit in our homes.
Ever feel like homeschooling is for those ‘blessed enough’ to afford it? Ever feel like you don’t have the financial resources to give your kids all the opportunities everyone else is giving their kids? Ever feel like if you just had a little more, your homeschool would be so much better? Come and learn tips and tricks to homeschool affordably and be reminded of the heart behind the Great Provider that has called us to this gig in the first place!
Jun. 8, 2024
Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our children to play dates! With only a few short years to impart critical spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an eternal opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. The Disciple-Making Mom session will give mothers the tools they need to disciple their children in the most critical areas of prayer, service, Bible study, scripture memorization, and genuine fellowship. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side!
As Christians we face a spiritual battle every day of our lives. And homeschooling is no different. Expect battles. Be equipped for them. And know that as you fight them, you are becoming stronger in the Lord each day.
Jun. 8, 2024
Can your students read between the lines? Decode advertisements? Interpret political cartoons? Make judgments about logic? Discern between inevitable biases and compromising agendas? Take counterarguments seriously? Pinpoint ideology? Contextualize events in history? Tease out nuance? Define subtlety? Take apart rhetoric? Account for psychology? Distinguish between intuition and reason? Assess the impact of the medium? Discuss images vs. text vs. video? Read laterally? Research reliably? Uncover original sources? Identify circumstantial evidence? Tolerate boredom? Frame and characterize charitably? Distinguish between facts, opinions, and value judgments? Distinguish between readily-available sources, well-financed sources, aesthetically-pleasing sources, and good sources? Breakdown satire? Unpack persuasiveness? Co-exist with misinformation, disinformation, and fake news? Literacy with today’s media requires a world of insights from history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and media studies. Come learn how to structure a course that targets all layers of a student’s needs in today’s information and media environment.
Jun. 8, 2024
As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Although initially scheduled to be the First Officer on Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on September 11, 2001, Steve was bumped from that flight the night before through an extraordinary set of circumstances. In this session, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Discover why God gave Steve a second chance, and how He now uses Steve to teach parents around the world to parent with purpose and urgency, as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents the tools they need and the necessary hope, to build a Christ-centered and character-driven home environment. We’ll never be better as homeschoolers than we are as parents! The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in their all-important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Join Steve as he unwraps the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more.
Thursday - Saturday
May. 9 through 11, 2024
INCH 2024 Building the Future
Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool NetworkSet Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set- Attendees ONLY
Set Price: $89.00
INCH 2024 Full Conference Set
This set of recordings from INCH 2024, was recorded in Lansing, Michigan on May 9-11, 2024. It includes 62 sessions, which is everything presented at the conference except the sessions by Brant Hansen, which have been removed at the speaker's request.
May. 10, 2024
Home education is a full time job in itself; add on top of that the normal tasks of tending a home and little hearts, and where have the hours gone?! Making space for spiritual growth is hard, but essential. Our kids need parents grounded in the Word of God, but we need the time to get there! This session teaches you how to create time for the Word in the margins, pray consistently and creatively, and model an ever-deepening faith in the busiest of seasons.
If you are struggling with postpartum depression or know someone who is, this is for you! Shanda personally experienced postpartum depression with three out of four of her pregnancies, and she shares practical insight and HOPE for those who are also walking this road. Her husband James will join her and offer a man's perspective on supporting and loving your spouse through the sometimes hard season following the birth of a baby. You will leave feeling encouraged and have a better understanding of what postpartum depression is, as well as how to move forward helping yourself or someone you love.
May. 10, 2024
The most important thing we can do as we raise our kids is strive to win and keep their hearts! When we have their hearts, we are able to influence them and their values. That is one of the main reasons many parents feel led to home school their children - so THEY can be the ones influencing their children's values. When we fail to win their hearts, or that heart connection becomes weak, our kids will often begin to look to their friends for relationship, and no longer be open to our teaching. Kathie will share some things to avoid that often lead to losing their hearts, and then give 6 key things to help you win & keep their hearts.
May. 10, 2024
Discover insider tips on the most important tactics to homeschool your children successfully as a single parent. Learn how to quiet the skeptics and thrive with the unique opportunities homeschooling presents. Sarah, a ten-year homeschooling mother (who homeschooled as a single mother) will show you practical applications of prioritizing, simplifying and collaborating. You too can step away from fear and step into the boldness and authority Christ gives to homeschool your children.
