Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Friday & Saturday
Jun. 19 through 20, 2015

OR-2015 Our Hope is in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 15-602
Jun. 20, 2015

Are you looking into educational options for your children? Just what is homeschooling? Is it really legal? Am I qualified to teach my own? What if I miss something? Come explore the answer to these and many more "Frequently Asked Questions" drawing from Joyce's many years of experience homeschooling.

ID: 15-603
Jun. 20, 2015

The Flood produced the right conditions for only one Ice Age, which grew and melted in a matter of a few hundred years. A single Ice Age explains extinctions of mammals like the Woolly Mammoth and saber tooth tiger.

No matter where we turn, we're facing an epidemic of visionless, clueless, fantasy-driven young people. Stuck in an education system which fosters this disconnect from reality, few Millennials, even Christians, are able to successfully bridge the gap into real life. From the perspective of a Millennial, Daniel calls students and parents to adopt a new paradigm for his generation in light of God's word. Don't attend this session unless you are ready to be challenged with a new vision for life and an awakened understanding of the responsibilities God calls every young person to fulfill.

ID: 15-605
Jun. 20, 2015

Wondering how to help your student plan their course of action after high school? Lee explains the variety of different options open to students today, including CLEP, community college, regular college, online classes, working, College Plus, and gap years.

ID: 15-606
Jun. 20, 2015

Communication is often hard for people, but it is especially difficult for men and their teenagers. Some fathers lose the hearts of their kids, not because they are not doing the right parenting things, but often because they do not know how to communicate. The talk will cover learning the language of your teenager, girl and guy differences in communication, what things need to be communicated, and a survey of questions that dads can use to start conversations that go deeper into their heart.

ID: 15-607
Jun. 20, 2015

When do you get started and what do you do first? We've had precocious readers and late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. Learn to relax and introduce your little ones to the joy of learning in a gentle and realistic way that will prepare them to succeed academically.

ID: 15-608
Jun. 20, 2015

Is that word “freedom” for just ol’ graying hippies and revolutionary wannabes? No. It is a biblical concept and at the core of what it means to be an American and, especially, a homeschooler. Dr. Ray will answer: How’d we get our homeschool freedoms? Why should you care? Are we really free? How might we lose this liberty? What are the enemies? Risks? Is Common Core related? What about compulsory attendance laws? Parental rights? Whether your youngest child is pre-born, 7, or 18, you need to know the core principles of educational freedom and why we must strive to keep or expand that liberty. Dr. Ray has been in this practical and theoretical battle for over 30 years.

Faith will define what dyslexia is (and what it is not), discuss the different types of dyslexia as well as levels of struggle (mild, moderate, severe), and then offer hope by sharing the types of necessary teaching methods, specific, research-based interventions and programs that can be implemented in homeschool setting. Hope and encouragement are offered, in addition to right brain “tricks” and strategies for success to add to your teaching toolkit!


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2014

OR-2014 Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Why aren’t your Christian neighbors homeschooling? What is the number one reason that parents do not homeschool? They lack confidence to believe that they can actually do the job, or, put another way – they fear failure. Many homeschoolers wonder how to determine whether they are successful or not. Mike explains in very clear biblical terms how to know whether or not you have been successful when you get to the end of your homeschool experience. The Bible gives clear and decisive direction in this area which should be very encouraging to all of us – even in the most difficult situations.

ID: 14-002
Jun. 20, 2014

One reason parents have problems with some teens is that those teens have a deficiency in their earlier character development. In this session, we examine Luke 2 to see how Jesus, by age 12, had developed seven key qualities necessary for true maturity. This message will motivate and encourage both parents and their children.

ID: 14-003
Jun. 21, 2014

Anger from one or both parents is probably the number one thing that is spiritually derailing children in Bible-believing homes and churches. Anger also destroys oneness between a husband and wife. Many parents think wrath is justified by children’s disobedience and rebellion. Dr. Davis explains that the anger is probably the cause of the rebellion. This session enables parents to see the source of their anger and work to overcome anger.

