Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2008

When You Walk By the Way

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 08-05
Jun. 21, 2008

A California court with one ruling outlaws homeschooling in California stating that Parental Rights are not found in the U.S. Constitution. The U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child threatens the right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children. What can we do as parents to protect our rights to raise our children?

In a mission-minded homeschool, there’s a God-infused energy. There’s a focus on God’s worldwide purpose and there’s a passion for the lost. There’s a spiritual depth and hunger that reaches beyond the maintenance mode of cultural Christianity. A mission-minded family emphasizes leadership, calling, and destiny. There’s a prevailing attitude of self-sacrifice and an emphasis on total submission to God’s will. And there’s an unmistakable and contagious joy. This workshop suggests practical ways to incorporate a heart for God’s Great Commission into our everyday homeschooling life.