Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 20 through 21, 2004

A Bountiful Harvest

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 04-13
Aug. 20, 2004

"I'm from the government schools and I have some 'free' curriculum, computers, and programs for you." Does this make you jump for glee, or does it make your hair on the back of your neck start to twinge? Every Christian needs to consider the principles of scripture and what makes a liberty-loving nation succeed before accepting such "free" services of handouts. The spreading practice of charter schools, virtual schools, and other permutations of state-run schooling-at-home that is marketed to current and perspective homeschoolers is one of the most serious issues facing the parent-lead home-based education movement in America. Dr. Ray will challenge you to go deeper and face the realities of what and why you believe and do what you do as you model courageous living for your children and adult peers.