ID: 14-004
Jun. 21, 2014

A general overview of the challenges, burdens, and benefits of homeschooling from a veteran homeschool father and leader. Michael Smith encourages homeschoolers who are losing the vision, reminds them of the benefits of homeschooling, and offers some practical suggestions for relieving the pressure on the homeschooling family, especially moms.

ID: 14-101
Jun. 20, 2014

Maybe the Canon should have been closed after the first five books. What about after the Old Testament? The New Testament? Is the Bible really the Word of God, or are there other sacred writings that we should follow? This talk will reinforce why we don’t have a blind faith. The Scripture is the reliable, trustworthy, completed Word of God

ID: 14-102
Jun. 20, 2014

Have you ever heard “All children are gifts from God” only to roll your eyes and think “Ha! They don’t know what goes on in my house!” If you don't look for God's gifts in your child, you may be missing some of His best. Come laugh and be encouraged to see what God had in mind when He designed your child. Learn to see your child through God’s spectacles and to stay focused on God’s vision of your child...not the world’s.

ID: 14-103
Jun. 20, 2014

This session deals with the two different ideas of origins of the universe and life. The main emphasis is on the ideas of evolution and what is wrong with them. Subjects include The Big Bang, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, “simple” cells, DNA, the evolutionary tree, missing links, mutations, variation in kind, and art work in science.

ID: 14-104
Jun. 20, 2014

How, What, When & Why! How do I go about teaching? What do I teach? When should I teach? And most importantly, why should I homeschool my preschooler? Bring your questions and get a wealth of information from a 25-year veteran of homeschooling.

ID: 14-105
Jun. 20, 2014

It’s tough being a man, husband, and father today. And yet you are so important you are nearly irreplaceable to your wife and children. Rick Johnson, bestselling author and founder of Better Dads, will help you discover how to give your children an example of healthy masculinity that will survive and thrive down through the generations.

Topics: Fathers
ID: 14-106
Jun. 20, 2014

Are you drowning under piles of papers? Weren’t computers supposed to make managing information easier? Learn techniques for dealing with the mountain of school papers and your many household documents. Develop a process to move them out of the to-do pile and into the done pile. Determine what documents (paper and electronic) to keep and ways to file or store them.

Topics: Organization
ID: 14-107
Jun. 20, 2014

What does it take to bring up children who genuinely love Jesus? Our greatest hope for our children is to have them walk with God and enjoy a free heart, serving Him with their gifts and abilities. Lisa will share what they have learned – from their own experience and from the Word of God – about raising kids who have their hearts set on heaven and their feet planted firmly on solid ground.

ID: 14-108
Jun. 20, 2014

Gain insightful tips for homeschooling teens and building good relationships at home. We’ll discuss the academic advantages of homeschooling teens and getting them ready for college. Learn about the most important priorities during the teen years, including Elizabeth’s quick list of “Homeschooling Teens: What’s Important.” For those deciding about home schooling teens this is a must.

ID: 14-109
Jun. 20, 2014

One of the most powerful things a parent does for his child is to bless him; one of the most terrible things a parent does is to curse his child. A blessing involves unconditionally and often publicly speaking good words in the Name of the Lord. In this session Dr. Davis demonstrates how he uses songs he wrote for his 12 grandchildren after they were born to bless them on a regular basis.

Pam Forster, a veteran homeschool mom and writer, shares her perspective now that her six children are grown up, graduated, and getting married. Get help raising your children for the Lord by learning from the lessons God has taught her during 30 years of parenting. This session will broaden your perspective, help you discover blind spots, and see how God works to redeem even our mistakes.

Can a simple 20-minute lesson drag into 2 hours? Does your little wiggler seem to fall out of his chair a great deal? Is he distracted by things others don’t notice? Find the key that unlocks learning for the highly distractible child. We’ll cover putting motion into learning, making math fun (no, really!) and creating learning experiences that cement your child’s understanding of science, history, and language. (Best for Pre-K through 6th grade.)

ID: 14-203
Jun. 20, 2014

This session gives evidence for the existence of God. We see design in nature, and design points to an intelligent designer, not random chance and accident. Subjects include bombardier beetles, woodpeckers, sea anemones, sea slugs, and Mallee fowl.

