Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 19 through 20, 2005

From Generation to Generation

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Most parents want a successful education for their children. With this assumption in mind, Kevin presents a powerful presentation that uncovers the ten secrets to a successful education and training for your child. They are time tested. They are the rock bottom principles that are basic to all education. And they affirm the homeschool vision. It's not a one-size-fits-all education. In fact, one of these ten principles is the Principle of Individuality, which requires a different model for each home and child. This impacting presentation will give the first time homeschooler confidence and vision. It will also provide encouragement and a reality check for the experienced homeschooler.

Sometimes it is hard to see beyond the drudgery of our day to day homeschooling regimen. There is more to homeschooling than meets the eye. Is God preparing to use the homeschooling in a powerful way to transform our families, churches, and culture? We will look at the trends within the movement, and the exciting developments that are coming in the future of this movement. This message will lift you up and help you to see where you are going. It is a vital message for the entire homeschooling movement. People do not quit homeschooling for lack of curriculum, they quit for lack of vision.