Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 20 through 21, 2004

A Bountiful Harvest

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 04-01
Aug. 20, 2004

The fields are white unto harvest. Our crop is our children, will you reap a bountiful harvest?

ID: 04-02
Aug. 20, 2004

The most destructive force in family life today is the anger of one or both parents. But rebellion in youth seldom goes away until parents deal, not just with anger, but with their spirit of anger. MANY PEOPLE WITH A SPIRIT OF ANGER DO NOT REALIZE THEY HAVE IT. James and John had such an intensive spirit of anger that they wanted to call down fire from heaven and destroy an entire village full of people. Yet they were deceived so that they didn't know that their spirits were putting off such a spirit of anger. A spirit of anger is also very contagious. Proverbs 22:24-25 explains how fathers or preachers who are blind to their own angry spirits develop followers with the same spirit.

ID: 04-03
Aug. 20, 2004

Have you ever heard someone say “All children are gifts from God” only to roll your eyes and think… “Ha! They don't know what goes on in my house!” If you don't look for God's gifts, you may be missing some of His best. Come laugh and be encouraged to see just what God had in mind when he designed your child. Learn how to see your child through God's spectacles and how to stay focused on God's vision of your child...not the world's.

ID: 04-04
Aug. 21, 2004

A brief look at the way God gave us the victory in the Oregon legislature and the way HE gives us freedom to home educate.

Topics: Vision

Mike Farris discusses how America’s principles of morality, liberty, and self-government are under attack. He explores ways that we can restore these three essential values so the future generation can continue to enjoy their benefits.

ID: 04-06
Jun. 20, 2008

In this brief recording (16 minutes) Gregg Harris encourages the attendees of this dinner in the purpose of literacy and how the Bible shows the importance of writing things down. It helps us remember the goodness of God in our lives. Attendees must preregister for this special dinner with our speakers (excluding Mike and Vickie Farris).

ID: 04-11
Aug. 20, 2004

Why do we start for the kitchen to get a drink for a child, get sidetracked by a paperclip on the floor and end up weeding in the garden with no idea why our child is still thirsty? Why do library books constantly disappear into black holes in our homes, never to be seen again? least not before the fines add up? Why do we have 25 great educational programs or projects started and only 2 or 3 are ever finished? As a self-proclaimed "Gloriously Unregimented Mom", Carol shares stories and strategies from the heart (and from the trenches!) about a home run by a highly distractible mom. She brings to light the many "truths" distractible moms must own if ever they are to develop strategies that work. Best of all, Carol shares her firm conviction that the highly distractible mom has a real and God-given edge over the naturally organized mom. Come and learn and laugh as you find REAL help for the highly distractible mom.

The main reason the Prodigal Son was a rebel was because he was rejected by his older brother. Most rebels in the Bible and in history were not 2nd born, but 1st born. When 2nd borns got into trouble, it was usually because they were following their older siblings. It is no quirk of nature that 1st borns are often very strong willed. God wanted that strong will turned in the right direction so that the influence of the parents and the 1st born cause the 2nd born to move in the right direction; then the influence of the parents, 1st born, & 2nd born move the 3rd born in the right direction, etc. There are 10 key principles from III John that older children should apply in relation to younger children that will bring joy to their own hearts as well as sweet harmony to their entire family.

ID: 04-13
Aug. 20, 2004

"I'm from the government schools and I have some 'free' curriculum, computers, and programs for you." Does this make you jump for glee, or does it make your hair on the back of your neck start to twinge? Every Christian needs to consider the principles of scripture and what makes a liberty-loving nation succeed before accepting such "free" services of handouts. The spreading practice of charter schools, virtual schools, and other permutations of state-run schooling-at-home that is marketed to current and perspective homeschoolers is one of the most serious issues facing the parent-lead home-based education movement in America. Dr. Ray will challenge you to go deeper and face the realities of what and why you believe and do what you do as you model courageous living for your children and adult peers.

Rainmakers Home School Speech & Debate Clubs, coached by Gregg & Sono Harris, display the potential of delight-directed study and the power of companionship in bold relief. By creating a social environment supportive of the pursuit of excellence, and providing an outlet for each members' work, Rainmakers has become a launching pad for many excellent young speakers and debaters age, 12 to 18. Samples of a few "winning speeches" by Rainmakers club members will be presented.

