Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 5 through 7, 2014

2014 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

What’s your next step? What will you do after graduation? What’s your plan!? Have you heard any of these questions recently? Maybe you are the one asking yourself these questions. The years between the ages of 16 and 22 are full of transition and change, but they are also full of potential and exciting opportunities that can have a major impact on the rest of your life. This session will teach you how to break down this period of your life into three key planning areas and then map out a plan in each area that helps you make the most of your time, gifts, and opportunities. Come learn how to uncover the unique purpose God has given you to pursue, gain the skills you need to accomplish those goals, and launch into your future with confidence and passion.

ID: 1429
Jun. 6, 2014

Between the ages of 10-20 your son or daughter will make the transition from child to adult. Along the way there are some significant and easily identified milestones and transitions. This is also a time where the right kind of training can pay multi-generational dividends. This session will give you a year by year plan for training and equipping your child for the rest of their life, and will show you how to create your family’s own unique ceremonies and rites of passage to recognize and celebrate the growth and accomplishments in these ten crucial years.

ID: 1438
Jun. 7, 2014

Why is it that almost half of college graduates can’t find a job? What’s missing? What does a student really need to learn between the ages of sixteen and twenty two to be ready for “real life”? Everyone focuses on academics, but you need more than academic ability to be fully equipped for the challenges and responsibilities of adulthood. In this session Jonathan will guide you through the seven essential skills and abilities that are crucial for successfully launching into adulthood. This time of life is a unique time, offering amazing possibilities. Come learn how to maximize this time, focus on the essentials, and be prepared and equipped for extraordinary success!