ID: 14-204
Jun. 20, 2014

Get answers to the big questions: "What do they really need to know before kindergarten?” “How do I get started?” “How do I know if I’m doing it right?” Learn the tools of the trade to create a lifelong love of learning.

Homeschool mom, if you’re struggling with trying to do it all, you will enjoy hearing Heidi’s favorite tips for managing homeschooling and homemaking and still finding time to fit in other things… like alone time with your husband. Learn how two words can make a difference in managing your home and homeschool. Bring a friend and leave your preconceived ideas at the door because real moms sometimes serve Cheerios for dinner!

ID: 14-206
Jun. 20, 2014

Many of us dream of a simpler life, but are just too busy to actually do anything to make it happen. We have so much on our plates. How can we balance it all? Together we’ll consider ways to make life simpler and how to put them into practice in your daily routines.

For many of us, leading our families in daily worship can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn a more natural approach to the responsibility of imparting the knowledge of God to your kids. A question and answer forum will follow the presentation.

ID: 14-208
Jun. 20, 2014

Learn how to make sure your curriculum is a useful tool and not the master of your homeschool. Expand your curriculum horizons with great ideas that will challenge and motivate homeschoolers from toddlers through teens. Gain helpful tips for making your student a life-long learner. Homeschooling can be fun, fascinating, and inspirational for both child and parent.

ID: 14-209
Jun. 20, 2014

According to Proverbs 19:19, people who live with an angry person are continually having to “deliver him” from the consequences of his anger. Angry people do foolish and hurtful things that often destroy their testimonies. But the greatest cost of anger is the destruction of relationships with loved ones. This session equips people to conquer anger with five key steps.

ID: 14-210
Jun. 20, 2014

Homeschooling is the fastest growing educational movement in the country and this has resulted in an explosion of curricula from which to choose. Before walking through the exhibit hall, narrow down your choices by exploring learning styles, philosophy of education, and more. This workshop is designed especially for new homeschooling families, but all homeschoolers overwhelmed by curricula shopping are welcome to attend.

Continuing from session one, more ideas to use with the highly distractible child. Nothing is repeated from the first session. We’ll cover using things around the house to create fast games, giving tired hands a break, and 10 things to remember when teaching one of the toughest subjects for this child: writing. Get a fresh injection of great ideas and a reminder of why these kids are so great. (Best for Pre-K through 6th grade.)

ID: 14-303
Jun. 20, 2014

This session looks at the lack of evidence for an evolutionary origin of man. Subjects include worldview bias in examining evidence, the human evolution chart, Neanderthal man, Ramapithecus, Java man, Australopithecus (Lucy), Laetoli ash fields, Piltdown man, and Nebraska man. It may also include a short talk about the age of the earth and problems with the dating methods used today.

Topics: World View
ID: 14-305
Jun. 20, 2014

Good for you! You don’t want just to raise your boy to become a man. You want him to be a good man. Learn how to help your boy become a man of courage and integrity with a good work ethic and a healthy understanding of love and responsibility.

ID: 14-306
Jun. 20, 2014

Disorganization in your students’ bedrooms can create a mess that’s a nuisance, but disorganization in their studies can affect grades, future work habits, and success. Knowing your students’ organizing style and learning to set up a process that works for them will give them organizing skills to use in their studies and many other areas of their lives. Unfortunately, we can’t promise they’ll use them to create a tidy bedroom.

Almost every father has heard he is to lead his family spiritually, physically, and in every other way. However, many fathers were never taught to effectively lead. Michael Smith presents encouraging and practical tips to fathers. The session concludes with six ways mothers say their husbands can be more effective in leading the family’s homeschool. In one father’s words, “Inspiring and convicting – thanks for the straight talk!”

Topics: VisionFathers
ID: 14-308
Jun. 20, 2014

Raising a teenager is an intimidating prospect. How do we keep their hearts and prepare them for the future? Whether you’re parenting teenagers now, or will be in the future, this workshop offers encouragement, hope, and solid teaching on how to make these years some of the best. Join Lisa, currently the mother of 5 teenagers, as she shares her heart and wisdom in loving and directing your child through the teen years.