Has some distortion. Discover the foundational building blocks for a strong homeschool. In this informative class, you will develop a family mission statement, learn how and where to shop, uncover your child's learning style and outline a personal school calendar. Hand-outs include resources, lesson planning and scheduling sheets which are not included on the CD.

Are you struggling with teaching math to your teenagers? Does the word “algebra” strike fear in your home? Join Steve Clark as he humorously explores the reasons that instruction can be difficult and then gets serious about WHY teenagers need higher level math. If you or your students have ever asked, “When are we going to use this Algebra stuff?,” then this seminar is for you!

ID: 04-17
Aug. 20, 2004

Effective apologetics begins with understanding the distinction between Christianity and the world. This seminar compares various worldviews’ assumptions about the nature of man and draws the logical conclusions. Based on an analogy between Jekyll and Hyde and Frankenstein’s monster and the two possible beliefs about the nature of man, this lecture demonstrates the uniqueness of Christianity and the bankruptcy of political, legal, and ethical systems based on the assumption that man is basically good.

ID: 04-21
Aug. 21, 2004

If you have ever worried about keeping the house clean, meals prepared, and the laundry caught up, all while keeping your lesson plans current, the papers graded, and the rest of your homeschool running, then this session is for you. Drawing from her 15 years of homeschooling, Vickie will share insights on how she keeps things running smoothly in her house.

ID: 04-22
Aug. 21, 2004

Even busy executives with 10 children like Mike can and should take part in home schooling—not just in teaching, but in supporting their wives.

Topics: Fathers

Without a doubt, a wife’s most important responsibility in relation to her husband is to reverence him. Submission is a wife’s position. Reverence is her practice or activity. Reverence is the command that balances and gives meaning to submission. It is also the thing that makes a wife a success as a wife. The need of a wife, given by her Creator, is for the security of her husband’s love. The need of a husband is for his wife’s reverence. Reverence motivates a husband. It moves him; it builds him; it lifts him. It challenges him. It empowers him. It encourages him.

ID: 04-24
Aug. 21, 2004

Delight yourself in the Lord! Taste and see that the Lord is good! Are there biblical and theological roots to delight-directed study? Does everyone, including children, really have a God given appitite for learning? Is delight-directed study compatible with biblical discipline? Is it really our educational duty to allow our children to become bored? Can we harness every child's natural curiosity and use it to pull that student into various kinds of useful learning? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And Yes!

ID: 04-25
Aug. 21, 2004

In the midst of home schooling, mothers may face feelings of loneliness, weariness, frustration and disappointment. When things are not going exactly as we expected, what does God desire to accomplish in our lives? During the trying times, how can we cooperate with His purposes? From her own study and life experience, Sono shares the sustaining, hope-building truths that God delivers to us so bountifully in the midst of everyday life & storm. THIS RECORDING IS NOT THE BEST QUALITY but content is excellent.

ID: 04-26
Aug. 21, 2004

Relax. It's easier than you think. This workshop will walk you step-by-step through a simple and easy-to-use method based on phonics and fun combined in a simple game that kids will ask for day after day. The game is learned in one minute but will grow with your child through years of learning. All the materials for this method will cost you less than $2.00

ID: 04-27
Aug. 21, 2004

This introduction to apologetics starts by pointing out that every worldview is fundamentally religious. Although secularists behave as though some worldviews require faith and some are purely rational, the fact remains that everyone makes faith assumptions. This lecture explores the faith required to embrace atheism while encouraging students to ask atheists and other non-Christians to defend what they believe.

Topics: Vision

What if it were truly possible to train a child to refuse evil and choose good? What more important thing could a parent do for his child?! Is such a thing even possible? Yes! How? By culturing in one’s child simple appetites for the “best of the best.” The prevailing philosophy of our day that says we should expose a child to lots of good AND evil and let him choose is wrong! Such a child will, most likely, choose evil. The land of Canaan was a “land flowing with milk and honey.” A “butter and honey” diet would be a diet even better than “milk and honey.” This workshop explains and illustrates the “butter and honey diet” parents need to feed their children to train them to refuse evil and choose good. It also teaches how to decrease wrong appetites and increase right appetites.

ID: 04-32
Aug. 21, 2004

Mike shares the biblical vision for courtship, its value over traditional dating, plus what he has learned through the experience of his three oldest daughters’ courtships and marriages.

