Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2014

OR-2014 Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 14-103
Jun. 20, 2014

This session deals with the two different ideas of origins of the universe and life. The main emphasis is on the ideas of evolution and what is wrong with them. Subjects include The Big Bang, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, “simple” cells, DNA, the evolutionary tree, missing links, mutations, variation in kind, and art work in science.

Pam Forster, a veteran homeschool mom and writer, shares her perspective now that her six children are grown up, graduated, and getting married. Get help raising your children for the Lord by learning from the lessons God has taught her during 30 years of parenting. This session will broaden your perspective, help you discover blind spots, and see how God works to redeem even our mistakes.

ID: 14-206
Jun. 20, 2014

Many of us dream of a simpler life, but are just too busy to actually do anything to make it happen. We have so much on our plates. How can we balance it all? Together we’ll consider ways to make life simpler and how to put them into practice in your daily routines.

ID: 14-208
Jun. 20, 2014

Learn how to make sure your curriculum is a useful tool and not the master of your homeschool. Expand your curriculum horizons with great ideas that will challenge and motivate homeschoolers from toddlers through teens. Gain helpful tips for making your student a life-long learner. Homeschooling can be fun, fascinating, and inspirational for both child and parent.

ID: 14-210
Jun. 20, 2014

Homeschooling is the fastest growing educational movement in the country and this has resulted in an explosion of curricula from which to choose. Before walking through the exhibit hall, narrow down your choices by exploring learning styles, philosophy of education, and more. This workshop is designed especially for new homeschooling families, but all homeschoolers overwhelmed by curricula shopping are welcome to attend.

Continuing from session one, more ideas to use with the highly distractible child. Nothing is repeated from the first session. We’ll cover using things around the house to create fast games, giving tired hands a break, and 10 things to remember when teaching one of the toughest subjects for this child: writing. Get a fresh injection of great ideas and a reminder of why these kids are so great. (Best for Pre-K through 6th grade.)

ID: 14-306
Jun. 20, 2014

Disorganization in your students’ bedrooms can create a mess that’s a nuisance, but disorganization in their studies can affect grades, future work habits, and success. Knowing your students’ organizing style and learning to set up a process that works for them will give them organizing skills to use in their studies and many other areas of their lives. Unfortunately, we can’t promise they’ll use them to create a tidy bedroom.

ID: 14-402
Jun. 21, 2014

Too often we’ve just accepted how busy our lives are supposed to be, but many of us are running through life in a frenzied fog. We have a nagging sense that it shouldn’t be this way, but don’t know how it should be. With a bit of laughter and an unabashed challenge of the status quo, you’ll learn to take control of your family’s lives.

ID: 14-510
Jun. 21, 2014

Learn how to teach geography in an integrated way. Our world is an amazing place! Through the study of geography we can understand and appreciate the people that God has placed upon this earth and how geography affects cultures. Let’s learn how to go into all the world together as families. (Note: no airline tickets necessary.)

ID: 14-606
Jun. 21, 2014

By anyone’s standard boys are failing in the current educational environment. Recent research has confirmed the biological, psychological, and physiological differences between the way male and female brains learn. Rick explores those differences and looks at some strategies that can help males succeed in an educational environment that is often confusing and discouraging to their learning styles.

ID: 14-610
Jun. 21, 2014

Explore the advantages of teaching your preschooler in a preschool environment that is also a family environment. Choices abound for educating our youngest and in this session you will hear from moms who have operated a family-based preschool co-op for three years. Learn basic information and tools that will help you start your own family-centered preschool co-op.