Recordings Listing


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2012

OR-2012 Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

You diligently home educate your children, but many voices (including some within the homeschool community) tell you why and how you should be doing it. Many of these voices are disconcerting, not building unity with the King of your home-based discipleship efforts. This session will explore the interrelationships between the basic reasons for homeschooling, the freedom we have in Christ, our attitudes, our choices, and our practices as we teach our children. It will tackle the expectations and messages of the world that may still have deep roots in our and others’ home-education paradigms. May the Spirit free us at last, and help us spread the message of liberty in Christ.

Dr. Ray explores scripture, the state of government-run education, the origins of public schools, research on homeschooling, and personal experience to answer the question, “Who Should Be Educating Your Children?” He boldly challenges every Christian parent to face the idea that perhaps home-based education is the “default setting” that God has designed for the education of children. Dr. Ray, one of the world’s leading homeschool researchers and homeschooling father of eight children, calls and warns parents to not be a stumbling block in their children’s lives (Matthew 18:6).