May. 11, 2024
In this session we delve into the concerns about losing ourselves when we dive into the homeschool life. We cover the misconceptions about the personal drawbacks homeschooling would appear to have in regards to our own personal growth and well-being. Learn how you can be a homeschool mom and thrive beyond your imagination, all at the same time!
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2024
Nebraska 2024 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
NCHEA 2024 C&CF Full Recording Set
2024 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference and Curriculum Fair, full set of recordings, Fri-Sat.
Mar. 8, 2024
Join veteran homeschooler and mother of eight, Megan Scheibner, as she discusses the importance of thoughtfully traveling the road of change and maturity with your children. Discover the significance of traditions in building security, the necessity of relational transitions for building trust, and the power of transparency to break down communication barriers. Homeschooling isn’t just about preparing our children for success. Successfully homeschooling is a ministry training ground for parents and students alike. Come be encouraged as you see how God can use your faithfulness in homeschooling to reach your world for Him.
Mar. 8, 2024
If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character-healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children, we must focus on first things first and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge parents to use every opportunity to teach their children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.
Mar. 9, 2024
Women thrive on relationships! But are our relationships glorifying God or do they draw our hearts away from faithful obedience to the Lord and His Word? In this session, Megan will encourage women to use their relationships to encourage, edify, and exhort one another. As sisters in Christ and homeschooling mothers, we have the unique opportunity to build up and strengthen one another. Every homeschooling mom will benefit from giving and receiving encouragement from other women. This session will challenge women to examine their friendships and to structure Christ-centered, God-honoring, and faith-deepening relationships.
Mar. 9, 2024
Are the “Terrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop, Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with eight toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. Find out how to use “self-control practice” to help your toddler become an integral part of the family team. Intensely practical, this session will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!
Mar. 9, 2024
Participants will be better prepared to implement effective reading instruction for their child who struggles with reading by gaining a deeper understanding of the five components of literacy instruction -- phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. They will learn how to use available screeners to accurately place children in a reading intervention, using phonics and word-reading screeners, spelling screeners, and phonemic awareness screeners.
Mar. 9, 2024
Homeschooling days are busy and it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of our daily activities! However, when we allow the busyness of our days to distract us, we run the risk of simply raising well-educated children; not spiritually focused young adults. Join Megan to discover practical ways to make sure that your homeschool days are building fruit for eternity, as she shares truths about the Trasher, the Stasher, and the Catcher!
Feb. 24 2024
2024 Homeschool Idaho North Conference: Called to Engage
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $19.00
All recordings for the 2024 North Idaho Convention
You do not need to check any other boxes if you purchase this set. All available recordings from the North Idaho, 2024 event will be available in your account. Individual links will be emailed to you as the session recordings become available.
Feb. 24, 2024
A discussion of the Herculean task of home education. It’s no overstatement to compare homeschooling moms with the mythological figure, Hercules, who performed impossible labors by brute strength, courage, and wit. The burden of homeschooling can, in fact, prove daunting. The question is: what is it that makes homeschooling so overwhelming? With the assumption that ideas have practical consequences, Missy discusses the problem of overwhelm that results from a flawed definition of education
Feb. 24, 2024
Everybody knows homeschooling gives mom a second chance at her own education, but what does that mean? Here’s what Missy has learned.
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024
2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $120.00
ND 2024 Complete Conference Set
When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.
Feb. 16, 2024
Have you ever had one of those days when it seems your children are constantly misbehaving, yet they really don’t seem to be rebellious? How do we discern the difference between irritating childish behavior and real disobedience? Here’s a sane, practical and proven method (Marilyn has 14 kids!) to turn irritations into solutions!
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2023
2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Legacy: Rooted, Abounding, Enduring
Presented by: Homeschool IdahoSet Price: $49.95
2023 Idaho Complete Convention Recordings Set
When you buy this set you do not need to check off any individual recordings. All available recordings from the 2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention will be in your account. You can download them and listen to them at your convenience (for personal use only)- they stay in your account for at least 3 years.
You know what they are because you get them too: Questions from within our own hearts, often leading to doubt and fear, and questions from others, thinking they know what is best for our family. Aby shines truth on the common questions that creep into our hearts and threaten to derail our homeschool, as well as build solid answers to common questions homeschoolers get from outsiders.
