Recordings Listing


San Antonio, TX
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 8 through 10, 2017

2017 FEAST -On the Right Path

Presented by: Family Education Alliance of South Texas


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017

PA-2017 With Grace to Complete the Race

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2017-104
Jun. 2, 2017

When you are trying to inspire and motivate children, there are two forces that are often exerted: Positive and Negative Reinforcement. In this session, Israel explains the importance of affirmation as a way to inspire and motivate your reluctant child. Drawing from practical and Biblical examples, this session will help you to keep those important relational connections as you are attempting to impart knowledge.

ID: 2017-105
Jun. 2, 2017

“I Quit,” you’ve decided. You can’t quite discern whether God wants you to homeschool or not. Maybe you’re burned out, fed up, feeling inadequate, or just plain tired of it all. But, whatever the reason for quitting, deep in your heart, you’re still wondering, “Maybe I should stick with it.” In this workshop Susan Kemmerer, a homeschool mom of 25+ years, looks at numerous reasons why moms quit homeschooling, as well as some solutions to those things that rob you of your joy and motivation to homeschool. If you’re looking for reasons to continue when you’ve got nothing left to give, then this workshop is for you.

Everyone struggles with anger on some level, but when anger is a frequent occurrence with your children, over time, it will damage your relationships and hinder your effectiveness. Are you tired of being stressed out, and ready to have a peaceful atmosphere in your home? Learn how in this important workshop.

ID: 2017-111
Jun. 3, 2017

Sarah and Grace Mally, two homeschool graduates, together with their father, will discuss the importance of being a Christ-centered family in an ungodly world. How can parents pass on a Biblical foundation? How can young people be prepared, not just for college or a career, but for the mighty works the Lord has called them to do? How can they avoid rebellion and shipwreck? How can they find purpose and gain zeal? When a family has an eternal mindset and takes initiative in ministry, the young people are given motivation and vision, the family learns to overcome struggles and work in harmony, and mighty works are accomplished for God’s kingdom. This workshop will give practical ideas, direction and encouragement to help children and young people become mighty warriors for Christ.

ID: 2017-112
Jun. 3, 2017

Whether you are a parent seeking to motivate your reluctant learner, or you desire to break through your own limitations, you will make more progress if you learn to listen better and ask the right questions (the right way!). Learn how you can help yourself (and others) recognize hidden assumptions, and overcome obstacles, through learning the art of asking questions.

Many girls try to change their wrong actions, but never learn to discern the wrong thinking behind the actions. As girls replace lies with the truth, they will see how God’s Word will transform each area of their lives as the truth sets them free! In this session Sarah will include many stories, illustrations and practical tips for both mothers and daughters as she discusses topics such as a girls’ emotions, purity, an understanding of who God is, and a proper view of who we are in light of the truths from Scripture. With all the twisted thinking around us, it is absolutely necessary for our young people to be well grounded in the truth of God’s Word. Sarah will challenge parents to help their daughters identify lies which are root issues behind struggles they face. When a young lady learns to “speak truth” TO herself, she is planting her feet upon an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy.

ID: 2017-115
Jun. 3, 2017

Sarah and Grace Mally will share from their perspective as daughters about how parents can win their daughters’ hearts. Sarah and Grace are very thankful for the emphasis their parents put on discipleship during their homeschool years and, in this workshop, they will share some of the specific choices their parents made that they are especially grateful for. Sarah and Grace will also share practical ways to encourage young ladies to be strong for the Lord in their youth, avoid rebellion during the teen years, have direction for their life and ministry, and maintain strong relationships with parents.

When Dad teaches, that’s the “ultimate education!” Children respond most to what they learn from Dad. He is the most influential authority in their life. He is the pacesetter, protector, and provider of the family. What is the most important thing for a Dad to teach? How can a busy Dad find the time? This session will encourage fathers by giving them added vision and useful tools. It will address the essentials that fathers need to teach and will provide practical help, encouragement, and ideas. This session, taught by Harold Mally, is for fathers only.

Whether you are new to homeschooling, or a veteran of many years, the methods of Miss Charlotte Mason are worth checking into! In this seminar, Sue Pruett will introduce you to the gentle, natural, successful methods developed over a century ago by a woman dedicated to seeing that every child receive an excellent education. Sue will hit the highlights of a CM education in this introductory session.

ID: 2017-308
Jun. 2, 2017

Do you need to earn some extra money to meet your family’s needs? Do you dream of bringing Dad home? Larry Pruett was able to come home in 2013. He and Sue will discuss the joys and challenges of running a family-based business.

Firmly rooted in the belief that God gives instruction in Scripture on child training and the Holy Spirit empowers parents by His grace to carry out the instructions, you will hear a Biblical perspective on parenting. After raising 5 boys to men and investing 26 consecutive years into homeschooling you’ll learn 2 keys for successful parenting and 4 basic principles with 17 practical applications.

Isn’t the reason we homeschool to disciple our children? Unfortunately, we can become so busy educating them that we forget to disciple them. In our time together, we will think about: why young people walk away from the faith, why they stay, and what we as parents should focus on. Come learn how to keep the main thing the main thing.

ID: 2017-406
Jun. 2, 2017

Family Devotions can become the Holy Grail of Christian family life. Have family devotions consistently and you are a “good example.” Admit that you fail… and well let’s just say you are a second class Christian family. While family devotions is not the magic bullet of discipleship, there is something beautiful about Dad, Mom, and children opening the Word of God together. In our time together, you will learn what to aim for in family devotions, the rewards, and strategies for conducting “No Tears Family Devotions.”

Do you have questions about your child’s health and development? One of the lines of defense in the health of your child is the pediatrician. She or he generally serves as a gatekeeper to more advanced care, making referrals to medical and therapeutic specialists as needed. Navigating the waters and advocating for your child through the healthcare system can be a daunting task. Learn how to navigate these waters and effectively advocate for your children. Ask the questions that you have been too afraid to ask.

ID: 2017-411
Jun. 3, 2017

How is your homeschool year going? Are you feeling overwhelmed right now, lacking strength and faith to continue? Perhaps you are just fed up with the constant battle, tired of being so tired. Would it surprise you to discover that these are normal thoughts and feelings for many (or even most) homeschool moms? There are answers – though you won’t find your answers in that new curriculum or in that clever chore chart. God has a much greater plan in store for you. Whether you’ve experienced a season of blessing as you homeschooled or you feel mired in self-doubt, this workshop will encourage your soul.

ID: 2017-412
Jun. 3, 2017

Come and laugh with author, speaker, and homeschool mom Linda Crosby as she takes us on an entertaining journey through her many years of homeschooling. You will be refreshed, rejuvenated, and revived. With four children, four different learning styles, a late reader, an international adoption (read: English as a second language!), and a child with special needs, Linda gives hope to a variety of homeschooling parents. You will be encouraged to enjoy each day with your children, to never lose sight of why you do what you do, and most importantly to never forget that it is God who fills in the gaps.

Okay, we’ve all heard that boys are from Mars. If you’ve ever tried to homeschool one of these little ‘aliens’ (who measure success by the loudness of their armpit farts), you’ll surely believe it. Once they hit the teen years, their alien-ness can seem to rob them of what little humanness they had (at least that’s the way it looks from our female point of view). How, oh, how do you begin to teach these miniature men that are so different from yourself? Susan, homeschool mother of seven boys (six already graduated and all seven following hard after God), will humorously share with you the joy and fun of teaching boys, and gently lead you to love and admire your sons, and to enjoy the journey in this laughter-and-wisdom-filled workshop.

ID: 2017-415
Jun. 3, 2017

Faster than a speeding toddler. More perceptive than a loco teenager. Able to fold tall towers of laundry in a single hour. It’s a maid. It’s a teacher. It’s Supermom! Unfortunately, Supermom I am not. There are just not enough hours in my day or energy in this old body. So, how do we homeschool moms do it all? How is everyone else so successful when I’m such a failure? Is it possible to succeed in keeping up with the housework and the homeschool? Or do I just hope nobody phones in a tip to the Environmental Protection Agency that my home is a hazardous waste site? A homeschool mother of nine shares with you the tools she uses to cope with the pressures of doing it all.

