Homeschool Louisiana

Recordings Listing


Baton Rouge / Baker - Lousisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 15 through 16, 2016

2016 Louisiana Christian Parenting Conference

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana
ID: D8
Apr. 16, 2016

When was the last time you laughed? Do you remember when you laughed so hard that it made your stomach hurt? Children laugh way more than adults. What would happen if we laughed just a little bit more each day? What if we chose laughter instead of raised voices or tears? Family should be a safe place where we can giggle, laugh, and sing together. With a combination of her experience as a professional counselor and her natural ability to bring out lots of laughter in her audiences, Jeni's presentation will leave you with a lighter heart and tangible ways to keep things in perspective with all the "togetherness" in real-life family.

Join the Welches and their homeschool graduates as they present how to practically impart the key elements of servant leadership in the context of home and family. Believing that our children should be agents of initiative and influence, they will address the challenges of transferring courage, creativity, intentionality, and responsibility. Come hear how they turned these big picture ideas in to real life, practical steps. A portion of the time will be allotted for you to hear from and ask questions of their children.


Baton Rouge / Baker - Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 17 through 18, 2015

2015 CHEF of Louisiana Homeschool & Parenting Convention - Raising the Next Generation

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana

Because none of it will matter if they don’t follow Christ. Many homeschoolers hope and pray that because they’ve homeschooled, their children will turn out all right. But unfortunately, we are seeing a number of homeschooled children turning away from God in rebellion. We can’t make our children serve Christ, but we can make sure we aren’t standing in the way! Find out about the power of delighting in your children and loving them as Christ loves us. Hear how to point them to the Savior and teach them to serve Him!

Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men and many seem hopelessly naïve about the battles our sons are facing. Today’s young men grow up with challenges to their purity on every side. In a time when over 90% of teens have been exposed to internet pornography, how can we teach our boys to keep their way pure? What can we do when temptation is lurking on friends' phones and beckons are just a click away? How can we give them a Biblical context for sexuality—from their toddler years to adulthood? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

ID: D3
Apr. 17, 2015

Learning to embrace a natural, holistic way of education can make homeschooling doable and successful academically, spiritually and socially for both the students and the parents. It’s important to let go of our pre-conceived notions of what “school” should look like, and instead major on the strengths of homeschooling – flexibility, real life learning, real books (living books), dialogue rather than formal tests, etc. Discover how to emphasize the benefits of homeschooling and avoid the burnout that happens when parents try to replicate a traditional school in their homes.

ID: D5
Apr. 17, 2015

Exactly what is homeschooling and how do I start? Is it legal? Do I have to have a degree? Where do I find my curriculum? Is a virtual academy the same as homeschool? These and many other questions plague most families just starting on the homeschool journey. This workshop is designed to answer the basic questions and help you on your way to a successful homeschool journey.

ID: E4
Apr. 18, 2015

The homeschool mom usually has her plate so full that she often finds herself neglecting the important for the sake of the urgent. Trying to balance your time between homeschool, your kids, your spouse, the church, extra-curricular activities, and everything else in between is a difficult task. Unfortunately, the spouse is most often the one that is put on the back burner. This workshop will help you put life back in the proper perspective, deal with the urgent, and put the important one back in his proper place.

ID: E5
Apr. 18, 2015

Conflicts arise when parents least expect it, but it is part of normal family life. Discipline in the home is essential for healthy relationships and creating an atmosphere for learning, but accomplishing that from toddler to teen is difficult. In this fast-paced, how-to workshop, Roger and Jan offer practical ways of dealing with common areas of conflict from a Biblical mindset.

Leading a home-centered education isn't easy. Learn the basic principles that guide us as we find purpose and priority in our homeschool.

ID: G7
Apr. 18, 2015

This session will focus on the mother's role in instilling godly character into the lives of her children through discipleship. Some of the topics we will cover are: •What exactly is discipleship? •How important is a Bible curriculum? •What are some practical ways to disciple my children? •What are some of the struggles in discipleship? And what are the rewards?

It makes no sense to pour our lives into homeschooling only to stumble at the finish line. We’ve got to pass the baton of Christian adulthood to our children, and it can’t happen overnight. Hal and Melanie talk about this critical time in our children’s lives, and how to transition from the benevolent dictator our eleven year-olds need to the trusted advisor of our adult children. Let’s all finish well and prepare our sons and daughters to be responsible adults and servants of the Most High, even when we can’t make them anymore!