Friday & Saturday
May. 12 through 13, 2023
PA-2023 Teach me Your Way, O Lord
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2023 CHAP Convention Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2023 Convention in York, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
May. 13, 2023
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 28 through 29, 2023
WA 2023 Spring -Let Us Press On
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $59.00
Let Us Press On: Complete Conference Set
This is the complete set of recorded sessions from the 2023 Christian Heritage Family Discipleship Conference held in Kent Washington.
Apr. 28, 2023
Having a daughter is a special gift from God. As mothers, we delight in them and take joy in our time together, but we get caught up in to-do lists and homeschooling demands, and forget to cherish one another. Join Zan as she shares ways to celebrate the mother-daughter bond and keep this relationship rich and vibrant. For moms and their daughters ages 12+. There is no extra cost for this special workshop.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 10 through 11, 2022
PA-2022 Do Not Be Afraid, I Will Help You
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2022 CHAP Convention Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2022 Convention from York, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings, - this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years- no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Jun. 10, 2022
Are you having trouble finding the time and energy to meet the needs of your husband after a hard day of homeschooling? Maybe you've forgotten what his needs are. Would you like your husband to take a more active role in homeschooling? Maybe your husband refuses to be involved in training your children. Join me as we look at your role, not as a homeschooling mom, but as a homeschooling WIFE. Your husband will thank you for coming! The discussion will be led by a real husband of a homeschooling mom.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2022
Nebraska 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
Complete set of recordings for the 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair, held at Indian Hills Church, March 11 & 12 2022.
Mar. 11, 2022
As the mother of seven children, LaNissir emphasizes the foundational importance of answering the call to mother many children while nurturing each individual child’s relationship with God. She discusses how to parent with godly communication and provides organizational tips to find harmony in this fast-paced world. She also shares special encouragement to help you train up your child all the way from the toddler through the teenage years.
Mar. 11, 2022
So, I don’t want to offend, but parents, we are seeing entirely too many families where the children seem to be leading the family instead of mom and dad leading the family. Do you have children that tell you, “No?” Do you have children that you spend hours trying to convince them to do something you’ve asked? Do you find yourself giving in to your child’s request even though deep down, you don’t really want to? Don’t beat yourself up. We’ve all been guilty of this at one time or another, however it’s time to stop. We’re not helping our children when this behavior is common in our home, instead we’re actually hurting them. Come and listen to motivational speaker, Monica Irvine, as she helps unravel this tendency and give great insight on how we can regain our parental authority. It truly can change the direction of your child’s life. Don’t miss this!
Mar. 11, 2022
What is the true definition of socialization? Who should be socializing our children? Will your children be looked at as “different” or criticized for being unsocialized? Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine will answer these questions and reveal the negative socialization in the present education culture, as well as the points of positive socialization that homeschooling affords when you keep your children Home Where They Belong.
Mar. 11, 2022
I know you have felt the pain of regret when you have had a moment of failure when discipling your children. I know many of you are fighting against habits you learned from your parents that you swore you would never do. I know you want to parent with love, honor and respect, but sometimes you don’t. Parents, did you know that it is God’s perfect plan that his imperfect children raise his imperfect children? He knew you and I would not be perfect parents. He knew we would get it wrong on some days. However, still, he knew that the best people to raise your children was YOU! It is! It’s you. Listen to Master Motivator, Monica Irvine, share some invaluable insights in parenting with greater understanding and greater self control. Mrs. Irvine will help you to understand the difference in discipling to stop or start behavior and disciplining to change our children’s hearts. It makes all the difference. If you want a loving happy health relationship with your adult children, you must start today creating that relationship. Don’t miss this!
Mar. 12, 2022
“I won’t do it!” my child screamed after being asked to sit down and start the day’s math assignment. “You will too!” I resolutely stated back. “I will not!” And thereupon ensued an all-out fight of wills. The strong-willed mother determined to win over the strong-willed child. This workshop is designed to give you helpful tips in dealing with a strong-willed child, how to nurture as well as homeschool this child, how to stay sane in the midst of anguish, and to give you hope for the future.
Mar. 12, 2022
Mothers have every good intention of discipling their children in the ways of the Lord, but a lack of knowledge of how to go about it and the day-to-day necessities of keeping a home and getting lessons done often get in the way of following through on those good intentions. Using the analogy of a home from Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house…,” Amy will walk you room by room through the home looking at scriptural examples to empower mothers to build a spiritual home of discipleship for their children while gaining practical tips for managing each room in their physical homes—all without losing their minds. Come away from this workshop with a plan to implement both in the discipleship of your children and keeping of your home.
