New York State Loving Education At Home

Recordings Listing


Patchogue, NY
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 24 through 25, 2017

2017 NYS LEAH Downstate Conference

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home
ID: 17-101
Mar. 24, 2017

As a mom of 6 from Pre-K through High School, teaching a multitude of grades can seem very overwhelming. Over the years, we have dealt with life's interruptions from a husband with multiple surgeries in one year, to a son with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Life has interrupted us many times, and along the way we have learned ways to teach as a family, having older kids help teach the younger ones and learning the same topic all together at the same time. Do you have a few kids in a few different grades? Pre-school, Primary School, Middle School and High School... how does one teach them all? In this workshop, we will discuss teaching all your kids the same subject at the same time... while assigning grade appropriate assignments. Dealing with the distractions of the littles, the business of the teens and not losing the in-betweens. We will include time at the end for discussion and Q&A to try to troubleshoot some common problems through brainstorming.

Dr. Ray provides a brief summary of homeschool research to date and explains current projects and trends. He explains that scholarly writing and research are powerful tools used by both friends and foes of parent-led education, that they should be guided by clear goals and theory that are based on sound values, and suggests where they should be headed.

Topics: Vision
ID: DNY1701
Mar. 24, 2017

Are you ready to serve as your child's guidance counselor, navigating them through the maze of requirements, options, and opportunities on the way to college readiness and a final decision? Let's talk about transcripts and credits, SAT's, scholarships, applications, and extracurricular activities.

Cassandra and Jennifer share encouragement and helpful tips on beginning your journey to homeschool your children. Come hear strategies to conquer common concerns like: curriculum choices, scheduling, home management, support, extracurricular activities, and rules & regulations. Get started preparing your new homeschool year.

ID: DNY1703
Mar. 24, 2017

Topics: Special needs
ID: DNY1704
Mar. 24, 2017

Husbands and fathers, it is time to love and lead - now. Like Christ loves the church. Wives and mothers, it is time to love your husband as God has declared. Nurture and admonish your children but do not provoke them. Is all of this possible? Yes. But what can you do? Brian and Betsy will give you pointed challenges, down-to-earth examples, laughter, and practical ideas to see your marriage grow from glory to glory in God's good and exciting will. They will help to encourage you with scripture, their experiences, and what they have learned during 34 years of marriage and the upbringing of eight children.

Paperwork quandaries?? Join Cassandra and Jennifer in a Q&A session addressing rules, regulations, and paperwork. What does it all look like and how do I comply with the NYS regulations?

HSLDA attorney, Tj Schmidt, will go over the top five legal issues that routinely come up when homeschooling in New York. Tj will share several recent examples that illustrate typical contacts that homeschool families receive and then describe how they were resolved. Tj will also go over each of the top five issues and explain how New York law should be applied. Finally, Tj will give you tips on what to do if you ever receive contact from your local school official about your homeschool program. There should be opportunity for questions at the end of the workshop.

ID: DNY1710
Mar. 24, 2017

Come join me as we spend the hour discussing the 4 different learning styles and their teaching counterparts. We will discuss Social Sam, Perfect Paula, Wiggly Willy and Competent Carla, and have some open discussion to trouble shoot what happens when the "Perfect Paula" teacher has to teach "Wiggly Willy" student and vice versa! Let's learn how to embrace the different personalities and leave with tools to work with, instead of around them!

ID: DNY1711
Mar. 24, 2017

Does your student struggle with language, writing, and communication? Does it seem like they are allergic to writing? What you teach your student through language arts is the pavement on the road to your student's future success. Special needs students who struggle with reading usually struggle with spelling, composition, and with interpreting literature. This workshop will give parents ideas, tips, and teaching techniques to help pave the road for their student's future success in Language Arts.

Topics: Special needs

Dr. Ray's major study examines the lives of 7,306 adults from across the United States who were homeschooled. This study and research by others focus on adults' general demographics, attitudes towards their own home-education experience, and success in life. Success is evaluated with respect to civic, social, educational, employment, worldview traits, performance in college, and in occupations. In many ways, they are very "normal." On the other hand, they are remarkably different than the general U.S. population. Generally speaking, the findings of research defuse many of the long-held negative criticisms of those who doubted homeschooling's benefits, whether practiced in the U.S. or in other nations. And the findings will likely be a great encouragement to those parents and advocates of home-based education over the past two decades.

Challenging behavior in children occurs for all types of reasons. Learn how the Bible provides a blueprint to understanding the sources of these behaviors, how to maintain our composure, practical techniques and approaches to effectively manage behaviors, and teach children skills to change for the better.

Topics: Encouragement

Join Cassandra and Jennifer along with a diverse panel of veteran homeschoolers as we do our best to answer your questions. Are you pulling your children out of public school? Do you have to juggle working in or out of the home as well? Are you a single mom? Are you considering a complete grade package for curriculum, on-line school, or a more eclectic approach?

From where does the homeschooling movement come? What are its precursors and motivators? Key-events? Further, what are the movement's-and your-vision for the future? Dr. Ray will give a very quick history of about 6,000 years of education/schooling then slow down for the modern parent-led home-based education movement. Christians need to take history seriously so that they can move ahead with a strong foundation, vision, effectiveness, and grace and avoiding mistakes and slumps with their families and homeschool organizations in the next decade. Many realize that you really do not know where you are going until you understand where you have come from. Come and be challenged by Dr. Ray about both.

Tj Schmidt, HSLDA attorney, will explain the civil rights lawsuit filed against New York City Public Schools on December 5, 2016. He will also review significant NYS homeschool history.

ID: DNY1718
Mar. 25, 2017

Is that word "freedom" for just ol' graying hippies and revolutionary wannabes? No. It is a biblical concept and at the core of what it means to be an American and, especially, a homeschooler. Dr. Ray will answer: How'd we get our homeschool freedoms? Why should you care? Are we really free? How might we lose this liberty? What are the enemies? Risks? Is Common Core related? What about compulsory attendance laws? Parental rights? Whether your youngest child is pre-born, 7, or 18, you need to know the core principles of educational freedom and why we must strive to keep or expand that liberty. Dr. Ray has been in the practical and theoretical battle for over 30 years.