Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 20 through 21, 2004

A Bountiful Harvest

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 04-24
Aug. 21, 2004

Delight yourself in the Lord! Taste and see that the Lord is good! Are there biblical and theological roots to delight-directed study? Does everyone, including children, really have a God given appitite for learning? Is delight-directed study compatible with biblical discipline? Is it really our educational duty to allow our children to become bored? Can we harness every child's natural curiosity and use it to pull that student into various kinds of useful learning? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And Yes!

What if it were truly possible to train a child to refuse evil and choose good? What more important thing could a parent do for his child?! Is such a thing even possible? Yes! How? By culturing in one’s child simple appetites for the “best of the best.” The prevailing philosophy of our day that says we should expose a child to lots of good AND evil and let him choose is wrong! Such a child will, most likely, choose evil. The land of Canaan was a “land flowing with milk and honey.” A “butter and honey” diet would be a diet even better than “milk and honey.” This workshop explains and illustrates the “butter and honey diet” parents need to feed their children to train them to refuse evil and choose good. It also teaches how to decrease wrong appetites and increase right appetites.

ID: 04-32
Aug. 21, 2004

Mike shares the biblical vision for courtship, its value over traditional dating, plus what he has learned through the experience of his three oldest daughters’ courtships and marriages.

Delights are often caught rather than taught. They are fueled by the power of companionship. In fact, the greatest works of scholarship, literature, art, music, science or civic leadership have been born among small groups of fellow enthusiasts who were devoted to some area of shared interest. Each group was more like a club than a class. Each group was an age-integrated and led by the power of the best examples of its most delighted members. It only takes a few such companions,(and those have often been siblings!), to change the course of history.

ID: 04-41
Aug. 21, 2004

Here are 15 Biblical principles to “turn around” rebellious youth. Many testimonies from around the world attest to the effectiveness of the truths expounded in this message. Parents of younger children say the message has helped them understand all the key elements of parenting so as to prevent problems with their children. Some parents say they listen to the message every few weeks to help them stay "on track" as a parent. Still other parents have found the message to be the "lifeline" to stop a descent into destruction and save the life and future of their rebellious teen.