Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jul. 22 through 23, 2016
OR-2016 Growing in Wisdom and Stature
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Set Price: $125.00
2016 Complete Conference
When you purchase the complete conference set you can download any or all of the messages available so that you can take them with you and listen on your phone, personal device or home computer. Move several to a USB drive to listen in your car. Each message stands alone, so download the ones you want and leave the ones that don't apply. One economical price (almost 60% off) buys the entire conference.
Handouts for select sessions can be found at
Jul. 22, 2016
Our own relationship with God will color and affect our relationship with our spouse and our children. Setting aside time to deepen our walk with God and revel in His grace will bear fruit in how we relate to those who are most important to us.
The handout for this session is available at
Homeschooling is hard, parenting is hard, and marriage…well, that’s way hard. And that’s OK and even normal. The trouble is we don’t like hard. We want easy, fast, and cheap, and at the same time we want successful results. During this hour, you’ll laugh with Todd as he shares how to embrace the hardness while keeping your eye on the joy and experience God’s best for you.
Jul. 22, 2016
The second command is to love others as we want to be loved. But the ‘new commandment’ that Jesus calls us to implement is to love others as we have been loved by Him. This is a different perspective that focuses our attention on Jesus Himself and how He has loved us.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 22, 2016
All children have special needs, but some have more challenges than others. Learn how to adapt and plan an effective curriculum so that your child shows measurable progress. Explore the stumbling blocks that can prevent true learning. Don't waste money and time buying the wrong curriculum. This is a great session for parents of more than one child. You'll learn how to adapt curriculum to fit more than one student.
Jul. 22, 2016
Young Adult Session (Be advised: This session is a discussion session and all audio is not captured on the recording) Using an easily-accessible classification system and identifying common cultural themes, this powerful introduction into the world of ideas lays the groundwork for developing a worldview big enough for the world.
Jul. 22, 2016
When should I start preschool at home? What does my preschooler need to know? How much time should we spend doing educational activities? Is preschool even important?!? This workshop will answer all of these questions and more. We'll first focus on understanding the cognitive and physical development of preschoolers, and then explore practical teaching methods, tools, and activities that will lay the foundation for future learning.
Jul. 23, 2016
Beginning with a history of education in the United States, Linda takes her audience through the effects and outcomes of following, or turning away from, God’s plan for schooling. The Scriptures are rich with wisdom and support for the duty of educating your children at home. Come and discover your real purpose for doing what you’re doing. Learn where your strength must come from and be reassured that you can stand on God’s promises for your children. God will never give you more than you can handle with His help!
Jul. 22, 2016
Are you having trouble finding the time and energy to meet the needs of your husband after a hard day of homeschooling? Maybe you've forgotten what his needs are. Would you like your husband to take a more active role in homeschooling? Maybe your husband refuses to be involved in training your children. Join me as we look at your role, not as a homeschooling mom, but as a homeschooling WIFE. Your husband will thank you for coming! The discussion will be led by a real husband of a homeschooling mom.
Jul. 22, 2016
Parent/Child Session
Character, heroes, and a bushel of apples! Through his stories and songs, Bruce will give you a feel for the real Johnny Appleseed and how we can all be heroes by following in his footsteps.
Jul. 22, 2016
You know you need to let the children be more involved in helping at home, for training them in character and in practical skills, AND for your sanity! But where do you begin? This foster mom to almost 50 children will share tips and practical helps that have enabled her to homeschool 17 children and still be able to open the front door to guests.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 22, 2016
Middle school is a time of transitions. The next big step in homeschooling, it can be a time of great joy and anticipation. The good news is, there's nothing inherently terrifying or insurmountable about homeschooling middle school; there's much you can do to ensure the middle school years go smoothly and little you can do wrong. In this class, you will learn to move past fear and dread and gain the confidence to succeed. Learn the many benefits of homeschooling middle school, the purpose of middle school for students and parents, and how to plan and prepare for success.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Math-U-See
Come see how to teach math using a skill-based, multi-sensory approach from counting to calculus. Teach your child to understand math and build a foundation for a lifelong love of learning.
