New York State Loving Education At Home

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: DNY1712

Home Educated and Now Adults: Were the Criticisms True or False

Friday Mar. 24, 2017

Dr. Ray's major study examines the lives of 7,306 adults from across the United States who were homeschooled. This study and research by others focus on adults' general demographics, attitudes towards their own home-education experience, and success in life. Success is evaluated with respect to civic, social, educational, employment, worldview traits, performance in college, and in occupations. In many ways, they are very "normal." On the other hand, they are remarkably different than the general U.S. population. Generally speaking, the findings of research defuse many of the long-held negative criticisms of those who doubted homeschooling's benefits, whether practiced in the U.S. or in other nations. And the findings will likely be a great encouragement to those parents and advocates of home-based education over the past two decades.