Do you struggle to keep your heart tuned into God’s voice through all the other noise of life? In this Pinterest-Perfect world it’s all too easy to hold the Lord at arms length until we do the “important” things. Learn the secret of developing an intimate spiritual life and why it makes all the difference in your family and marriage.

ID: 14-310
Jun. 20, 2014

When a family decides to homeschool, parents may wonder, “Can I do this? What if my kids are difficult to teach? What if I fail?” This workshop, designed for new homeschool families, will give you the tools, the vision, and the encouragement to succeed. Be equipped to make a difference in the lives of your kids through sound parenting and educational principles that put you on the fast-track to homeschooling success.

ID: 14-402
Jun. 21, 2014

Too often we’ve just accepted how busy our lives are supposed to be, but many of us are running through life in a frenzied fog. We have a nagging sense that it shouldn’t be this way, but don’t know how it should be. With a bit of laughter and an unabashed challenge of the status quo, you’ll learn to take control of your family’s lives.

ID: 14-403
Jun. 21, 2014

This session focuses on what we can actually know from studying dinosaur fossils, in contrast to what we can only infer. With an emphasis on distinguishing between imagination and observational science, this session explores fossils and what can they tell us, art work versus fact, dinosaurs and current stories about them, and what sharp claws and teeth really mean.

“Why isn’t this child learning as well as my other children? What am I doing wrong?" When a child seems bright but is not learning as fast as his peers, the problem could be a learning disability. This session explains the symptoms of learning disability and how to determine if this is the problem. Teaching methods, curriculum selection, and specialized tutoring will also be discussed.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 14-405
Jun. 21, 2014

Do you yearn to be a better father and have a more loving family? In this innovative, powerful, fast-moving multimedia presentation, Rick uses stories, examples, and small group interaction to sharpen your skills and help you understand your authentic masculinity.

Topics: Fathers

This workshop explores how a child’s brain develops and how you as parents can give them the best start. Discover how true comprehension and learning take place and the damaging effects the electronic world is having on students from preschool to college.

ID: 14-407
Jun. 21, 2014

Meet the Jacobsons and hear from the family on their homeschool journey. Warning! The “Perfect Family Seminar” is down the hall! Bickering, holiness, selfishness, and sacrifice – being iron, extending grace, and striving after loving relationships in the home. Experience the harmony and beauty that comes from embracing God’s standards in family relationships.

ID: 14-408
Jun. 21, 2014

The early years before children begin formal education is the time to show them that learning is fun and interesting. Elizabeth will present informal reading and math “lessons” that not only teach, but also help transition mom into their first teacher. Learn to take advantage of teaching opportunities and apply wisdom to the education process that will help insure your little ones will love learning and move easily into formal academics.

ID: 14-409
Jun. 21, 2014

Our grandparents were exposed to Christian values in a culture firmly grounded in faith and family. Our parents were a part of a cultural revolution in which faith became laughable and families disintegrated on a wholesale basis. Now we find ourselves awash in a world where good is called evil and wicked is called good. Learn why nurturing biblical discernment is an essential life skill for any parent navigating the treacherous cultural waters of the 21st century.

Homeschooling is a unique experience. There are as many ways to homeschool as there are homeschooling families. Yet there are many things we share...like the questions strangers ask our children when they learn we homeschool. Listen and laugh as Carol shares what she’s learned through the ups and downs in her years as a homeschooling mom.

ID: 14-503
Jun. 21, 2014

This session challenges the evolutionary idea that man and dinosaurs never lived together with descriptions of dinosaurs in the Bible and other evidences of man and dinosaurs living at the same time. Also discussed is what happened to dinosaurs. A real favorite with all ages.

A Personally Developed Plan (PDP) is required by Oregon law when a homeschool student with special needs fails to score above the 14th percentile on a nationally normed achievement test. This session will explain how the PDP is cooperatively written by an academic advisor and the parents, and the ways in which the plan identifies, addresses, and measures student progress.

