Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 25 through 26, 2010

OR-2010 Educating for Eternity

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 10-17
Jun. 25, 2010

A Biblical, age-appropriate approach to sex education. In this workshop parents of elementary and middle school children will learn what to talk about with their kids at every stage of development. This workshop includes information on how to set the paradigm for purity and courtship beginning in preschool. We will also discuss media discernment, how to give "the talk", and how parents can begin now to open up the lines of communication with their children to pave the way for honesty and openness during adolescence.

Once decisions have been made about what to require for high school graduation, once the overall plan has been set, there is still much to do. How do you set up each course? Courses can be designed or modified by using prepackaged curricula, by using a variety of materials you already have on hand, or by outlining the course and finding materials to fit your needs. We will discuss these methods of course planning, and will also cover grading, keeping track of assignments with no stress, and record keeping.

Is your daughter the "odd girl out" or the "leader of the pack"? The rise and fall of the hierarchies of our daughters, and their siblings and friends, is like the rise and fall of kingdoms and world powers. How do we as parents deal with the cliques and their fall out? What is a Godly pattern for our girls and how should they structure their relationships? How do the lies of our culture perpetuate the need for our daughters to bolster their self image and define themselves through the eyes of their peers? Come and hear about God's design for our daughters and their relationships. Step off the treadmill of our culture's say so and into the Spirit of God as the architect of relationships-even those of girls.

Selecting curriculum for the upper grades can become a real nightmare. On the one hand, many materials seem designed for a classroom setting with expensive equipment required, and on the other hand, home-school-designed materials vary so widely in ability level (for both students and teachers) that it is hard to know what will work. Parents often wonder if they need an advanced degree to teach advanced courses, or if "throwing money" at a difficult subject will help, or if materials they like are too basic to count for high school. In this session, we will focus on resources for a variety of subjects that almost any family can use, and will discuss ways to evaluate the myriad of texts and programs available.

Marilyn Boyer is no stranger to the joys and challenges of raising teenagers. With ten sons and daughters now having graduated from high school at home, Marilyn shares why she taught them herself from kindergarten through the high school years and why she wouldn't consider doing it any other way.


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 12 through 13, 2009

For Such a Time as This

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 09-06
Jun. 13, 2009

This charge was given to high school graduates at the Graduate Recognition Event of the 2009 OCEAN Conference. The text of the address is found in Micah 6:8: "And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (NASB) Mike explains what it means to "do justly", to "walk humbly", and to "love mercy" as we go through our daily living. The aim of the address is to remind graduates of what's important in life and how to evaluate true success.

ID: 09-13
Jun. 12, 2009

This session presents important questions to ask regarding home schooling teens and stresses building good relationships at home. The academic advantages and getting them ready for college are discussed. For those deciding about home schooling during the teen years, this is a must. Also, hear Elizabeth's "Top 10 Priorities" for home schooling your teen.

ID: 09-21
Jun. 12, 2009

Homeschooling is the most powerful form of education rediscovered in the modern age. Its power and success is unquestioned. Yet for most home educators, the principles that worked in home education are not transferred into post-secondary education. Cutting edge visionaries are bringing a Copernican revolution to the method of higher education in the form of mentorship. If our movement takes this next step, we will make far greater impact on the way we do post-secondary education and economics, then we have seen in K-12 education. Based on years of experience with mentoring, Kevin Swanson presents a vision for mentorship applied to both the college and entrepreneurial tracks.

ID: 09-28
Jun. 12, 2009

The secrets of homeschooling high school success will be explained in this workshop. Learn how to plan a rigorous curriculum, emphasize specialization, prepare for college admission exams, and document learning from outside sources. Starting with a plan early on is the key. You will receive a handy one-page Planning Guide to take home to help you provide an excellent high school education for your child!


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2008

When You Walk By the Way

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

We are losing 75-88% of professing Christian kids by the end of their freshman year in college. In this message, Dr. Baucham explains why, and what the Bible has to say about stemming the tide.

ID: 08-26
Jun. 21, 2008

Do you have a child who is doubting his faith? Or perhaps a daughter who has rejected your beliefs completely? Are you convinced you've failed...and the state of this child's heart is weighing heavily on you and your spouse? Come and listen to Carol share her own journey away from and back to her faith after 13 years as an atheist. She'll share thoughts and views from inside the mind of a lost child. You'll learn the best thing you can do for this child and for yourself. Come and find an understanding heart that hurts and rejoices along with your own.