Sports can be an excellent tool to help train your child. Through healthy competition, one can foster key character traits in the development of a child. Dr. Lainna Callentine, a pediatrician, and her husband, D.R. Callentine — both former Division I Big Ten Scholarship athletes — will share the impact sports has made on their lives and the lives of their children. They will discuss sports competition, encouraging your children, recreation vs. competitive play, and college recruiting. Come to this interactive session and hear about the good, the bad, and the ugly of sports.

ID: 2017-513
Jun. 3, 2017

From toddlers to teens, kids today are growing up with technology. In many ways, technology is great. The Internet brings many opportunities for education, entertainment, and communication; however, many dangers exist online—dangers your kids need to be prepared to handle. Learn how to talk to your kids about sexualized media and pornography, and discover proven methods for raising discerning, media-literate kids.


Northwest Nazarene University
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017

2017 CHOIS Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 2017-ALL
Original Price: $220.50
Set Price: $80.00

The Complete Set of 2017 Recordings

This contains all recordings from the 2017 CHOIS Convention.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2017-0001Keynote - Be Strong and Courageous by: Mike Smith2017-0002Keynote - Priorities: Things I Wish I'd Done Differently by: Jessica Hulcy2017-0003Keynote - Bearing Witness by: Barry Peters2017-0004Keynote - Homeschooling: Why Stay the Course? by: Jessica Hulcy2017-1101Balancing Responsibilities for the Busy Homeschool Family by: Mike Smith2017-1102Jessica's Gems for Beginners by: Jessica Hulcy2017-1103Nurturing Brave Writers by: Julie Bogart2017-1104Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning by: Pamela Gates2017-1105Parenting Heart to Heart by: Elizabeth Smith2017-1106Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…oh my! by: Linda Patchin2017-1301The Power of Praise with our Children by: Mike Smith2017-1302Teaching the Child Rather than the Curriculum by: Jessica Hulcy2017-1303Partnership Writing: Becoming your Child's Effective Coach by: Julie Bogart2017-1304Teaching the Right Brain Child by: Pamela Gates2017-1305Getting them Ready to Learn and to Love it by: Elizabeth Smith2017-1306Battle for the Next Generation by: Mike Riddle2017-1401How do we Measure Success in Homeschooling? by: Mike Smith2017-1402Discovery Learning Fosters Critical Thinking by: Jessica Hulcy2017-1403Help for High School Writing by: Julie Bogart2017-1404Smart Kids who Hate to Write by: Pamela Gates2017-1405Preschool from the Ground Up by: Copper Webb2017-1406Educating for Success by: Mike Riddle2017-2101The Angry Child: What Ticks Johnny Off? by: Mike Smith2017-2103The Enchanted Education by: Julie Bogart2017-2104Training the Photographic Memory by: Pamela Gates2017-2105Balancing Home, Marriage, and Homeschooling by: Elizabeth Smith2017-2106When Bible History and World History Meet Face to Face by: Linda Hobar2017-2301What can Dads Do to Make Mom Successful in Homeschooling? by: Mike Smith2017-2302Teaching Everyone Together to Build Family and Stay Sane by: Jessica Hulcy2017-2303Creating a Language-Rich Lifestyle by: Julie Bogart2017-2304Dyslexia and other Reading Problems by: Pamela Gates2017-2305Teaching your Kids the Christian Worldview by: Jeralynne Bobinski2017-2306How One Person Can Make a Difference by: Elizabeth Smith2017-2401Homeschooling & Parental Rights: Freedom under Fire by: Mike Smith2017-2402Training the Will of a Child: How to Bend the Tree without Breaking the Branch by: Elizabeth Smith2017-2403Updating Charlotte Mason to the 21st Century by: Julie Bogart2017-2404The Biology of Behavior by: Pamela Gates2017-2405Mary and Martha Decide to Homeschool by: Linda Hobar2017-2406Your Job as a Support Group Leader by: Jessica Hulcy2017-T11Unleashing the Power of World History by: Linda Hobar2017-T12A Crash Course from Creation to Christ by: Linda Hobar2017-T13Conquering the Middle Ages by: Linda Hobar2017-T14Mastering the Renaissance and Reformation by: Linda Hobar2017-T15Modern History that Shook the World by: Linda Hobar2017-T21Four Things to Know About Dinosaurs by: Mike Riddle2017-T22Critical Thinking Skills by: Mike Riddle2017-T23The Bible and Time by: Mike Riddle2017-T24Two Power Questions by: Mike Riddle2017-T25Our history and our freedom by: Mike Riddle This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Jessica Hulcy, speaks frankly and transparently about her journey of homeschooling and life with marvelous triumphs and glorious victories and agonizing priority losses that netted damaging consequences. This is a testimony of God’s amazing love and care for each of HIS chosen believers to not lose sight of what The God of the Universe requires of each of us.


Lansing Michigan
Thursday - Saturday
May. 18 through 20, 2017

2017 Michigan Homeschool Conference

Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool Network
Recording ID: 17-FULLSET
Original Price: $517.50
Set Price: $125.00