ID: 04-33
Aug. 21, 2004

From childbearing to letting go, Biblical motherhood is about laying down your life as an investment in eternity-- your own and your children’s! Giving your life away is the biblical norm that must guide your mothering style; the results are finding your life and discovering the joy that only God can give. Practical and specific application from a perspective gained in over 29 years of mothering.

Delights are often caught rather than taught. They are fueled by the power of companionship. In fact, the greatest works of scholarship, literature, art, music, science or civic leadership have been born among small groups of fellow enthusiasts who were devoted to some area of shared interest. Each group was more like a club than a class. Each group was an age-integrated and led by the power of the best examples of its most delighted members. It only takes a few such companions,(and those have often been siblings!), to change the course of history.

Part 1 of a workshop for not only families with ADHD children, but also those whose children are simply fidgety. How do you teach a child with an impossibly short attention span? This home schooling mom of a supercharged, highly distractible child shares the practical tips that turned their home schooling from an exercise in pain and frustration to one of pleasure and success. Topics include, putting motion into learning, making math fun, the unique difficulty with writing and decreasing distractions. Also a thought provoking commentary on “What was God thinking?” when he put such qualities in your child. Come and learn practical tips that you can start using Monday morning.

NOTE: There are long periods of silence on this recording while those in the session were filling out personality assessments For some strange reason, you’ve decided to homeschool your children. At the beginning you thought, “This will be great!” Now reality is settling in. You’ve lost your temper twice this week, one of the kids told you they want to go back to public school, and you can’t find the test papers that need grading. You’re thinking,“Maybe I just don’t have the right personality to homeschool my kids. The OTHER homeschoolers I know seem to do it so much better! What’s wrong with me?”

ID: 04-37
Aug. 21, 2004

Part 1 of a 2 part discussion which encourages students to cast aside the “artistic relativism” taught in most schools, recognizing that God is either pleased or displeased with specific works of art (Philippians 4:8). Students seek to discover God’s definition of art, and then apply that to all fields: music, dance, theater, visual arts, literature, etc. Concepts such as cultural literacy and the role of the art consumer are discussed.

ID: 04-41
Aug. 21, 2004

Here are 15 Biblical principles to “turn around” rebellious youth. Many testimonies from around the world attest to the effectiveness of the truths expounded in this message. Parents of younger children say the message has helped them understand all the key elements of parenting so as to prevent problems with their children. Some parents say they listen to the message every few weeks to help them stay "on track" as a parent. Still other parents have found the message to be the "lifeline" to stop a descent into destruction and save the life and future of their rebellious teen.

ID: 04-42
Aug. 20, 2004

Vicki Farris, Wife of Mike Farris and mother and grandmother of many tells you about the top two priorities

Is it realistic to expect every student to enjoy learning even difficult material? Gregg Harris believes that every human being has a God-given appetite for a mental challenge. We actually enjoy wrestling with difficult ideas — that the mind likes to “chew” on interesting information. The problem is, we too often allow our mental appetites to be spoiled. First, by being “force fed” on required but often irrelevant material, or second, by letting our minds indulge in the false satisfaction of mental junk food. If we trust in the goodness of God we can learn how to prepare a delightful feast for each hungry mind. In fact it will be our delight to do so!

What ARE the “3 C’s of homeschooling, and what is a “well-rounded” student? Are you always worried about choosing the “right mix” of subjects and lessons? Have you sometimes asked yourself “Is there really a good reason to teach this subject?” or “Am I really able to teach this subject?” Join Steve Clark as he shares some ways to determine which subjects to choose and then discusses how your choices can fit into a master plan of developing a well-rounded student.

Part 2 of a workshop for not only families with ADHD children, but also those whose children are simply fidgety. How do you teach a child with an impossibly short attention span? This home schooling mom of a supercharged, highly distractible child shares the practical tips that turned their home schooling from an exercise in pain and frustration to one of pleasure and success. Topics include, putting motion into learning, making math fun, the unique difficulty with writing and decreasing distractions. Also a thought provoking commentary on “What was God thinking?” when he put such qualities in your child. Come and learn practical tips that you can start using Monday morning.

ID: 04-47
Aug. 21, 2004

Part 2 of this discussion which encourages students to cast aside the “artistic relativism” taught in most schools, recognizing that God is either pleased or displeased with specific works of art (Philippians 4:8). Students seek to discover God’s definition of art, and then apply that to all fields: music, dance, theater, visual arts, literature, etc. Concepts such as cultural literacy and the role of the art consumer are discussed.