ID: 08-31
Jun. 21, 2008

Based on the life of Ehud the Benjamite, Mark will unveil the unique strategy that God and his parents used to prepare him to become a skilled and strategic warrior, confident leader, and a skillful entrepreneur. In this seminar we will look at the assessment of a child’s natural abilities and the instructive insights that are necessary to prepare each child, teen, and adult for God’s ultimate purpose and calling. This seminar promises to be an eye opener for all ages—in more ways than you expect; but in a way you will never forget!

For many homeschool students, a future college degree may be necessary to fulfill God’s purposes; yet the process of admissions and financial aid can be intimidating. The Dunagan family have coached their first three totally-homeschooled graduates to college admissions and scholarship success. By taking advantage of our unique freedoms in home education, they emphasize leadership, individual strengths, international missions, community service, CLEP exams, scholarship competitions, and dual-enrolment in high school and community college. And through a growing process of faith, and by God's grace, their family has earned (so far) over $200,000 in college scholarships and financial grants. . . for God's glory!

ID: 08-38
Jun. 21, 2008

Apologetics is making a defense for the Christian faith. How do you explain the trinity to your children or prepare them to witness with questions they may need to answer such as, "How could a loving God create hell?" Through weekly meetings, for students 12 and older, dads teach, and parents coach as the students verbally present written cards; defining, expounding Biblical proof, and the significance of God's nature, salvation, scripture, the nature of man and Jesus Christ. Students are encouraged with fellowship, working with their dads and possible competition locally with NCFCA. Come hear our students, their dads, and be introduced to the study of apologetics.


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 17 through 18, 2007

Passing the Baton

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 07-01
Aug. 17, 2007

In three years of earthly ministry, Jesus equipped 12 ordinary men to change the world—and they did it. What can we learn from the life of Christ about how to disciple our children to be a blessing to all nations of the earth?

ID: 07-11
Aug. 17, 2007

Homeschool parents are motivated to help children avoid being taken captive by worldly ideas, but how do we simultaneously protect and prepare our children? Dr. Myers gives you proven strategies for being alert to wrong ideas and strengthening your child’s ability to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

You want your children to be the best in academics, spirituality, and physical health. You also want to have godly compassion for your children. In striving to lead his wife and eight children to "greatness," however, Brian has found that he can fall into the sin of provoking them. He'll use scripture and experience to address the way to combine high expectations with justice, mercy, and love. Especially for fathers.

ID: 07-16
Aug. 17, 2007

The teenage years should be the beginning of the harvest as our young people come into their own. If we plan for the storms of life and prepare, we can build through these years with less frustration, wasted time, conflicts, and fruitlessness. We need to make the most of the time we have (Eph. 5:15-17). Betsy will help you consider and examine important principles so that you can prepare yourself physically and spiritually for situations that will arise.

Far too many young people have heads full of knowledge but no idea of what God designed them to do and be. Discover how to recognize your child's motivated abilities, cultivate his God-given gifts, and avoid the cultural traps that the culture uses to distort his identity.

Effective communication is essential to a successful, God-honoring life. Dr. Myers unravels the mysteries of communication and shows you how you and your children can conquer fear and move people to action—whether in everyday life or in front of a crowd.


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 18 through 19, 2006

Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 06-02
Aug. 18, 2006

One of the biggest failures of our public and private school systems is that they do not teach students how to think critically. In this seminar, Dr. Wile gives you specific suggestions as to how you can teach your child to think critically, regardless of the subject matter that the student is learning. You will learn how to help your student evaluate statements, look for hidden assumptions, find political/social agendas, and discover faulty logic. Although Dr. Wile’s area of interest is science, he will show you how critical thinking applies to all academic areas, as well as all facets of your life.

God has not called Christians to be influenced by society around them, but to be salt and light in that society. Every family must instill children with a sense of mission and equip them with methods to shine a light into the darkness of our community, city, and nation.

ID: 06-23
Aug. 19, 2006

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile, a nuclear chemist, explores the complicated Creation Versus Evolution debate. He discusses Christian attempts to make the Genesis account compatible with the theory of evolution and shows how these attempts fail. The conclusion is that a literal interpretation of Genesis is completely incompatible with the theory of evolution. He then proceeds to show that this is not at all a problem for someone who is both a Christian and a scientist. He presents strong scientific evidence that supports a literal interpretation of Genesis and equally strong scientific evidence that discounts the theory of evolution. He discusses evolutionists’ attempts to explain away this data and how such attempts fail. Perhaps the most intriguing part of this seminar comes when Dr. Wile details some of the fantastic life forms on this planet whose existence can never be explained using the theory of evolution.