Are you convinced that every homeschooling family except yours is great? Do you believe the lie that others are more organized, better prepared, have smarter kids, are wiser parents, and have a child in the national spelling bee? Well, let me set the record straight...that's not the way it is! The truth is most moms feel inadequate. Homeschooling moms fear that they're letting their kids down in their education and in example. They feel like their house is out of control, their children are beasts, and the sizzle has left their marriages. Join us as we unleash the power in being REAL. You’ll never be the same again.
Jul. 22, 2016
Who needs a Personal Development Plan? What exactly is it? When should you apply? Why should you apply? And most importantly, how do you write an effective measurable plan for your child? Mother of eight, (five with special needs) and homeschool consultant/tutor who has worked with more than 200 individual special needs children in the last 25 years, Jennifer Bliesner will lay out a clear course for developing and maintaining an effective “Personal Development Plan” for your special needs child. This important document will navigate you through the state requirements as well as enhance your child’s education.
Young Adult Session
(Be advised: This session is a discussion session and all audio is not captured on the recording)
It’s one thing to talk about “worldviews,” but let’s be real: most people interpret the world through their relationships. The Romantic Worldview explores how relationships shape our view of reality and our highest aspirations.
Jul. 22, 2016
Young homeschooling families are pulled in many directions as they consider all the activities, demands, and responsibilities that raising a family can bring. We’ll take a look at how husbands and wives can work as a team to navigate priorities, homeschooling, and daily life together, establishing a Christ-centered home as they raise their children for the Lord.
Jul. 22, 2016
When embarking upon this exciting journey of home education, figuring out which curriculum to choose for your child can seem daunting. In this very practical workshop, Linda will give an objective overview of the different learning styles and help you understand the most common teaching approaches including textbook, living books, unit studies, classical, Charlotte Mason, eclectic, unschooling, and more. Let Linda help you narrow down your choices and take the guesswork out of choosing curriculum. This workshop will boost your confidence in making educational decisions for success in your homeschool.
The handout for this session is available at
A plethora of studies have demonstrated the profound impact of fathers on their children. In this session we will explore the influence of dads in scripture and how we can learn from what they did well and where they dropped the ball. God designed men to serve and lay their lives down for their wife and children.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 22, 2016
Parent/Child Session Gold miners, cowboys, preachers and lots of other folks were all part of the Old West. Come get a lighthearted look at life in the Old West and some of the people who helped to build America.
Maybe you haven’t always homeschooled. . . you’re starting a few years in, or even mid-year. Can you really start mid-stream? What does homeschooling look like? Where do you begin? What should you expect? How can you ease the transition for all of you? We’ll cover these topics and more. Q&A time included, so bring your questions.
The handout for this session is available at
Where and how does one begin this journey called home education? Homeschooling doesn't have to be overwhelming or fearful. Come explore some simple tips to help you navigate the uncharted waters of the beginning years.
Jul. 22, 2016
This class talks about three overlapping areas that are important for success in both college and life: college prep activities to include on a transcript, skills for independent learning that all adults require, and health or safety issues that will prepare kids for a happy, healthy adulthood.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Mount St. Helens Creation Center The 'evidence' offered for evolution is not really science, but rather the clever and deceptive use of language. Creation speaker Paul Taylor of the Mount St Helens Creation Center will show you how to spot the pseudo-science without needing a degree in science! The workshop uses Paul's book of the same title, and curriculum materials.
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Help Eliminate Learning Problems Does it seem like you are always connecting the dots for your child only to find your connections were erased the next time the subject comes up? The staff from HELP will discuss how you as a parent can understand the way your child learns and why it is important to know how your child best processes, stores, and retrieves information. You’ll learn how concentration, focus, time management, cause-and-effect thinking and organization can be improved by integrating more organized critical thinking into the learning process. HELP is a not-for-profit organization located on the campus of Marylhurst University between West Linn and Lake Oswego, providing testing and drug-free treatment for children and adults with learning and processing problems. For more information about HELP, check our website at or call 503-635-3389 for an evaluation appointment.