Topics: Special needs

If homeschooling feels more like drudgery than delight or if the thought of homeschooling makes your knees shake and your palms sweat, this is the workshop for you! Join veteran homeschool mom Heidi St. John as she shares the three things you’ve got to know as a new homeschooler. Because, although you’re nervous now, it’ll all be okay. Homeschooling is worth it. So sit back, relax. You’ll soon discover that homeschooling is a journey like no other. If homeschooling feels more like drudgery than delight or if the thought of homeschooling makes your knees shake and your palms sweat, this is the workshop for you! Join veteran homeschool mom Heidi St. John as she shares the three things you’ve got to know as a new homeschooler. Because, although you’re nervous now, it’ll all be okay. Homeschooling is worth it. So sit back, relax. You’ll soon discover that homeschooling is a journey like no other.

What could I tell you about enjoying a great marriage? A happy and a loving one. We’ve been married 21 years. We’ve laughed together, cried together, slept together, raised children together, and have walked together. What has worked and what has helped us through the hard times? And what will keep us loving each other in the years to come? Whether you’re newly married, have been together for years, or still waiting to meet the one God has for you, Lisa Jacobson of Club31Women.com offers practical steps on how you can enjoy a lasting, loving marriage too.

God has a direct stake in the way you love your wife and He’s counting on you to cherish her for His Kingdom purposes and the strength of your relationship. But sometimes it’s challenging to consistently and meaningfully express our love to our wives. Learn practical strategies for loving your wife in ways that speak to her heart. A question and answer forum will follow the presentation.

There are differing views on when formal schooling should begin. Research done by Dr. Raymond Moore in the late 1970's helped launch the modern homeschool movement. This session covers information on academic readiness, how children learn best, and avoiding burnout so your child can be a life-long learner.

Parental rights and religious freedom are the two pillars of the constitutional right of parents to teach their children at home. But today homeschooling freedoms are in jeopardy. This session shows how growing opposition to homeschooling by the intellectual elites is based on a belief that the state, not the parents, has the exclusive right and responsibility to educate children. Homeschoolers are in their crosshairs and we are clearly at risk.

ID: 14-510
Jun. 21, 2014

Learn how to teach geography in an integrated way. Our world is an amazing place! Through the study of geography we can understand and appreciate the people that God has placed upon this earth and how geography affects cultures. Let’s learn how to go into all the world together as families. (Note: no airline tickets necessary.)

ID: 14-602
Jun. 21, 2014

So you think you’re gonna homeschool. Worried? Excited? Overwhelmed? Would you like to avoid some of the more common pitfalls? Listen to longtime homeschooling mom Carol Barnier tell what she has learned, address common fears, share some surprising benefits, and encourage you to have fun on this journey. You can do this!

ID: 14-603
Jun. 21, 2014

This session deals with Noah’s flood, including conditions on the earth before the flood, the lifespan of man before and after the flood, whether dinosaurs could fit on the ark and what happened to them after the flood, the meaning of rainbows, and the picture of salvation through Jesus Christ.

ID: 14-605
Jun. 21, 2014

As moms, we wear a lot of hats. Sometimes, it’s hard to know which one to take off and which one to put on. Learn how to free yourself from the expectations of others and quit struggling to do it all. Heidi’s favorite strategies and tips for managing the competing demands on your time will make a huge difference in your relationships.

ID: 14-606
Jun. 21, 2014

By anyone’s standard boys are failing in the current educational environment. Recent research has confirmed the biological, psychological, and physiological differences between the way male and female brains learn. Rick explores those differences and looks at some strategies that can help males succeed in an educational environment that is often confusing and discouraging to their learning styles.

ID: 14-607
Jun. 21, 2014

After pouring your heart into the lives of your children in their younger years, they all too often they slip away in their teens – even in Christian families. Despite what popular culture portrays, you can win and keep the heart of your teen. For those who fear it’s too late, you can win them back! Come for encouraging, practical teaching and a question and answer forum following the presentation.

ID: 14-608
Jun. 21, 2014

Pam Forster, mother of five happily married children, has been through five wildly different courtship scenarios, and she has some surprising and encouraging stories to share with you. By taking the precautions outlined in this session, we can wisely prepare our children for romance and make courtship a positive experience for them.

ID: 14-609
Jun. 21, 2014

The first occurrence of the word “work” in the Bible was not in relation to man, but in relation to God Himself. Work is godly because God is the original worker. In this session, you will learn to develop character in children by training them to be diligent workers, using their hands to do hard work.