In this lecture, Dr. Wile uses his development as a scientist to explain why most scientists are not creationists, even though the scientific evidence for creation is so compelling. His frank discussions of indoctrination, discrimination, and bias show quite clearly that most scientists do not reject creationism on the basis of science. If you’ve ever wondered why evolution is so heavily entrenched in the scientific community, you will want to hear this lecture!

ID: 06-34
Aug. 19, 2006

What a challenge! What a blessing! What a reward! But what do we, as parents, do to see the blessing and to harvest the reward? This practical, hands-on workshop looks at vision, opportunities and counsel in your teenager's life through such issues as: what we can do, through school subjects and training, to prepare our unfolding young adults; how do we home school when the subjects get harder; why we should study worldviews with them? . . . and much more.

ID: 06-37
Aug. 19, 2006

Teaching writing to more advanced students can seem overwhelming. Yet, young people must master the writing skills needed for college and for vocational settings. How do you prepare them? What do your students need to know? We will explore reaching core composition goals, creating well-developed outlines, writing logically, following standard form, altering standard form, and creating timed response-essays.

In this seminar, Dr. Jay L. Wile explains how any parent can help his or her children learn science at the upper levels. As a former University teacher and a former high school teacher, Dr. Wile has experienced first-hand the failure of our public school system. As a result, he is a staunch advocate of homeschooling a student all the way through the high school years. Dr. Wile agrees that most parents do not have the ability to teach the high school sciences at home, but he also contends that this is not a problem. By the time a homeschooled student reaches high school, both the student and the parent should be able to learn by reading. Thus, Dr. Wile admonishes the parent to learn the subject right along with the student. With both the parent and the student helping each other learn, an upper level science experience can be equally rewarding for both!


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 19 through 20, 2005

From Generation to Generation

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 05-14
Aug. 19, 2005

Whether you enjoy writing or not, feel confident to teach it or not, this workshop is for you. Guidelines for helping writers from preschool through high school will be presented. In the process the mechanics and the art of writing will be explored and discussed.

Are all these books, videos, camps and reading lists that emphasize worldviews merely the latest fad, or do they address an area of education that is critical for you and your youth? Come examine our firm foundation - God’s Word. We’re leading a topical tour of the Bible and showing that long before Cornelius Van Til and Francis Schaeffer - pickles, dragons, and the Macedonian phalanx were illustrating the importance of a Biblical worldview.

ID: 05-27
Aug. 20, 2005

Although our nation has not been marched off into captivity in chains like Babylon, we have been taken spiritually captive by our culture. We have been subtly chained to the world's values that imprison us. The values of the world unknowingly sneak up on us through TV, on the internet, and while reading the newspaper and magazines. The saturation of our families by the torrential onslaught of the media in our sensually driven surroundings has captivated both us and our children. "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news." Isa. 52:7 God has appointed our families to bring the news of deliverance and lead others out of captivity. Renew your vision on how to instruct your children when it comes to media discernment, establishing values that reflect God's timeless standards, and dispensing with the lies and myths that our culture perpetrates concerning body image, sex, pornography, and relationships. Take practical steps to relinquish the chains that have not only bound our families, but our churches as well.

In the wake of serious degeneration in the fields of art and literature, Christians must exercise careful discernment in these areas. Without giving way to extra-biblical legalism, Kevin Swanson will present several biblical principles by which you can discern the best of art, literature and movies for your family’s enjoyment and education. He will challenge you to look at every area of life through the eyeglasses of the Word of God.

ID: 05-33
Aug. 20, 2005

A Biblical age appropriate approach to sex education for homeschoolers. In this workshop parents of elementary and middle school children will learn what to talk about with their kids at every stage of development. This workshop includes information on how to set a paradigm for purity and courtship beginning in preschool. We will also discuss media discernment, how to give "the talk", and how parents can begin now to open up the lines of communication with their children to pave the way for honesty during adolescence.

ID: 05-35
Aug. 20, 2005

How do you decide what to study in high school? How do you know that your teen is learning enough (and of the right things)? How can parents continue a home-school lifestyle during the high school years? Must home-school students model their high school years after the institutionalized educational style of learning? Come and learn how to make your high school years special, wonderful, and complete as we discuss the overall plans needed to teach high school at home.

ID: 05-42
Aug. 20, 2005

God's call on this generation of youth is to raise a banner of purity to counter the explosive rise of inappropriate sexual content in our culture today. In this workshop we will equip both parents and teens to wage the battle against sexual promiscuity that we face everyday. Topics dicussed will include courtship versus dating, media discernment and enhancing communication with your teen. This workshop is excellent for both teens and their parents to attend together.