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by A.C.E. Critical thinking skills are an important part of a child’s learning process – from learning their ABC’s to Algebra to Physics. The A.C.E. curriculum has activities at every level that give students the opportunity to develop and use critical thinking skills. These skills will help any student maximize learning.
You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it's your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. No guilt trips or forty-six point outlines, just straight talk and encouragement for the best job there is—fathering.
Young Adult Session (Be advised: This session is a discussion session and all audio is not captured on the recording) A brainstorming opportunity for students to apply their worldview thinking as soon as they get home. Also gives students some metrics for plotting their own studies.
Young children are naturally curious about the world. They wonder what things are called, how they work, and why things happen, often taking their daily question count into the hundreds. Take heart, parents, this is a good thing! Inquiry and exploration are the tools of active learning. This workshop is full of simple ways for parents to build on the naturally inquisitive behaviors of three to five-year-olds and promote an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
It is possible for the subject of history to be entertaining, exciting, and educational, not only for your kids, but for you! If you just rolled your eyes, this history teaching rejuvenation session is the one your kids want you to attend. Linda has been keeping history alive in their homeschool for more than fifteen years through hands-on learning. You can step away from the text and make history real. Our children need to know how God orchestrated each era of history and it is our job to teach them HIS story. Linda will share ideas galore for your note-taking pleasure for each of the stages of history. (Papier maché will only be mentioned once—maybe twice.)
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 22, 2016
Steve relates insights he has gleaned from scripture on how God has designed our wives and ways that we can lay down our lives and apply biblical principles to build them up and encourage them in the Lord. When we lose our life we find it.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 22, 2016
Explore the Old West from the perspective of the Civil War through engaging storytelling and narrative.
Jul. 22, 2016
You had a wonderful plan at the beginning of the school year for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted offspring. But then . . . life happened. How do you find “normal” again? In this workshop, Vicki helps you focus on the essentials when you're on the frontlines, especially in a crisis situation.
The handout for this session is available at
Why do parents choose to homeschool? What is home education really about? Am I qualified to teach my own? What should I teach? What if I fail to teach something really important? The answer to these and many more “frequently asked questions” are drawn from Joyce's many years of homeschooling seven sons.
As a homeschool parent you wear lots of different hats and have a multitude of responsibilities. Is it possible to get everything accomplished that is set before you? Where does the strength come from to be a success in both educating and training your children? There is hope for both the highly disorganized and the over achiever in this journey of homeschooling. Anne will share ideas and encouragement for both new and seasoned homeschoolers.
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Creation Engineering Concepts.
A PowerPoint presentation explaining the content and benefits of The Christian Family Worldview Library available exclusively from Creation Engineering Concepts. Speaker is creationist author Mr. J.D. Mitchell, PE, MBS.
Jul. 22, 2016
RightStart™ Math
So, math was not your favorite subject. But now you’re the teacher and you don’t want your kids to suffer through math like you did. You know that math is important and it would be nice to have a healthy relationship with it. In this workshop, you will learn about a curriculum that will provide ways to learn and practice math other than through memorization. In fact, how about teaching about the beauty and wonder of math? Come join us and learn what is needed to unlock understanding in math. Beware, you may actually start to like math!
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Classical Conversations Classical Conversations invites you to spend an hour hearing about how you can teach your child history through all of their education. Whether they are in 1st grade or writing their senior thesis, history is woven throughout our program. Come see how history can look in your home and how Classical Conversations can help.
