Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Friday - Sunday
May. 1 through 3, 2009

2009 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

Education is discipleship. How are we discipling our children? For many, the reformation doctrine of Sola Scriptura is an easy doctrine to say �Amen� to; however, adherence to this great Christian truth requires far more than verbal assent: If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14: 15). The keeping of God�s commands requires a working knowledge of His word. Reformation of the heart and victorious Christian living only come with recognition of the consequences of our profession and conformity to the image of Christ through transformation and renewal of our minds.

No matter what the size of your family, each child needs special one-on-one time with each of his parents. How are you going to manage that when you scarcely get a date with your spouse? Where do you go to get more hours in your day? And what do you mean by �date�? Join Rebecca to learn how to make individual quality time with your kids a priority. You�ll discover the keys to grabbing hold of the opportunities God provides and establishing stronger life connections with the hearts you�re blessed to hold.

ID: 932
May. 1, 2009

Dr. Humphreys first shows that a basic assumption of the big bang theory, that the universe has no center, contradicts Scripture. Then he shows that putting a Bible-based assumption, that the universe has a (Conference Speakers & Exhibitor Workshops are listed alphabetically.) 22 center, into Einstein�s theory of relativity provides a way to get light from distant galaxies to the earth within one ordinary day, the fourth day of creation. He explains this in simple layman�s language, no equations or jargon. The toughest thing to explain is how the Big Bang theorists imagine a cosmos without a center. The creationist picture is much closer to what laymen already imagine. Several other creationists have built cosmologies from this simple beginning point, so we now have at least four creation cosmologies to choose from. Now believers can again see the universe as being young, only the Biblical 6,000 years old. Once again, the heavens declare the glory of God.

ID: 933
May. 1, 2009

This workshop takes readers on a journey from the beginnings of Western philosophy to its present manifestations. It examines a philosopher or a philosophical movement and then gives a Biblical refutation of the deception or a complement to the truth presented. At the end of the workshop, the listener will not merely be talking about spiritual warfare, but also be engaged in it. Christians will leave this talk with hope and assurance.

ID: 947
May. 1, 2009

Man does not live a healthy life just by eating good nutritious food, but by following every word given to us by our Lord. This powerful workshop by Sue Becker is her personal testimony of her survival of a cancer that is often terminal. Although proper nutrition was key in her survival, her complete healing came through very basic principles laid down by God's word.

ID: 948
May. 1, 2009

This seminar will survey the military history in the Bible. We will examine the weapons (some of them of massed destruction!) and interesting campaigns of Israel, Assyria, Babylonia and Egypt from a perspective not often pursued in biblical studies. We will also look at the Roman army as it appeared in the New Testament.

Boys are different, Mom! Our sexually permissive culture is already sending your son signals that real manhood equals an aggressive thirst for power and a lustful hunger for promiscuity. How do you whet your son's appetite for Christ alone? Join Rebecca to learn the secrets every mother needs to know about raising a godly son.

ID: 965
May. 1, 2009

Few people are aware that most of the relevant scientific data are in favor of a young world. Dr. Humphreys has been studying such data for nearly forty years. Recently, exciting new evidence has come to light that drastically compresses the billion-year ages of such dating methods as potassium/argon, uranium/lead, and carbon 14. Carbon 14 has now become the friend of creationism! We have reported these data findings at an annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, and in several articles and books, both technical and non-technical. Attend this session for a sample of such evidence!

As children mature they ask three foundational questions of their fathers. The answers the father demonstrates to these questions determine whether he will raise a rebel or a mighty warrior for the cause of Christ. (1)Are you worthy for me to follow? (2)Are you worthy to have my heart? (3) If I give you my heart, will you lead me? This talk will focus on practical steps a father (and mother) can take to win and keep the heart of their sons and daughters. We will also cover valuable leadership lessons for the father to apply in his home.