Full 2017 Conference Set

Take the entire 2017 Michigan Homeschool Conference home with you. For one price you can listen to any or all of the recorded 2017 Michigan conference sessions (for personal use only). The URL will be in your Alliance Recording account. Subject to availability. Recordings lost due to technical difficulties will not be included.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-100Why the 20's Generation Will Change the Church & Culture by: Ken Ham17-101Education: Does God Have An Opinion? by: Israel Wayne17-102Shining Armor: Your Son's Battle for Purity  by: Hal Young, Melanie Young17-103-Family Time- Ideas for Busy Dads by: Rick Boyer17-104Developing a Plan for High School by: Carol Becker17-105My Kids Hate School by: Marilyn Boyer17-106 A Year of Playing Skillfully – Getting Organized by: Lesli Richards17-107Language Arts, the Charlotte Mason Way by: Sandi Queen17-10810 Things Every Homeschooler Should Remember by: Kathie Morrissey17-109Homeschooling Legally in Michigan   by: Dave Kallman17-110How to Develop an Educational Plan for Your Student with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, ADHD, and Other Special Needs by: Beth Mora17-111Caregiving and Homeschooling Without Losing your Mind by: Danielle Olander17-112Experience Astronomy: Fun, Easy Activities to Do at Home by: Luke Gilkerson17-121 Defending the Christian Faith in Today's World by: Ken Ham17-122The Power of Purposeful Communication by: Rick Green17-123Raising Kids Who Don't Need Adulting Classes by: Mike Winter17-124High School Transcript Clinic: How tos by: Carol Becker17-125Laughing in the Midst of Mothering by: Linda Crosby17-126Preschool Science – Encouraging a Lifetime of Orderly Thinking  by: Lesli Richards17-127The Charlotte Mason Approach by: Sandi Queen17-128 Prayer: A Parent's Most Powerful Tool by: Kathie Morrissey17-130Keeping Your "SmartCookie" Challenged by: Beth Mora17-131Hit the Reset Button! Success for Single Parent by: Dena Roberts17-132Science Unsnarled by: Ruth Tennis17-142 The Joys (and heartbreaks) of Adoption by: Kathy Lee17-143 Prime Numbers – The Gateway to Algebra and Beyond! by: exhibitor17-144 Spelling You See – Radically Different Spelling Success by: Gretchen Roe17-147Improve Student Learning by: exhibitor17-148Teaching Science at Home by: exhibitor17-151Restoring America's Constitution by: Rick Green17-152Ballistic Homeschooling by: Melanie Young, Hal Young17-153Discipling Your Family in an Apostate World by: Mike Winter17-154Addressing Conflict by: Ben Vanderkodde17-155Need a Part Time Job as a home economist? by: Beth Mora17-156The Role of Beauty in Homeschooling by: Lesli Richards17-157Unit Studies: Teaching Multiple Ages by: Linda Crosby17-158Clutter, Clatter and the Things That Matter by: Rick Boyer17-160When You Have a Child Who Is Not Driven by: Sherri Seligson17-161 How an Idea Becomes a Book by: Gary Bower17-162Not Your Grandma's Bible Quizzing by: Les Johnson17-171Developing a Truly Christian Worldview by: Ken Ham17-172 Parenting the Digital Generation: Timeless Principles by: Luke Gilkerson17-173Is Homeschooling Just for Women? by: Israel Wayne17-174 You Can Homeschool High School…If You Can Make It through Tomorrow! by: Carol Becker17-175Make it Count by: Kathy Lee17-176Delighting in Your Children- The Key to Their Hearts by: Marilyn Boyer17-177 Lapbooking Made Easy by: Linda Crosby17-178 Homeschooling the Fun Way by: Rick Boyer17-180 The Power of Words for Our Children by: Sherri Seligson17-181 5 Factors to Keep Kids in Church as they Leave Home by: Josh Denhart17-182Homeschooling Math Without a Plan? by: Tom Clark17-183Take Back the land by: Rick Boyer17-192Jason Lindsay The Amazing Things Youth Can Do by: Jason Lindsey17-193Essential Oils 101 by: exhibitor17-194Well Planned Day by: exhibitor17-195Learning to Read by: exhibitor17-196Trick Geography: Passport to Fun by: exhibitor17-197Getting Your Kids in the Kitchen by: exhibitor17-198 The ABCs of GOD by: Gary Bower17-199 Experience Excellence in Writing by: exhibitor17-200How to Present the Gospel in Today's Secularized Culture by: Ken Ham17-201 How to Raise Godly Children in an Ungodly World by: Ken Ham17-202Raising Real Men by: Melanie Young, Hal Young17-203What's a Dad To Do? by: Rick Boyer17-204ACT and SAT:  Myths, Methods and More! by: Nate Ohman17-205These Kids are Driving Me Nuts! Turning Irritations Into Victories by: Marilyn Boyer17-206 Turning Your Preschoolers into Life Long Learners by: Kathy Lee17-207Charlotte Mason Education for the 21st Century by: Bridget Eagleson17-20810 Homeschooling Questions To Ask Yourself Daily by: Kathie Morrissey17-210Educational Life Hacks for Students With Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or Dyspraxia by: Beth Mora17-211 The Seven Laws of Teaching at Home by: Tom Clark17-212Why Teaching Science Is a Critical Part of Education by: Sherri Seligson17-221 Raising Leaders with Moral Clarity in a World of Relativism by: Rick Green17-222 Boys Will Be Men by: Rick Boyer17-223 7 Sex Ed Mistakes You Might Be Making by: Luke Gilkerson17-224Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: Carol Becker17-225 Character is the Key by: Marilyn Boyer17-226 Making the Decision to Homeschool  by: Kathy Lee17-227 Identifying Your Child's Learning Style and Teaching to It by: Sandi Queen17-228Are You Raising a Rebel? by: Kathie Morrissey17-230How to Teach Math to Children With Learning Disabilities by: Rachel Anderson17-231The FUNderful World of WORDPLAY by: Gary Bower17-232Amazing Creatures That Defy Evolutionary Theory by: Sherri Seligson17-243Essential Oils 201 by: exhibitor17-244Making Math U Hate into Math U Love by: exhibitor17-245How Sports Enhances Your Kids' Lives by: exhibitor17-246SAT Math – Its Not the Math, its the Question that is Confusing! by: exhibitor17-248Maintaining Health in Motherhood by: exhibitor17-249The Plight of the Foster Child by: exhibitor17-251Media-Proofing Your Kids by: Melanie Young, Hal Young17-252The Power of Affirmation by: Israel Wayne17-253Help for the Homeschool Marriage by: Mike Winter17-254 Preparing Your Teen for Life by: Carol Becker17-255Confessions of a Fake Supermom by: Kathy Lee17-256Gotta Love Those Preschoolers! by: Marilyn Boyer17-257Teaching Civics in a Fun & Purposeful Way by: Rick Green17-25820 Things to Teach Your Children Before They Leave Home by: Rick Boyer17-259History of Homeschooling In Michigan by: Stephen Kallman, Dave Kallman17-260The Science of Learning by: Beth Mora17-261Eating Green: Does it Pay? by: Kristen Derby17-262Reading A-B-C's by: Ruth Tennis17-271Parenting Pre-Teens by: Melanie Young, Hal Young17-272Pitchin' a Fit: Overcoming Stressed-Out Parenting by: Israel Wayne17-273The Talk: From Toddlers to Teenagers by: Luke Gilkerson17-274Record keeping for High School: Simplifying the Process by: Carol Becker17-275The Comparison Trap – Moms Need Each Other by: Sherri Seligson17-276What's In the Box? Using Activity Boxes to Tame Your Toddler! by: Lesli Richards17-277How Does Classical Education Work? by: Dee Dee Leak17-278Hands-On Learning by: Linda Crosby17-280So Smart But He Can't Find His Shoes by: Beth Mora17-281Know the Past to Understand the Future by: Jachim Jordan17-282Homeschooling During Difficult Times by: Sandi Queen17-311Work At Home As A Medical Transcriptionist by: exhibitor17-M008My Beloved and My Friend by: Melanie Young, Hal Young17-M009Romance for the Exhausted by: Melanie Young This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-105
May. 19, 2017

Setting Them Free with Passion-Driven Learning: Scripture tells us to train up a child in the way “he” should go–not the way “they” should go. Every child is a unique creation of God, with his own fascinating blend of talents, interests and yes, weaknesses. To help them fulfill their life calling, we must develop a specific plan for the training of each one. Come and learn how to work “with” the uniqueness of your child. Escape the bondage of expectations and set your child free to pursue his passions and be the whole person God created him to be.

Are you a caregiver for an aging parent?  Are you facing care giving in the future?  Do you ever wonder if those little memory slips are old age or the sign of something worse? Even if you aren't actively caring for someone, most likely you know someone who is, since 34.2 million Americans reported caring for an elderly parent in 2015. Many of us are in the sandwich generation, caring for parents and young children at the same time.  Care giving, especially for those with dementia, takes a special kind of grace and fortitude.  Add in home schooling and young children, and you have the makings of a hairy mess.  Join Danielle Olander, home schooling mother of five, as she shares her family's on-going experiences caring for a parent with Alzheimer's.  Juggling schedules, locating resources, and finding time to recharge, caregivers need support, resources, and sometimes, just someone to listen.  This workshop is designed to bring encouragement to those who are caring for aging parents or for those who want to support those that are caregiving.

ID: 17-125
May. 19, 2017

Linda’s heart is to build up moms and help them find humor and God’s purpose in the most important calling on earth – motherhood. Linda vividly shares her amusing struggles and triumphs as a busy homeschooling mom. Homeschooling can be a lonely time for moms, but it doesn’t need to be! From the baby stage through high school, learn to find the true source of joy and how to choose joy! Following examples from God’s Word, Linda prepares mothers to face their daily tasks with peace and joy in their hearts and homes.

ID: 17-128
May. 19, 2017

The battle for our children’s life should be fought on our knees! Prayer is the most important part of rearing our children. Why? Because God can do what we cannot do. Kathie will share several practical prayer ideas, as well as suggestions for some the things we should pray for regarding our children. Being a praying parent makes a difference, and we need to commit to praying daily for our kids.

Do you feel out of place because all the other homeschooling families seem to be “normal”? You may be widowed, divorced, separated because of military deployment, or just flying solo because of marital discord in your home. Dena is a real, live single mom who traveled most of the home school journey alone through major family upheaval and eventual divorce. Although she often felt like she was going over Niagara Falls without a barrel, she has, in fact, lived to tell about it. Her kids survived, too! They both achieved National Merit Finalist standing and are pursuing their engineering passions. To all of you single parents wondering if you can make the journey – or convinced that you won’t make it to the finish line – take heart! Dena will share her successes and failures and help you develop a game plan for your own family. Come prepared to take a hard look at your own views about single parenting and consider a fresh perspective that may just breathe new life into your homeschool.