Jul. 23, 2016
As soon as you have your first child, you have been automatically enrolled in Family Relationships 101. In Deuteronomy 6, God’s simple and effective plan for the family begins with parents loving God with everything in them and having His word on their hearts. When parents have established their own relationship with God and His word, they are equipped to teach their children to love God and His word.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
Are we unintentionally leading our children to believe they don’t need a Savior? Let’s look at some common parenting practices and how we can — without realizing it — actually drive or lure our children away from the Savior who loves them, died for them, and empowers them to lead lives of loving obedience and gratitude.
Jul. 23, 2016
Young Adult Session
(Be advised: This session is a discussion session and all audio is not captured on the recording)
For many of us, reading the Bible is far more painful than poignant. This highly-interactive collection of sessions will cross-apply the methods of literary analysis and film criticism to re-open our eyes to the extraordinary world of stories present in biblical passages. (Participants will need a Bible.)
Jul. 23, 2016
When Copper's parents charted an educational course for their children, they chose an unmarked path: homeschooling. Now, over three decades later, Copper shares her personal testimony as a homeschool graduate, and the difference an education at home has made in her life. No journey is straightforward, and Copper presents an honest look at the highs and lows of home education, and why she continues to walk this road with her own four children.
Jul. 22, 2016
Linda’s heart is to build up moms and help them find humor and God’s purpose in the most important calling on earth—motherhood. Linda vividly shares her amusing struggles and triumphs as a busy homeschooling mom. Homeschooling can be a lonely time for moms, but it doesn’t need to be! From the baby stage through high school, learn to find the true source of joy and how to choose joy! Following examples from God’s Word, Linda prepares mothers to face their daily tasks with peace and joy in their hearts and homes.
Jul. 23, 2016
It's a fact! The only thing tougher than being a homeschooling mom is...being married to a homeschooling mom! Dad, your wife needs your help. Come join me as we discuss how to support and assist our wives in the homeschooling journey. We'll also do a lot of laughing as I encourage men to be encouragers of their homeschooling wives.
Jul. 23, 2016
Parent/Child Session
Through the eyes of a newspaper reporter, you will come to view Abraham Lincoln in a new way.
Jul. 23, 2016
Homeschooling doesn't have to cost hundreds of dollars per child. Vicki homeschooled seven at a time while their family was without a full-time income for four years sometimes spending less than $100 per year.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
Mr. Karman is the founder of the OCEANetwork. He has lived through many changes. None of these have more effect on your rights to homeschooling than those we are seeing today. In the world every man's way is right in his own eyes. (Prov 21) The climate of Christian home education has changed. The warming that we see is the heat of hostility towards God’s plan. How long will the truth be permitted to be taught in your home or your homeschool? Is the truth worth fighting for?
In this presentation, Lee covers high school record keeping strategies. Learn what to keep, and why to keep it. Discover what you can do with your homeschool records and how record keeping can save you time, money, and frustration when you are preparing your child for college admission.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Samaritan Ministries, Conference Sponsor - THIS RECORDING IS INCOMPLETE DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES We will attempt to identify many of the disadvantages of the health insurance model under the ACA and look at the many ways Samaritan Ministries members view the comparisons and advantages of the health care sharing model under the current medical care environment.
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Help Eliminate Learning Problems THIS IS A REPEAT OF SESSION 16-212 Does it seem like you are always connecting the dots for your child only to find your connections were erased the next time the subject comes up? The staff from HELP will discuss how you as a parent can understand the way your child learns and why it is important to know how your child best processes, stores, and retrieves information. You’ll learn how concentration, focus, time management, cause-and-effect thinking and organization can be improved by integrating more organized critical thinking into the learning process. HELP is a not-for-profit organization located on the campus of Marylhurst University between West Linn and Lake Oswego, providing testing and drug-free treatment for children and adults with learning and processing problems. For more information about HELP, check our website at or call 503-635-3389 for an evaluation appointment.