Baker, Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 25 through 26, 2014

2014 CHEF of Louisiana Annual Homeschool Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana
ID: A1
Apr. 25, 2014

Dads and moms, in all the busyness of life and swell of expert advice, we've forgotten the fundamental truths of homeschooling and family. In short, we’ve forgotten why we do what we do. We have plenty of “how tos” but have forgotten the “why tos” and it evidences itself in our lack of joy of homeschooling, family, and parenting. Join funny guy and familyman, Todd Wilson, as he sets the stage for a great homeschool convention and the best year ever as he brings us back to the basics of what we believe about family and homeschooling. You're not going to want to miss this for the world!

Let’s face it! Most men today are yellow-bellied, Lilly-livered weenies. They may wear tall Stetsons, drive fast cars, bungee jump from bridges, collect souped-up power tools, and carry big black Bibles, but they’re weenies. They flex their biceps and proclaim their faith, but when the economy collapses, the newest pandemic hits the scene, a family crisis arises, or the going gets tough…they play it safe. Truth is: God wants your sons to leave the heavily-populated, safe waters and live dangerously. He wants your sons to trust dangerously, work dangerously, and love dangerously. But, that doesn’t come naturally. Everyone around them, from the talking heads in the media to pastors in the pulpit, keep repeating, “Play it safe.”  Here’s a secret: dangerous living leads to joy, family happiness, and real success while safe living results in worry, family failure, and heartache. So join Todd as he encourages you and your sons to GET DANGEROUS.

When you look at your children, do you see only little people making demands on your time? Or do you see what God sees—a landscape of limitless possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture and to create a vision of hope and beauty. You will also look to the Master Gardener as you learn to use the tools He has given you for cultivating that child’s potential. Let Zan show you how to help your kids establish a godly identity, build deep relationships, discover their unique purpose, develop a biblical worldview, and build leadership and communication skills. You will come away with a vision of child-raising so captivating and enthralling that you will know, come bedtime, it’s all been well worth the effort.

ID: D7
Apr. 25, 2014

Establishing a clear biblical worldview and a strong foundation in basic Christian doctrine will inoculate your children against the false teachings and worldly values they will one day encounter during the critical teen years. This workshop will give you the confidence and tools you need to cover this vital subject with your children.

ID: E2
Apr. 26, 2014

Homeschooling is more like a 26-mile marathon than a 100-yard dash. If you want to complete the race successfully, you must develop a training strategy that builds your strength, stamina, and vision and enables you to persevere until the end. Zan Tyler, who homeschooled her children for 21 years, provides training tips that will help you complete the God-given task of homeschooling and help you “run with endurance the race that lies before us.”

ID: E4
Apr. 26, 2014

Enjoy tea and cake as ladies share the experiences as a homeschool mom, pursuing excellence, and trying to find that ever-elusive "balance." Several ladies have prepared something to share, but the time is flexible enough to address the needs and concerns of the attendees.

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture and face a host of frightening problems that we never had to deal with at their age. Because they are often not prepared to counter our culture, startling percentages of children raised in evangelical homes do not continue in their faith and beliefs into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

Have you really considered your vision for homeschooling? Do you have clear goals you are striving toward? Are they purely academic, or do they include goals like discipling and connecting with your children? Many times we lose sight of the most important goals in lieu of the “book” side of homeschooling. The focus of this workshop is to encourage parents to consider and prioritize the relational aspects of our homeschooling journey – connecting our heart with the hearts of our children.

ID: G2
Apr. 26, 2014

In the traditional school environment, students have an average of eight to ten individual interactions with their teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal interactions can number in the hundreds and thus greatly enhance the education your children receive at home. Zan Tyler shares how the simple, free tool of conversation can help your children replace boredom during lessons with a motivation to learn. Discover why parents make the best teachers and capitalize on these strengths. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your home and promote camaraderie and enthusiasm instead. Identify simple but profound ways to replace drudgery in learning with stimulating academics. Conversation is key!

ID: H1
Apr. 26, 2014

Everyone has dreams - you, your spouse, and your children, but for every dreamer a dream killer lurks in the shadows. They're the ones who constantly remind you why you shouldn't homeschool, have more children, be a stay-at-home mom, start a new business, or take that step of faith God’s telling you to take. Dream killers grew up with you. They live in your house and sometimes they even...are you. Their intentions may be good, but if you listen to them, you will miss out on God's best for your life. Join Todd as he helps you revive old dreams, fan the dreams in others’ lives, and urges you to throw caution to the wind and set sail for the adventure of a lifetime.