ID: 14-610
Jun. 21, 2014

Explore the advantages of teaching your preschooler in a preschool environment that is also a family environment. Choices abound for educating our youngest and in this session you will hear from moms who have operated a family-based preschool co-op for three years. Learn basic information and tools that will help you start your own family-centered preschool co-op.


Portland Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 through 22, 2013

OR-2013 Anchored in Christ

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 13-001
Jun. 21, 2013

Every day in life, families receive a series of blessings and storms sent from God for the purpose of revealing the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. When they come, everyone reacts or responds to them based on what they believe the gospel to be; it's their foundation. God's Word states that believers have an anchor for the soul, but sometimes souls drift because they forget that anchor or because they don't really know how to connect to the anchor. Norm provides practical explanation and suggestions for how to live anchored in Jesus Christ. This results in powerful, peaceful, grace-filled living that attracts others to Christ.

ID: 13-002
Jun. 21, 2013

What happed to cause some homeschooled students to reject the Christian worldview that was important to their parents? Jesus encountered four dangerous mindsets and their negative results when He walked among His people. Homeschoolers can easily fall into one or more of these traps and in so doing can bring serious harm to their families. This session will explain how giving focused attention to one command of Christ will help home educators recognize and avoid those four damaging viewpoints, while at the same time helping them experience satisfaction and eternal significance in their efforts.

ID: 13-003
Jun. 21, 2013

"Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). In this wonderful time of raising godly families, when we see excitement in the eyes of our youngsters and new learning is just around each corner, we sometimes forget who is in control. It’s not the government, contrary to what they tell you. God is not mocked! If we believe the heresy that comes from the White House, or the lies that are spewed from the liberal media, we may try to “give in” just to “get along.” Don’t! Hear Dick speak with the experience of three decades of leadership. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap.

Homeschooling children or teens often develop a wrong understanding about their relationship with God from parents who give or withhold acceptance based on performance. Do you know how to give the blessing of an imperishable relationship even when another has disappointed or offended you?

ID: 13-101
Jun. 21, 2013

Prepare your student for college and life with cutting-edge information about different types of reasoning. Find out about the training a student should receive if they want to digest and master complex information for success in high school, college and the real world.

Great results come from participating in the arts... developing character, learning how to handle disappointment, allowing God-given talents to be used and much more. Join Sheryl Russell, Co-Founder of CYT, the largest children’s theater program in the nation, as she engages you in integrating acting into your daily routine.

ID: 13-103
Jun. 21, 2013

Picking the perfect curriculum is a tricky task. There is a plethora of overwhelming choices. Classical? Unschooling? Charlotte Mason? Unit Studies? What's a mom to do? In this session parents will get a broad overview of the general types of curriculum and educational styles. Come learn how to navigate the market, avoid purchase pitfalls and find the right fit for your family’s learning styles and budget.

The goal as parents is to reach the heart, rather than simply realign behavior. Rules can change behavior, but they can’t change the heart. When parents begin to discern the difference between character flaws and purposeful disobedience, they will implement a gentler approach to reaching and understanding their children. As a result, children will more willingly admit their faults and seek help from those they love. Join Mark as he relates his experience as a shepherd and the important lesson that no one becomes a shepherd just because they own sheep.

ID: 13-105
Jun. 21, 2013

In a culture that is opposed to the principles of God's word, it's easy to succumb to fear: "I know I'm supposed to home school... but WHAT IF I ruin my child?” "What will my own parents say?" "What about socialization?" Homeschool moms grapple with these and many other fear-based questions, especially during the first years of homeschooling. Esther faced what seemed like an impossible circumstance, too. And just as Esther has a part to play, so you have an important role in shaping the hearts and minds of a future generation. What is most important during the homeschool years is following the Lord wherever He leads - and modeling that faith. Because where God guides - He also provides.

ID: 13-106
Jun. 21, 2013

Sometimes we need helping hands when it comes to homeschooling. Support groups can be a lifeblood in times of discouragement, hardships, and day-to-day drama. Without them, homeschooling can seem daunting and overwhelming. This workshop will speak to how to start a vibrant support group, what can be accomplished through a support group, and ways to connect using the digital medium of today.