Jul. 23, 2016
How can we teach the Bible in a way it will stick and become your students' "first response" in life? Take your students from normal Sunday School stories to a deeper level in Bible truths and have fun in the process. Draw your way through the Bible, book by book. Learn major concepts, people and events. No talent necessary. Minimum teacher prep, maximum student retention, lots of fun... that is The Picture Smart Bible!
Jul. 23, 2016
We like things nice and neat, orderly, and with a predictable outcome, but most of the time OUR plans don’t come together as we hoped. Instead, our plans often fall apart, disintegrate right before our eyes, and leave us dumbfounded and stunned. Join me as we take an honest and humorous look at plans, why they fall apart, and what to do when they have.
Jul. 23, 2016
It’s here folks – full blown! Sure we have been “sliding toward Gomorrah” for some time, but now it is the pool (cesspool) we swim in. We will discuss some of the ramifications of teaching our children all subjects from a Biblical worldview in today’s society and the impact it will have on them as student/children and on us as teacher/parents.
Jul. 23, 2016
Young Adult Session
(Be advised: This session is a discussion session and all audio is not captured on the recording)
For many of us, reading the Bible is far more painful than poignant. This highly-interactive collection of sessions will cross-apply the methods of literary analysis and film criticism to re-open our eyes to the extraordinary world of stories present in biblical passages. (Participants will need a Bible.)
Jul. 23, 2016
God has plenty to say about the common challenges we face every day with our children. Walk away from this workshop with practical, biblical ways to deal with disobedience, quarreling, complaining, sinful speech, and more — in our children and in ourselves.
Jul. 23, 2016
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin. As a homeschool parent, it is imperative that you have a plan in place for the success of your homeschool. Veteran homeschool mom Linda Crosby will show you how to lay out your year, month, week, and day with schedules that will allow for flexibility in your homeschool. This practical session will get you started on the right foot with a workable schedule to keep you aimed in the right direction at the areas that are most important to you. Linda will present a variety of schedules to give you planning ideas, as well as helpful hints for dealing with interruptions, housework and chores, keeping the toddler occupied, fitting it all in, eliminating time stealers, setting goals for your child, plus more. Come join Linda and plan to succeed!
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
This workshop is Steve’s testimony of the last twenty-five years as the father of a child with special needs. He shares what his family has learned as a result of Johnny’s disability, and the special, rewarding, and joyful role he has played in their lives. Even in the difficult experiences of life, God proved faithful. His grace sustained them and brought good out of their struggles and disappointments.
The handout for this session is available at
Parent/Child Session Tales from America’s past. You will hear about wise and foolish decisions and the people who made them.
Jul. 23, 2016
What comes to mind when you hear, “Joyful mother of children”? If you aren't sure this describes your perspective on motherhood right now, come learn six steps to guide you to the joyful path! We will also discuss practical strategies to help us stay “tuned up.”
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
We’ll identify Christian leadership, be specific on how to encourage and support, get a grip on the “basics” and delineate what really counts. Dick will answer questions about the support issue from a bibical perspective. He’ll talk about the problems that have plagued leadership since the beginning and he'll be a frank about the new problems that have sprung out of social media. If God has called you to lead – lead! If God has not called you to lead – don’t. If you want to help the leaders in your group, if you want to define you role in leadership, or if you want to start a Christian support group, join us in this fast-paced summary of Christian homeschool leadership. Your mentor has been led by the Lord for 60 years and has been serving Christian homeschool leaders for 30 of those.
Jul. 23, 2016
Where are you in your homeschool journey? Just beginning, in the middle, or near the end? The end does come, believe it or not, quicker than you expect. Anne will encourage those at every stage of the journey to look at the "big picture" and not get bogged down with the details. The lessons parents learn, as they teach their children, will go with them the rest of their lives.
Jul. 23, 2016
Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started.
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Roman Roads Media In his 1954 essay, Descriptione Temporum, C.S. Lewis coined the phrase "Old Western Culture." What did Lewis mean by the term, and how might it inform our understanding of classical education?