In our media-saturated society, how do we both protect our kids while preparing them to be media literate? This talk discusses the intersection of timeless Biblical parenting skills and timely technology guidelines.

ID: 17-178
May. 19, 2017

The teacher called him “addled.” His mother called him Tommy. The school couldn’t do anything with him. His mother made him a genius. What was the secret behind the success of Thomas Edison, America’s greatest inventor? His mother made learning fun. And you can do the same for your kids!

Have you ever had one of those days when it seems your children are constantly misbehaving, yet they really don’t seem to be rebellious? How do we discern the difference between irritating childish behavior and real disobedience? Here’s a sane, practical and proven method (Marilyn has 14 kids!) to turn irritations into solutions!

ID: 17-225
May. 20, 2017

The most important part of an education is the teaching of worthy character. Otherwise, we are only training more competent rebels! Character is the key that opens the door to successful adult living. It is the first thing that wise people examine when evaluating a prospective employee, spouse or friend. That’s why character is the most important subject you will ever teach your children! Marilyn Boyer is mother of 14 homeschooled kids. She'll share how to intentionally teach this most important of all subjects!

ID: 17-255
May. 20, 2017

As a mother of ten, I am often called a supermom. Fact is; I am a fake! I have yelled, forgotten children, and even fed them cereal for dinner. If I am being REAL, even some of my social media posts are FAKE. In this presentation, I talk honestly about my failures as a mother and the beauty of overcoming those failures with love and forgiveness. You will leave encouraged and inspired to take on motherhood with fierce authenticity!

ID: 17-275
May. 20, 2017

The Internet has opened up so many avenues for homeschool moms, giving us access to curricula, educational information and helps, and lots of virtual support. Although this is helpful, whenever we visit a fellow homeschooler online, we often see her at her best: kids working diligently on the couch, elaborate dioramas of epic battles, etc. And we often hear the same thing when we engage with local moms, too. All of this “perfection” can make us feel like we don’t measure up. Comparing hinders us from engaging, so it is crucial for us to get past those paralyzing feelings and begin to support and encourage each other, especially in person. Because the enemy works to divide us, as sisters in Christ, we must come alongside one another for mutual support. It may not take a village to educate your children, but moms need that village of support as the body of Christ.

ID: 17-278
May. 20, 2017

You can read to your kids about Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press and they might remember it. Or the kids can glue macaroni letters backwards onto their own presses and print Bible verses themselves…and they WILL remember it! Hands-on learning is not simply to keep hands busy, it is a valuable tool to teach children various skills, help them retain information, and relate to the subjects and people they are studying. Linda addresses this issue using humor, anecdotes, and wisdom from her 25+ years of teaching. She is a veteran at keeping her children learning through doing and can show you how to be a fun parent and teacher. This seminar is especially for the mom who feels non-creative, unorganized, and ill-equipped to teach her kids! Don’t fret! You will leave with easy ideas to implement at home.

ID: 17-M009
May. 18, 2017

In the flurry of work, homeschooling, church, and extracurricular activities, romance and physical affection can sometimes seem like unattainable dreams. How can you find the energy for romance? Revive your marriage and enjoy your relationship more every year.


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 31 through 1, 2017

2017 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 2017-ALL
Original Price: $250.00
Set Price: $99.00

Entire 2017 Conference Set

This allows you to listen to any (or all) of the sessions from the 2017 NCHEA conference and Curriculum Fair. This includes only those session that were successfully recorded. (Personal use only- not for distribution)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: Institute for Excellence in Writing2017A1The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2017A2What About the Child Who Can't Read...or Write by: Gwelda Carlson2017A3Educating and Preparing Your High Schooler for College, Career and Real-life by: 2017A5Ready, Set, GO! by: Danna Swartz2017A6Building A Solid Math Foundation by: 2017B1Battling With Behavior by: Steve Scheibner2017B2Developing and Drafting SEPs (Student Education Plans) by: Joyce Blankenship2017B3Odyssey Through Nebraska: Nebraska's Sesquicentennial by: Gretchen Garrison2017B4Let's Play Math Games by: Kahleen Lawler2017B5The American View of Law and Government by: Jake MacAulay2017C1Health Care Needs Met Without Insurance by: Samaritan Ministries 2017C2Southeast Community College by: 2017C4Teaching Teens to Serve by: 2017C5How to Save Thoursands on the Cost of College by: Gene Walter2017C6College Admissions and Financial Aid - Concordia University by: 2017C7Family Ministry Transforming the Culture by: 2017D1Two-Minute Bible by: Brian Young2017D2Teaching Strategies for Teens with Attention/Focusing Difficulties by: Joyce Blankenship2017D3Building a Generational Heritage of Faith by: Carol Kelsey2017D4Science Unsnarled by: Deanne Crawford2017D5It's Never Too Early to Prepare for College by: Gene Walter2017D6Faith, Values, and the Constitution by: Jake MacAulay2017E1Training Teens to Take The Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2017E2Teaching Struggling Learners At Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 1) by: Joyce Blankenship2017E3Games and More! by: Gwelda Carlson2017E4How to be a Unit Study P.R.O. by: Deanne Crawford2017E6The Constitution and the Bill of Rights - The Real History by: Jake MacAulay2017F1Classical Conversations 101 by: 2017F2Heroes for Homeschoolers by: 2017F3Taking the Fear Out of Fractions with Right Start Fractions by: 2017F4The Benefits of Homeschool Athletics by: 2017F5Books for Holocaust Education by: 2017F6How Sensory Processing and Executive Function Deficits... by: 2017F7Stuhr Museum by: 2017G1Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2017G2Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 2) by: Joyce Blankenship2017G3Telling History Using Food and Clothing by: Kay Cynova2017G4Why Should We Avoid Common Core? by: Henry Burke2017G5Mom, Don't Make Me Think—Just Tell Me The Answer by: Kahleen Lawler2017G6Four Centuries of American Education by: Jake MacAulay2017H1The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2017H2Here Today—Gone Tomorrow—Helping Students with Memory Difficulties by: Joyce Blankenship2017H3The Internet? Is Your Family Safe? by: Kirk Massey2017H4Preschool and Early Elementary Warning Signs of Risk for Reading Struggles and Early Intervention Techniques by: 2017H5What Colleges Want - The Big Three by: Gene Walter2017H6Dinosaurs, Ice Age, and Pre-Flood World by: Brian Young2017K1Living on Borrowed Time: The Nine Practices of the Proactive Parent by: Steve Scheibner2017K2Learning From the Past, Planning for the Future! by: Steve Scheibner2017K3Marriage, Communication, and Friendship by: Megan Scheibner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 2017A1
Mar. 31, 2017

Are the “Terrrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with 8 toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. This workshop is intensely practical and will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!


Patchogue, NY
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 24 through 25, 2017

2017 NYS LEAH Downstate Conference

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home
ID: DNY1704
Mar. 24, 2017

Husbands and fathers, it is time to love and lead - now. Like Christ loves the church. Wives and mothers, it is time to love your husband as God has declared. Nurture and admonish your children but do not provoke them. Is all of this possible? Yes. But what can you do? Brian and Betsy will give you pointed challenges, down-to-earth examples, laughter, and practical ideas to see your marriage grow from glory to glory in God's good and exciting will. They will help to encourage you with scripture, their experiences, and what they have learned during 34 years of marriage and the upbringing of eight children.


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 10 through 11, 2017

CHOH Annual Conference - 2017

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
Recording ID: 2017-F
Original Price: $200.00
Set Price: $69.00

CHOH Annual Conference - 2017

This We believe! Keynote speaker: Todd Wilson This set includes every recording from the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii Conference keynote and workshop sessions. Forty recordings in all. A great savings over 50% off!

