Recordings Listing


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 1 through 2, 2018

PA-2018 Walking by Faith and not by Sight

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2018-303
Jun. 1, 2018

According to Proverbs 19:19, people who live with an angry person are continually having to "deliver him" from the consequences of his or her anger. In fact, they wind up doing it again and again. Angry people do foolish and mean things that often destroy their testimonies. But the greatest cost of anger is the destruction of relationships with the people the angry person loves. This message gives five key steps to conquer anger.

Many good families have lost their children because the parents did not communicate clearly in their spirits to their children that their priorities were in the proper order that God meant them to be. Wrong priorities create problems all by themselves that can only be corrected by getting priorities right. The proper question to ask in relation to priorities is, "WHO is a man's top priority, as far as life relationships are concerned?" This message, profusely illustrated, is an “eye-opener” to many parents about how important it is that their children be only after God and their mates in their order of priorities. It also encourages parents to do whatever they have to do to keep those priorities right.

ID: 2018-314
Jun. 2, 2018

Kindness is a powerful force that emanates from God himself that will transform your life and the lives of those around you if you will use it properly and consistently. Proverbs 31 referred to the “law of kindness.” A law sets parameters. The “law of kindness” says that you and I should not leave the parameters of kindness in the words we say or the way we say them. God, who is always kind, uses his kindness to win our hearts, and few things are as effective to reach the hearts of children as parents consistently being kind. Some of the most powerful stories in the Bible and in human life are stories where people used the power of kindness to repay kindnesses shown to them.


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2014

OR-2014 Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 14-002
Jun. 20, 2014

One reason parents have problems with some teens is that those teens have a deficiency in their earlier character development. In this session, we examine Luke 2 to see how Jesus, by age 12, had developed seven key qualities necessary for true maturity. This message will motivate and encourage both parents and their children.

ID: 14-003
Jun. 21, 2014

Anger from one or both parents is probably the number one thing that is spiritually derailing children in Bible-believing homes and churches. Anger also destroys oneness between a husband and wife. Many parents think wrath is justified by children’s disobedience and rebellion. Dr. Davis explains that the anger is probably the cause of the rebellion. This session enables parents to see the source of their anger and work to overcome anger.

ID: 14-109
Jun. 20, 2014

One of the most powerful things a parent does for his child is to bless him; one of the most terrible things a parent does is to curse his child. A blessing involves unconditionally and often publicly speaking good words in the Name of the Lord. In this session Dr. Davis demonstrates how he uses songs he wrote for his 12 grandchildren after they were born to bless them on a regular basis.

ID: 14-209
Jun. 20, 2014

According to Proverbs 19:19, people who live with an angry person are continually having to “deliver him” from the consequences of his anger. Angry people do foolish and hurtful things that often destroy their testimonies. But the greatest cost of anger is the destruction of relationships with loved ones. This session equips people to conquer anger with five key steps.

ID: 14-609
Jun. 21, 2014

The first occurrence of the word “work” in the Bible was not in relation to man, but in relation to God Himself. Work is godly because God is the original worker. In this session, you will learn to develop character in children by training them to be diligent workers, using their hands to do hard work.


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 20 through 21, 2004

A Bountiful Harvest

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 04-02
Aug. 20, 2004

The most destructive force in family life today is the anger of one or both parents. But rebellion in youth seldom goes away until parents deal, not just with anger, but with their spirit of anger. MANY PEOPLE WITH A SPIRIT OF ANGER DO NOT REALIZE THEY HAVE IT. James and John had such an intensive spirit of anger that they wanted to call down fire from heaven and destroy an entire village full of people. Yet they were deceived so that they didn't know that their spirits were putting off such a spirit of anger. A spirit of anger is also very contagious. Proverbs 22:24-25 explains how fathers or preachers who are blind to their own angry spirits develop followers with the same spirit.

The main reason the Prodigal Son was a rebel was because he was rejected by his older brother. Most rebels in the Bible and in history were not 2nd born, but 1st born. When 2nd borns got into trouble, it was usually because they were following their older siblings. It is no quirk of nature that 1st borns are often very strong willed. God wanted that strong will turned in the right direction so that the influence of the parents and the 1st born cause the 2nd born to move in the right direction; then the influence of the parents, 1st born, & 2nd born move the 3rd born in the right direction, etc. There are 10 key principles from III John that older children should apply in relation to younger children that will bring joy to their own hearts as well as sweet harmony to their entire family.

What if it were truly possible to train a child to refuse evil and choose good? What more important thing could a parent do for his child?! Is such a thing even possible? Yes! How? By culturing in one’s child simple appetites for the “best of the best.” The prevailing philosophy of our day that says we should expose a child to lots of good AND evil and let him choose is wrong! Such a child will, most likely, choose evil. The land of Canaan was a “land flowing with milk and honey.” A “butter and honey” diet would be a diet even better than “milk and honey.” This workshop explains and illustrates the “butter and honey diet” parents need to feed their children to train them to refuse evil and choose good. It also teaches how to decrease wrong appetites and increase right appetites.