Marriage is a priority and (should be) a beautiful reflection of Christ’s love. In the midst of this homeschooling conference — with all its curriculum choices and educational vendors — step aside together as a husband and wife for a mini marriage retreat and a brief romantic focus. Be encouraged to laugh, love, and enjoy each other. Be a team together — to glorify God!

With 20 plus years of experience in homeschooling a large family and lots of lessons learned the hard way, David and Linda will share many tricks of the trade and practical insights which they've learned that helped their family survive homeschooling.

Grades have the power to motivate some and destroy others. Listen to veteran homeschooler Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, share theories of grade keeping as well as tips on keeping it simple.

ID: 13-110
Jun. 21, 2013

This delightful session is from the story teller himself. Gold miners, cowboys, preachers and lots of other folks were all part of the Old West. Come get a lighthearted look at life in the Old West and some of the people who helped to build America.

Topics: Preschool
ID: 13-111
Jun. 21, 2013

Setting realistic goals, choosing effective curriculum, keeping the teaching fun, and adapting curriculum are just a few of the areas that will be covered in this session. Jennifer will also be teaching about the basics of developing and using a “Personal Individual Education Plan” to keep parents and students on the right track.

ID: 13-200
Jun. 21, 2013

This message has been restored and is complete- One of the greatest challenges facing homeschooling moms is relating to a budding young man. What can a mom do to avoid creating a “mama’s boy?” What should she do if her husband is a passive father?

ID: 13-201
Jun. 22, 2013

Common Core, No Child Left Behind, Goals 2000, and, by the way, have you forgotten about the Seven Cardinal Principles? Presumptuous planners, nationalists, and philosopher-kings have another plan for “all our children.” Dr. Brian Ray addresses the most fundamental reason why every parent should care about Common Core State Standards that has hit hard the educational scene. What should homeschoolers, scripturalists (i.e., Christians) and liberty lovers do about this, if anything? If you do not want your children to be a part of this educational bandwagon and you do not want to waste your time jumping into bandwagon reactionism, come hear Dr. Ray.

ID: 13-202
Jun. 22, 2013

Teaching writing and evaluating your student’s work may be simpler than it seems! Capture the vision for writing instruction that leans on God’s structured design of the language and receive practical tips and inspiration for nurturing your student’s writing. Telisa encourages parents to mentor their students in writing and provides ideas for giving clear assignments and templates for evaluations to guide student’s development in writing

ID: 13-203
Jun. 22, 2013

Are you looking into educational options for your children? Just what is homeschooling? Is it really legal? Am I qualified to teach my own? What if I miss something? Come explore the answer to these and many more "frequently asked questions" drawing from Joyce’s many years of homeschooling.

Our culture is sedated by images that deaden senses and rob many of what they are created to be. Join Mark as he exposes the damaging effects that certain kinds of media, electronic games, and literature, have on the brain, the conscience, the imagination and one’s moral and spiritual development. Most importantly, he will introduce initiatives that ignite motivation, revive the imagination and inspire excellence.

ID: 13-205
Jun. 22, 2013

Homeschooling is challenging. Sometimes it can feel like a major accomplishment just to take a shower and get the breakfast dishes cleaned up before dinner! Most homeschool moms feel the pressure of providing their children with a solid academic foundation ¬– but there's so much more to homeschooling than academics, isn't there? The truth is that the greatest accomplishment of homeschooling is to nurture children in the ways of the One who made them. Whether you are on the edge of homeschool burnout, wondering why God has called your family to this homeschooling journey, or just need some honest, real encouragement, this is the one homeschool workshop not to miss out on!

ID: 13-206
Jun. 22, 2013

Times are changing, and opportunities are opening for homeschoolers to acquire dual credit more effectively now than ever before. High school students can get college credit for work they are already doing. Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak, gives students the ability get going early with lifelong advantages for homeschooling young adults.