Fathers and husbands, it is time to love and lead - now. Love your wife like Christ loves the church. Nurture and admonish your children but do not provoke them. Lead your family in God’s exciting will. Is all of this possible? Yes. But what can you do? Mothers and wives, it is time to love your husband as God has declared and to lead your children. Brian and Betsy will help and encourage you with scripture, their experiences, and what they have learned during 20 years of marriage and the ongoing raising of eight children.


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 20 through 21, 2004

A Bountiful Harvest

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Are you struggling with teaching math to your teenagers? Does the word “algebra” strike fear in your home? Join Steve Clark as he humorously explores the reasons that instruction can be difficult and then gets serious about WHY teenagers need higher level math. If you or your students have ever asked, “When are we going to use this Algebra stuff?,” then this seminar is for you!

ID: 04-17
Aug. 20, 2004

Effective apologetics begins with understanding the distinction between Christianity and the world. This seminar compares various worldviews’ assumptions about the nature of man and draws the logical conclusions. Based on an analogy between Jekyll and Hyde and Frankenstein’s monster and the two possible beliefs about the nature of man, this lecture demonstrates the uniqueness of Christianity and the bankruptcy of political, legal, and ethical systems based on the assumption that man is basically good.

ID: 04-32
Aug. 21, 2004

Mike shares the biblical vision for courtship, its value over traditional dating, plus what he has learned through the experience of his three oldest daughters’ courtships and marriages.

ID: 04-37
Aug. 21, 2004

Part 1 of a 2 part discussion which encourages students to cast aside the “artistic relativism” taught in most schools, recognizing that God is either pleased or displeased with specific works of art (Philippians 4:8). Students seek to discover God’s definition of art, and then apply that to all fields: music, dance, theater, visual arts, literature, etc. Concepts such as cultural literacy and the role of the art consumer are discussed.

ID: 04-47
Aug. 21, 2004

Part 2 of this discussion which encourages students to cast aside the “artistic relativism” taught in most schools, recognizing that God is either pleased or displeased with specific works of art (Philippians 4:8). Students seek to discover God’s definition of art, and then apply that to all fields: music, dance, theater, visual arts, literature, etc. Concepts such as cultural literacy and the role of the art consumer are discussed.


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 22 through 23, 2003

The HEART of Home Education

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Chris speaks to the hearts of home school fathers and mothers urging them to teach their children what really matters. Chris Klicka calls all homeschoolers to draw closer to the Lord and seek him with their whole heart. As an attorney, Chris Klicka has been battling for the right of parents to homeschool since 1985, and has been battling multiple sclerosis since 1994. He walks the talk as he shows how we must live in light of eternity and make every single day count. As a homeschool father of seven, Chris speaks from both his heart and many years of practical experience. He describes how we must understand suffering and how we are commanded to share the gospel as a family and as individuals virtually everyone we meet. He helps us all to return to our "first love" and establish a close relationship with our Lord and Savior. Chris explains that you're not homeschooling for homeschooling sake, but for the glory and honor of God. We can delegate authority to teach our children to someone else, but we can never delegate the responsibility.

ID: 2003-02
Aug. 23, 2003

Many people succeed in school but fail in the real world outside. Real education prepares the student for every aspect of life - practical, professional, spiritual, economic, civic. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. Those things that make us most useful for service add up to a real education.

ID: 2003-04
Aug. 23, 2003

Chris Klicka, home school attorney and father of seven, will present scores of biblical references which demonstrate how God requires our children to be nurtured and educated. The main purpose of this talk is to help homeschoolers develop a lasting commitment to homeschooling as the means to best train our children in God's ways. He will explain how the agenda and philosophy of the "movers and shakers," past and present, in public education are diametrically opposed to this. Chris will encourage us to keep up the fight and train our children to be leaders of tomorrow who have been taught not only to believe like Christians, but also to think like Christians. Chris will also urge the audience to sound the warning to other Christians to remove their children from the public schools. Chris proves his case very convincingly and this has become one of his most popular talks.

ID: 2003-13
Aug. 22, 2003

You’ve used all the sticker charts and point systems you can think of an d you are still faced with the Monday morning whines!! Is this child unmotivated, lazy or just normal? In this workshop, Mrs. Hensley will look at the underlying factors behind motivation and “un-motivation” as well as the importance of our attitudes and expectations in motivating our children.

