New York State Loving Education At Home

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: DNY1715

Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going in Homeschooling? What's Your Vision?

Saturday Mar. 25, 2017

From where does the homeschooling movement come? What are its precursors and motivators? Key-events? Further, what are the movement's-and your-vision for the future? Dr. Ray will give a very quick history of about 6,000 years of education/schooling then slow down for the modern parent-led home-based education movement. Christians need to take history seriously so that they can move ahead with a strong foundation, vision, effectiveness, and grace and avoiding mistakes and slumps with their families and homeschool organizations in the next decade. Many realize that you really do not know where you are going until you understand where you have come from. Come and be challenged by Dr. Ray about both.