ID: 13-207
Jun. 22, 2013

Fear can paralyze; it can grip hearts, torment minds, and hinder some from parenting in God’s joy and purpose. Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing.” Do you fear your own inadequacies (or wonder if your homeschooling is going to mess up your kids for life)? Do you fear teenage rebellion, hormones, high school, or the future? Do you fear not pleasing others, not having finances, or not fulfilling God’s purpose? In this workshop, you’ll be encouraged by God’s faithfulness and love for you, concluding with a time of prayer

When the Watkinses began homeschooling in 1986, it was a brand-new idea for most families, and convincing grandparents that you weren’t ruining their grandchildren was a major issue. Now, with eight children, four children-in-love, 15 grandchildren, both sets of grandparents still living, and 20+ years of homeschooling behind them, the Watkinses have some unique insights about helping grandparents to love homeschooling just as much as you do

Pretend that Mary and Martha decide to homeschool. Following their character, Martha would probably have all her plans in place (and be frustrated), and Mary would probably be at the feet of Jesus (and way behind schedule.) Everyone has a little of Mary and Martha in them, but this workshop is designed to encourage Marys who love the Lord and their children, but need help and structure to successfully homeschool. The presenter of this workshop is a self-proclaimed Mary who managed to homeschool for 17 years, and still likes to talk about it

ID: 13-210
Jun. 22, 2013

Stories for families by the old story teller. From wagon trains to steam trains, from wilderness trails to super highways, Bruce's stories give a sweeping look at America's history and some of the ways people traveled across this great land.

ID: 13-301
Jun. 22, 2013

How does a father call a son out into manhood God’s way? In this message, Norm reveals what happens if fathers don’t call out sons and then draws insights from how the heavenly Father prepared His Son for ministry.

ID: 13-302
Jun. 22, 2013

This session provides helpful information about the achievement test tool and how it can benefit your homeschool. Topics include testing requirements in Oregon, opportunities available for testing your student, and preparing your student to take an achievement test.

ID: 13-303
Jun. 22, 2013

Where and how does one begin this journey called homeschooling? Home education doesn't have to be overwhelming or fearful. You can make it a time of joy and rejoicing. Joyce will share simple teaching tips to help you navigate the early years.

ID: 13-304
Jun. 22, 2013

Look behind the scenes to learn what prepared, inspired, and motivated the great minds of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Einstein, Edison, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and more. They all had something in common—something available to all—something that drives initiative, ignites motivation, revives the imagination, and inspires excellence.

ID: 13-305
Jun. 22, 2013

Blessed are the flexible – for they shall not break! It has been said that the only thing we can be sure of in this life is that nothing stays the same. Homeschooling is no different. There are seasons of upheaval. It's easy to wonder if it is possible to successfully homeschooling throughout periods of change. Join Heidi as she talks about how to navigate through the seasons of life and find joy and freedom in homeschooling along the way

ID: 13-306
Jun. 22, 2013

Uncover the secrets of children’s learning styles: visual, auditory or kinesthetic. What these terms mean and how they impact learning can revolutionize teaching. One may be teaching all the right things, but in the wrong way. In this process discover your teaching style and how it affects your children and their education.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 13-307
Jun. 22, 2013

I Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” As homeschooling parents, how can we prepare our children for adulthood? And how can we prepare our hearts (through prayer and effective communication) to release our kids into a new season? There’s life after graduation– with college, careers, romance, weddings, and next-generation purpose. Let’s aim and launch our arrows, to hit God’s mark.

ID: 13-308
Jun. 22, 2013

Are there times when you wish you had a veteran homeschool mom on speed dial to help you figure out what to do next? Do you need advice about some part of your homeschooling? Come join the discussion as a panel of veteran moms answers honest questions about real life homeschooling.

Topics: Mothers

Linda Lacour Hobar points to recent world history, where there are those who have planted “good seed” and those that have planted “bad.” Linda Lacour Hobar sheds light on The Great Awakening, The Enlightenment, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, and Billy Graham. These stories will examine a handful of 19th-20th century figures and the wake of their influence on our world today

ID: 13-310
Jun. 22, 2013

A part of history told by thestory teller. Character, heroes and a bushel of apples! Through his stories and songs, Bruce will give you a feel for the real Johnny Appleseed and how we can all be heroes by following in his footsteps.