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-204Free College at your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: Karen Shimabukuro17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk2017-01This, We Believe! by: Todd Wilson2017-02Choose the Hard Things by: Todd Wilson2017-03Life after Graduation by: Todd Wilson2017-04Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson2017-05How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Home School by: Todd Wilson2017-06Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad! by: Todd Wilson2017-07Taming the Techno-beast by: Todd Wilson2017-08Answers for Homeschool Critics in Your Life — Even When its You by: Todd Wilson2017-09Nurturing Competent Communicators –The Power of Linguistic Patterns by: Andrew Pudewa2017-10Teaching Boys & Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts All Day by: Andrew Pudewa2017-11The Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing by: Andrew Pudewa2017-12The Four Language Arts by: Andrew Pudewa2017-13Fairy Tales and the Moral Imagination by: Andrew Pudewa2017-14But … but … but … What about Grammar? by: Andrew Pudewa2017-15Homeschool 101 by: Lora Burbage2017-17Preparing for the Job Market – College? Business? Trends? by: Lora Burbage2017-18Preparing the Next Generation for Marriage by: Mike & Kim Marquez2017-19Help Your Nonstandard Learner by: Esther Wilkison2017-20How to Love Teaching a Reluctant Writer by: Esther Wilkison2017-21Don't Give Up on the Disorganized by: Esther Wilkison2017-22Benefits of Nonstandard Learning by: Esther Wilkison2017-23Help for the Numerically Challenged by: Esther Wilkison2017-24Brain Development & Handwriting by: Esther Wilkison2017-25Who Gets the Last Word? by: Patrick Nurre2017-26The Geology of Hawaii from a Biblical Perspective by: Patrick Nurre2017-27Genesis and the Ice Age by: Patrick Nurre2017-28How to Identify Those Rocks Your Kids are Bringing Home by: Patrick Nurre2017-29Dinosaurs, the Ark and the Bible by: Patrick Nurre2017-30Mountain Building: Geological Apologetics by: Patrick Nurre2017-31How Do I Teach All These Kids and Still Get Dinner on the Table? by: Laura Amick2017-32Intentional Learning through Play by: Randie Megan Graef2017-33Tough Questions, Vibrant Dialogue, Critical Thinkers, and Eloquent Expression by: Dianne Nowak2017-34Secrets to the Scholarship Search by: Jean Burk2017-35Freeze Your Teenagers until They're 23 by: Jean Burk2017-37Build an Amazing Homeschool Transcript by: Jean Burk2017-38Knowledge to College – Your Keys from A-Z by: Jean Burk2017-40Discovering and Inspiring Gifts through Fun by: Cullen Chong This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2017-TW
Original Price: $40.00
Set Price: $16.00

2017 Todd Wilson Set

All six workshops and both Key Note presentations from the CHOH 2017 Annual Conference

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2017-01This, We Believe! by: Todd Wilson2017-02Choose the Hard Things by: Todd Wilson2017-03Life after Graduation by: Todd Wilson2017-04Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson2017-05How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Home School by: Todd Wilson2017-06Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad! by: Todd Wilson2017-07Taming the Techno-beast by: Todd Wilson2017-08Answers for Homeschool Critics in Your Life — Even When its You by: Todd Wilson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Are you having trouble finding the time and energy to meet the needs of your husband after a hard day of homeschooling? Maybe you’ve forgotten what his needs are. Would you like your husband to take a more active role in homeschooling? Maybe your husband refuses to be involved in training your children. Join Todd you look at your role, not as a homeschooling mom, but as a homeschooling WIFE. Your husband will thank you for coming! The discussion will be led by a real husband of a homeschooling mom.

Do you struggle to complete schooling for multiple children along with other daily goals? Does instruction of different grade levels seem an overwhelming task to complete daily? Free your classroom of frustration by discovering and using the one room schoolhouse model. This workshop will help to explain what Classical Education is and why it works. We will demystify the concept of "classical" and explain its three learning stages. We will hone in on the “Grammar Stage”, and discover methods that energize your homeschool, no matter what curriculum you use.


Oregon Convention Center - Portland OR
Friday & Saturday
Jul. 22 through 23, 2016

OR-2016 Growing in Wisdom and Stature

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 16-SET
Original Price: $337.50
Set Price: $125.00

2016 Complete Conference

When you purchase the complete conference set you can download any or all of the messages available so that you can take them with you and listen on your phone, personal device or home computer. Move several to a USB drive to listen in your car. Each message stands alone, so download the ones you want and leave the ones that don't apply. One economical price (almost 60% off) buys the entire conference.

Handouts for select sessions can be found at

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 16-001Rooted, Grounded, and Abiding in God's Love by: Steve Demme16-002Family is Hard by: Todd Wilson16-101Loving Your Family as God Has Loved Us by: Steve Demme16-102Choosing and Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Students by: Jennifer Bliesner16-103A (Mostly Not Very Boring) Introduction to Worldviews by: David Knopp16-104Preschool from the Ground Up by: Copper Webb16-105Homeschooling: God's Design by: Linda Crosby16-106How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Homeschool by: Todd Wilson16-107Johnny Appleseed, the Hero of Ohio by: Bruce Isham16-108Getting Kids to Help at Home: Training in Diligence and Thoroughness by: Vicki Bentley16-110Homeschooling Middle School with a Powerful Purpose by: Lee Binz16-111How to Build Lifelong Learners with Math-U-See by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-201Get REAL! by: Todd Wilson16-202PDPs: The Who, What, When, Why & How's of Developing a PDP by: Jennifer Bliesner16-203The Romantic Worldview by: David Knopp16-204Intentional Families: Priorities, Teamwork, and Christ-Centered Homes by: Aaron and Tauna Meyer16-205Curriculum: How Do I Choose? by: Linda Crosby16-206The Influence of Fathers by: Steve Demme16-207Tales of the Old West, Part 1 by: Bruce Isham16-208Starting in the Middle by: Vicki Bentley16-209Let the Journey Begin by: Joyce Padilla16-210Beyond Academics: Preparation for College and Life by: Lee Binz16-211Where Birds Eat Horses: The Language of Evolution by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-212But We Just Went Over This Yesterday, Remember? by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-213Critical Thinking Skills Are Critical in A.C.E. by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-301Father Power by: Todd Wilson16-303Taking Worldviews Home by: David Knopp16-304An Early Start in STEM by: Copper Webb16-305Making History Come Alive by: Linda Crosby16-306Five Strategies to Build Up and Encourage Our Wives by: Steve Demme16-307Tales of the Old West, Part 2 by: Bruce Isham16-308When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool by: Vicki Bentley16-309Homeschooling FAQ's by: Joyce Padilla16-310Getting it All Done!? by: Anne Light16-311The Christian Family Worldview Library by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-312I Hate Math, But I Want My Kids To Love It by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-313Classical History Through the Ages by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-401The Divine Blueprint for Building a Family of Faith by: Steve Demme16-402Raising Children Who Need Jesus by: Pam Forster16-403Breaking through Bible Boredom (Part 1) by: David Knopp16-404Field Notes from The Road Less Traveled by: Copper Webb16-405Laughing in the Midst of Mothering by: Linda Crosby16-406Help! I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom by: Todd Wilson16-407A Portrait of a Great President by: Bruce Isham16-408Homeschooling on a Shoestring Budget by: Vicki Bentley16-409Climate Change and Your Right to Homeschool by: Dick Karman16-410High School Record Keeping by: Lee Binz16-411Health Care Sharing in an ACA World by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-412But We Just Went Over This Yesterday, Remember? by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-413The Picture Smart Bible...Designed for this Generation! by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-501What to Do When Your Plan Doesn't Go According to Plan by: Todd Wilson16-502Christian Homeschooling in a Pagan Culture by: Peter Padilla16-503Breaking through Bible Boredom (Part 2) by: David Knopp16-504Child-Training Boot Camp 101 by: Pam Forster16-505Ideas for Scheduling and Planning by: Linda Crosby16-506 Celebrating Hope and Redemption in the Valleys of Life by: Steve Demme16-507The Wise and the Foolish by: Bruce Isham16-508“Jump-Start” to Joyful Motherhood (Psalm 113:9) by: Vicki Bentley16-509A Leadership Legacy, or “I Guess I Didn't Say No.” by: Dick Karman16-510Looking Back and Looking Forward by: Anne Light16-511Experience Excellence in Writing by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-512C.S. Lewis on Classical Education by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-513Spelling You See by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-601An Unbeatable Team by: Todd Wilson16-60325 Ways to Create Space for Discipleship by: David Knopp16-604The A-B-C's for 3-4-5's by: Copper Webb16-605Unit Studies: Teaching Multiple Ages at Once by: Linda Crosby16-606Biblical Principles of Communication for the Family by: Steve Demme16-607Travelling Across America by: Bruce Isham16-608Mentoring Groups in Action by: Vicki Bentley16-609A Mother's Love by: Joyce Padilla16-610Creating Transcripts for Your Unique Child by: Lee Binz16-611Soar with Open LORE: Overcoming Barriers to Reading by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-612Speak Up and Fear Not! by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor16-613Convention of States Oregon: How to Restore Constitutional Limited Government by: OCEANetwork Exhibitor This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Are you having trouble finding the time and energy to meet the needs of your husband after a hard day of homeschooling? Maybe you've forgotten what his needs are. Would you like your husband to take a more active role in homeschooling? Maybe your husband refuses to be involved in training your children. Join me as we look at your role, not as a homeschooling mom, but as a homeschooling WIFE. Your husband will thank you for coming! The discussion will be led by a real husband of a homeschooling mom.