Jul. 23, 2016
Spelling You See - Show More
Presented by Math-U-See Learn how hundreds of children have become confident, successful spellers using the methods taught in Spelling You See. There are no weekly spelling lists, no weekly spelling tests, and no time-consuming instructor preparation. Instead, a brief daily activity helps students integrate writing, reading, speaking, and listening.
Marriage is hard…in fact, it’s real hard! Yet when it is right and good, it can withstand anything. It doesn’t matter what the economy does, the status of your bank account, the condition of your home or vehicles, or what your children dish out…because when a husband and wife are right, they’re unbeatable. On the flip side, when a husband and wife feel distant or apathetic, it only takes the slightest breeze to ruffle a bunch of feathers.
Join Todd Wilson, The Familyman, for a time of laughter and encouragement as he shares real life stories, problems, and frustrations along with practical, simple solutions to having a marriage that can‘t be beat!
Jul. 23, 2016
Young Adult Session
(Be advised: This session is a discussion session and all audio is not captured on the recording)
Making a difference starts with making space. This brainstorming session is designed to help students sketch ideas for everyday discipleship.
Does teaching reading and writing seem like a daunting task? It doesn’t have to be. Designed for parents of preschoolers and kindergarteners, this workshop will feature developmentally-appropriate activities and experiences that will encourage early forms of reading and writing to flourish.
Jul. 23, 2016
Linda discovered and used unit studies as a public school teacher and later exclusively used them during her 15 years as a homeschool mom with four children. She will explain what unit studies are, how to effectively use them, where to find them, how to make your own, as well as the benefits they provide for teaching several children at the same time. Other helpful hints Linda will provide include: connecting with each learning style, teaching with a toddler in the house, organizing your schedule around the unit, keeping God at the center of each unit, and expanding the lessons beyond the front door. If you want to simplify your homeschooling days, unit studies will help you succeed and thrive as a homeschool mom.
Jul. 23, 2016
Loving God and each other are relationships. Relationships are built on edifying communication. No one can build up, or tear down, more than those that we love the most. In this workshop we will examine how to hear and understand each other in a safe place.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
Travelling Across America - Show More
Parent/Child Session From wagon trains to steam trains, from wilderness trails to super-highways; Bruce’s stories will give you a sweeping look at America’s history and some of the interesting ways people travelled across this great land.
Jul. 23, 2016
Learn how to meet the needs of your newer families without losing the veterans. What is a mentoring group? Hear how some groups have mobilized their veteran homeschoolers to help pass the baton to the new families. Vicki discusses various types of mentoring programs available, practical ideas for success, and the benefits to your support group. Sample materials will be available.
The handout for this session is available at
Are you in the thick of childrearing? Are your days long and exhausting? Join Joyce as she reminds us that the love we pour out to our children is not lost in the moment of time. We are building within them an eternal heritage.
Jul. 23, 2016
You don't have to change the way you homeschool in order to make your child fit the ‘college box.’ Create a unique transcript for your unique child, and it will help them stand out in the crowd of college applicants!
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Open LORE Assistive Reading Software
In this workshop you will learn about barriers to excellent reading that your child may be facing, such as Dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, and ADHD. We will present how the advanced reading technology from Open LORE works and can be personalized for your child’s unique needs. Workshop participants will learn how to configure and use Open LORE reading software and also access the vast Bookshare book service. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about an accessible but fun reading environment that can enable your child to realize their full, creative potential!
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by National Christian Forensics and Communications Association(NCFCA)
Young people can learn effective communication skills through competitive speech and debate. As stewards of the Truth, our students must become confident, effective, and impactful communicators, regardless of their natural ability. Hear speeches presented by students and learn of the vision of the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA).
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Convention of the States - Oregon
Fed up with the feds, government corruption, no true justice, endless agencies, diminishing rights? The Framers left us a solution in Article V of the Constitution, a Convention of States. Come learn how we can turn this nation back to Liberty by using the Constitution to save the Constitution. For the liberty of your children and grandchildren!