Mar. 12, 2022
Years ago, a homeschool mom came up to me with a pen in hand and a notebook in the other and said, “I believe that the relationship with my children matters more than anything else…so can you tell me what “relationship” is? I didn’t have a great answer at the time…but I do now. Join me as we look at TWO homeschooling moms. One spends her days doing what matters and one spends her days on what does not last. My desire is to help you and me do what matters.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 19 through 20, 2021
WA - 2021 Spring Conference
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $49.00
WA - 2021 Spring Conference
More Than Conquerors - Pursuing Christ Amid New Challenges (Please note: Dr. McLeod's and Bill Jack's sessions are not included in the set)
Mar. 19, 2021
This session is from Kickstart: Launch Your Life, courtesy of Daniel Craig. Read the following description of the Kickstart program! “What am I going to do with Johnny?” When 36% of college graduates show no cognitive gains after four years of study, and only 51% can find full-time employment after exiting a higher education system with an average price-tag of $72K (public) to $140K (private), it’s impossible to deny that the college paradigm has failed us. How then are we to prepare our young people for their God-given calling so that they’re able to successfully engage the marketplace in a difficult economy? Though man’s education systems are declining, God’s program of relationship-based, character-focused, and life-integrated education has never been more effective. Mentorship prepared 12 men who change the world 2,000 years ago, and it’s still the most powerful method for launching young men and young women into life today. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the release of Kickstart–your student’s step-by-step guide to launching their life with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application. Designed for young men and women, ages 15+, this breakthrough self-study program. This program is also great as a study with parents. This session focuses on the following: - What Is Wrong with Us? - Vision: Where It Comes From - Vision – What It’s Not - The Kingdom of God - Seeking God vs. Seeking You - Vision: What Is Yours?
Mar. 19, 2021
This session is courtesy of the Christian Heritage Start-to-Finish Parent Qualifying Course. Are you ever frazzled, frenzied, and frustrated because you can’t get it all in? A hint: We can’t! But we can significantly reduce the pressure by making choices based on God’s priorities. So, come and learn practical ways to design a workable, flexible, Bible-based schedule by evaluating, from God’s perspective, the myriad of viable “good” activities in order to choose what is very “BEST” for YOUR FAMILY. And discover that using His principles can bring joy and peace to your home-based discipleship adventure.
Mar. 20, 2021
This session is from Kickstart: Launch Your Life, courtesy of Daniel Craig. Read the following description of the Kickstart program! “What am I going to do with Johnny?” When 36% of college graduates show no cognitive gains after four years of study, and only 51% can find full-time employment after exiting a higher education system with an average price-tag of $72K (public) to $140K (private), it’s impossible to deny that the college paradigm has failed us. How then are we to prepare our young people for their God-given calling so that they’re able to successfully engage the marketplace in a difficult economy? Though man’s education systems are declining, God’s program of relationship-based, character-focused, and life-integrated education has never been more effective. Mentorship prepared 12 men who change the world 2,000 years ago, and it’s still the most powerful method for launching young men and young women into life today. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the release of Kickstart–your student’s step-by-step guide to launching their life with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application. Designed for young men and women, ages 15+, this breakthrough self-study program. This program is also great as a study with parents. This session focuses on the following: - Ordered Steps – Psalm 37.23 - Four Keys to Getting Started - Action Steps
Mar. 20, 2021
Politicians and bureaucrats across the country are getting ready right now to push a new vaccine on children, even when parents object. This could result in a tidal wave of attacks upon many homeschoolers across the country. As an experienced parental rights attorney, Heritage Defense attorney Bradley Pierce will discuss what parental rights challenges lay ahead and the three things every family should be doing right now to prepare for them.
Mar. 20, 2021
All too often children spend years and hundreds of hours taking music lessons and practicing only to relegate music to something they did when they were younger. The music ends when the lessons and recitals end. What a shame! Music is not something we simply add to our regiment of schooling. The Bible tells us again and again to have music be part of our lifestyle forever. Not just when we have time to practice and perform but when we are about our day serving our Creator. But how do we equip our children to do this?