ID: 16-405
Jul. 22, 2016

Linda’s heart is to build up moms and help them find humor and God’s purpose in the most important calling on earth—motherhood. Linda vividly shares her amusing struggles and triumphs as a busy homeschooling mom. Homeschooling can be a lonely time for moms, but it doesn’t need to be! From the baby stage through high school, learn to find the true source of joy and how to choose joy! Following examples from God’s Word, Linda prepares mothers to face their daily tasks with peace and joy in their hearts and homes.

What comes to mind when you hear, “Joyful mother of children”? If you aren't sure this describes your perspective on motherhood right now, come learn six steps to guide you to the joyful path! We will also discuss practical strategies to help us stay “tuned up.”

The handout for this session is available at

ID: 16-510
Jul. 23, 2016

Where are you in your homeschool journey? Just beginning, in the middle, or near the end? The end does come, believe it or not, quicker than you expect. Anne will encourage those at every stage of the journey to look at the "big picture" and not get bogged down with the details. The lessons parents learn, as they teach their children, will go with them the rest of their lives.

ID: 16-605
Jul. 23, 2016

Linda discovered and used unit studies as a public school teacher and later exclusively used them during her 15 years as a homeschool mom with four children. She will explain what unit studies are, how to effectively use them, where to find them, how to make your own, as well as the benefits they provide for teaching several children at the same time. Other helpful hints Linda will provide include: connecting with each learning style, teaching with a toddler in the house, organizing your schedule around the unit, keeping God at the center of each unit, and expanding the lessons beyond the front door. If you want to simplify your homeschooling days, unit studies will help you succeed and thrive as a homeschool mom.

ID: 16-609
Jul. 23, 2016

Are you in the thick of childrearing? Are your days long and exhausting? Join Joyce as she reminds us that the love we pour out to our children is not lost in the moment of time. We are building within them an eternal heritage.


Nampa, ID
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2016

2016 CHOIS Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
ID: 1301
Jun. 3, 2016

Tick Tock. Have you ever experienced a series of days, weeks or even months when you felt like you just could NOT get on top of all that you had to do? Have you just decided that it’s either school or dinner? Or maybe you just gave up school and now everyone has matching socks again! Most moms struggle with finding a balance when it comes to homeschooling and staying on top of the rest of your day. Have you ever read 2 Corinthians 12:9? You probably have… it says, “My strength is made perfect in weakness”. Homeschooling reveals weakness … it’s true! And that’s a good thing, because it means you get to give even more glory to the Lord when you graduate your kids and see that they are walking with the Lord. Homeschool mom, if you’re struggling with trying to do it all, you will enjoy hearing some of Heidi’s favorite tips for managing homeschooling and homemaking…and still finding time to fit in “other things” (like alone time with your husband!) This is an opportunity to GET SET FREE from the expectations of others, laugh out loud learn how two words: BE INTENTIONAL can make a huge difference in your ability to manage your home and your homeschool well. Heidi really loves to use acrostics and this is one of her favorites! Bring a friend and leave your preconceived ideas at the door because real moms sometimes serve Cheerios for dinner!

“No Drama, Mama!” Come away and learn to blunt the strife and struggle that can bring unwanted drama into your relationships. The Lord wants you to find peace in the most important relationships that surround you. Using examples from her own life, Heidi will show you some things you *might* be overlooking in your relationships with others, including when to speak up, and when to be quiet.

ID: 2301
Jun. 4, 2016

What comes first? The marriage or the math lesson? Most homeschool moms (every mom, for that matter) have felt the pull and pressure of trying to balance their marriages and their commitment to motherhood. Hey, most homeschool moms are happy to find time for a shower, let alone a romantic night with their husband! Yes, it’s true. Homeschooling adds a new dynamic to the pressures of motherhood – but it doesn’t mean you need to let your marriage suffer! In fact, it’s never been more crucial than it is right now to strengthen the core of your family. In case you are still wondering, your marriage comes first. In this workshop, you’ll learn several key ingredients to balancing your love life with language lessons—and how you can become the most romantic homeschool mom on the block! Come hear a story of personal experience that will challenge the way you view your marriage and inspire you to seek God’s heart as you model a strong healthy marriage for your children. This is Heidi’s favorite topic, so bring a notepad and fasten your seatbelts! It’s time to put the “real OO” back in your Homeschool!


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 13 through 14, 2016

PA-2016 Renewing Our Minds

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2016-101
May. 13, 2016

When do you get started and what do you do first? We’ve had precocious readers and late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. Learn to relax and introduce your little ones to the joy of learning in a gentle and realistic way that will prepare them to succeed academically.

Have you ever had one of those days when it seems your children are constantly misbehaving, yet they really don’t seem to be rebellious? How do we discern the difference between irritating childish behavior and real disobedience? Here’s a sane, practical and proven method to turn irritations into solutions!

ID: 2016-103
May. 13, 2016

It makes no sense to pour our lives into homeschooling, only to stumble at the finish line. We’ve got to pass the baton of Christian adulthood to our children and it can’t happen overnight. Hal and Melanie talk about this critical time in our children’s lives and how to transition from the benevolent dictator our 11-year-olds need, to the trusted advisor of our adult children. Let’s all finish well and prepare our sons and daughters to be servants of the Most High, even when we can’t make them any more!

ID: 2016-104
May. 13, 2016

The most important part of an education is the teaching of worthy character. Otherwise, we are only training more competent rebels! We sometimes fail to recognize that annoying traits such as whining, arguing, disobedience and tattling are not so much behavior issues as character needs. Character is the key that opens the door to successful adult living. It is the first thing that wise people examine when evaluating a prospective employee, spouse or friend. That’s why character is the most important subject you will ever teach your children! Come hear Marilyn Boyer, mother of 14 homeschooled kids and learn as she shares how to intentionally teach this most important of all subjects!

Many purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much larger problem for young men, and many parents seem hopelessly naïve about the battles their sons are facing. In a time when over 90% of teens have been exposed to Internet pornography, how can we teach our boys to keep their way pure? What can we do when temptation is lurking on friends’ phones and beckons just a click away? How can we give them a Biblical contact for sexuality–from their toddler years to adulthood? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

ID: 2016-106
May. 13, 2016

Eighty percent of the children labeled “Learning Disabled” in school are boys. That’s why wise parents understand that the confinement, boredom and regimentation of school are things to be avoided if boys are to thrive. The key to understanding and cooperating with the drives God has built into boys is in recognizing that boyhood is preparation for the roles of family protector, provider and leader that naturally and Biblically fall upon men. We must understand that we are not raising boys, but training future men if we are to make boyhood the exciting and profitable season of life that God intended it to be.