Socializing children means nothing more (and nothing less!) than teaching them how to love others as they love themselves-even in the midst of conflict. Learn how peacemaking can be a key to your children experiencing success in their marriages, churches, careers, and most of all, in their Christian witness.

ID: 2003-24
Aug. 22, 2003

Parents of children with disabilities experience many challenges associated with having and teaching a child with learning problems. Negative emotions, lack of support and distorted perspectives can keep us from being effective teachers of our children. In this workshop, Mrs. Hensley will discuss the importance of facing challenges honestly as well as look at how these challenges are actually opportunities placed in our lives by God for our spiritual growth.

ID: 2003-32
Aug. 23, 2003

Learn the nuts and bolts of teaching your children how to resolve their conflicts biblically, recognize root causes of their conflicts, along with sincerely confessing their wrongs, confronting others constructively, and forgiving others as God has forgiven them.

ID: 2003-41
Aug. 23, 2003

Many home educators are intimidated by the common myth that children who are taught at home are at a disadvantage in social development. Rick Boyer draws on Scripture, scientific research and the experience of thousands of home-teaching families to show that the opposite is true. To prepare children for the real world, they need to be in the real world: family, church, and community - not locked away from society in age-segregated schools. This session will help you respond to the constant challenge: "What about socialization?"

Blessings are in store for those who resolve conflict in a way that honors God. Come and learn powerful peacemaking principles you can use to prevent disputes and resolve differences with brothers and sisters, parents, friends, and future workers or supervisors.

ID: 2003-43
Aug. 23, 2003

Does your school day lack pizzazz? Is the topic too big for you to cover well? Do you want your children challenged and motivated to do their very best? If so, then maybe co-opping is an option you should examine. Three home-schooling moms will share how they have been blessed by the benefits of co-opping together the last 13 years. Come learn the how-to's and more of starting a co-op.

If you want to be great in this world you must learn to serve! This training will give students: A Biblical understanding of the value of being a servant in our culture; extra ordinary examples of servants that we all can emulate; a hands on opportunity for service; a plan of accomplishment to make a difference in others lives.


Recording ID: 2016-MOMS
Original Price: $58.50
Set Price: $40.00

Mother Encouragement

Thirteen recordings to help the homeschool mom keep focused on the important aspects of homeschooling -- her family. Whether it's keeping the spark in your marriage, or dealing with teen age sons, or finding joy in difficult times, these recordings will encourage you.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 13-107Nurturing your Marriage While Homeschooling by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan13-200What's a Mom To Do with Teenage Sons? by: Norm Wakefield13-209Mary and Martha Homeschool: A Workshop for Marys Only! by: Linda Hobar13-505Ten Marriage Myths that Will Steal Your Joy by: Heidi St John14-110What I Would Do Differently as a Homeschool Mom by: Pam Forster14-205The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Daylight: How to Fit Your Size 16 Day into a Size 10 by: Heidi St John14-402Margins for Moms: Limits that Liberate by: Carol Barnier14-506100 Ways to Love Your Husband: The Life-Long Journey of Learning to Love by: Lisa Jacobson15-108Nurturing Your Marriage While Homeschooling by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan16-106How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Homeschool by: Todd Wilson16-405Laughing in the Midst of Mothering by: Linda Crosby16-508“Jump-Start” to Joyful Motherhood (Psalm 113:9) by: Vicki Bentley16-609A Mother's Love by: Joyce Padilla This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2016-NEEDS
Original Price: $54.00
Set Price: $30.00

Home Education and Special Needs

These 10 messages have been specifically selected for parents home educating children with special needs. Not all information applies to your situation or your children, but the encouragement and support is applicable to all.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 08-24Unlocking Your “Special Needs” Child's Learning Potential by: Marilee Coots09-47You Can Teach High School to Your Special Needs Student by: Jennifer Bliesner10-19Introduction to Learning Disabilities for the Homeschool Parent by: Jo Edwards12-24Creating Non-Traditional Transcripts by: Christine Bullock12-27Special Education at Home “101” by: Patty McCarty13-111Teaching Special Needs Children by: Jennifer Bliesner13-306Discover Your Child's Learning Style by: Jennifer Bliesner14-102Don't Miss the Gift in This Child by: Carol Barnier14-504Personally Developed Plans for Special Needs Students by: Jo Edwards15-509Developing and Drafting Student Education Plans (SEP's) by: Faith Berens15-609Dyslexia Demystified—Definitions and Hope for Homeschoolers by: Faith Berens16-102Choosing and Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Students by: Jennifer Bliesner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.