Mar. 20, 2021
- Discerning what your kids will remember most from your parenting - Practical tips to build strong relationships with your children - Building a family team that stays together and enjoys one another - Four factors for strong family relationships
Mar. 20, 2021
This session is from Kickstart: Launch Your Life, courtesy of Daniel Craig. Read the following description of the Kickstart program! “What am I going to do with Johnny?” When 36% of college graduates show no cognitive gains after four years of study, and only 51% can find full-time employment after exiting a higher education system with an average price-tag of $72K (public) to $140K (private), it’s impossible to deny that the college paradigm has failed us. How then are we to prepare our young people for their God-given calling so that they’re able to successfully engage the marketplace in a difficult economy? Though man’s education systems are declining, God’s program of relationship-based, character-focused, and life-integrated education has never been more effective. Mentorship prepared 12 men who change the world 2,000 years ago, and it’s still the most powerful method for launching young men and young women into life today. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the release of Kickstart–your student’s step-by-step guide to launching their life with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application. Designed for young men and women, ages 15+, this breakthrough self-study program. This program is also great as a study with parents. This session focuses on the following: - Common Misconceptions - Getting Started with the Basics - What Should I Do? - Take One More Step!
Friday & Saturday
Feb. 19 through 20, 2021
2021 North Dakota Home School Convention
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $49.99
Complete 2021 ND Convention Recording set
This set will allow you to listen to any or all of the recordings made at the North Dakota Home School Association 2021 convention. The audio messages from this purchase will be in your account and can be downloaded when and if you like for years to come. (For personal use only.)
Feb. 19, 2021
“Mom, Johnny’s drinking from the dog dish again!” Homeschooling with little ones under foot can feel a bit like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos...a bit counter-intuitive.But, the fact is, the foundation of homeschool is HOME and everyone in it...even the toddler who’s currently feeding Cheerios to the goldfish. Discover how you can engage your little ones CONstructively during the harried homeschool day.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020
2020 NCHEA Conference & Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $35.00
2020 Complete NCHEA Conference Recording Set
By purchasing this set you have the ability to listen to any or all of the recorded sessions made at the 2020 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference. (For your personal use only) If a session was damaged or lost due to technical difficulties it will not be included in the set.
Mar. 6, 2020
This encouraging workshop offers ideas for how to make homeschooling fit with your family’s unique situation and needs as well as your teaching style and your children’s learning styles. Faith offers suggestions for scheduling, time management, organization, and teaching children of different ages simultaneously.
Mar. 6, 2020
There are approximately 70 behaviors readers encounter when they struggle and there are hundreds of researched-strategies that parents and teachers can implement! BUT how to pinpoint where the reader struggles can be a struggle in and of itself, not to mention which strategy to try! The good news is that certain strategies are linked to certain behaviors and it is possible to assess, create a personalized plan, and improve reading as a result. You will receive a brief introduction to the most common reading problems students encounter and a handful of tools to help them overcome the struggle.
Mar. 6, 2020
Come get ideas for healthy, nutritious meals for the busy homeschool mother.You will get new recipes, meal planning ideas and also learn how to incorporate sour dough in your daily routine. Take home recipes and your own sour dough starter.
Mar. 7, 2020
Yes, we want our children to have good habits, but many of us parents struggle with habits in our own lives. Take a look at four powerful pictures that give insight into how habits are formed and what to do about your bad habits. Learn the three most important words to keep in mind when habit-training. Discover how to instill your own good habits that will serve you well and help your days run smoothly.
Mar. 7, 2020
When Sonya realized how Charlotte Mason defined strong-willed vs. weak-willed, it completely changed her attitude toward her children. If you feel like you are constantly butting heads in a battle of the wills, this session could revolutionize how you view your child. Discover helpful ideas that can relieve the tension, refresh your perspective, and restore the peace.
This workshop offers practical resources, lists of materials, and curricula to equip you as you work with a struggling learner in your homeschool. Faith explains multi-sensory teaching methods, direct instruction, modeled teaching, and “scaffolding” instruction. She also shares ideas for designing a unique home instruction program tailored to your child’s specific challenges.
Mar. 7, 2020
Come with your most questionable questions for this distinguished panel of experienced homeschool mothers. The format will be a town hall setting with questions answered in two minutes or less. Line up, let’s go!
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020
2020 North Dakota Home School Convention
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationMar. 6, 2020
What does it take to have a wonderful marriage? Why do marriages grow apart? Jared will discuss how to get rid of lie-based thinking and bitterness, have courageous conversations, and how to truly be one. He’ll also discuss the impact this transformation will have on your family as a whole. Couples, singles, sons and daughters are all welcome to attend.