“Why do little tiny offenses start big fights between my kids?” Both Scripture and history illustrate how simple forgiveness can stop great conflicts before they get started. Come and learn from Bible heroes and a hero of World War II how the ability to forgive is the key to peace in the home.

In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war break out in the middle of History, or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then you’re probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the Biblical way out – and a better way to turn wild little dirt-lovers into strong Christian men!

Scripture tells us to train up a child in the way “he” should go–not the way “they” should go. Every child is a unique creation of God, with his own fascinating blend of talents, interests and yes, weaknesses. To help them fulfill their life calling, we must develop a specific plan for the training of each one. Come and learn how to work “with” the uniqueness of your child. Escape the bondage of expectations and set your child free to pursue his passions and be the whole person God created him to be.

ID: 2016-115
May. 14, 2016

With the average age of first marriage approaching thirty, how can we make sure Christian young people are really prepared for marriage and parenting? It doesn’t happen overnight. How can we navigate the confusing years of singleness and honor God and each other? Should young men and young women be friends? Will I ever get married? Will my children ever marry? Hear Hal and Melanie’s own courtship story and get practical encouragement.

ID: 2016-118
May. 14, 2016

Your marriage is a living curriculum that daily instructs your children on the subject of marriage. Ladies, join Beth Mora, a homeschool mom for a look at the unique challenges of a homeschool marriage. Beth and her husband Forrest are the founders and past directors of their church’s marriage ministry that is still thriving ten years later. In this workshop, Beth gets real and practical. Take the time to invest in the one subject that will impact your child’s future even more than learning Latin or Algebra 2. You’re going to walk away from this workshop just as excited about your marriage as you are unwrapping that new curriculum you just purchased!

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture facing a host of issues and moral dilemmas that we never had to deal with at their age. Because many children are not prepared to counter their culture, startling percentages of those raised in evangelical homes abandon their faith and beliefs as they move into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do for them. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. In this session, Zan Tyler provides practical answers to the following questions: •What is a biblical worldview and why is it crucial for my children? •How can I teach worldview—especially if I don’t understand it myself? •How can I teach worldview to my elementary-aged children? •How can studying the life of Daniel change my teenager’s life? Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

ID: 2016-202
May. 13, 2016

Blossoming young men can be very challenging to a mother. What’s a mom to do with her son’s seeming disrespect? How should she correct him? Does there come a time when a mom can no longer tell her son what to do? Wives have similar questions about relating to their husbands. What’s a mom or wife to do? Norm provides answers to these questions and more.

Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done—and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? In this session, we will discuss five areas that pose particular challenges to homeschool moms and be reminded that He always holds us in the palm of His hand. This workshop contains many practical tips for solving problems and overcoming obstacles. It also encourages a biblical vision for what you are ultimately trying to accomplish in your children’s lives through homeschooling—a vision that will sustain you through the hard times and difficult days that are sure to come.

ID: 2016-204
May. 13, 2016

What makes Christian home education distinct from other educational philosophies is the perspective from which we teach and live–a heavenly perspective. You’ll learn how to live in heaven while you are on the earth and bring the presence, perspective, and power of God near to your children as you live your life before them and teach them daily.

ID: 2016-205
May. 13, 2016

Teaching your children to love and serve others is the second most important principle you will ever teach them. This principle, in turn, provides the necessary foundation for training them to become leaders. Come to this workshop and learn how you can effectively teach the lessons of service and leadership in the midst of your already-full homeschool days. We will also discuss how to build powerful, life-changing service and leadership projects into your everyday lives. Be prepared to see your children come alive as they experience the joy of serving others!

ID: 2016-206
May. 13, 2016

One of the greatest needs of children is to feel secure. When they feel secure they are more teachable and more responsive. You’ll learn four powerful, practical ways you can make a difference in their lives–ways that build security in them.

ID: 2016-211
May. 14, 2016

Movies and music are the languages of this generation—but what does Scripture say about how we should interact with the good, the bad, and the ugly in our culture? How do we teach kids to think about the arts from a biblical worldview? With concrete examples and easy-to-apply principles, this workshop provides valuable tools that anyone can use. You will be challenged to grow in wisdom and grace as you choose and appreciate movies, books, music, and more.

ID: 2016-212
May. 14, 2016

One of the goals of Christian home education is to lay foundations for faith that will stand the tests of life. You’ll learn how to teach your children to draw near to Christ and hold fast to the foundational tenets of the Christian faith.

ID: 2016-213
May. 14, 2016

When you look at your children, what do you see? Do you see little people making constant demands on your time, or do you see what God sees—lives brimming with possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture. You will be inspired as you realize the crucial role you and your family play in shaping the identity and gifts of each child. The Master Gardener has given you powerful tools for cultivating your child’s potential; don’t miss this opportunity to discover what they are.

ID: 2016-214
May. 14, 2016

When parents display humility, their children are attracted not only to them, but to Christ. You’ll be encouraged as you see the power of humility in the lives of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. You’ll learn how you can grow in humility and add tremendous value to your relationship with your children.

ID: 2016-216
May. 14, 2016

Do you know what the most powerful words are that you can say to your children? God said them to all of the Hebrew fathers. Then He said them repeatedly through His Son to His disciples. These words will encourage your hearts and fill you with faith as you homeschool and disciple your children. (By the way, it’s not, “I love you.”)

ID: 2016-303
May. 13, 2016

A recurring theme among homeschoolers is: Help! I’m committed to homeschooling, but I’m feeling overwhelmed just by everyday life! For many of us, standard organizing suggestions don’t “stick,” and we wonder what’s wrong with us. In this workshop, Vicki shares some tools that have helped her (and other busy moms) to homeschool and get dinner on the table. . . on the same day. (If you were “born organized,” you may find yourself in this workshop anyway, to possibly pick up one more idea!)

ID: 2016-305
May. 13, 2016

Our precious daughters…do they know how special they truly are and are they confident enough in this truth that they will one day only accept the hand of a true gentleman? Today, our society is teaching girls that being a lady is a thing of the past. This is FALSE. Today’s young ladies need now more than ever to have conviction in what it means to be a lady, as they have an amazing opportunity to be an example to so many. Come, bring your daughters and listen to national motivational speaker and certified Etiquette Coach, Monica Irvine, teach what being a lady is all about. They will walk away inspired and excited to continue to learn the skills that will lead them to happiness. This is not just for moms…dads please come too.

ID: 2016-307
May. 13, 2016

Parents, this is such an important workshop if you are raising boys! We’ve got to do all that we can to help our boys understand that these life skills will directly impact every part of their life, both personally and professionally. These skills change lives and contribute to happier, healthier and more stable relationships. These skills are essential for true success. Dads, you will be so grateful you attended this as well. You can’t raise a gentleman if you’re not a gentleman. Let’s make sure we are. Don’t miss this!

ID: 2016-308
May. 13, 2016

Training in Diligence and Thoroughness – You know you need to let the children be more involved in helping at home, for training them in character and in practical skills, AND for your sanity! But where do you begin? This foster mom to almost 50 children will share tips and practical helps that have enabled her to homeschool 17 children and still be able to open the front door to guests.

ID: 2016-311
May. 14, 2016

When you had one child, it seemed easy, but adding more children sometimes makes homeschooling feel like a zany plate-spinning act. Vicki shares ideas for keeping the homeschooling “plates” from crashing to the floor! Practical tips for teaching multiple ages—from a mom of 17 homeschooled students (seven school-age at a time).

ID: 2016-315
May. 14, 2016

Learn how to create an atmosphere of service instead of one that is dominated by selfish desires and division. This presentation will help any group, church, business or family develop a spirit of unity. Great for large families.

ID: 2016-403
May. 13, 2016

Are you new to homeschooling or new to Pennsylvania? Are you thinking about homeschooling at some point in the future? Do you have questions about what homeschooling might look like and how to get started? This session is designed to encourage and equip you to homeschool your children. Topics include: Why homeschool?, how to get started in PA, a typical day, curriculum, record keeping, testing, portfolios, and evaluations. There will also be time for questions.

Loving God and each other are relationships. Relationships are built on edifying communication. No one can build up, or tear down, more than those that we love the most. In this workshop we will examine how to hear and understand each other in a safe place.

ID: 2016-412
May. 14, 2016

Dr. Eagleson draws on 30 years of homeschooling to share the how and why of homeschooling. What are the two ways to learn. What matters the most when teaching.

ID: 2016-414
May. 14, 2016

Dr. Eagleson looks at what worked from the research and from real life. If you wanted your children to be Christians as adults what would you do?


Baton Rouge / Baker - Lousisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 15 through 16, 2016

2016 Louisiana Christian Parenting Conference

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana
ID: B9
Apr. 15, 2016

In this workshop, we will use Ecclesiastes 3 as a springboard to explore the seasons in a woman's life. We will be looking at God's purpose for ourselves, as well as for our children in each phase of life. Join us as we learn how God works to provide a rewarding harvest for those who are willing to yield themselves His plan.

ID: C8
Apr. 16, 2016

As a woman, do you every wish there was a “spa” for your heart? The human heart matters more than anything else in all of God’s creation. In this “heart-to-heart” talk, Jeni shares numerous stories from women who have discovered the FREEDOM of living in the truth of God’s rescuing love and pursuit of their hearts. Hold on, Ladies, this presentation usually quenches a thirst only Jesus can bring from His heroic nature.

ID: D3
Apr. 16, 2016

This session will focus on the mother's role in instilling godly character into the lives of her children through discipleship. Some of the topics we will cover are: - What exactly is discipleship? - How important is a Bible curriculum? - What are some practical ways to disciple my children? - What are some of the struggles in discipleship? And what are the rewards?


Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 1 through 2, 2016

2016 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
ID: 2017
Mar. 31, 2017

Are the “Terrrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with 8 toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. This workshop is intensely practical and will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!


Patchogue, NY
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 18 through 19, 2016

2016 NYS LEAH Downstate Convention

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2016

CHOH Annual Conference - 2016

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
ID: 2016-10
Mar. 11, 2016

When you look at your children, do you see only little people making demands on your time? Or do you see what God sees—a landscape of amazing possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture and create a vision of hope and beauty. You will also look to the Master Gardener as you learn to use the tools He has given you for cultivating that child’s potential.


Friday & Saturday
Jun. 19 through 20, 2015

OR-2015 Our Hope is in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 15-SET
Original Price: $225.00
Set Price: $99.00

2015 Complete Conference

The 2015 Conference theme reminds us that "Our Hope is in the Lord" as we raise our families, tend our marriages, and homeschool. Sessions from the 2015 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference address all those aspects of Christian homeschool family life.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 15-001Our Hope is in the Lord by: Gregg Harris15-00230 Years of Vigilance for One Day of Freedom by: Dick Karman15-003Hoping in God Throughout the Seasons of Life by: Gregg Harris15-102Preschool 1,2,3,4 by: Jennifer Bliesner15-103Noah's Flood by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-1045 Secrets for Aspiring Entrepreneurs by: Daniel Craig15-105Christian Homeschool Success in High School by: Lee Binz15-106Nurture and Admonition - Not Pain and Provocation by: Dr. Brian Ray15-107Three Simple Goals for Your First Year by: Melanie Young15-108Nurturing Your Marriage While Homeschooling by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-109Your Struggling Learner, You Can Homeschool and We Can Help! by: Faith Berens15-201My Beloved, My Friend by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-202Starting Your Preschooler Off Right by: Jennifer Bliesner15-203Ancient Man – What They Left Behind Confirms Scripture by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-204You're a Christian? That's Like So Weird by: Daniel Craig15-205High School Grades and Credits by: Lee Binz15-207Let the Homeschool Journey Begin by: Joyce Padilla15-208Aiming our Arrows into Adulthood by: Jon Dunagan15-209Teaching Struggling Learners At Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success by: Faith Berens15-303The Grand Canyon – Catastrophic Layering and Erosion by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-304Pop Culture, Jesus and Me by: Daniel Craig15-305One Hour Transcript Workshop by: Lee Binz15-306Training our Boys to be Men by: Jon Dunagan15-307Homeschooling Through the Hard Times by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-308Personal Leadership by: Gregg Harris15-309Tackling Tricky High School Issues: Practical Help and Guidance by: Faith Berens15-402Endangered Minds: Raising a Thinking Child in an Electronic World by: Jennifer Bliesner15-403Dinosaurs and the Bible by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-404Daring Daughters: World Missions for PreTeen and Teenage Girls by: Ann Dunagan15-405Planning High School Courses by: Lee Binz15-406Anger: The Subtle Home Breaker by: Mike Schrock15-407Homeschooling a Houseful by: Melanie Young15-408A Yearning Fulfilled by: Gregg Harris15-409Laying a Foundation for Reading Comprehension in the Preschool Years by: Faith Berens15-501Raising Real Men by: Melanie Young, Hal Young15-502Dear Mommy: Loving the Little Years by: Grace King15-503Mount St. Helens – Evidence for the Flood by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-504How My Parents Kept My Heart...Even in the Teen Years by: Daniel Craig15-505Finding the Faith to Homeschool Through High School by: Lee Binz15-508Mission-Minded Families by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-509Developing and Drafting Student Education Plans (SEP's) by: Faith Berens15-601Parenting and Homeschooling By Faith, not Fear by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan15-602Homeschool FAQ's by: Joyce Padilla15-603The Ice Age by: Kyle & Noah Justice15-604Do Something! How to Engage Life for the Glory of God by: Daniel Craig15-605What's Next? Options After Homeschool High School by: Lee Binz15-606Communicating with Teens by: Mike Schrock15-607Homeschooling from the Beginning by: Melanie Young15-608Freedom – What's It Worth to You? by: Dr. Brian Ray15-609Dyslexia Demystified—Definitions and Hope for Homeschoolers by: Faith Berens This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 15-406
Jun. 20, 2015

Mad? Angry? Ticked off? or just frustrated? What ever you call it, it will drive your kids away, divide your marriage, and destroy your home. No one likes living next to a volcano that could erupt at any moment. What are the dangers, the signs, and some Biblical solutions? How does one deal with an angry person and how do I get rid of these feelings that scream at me?

ID: 15-501
Jun. 20, 2015

In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war breakout in the middle of history, or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then you're probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the biblical way out - and a better way to turn wild little dirt-lovers into strong Christian men!


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 8 through 9, 2015

PA-2015 Plans to Give You Hope

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents both the tools they need and the hope necessary to build a Christ-centered character-driven home environment. The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in the all important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Steve will unwrap the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more. You don't want to miss this once in a lifetime event.

ID: 2015-103
May. 8, 2015

Anger gets in the way of many relationships. Children often need training to deal with the emotion of anger and God has several helpful strategies in the Bible. In this session parents learn practical ideas that help children change their behavior, adjust their hearts, and even go a step further to become peacemakers as well. In this session parents will discover how to become counselors or coaches instead of a policemen when helping children deal with anger.

If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children we must focus on the first things first and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge you to use every opportunity to teach your children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.

ID: 2015-105
May. 8, 2015

Are you convinced that every homeschooling family except yours is great? Do you believe the lie that others are more organized, better prepared, have smarter kids, are wiser parents, and have a child in the national spelling bee? Well, let me set the record straight...that's not the way it is! The truth is most moms feel inadequate. Homeschooling moms fear that they're letting their kids down in their education and in example. They feel like their house is out of control, their children are beasts, and the sizzle has left their marriages. Join us as we unleash the power in being REAL. You'll never be the same again.

ID: 2015-107
May. 8, 2015

Your house is a disaster, your kids seem out of control, and you wonder how you'll ever make it through another day of school. Your "get up and go" has "gotten up and went". You used to think homeschooling was the best thing since sliced bread, but now you're feeling like burnt toast. Take heart - you're not alone! No one homeschools because it's easy. You do it because you believe it is best. But there are times when you need to be reminded once again why it's best. Join me as we do just that. You'll laugh and be encouraged in the toughest job you'll