Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 8 through 9, 2015

PA-2015 Plans to Give You Hope

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents both the tools they need and the hope necessary to build a Christ-centered character-driven home environment. The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in the all important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Steve will unwrap the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more. You don't want to miss this once in a lifetime event.

ID: 2015-103
May. 8, 2015

Anger gets in the way of many relationships. Children often need training to deal with the emotion of anger and God has several helpful strategies in the Bible. In this session parents learn practical ideas that help children change their behavior, adjust their hearts, and even go a step further to become peacemakers as well. In this session parents will discover how to become counselors or coaches instead of a policemen when helping children deal with anger.

If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children we must focus on the first things first and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge you to use every opportunity to teach your children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.

ID: 2015-105
May. 8, 2015

Are you convinced that every homeschooling family except yours is great? Do you believe the lie that others are more organized, better prepared, have smarter kids, are wiser parents, and have a child in the national spelling bee? Well, let me set the record straight...that's not the way it is! The truth is most moms feel inadequate. Homeschooling moms fear that they're letting their kids down in their education and in example. They feel like their house is out of control, their children are beasts, and the sizzle has left their marriages. Join us as we unleash the power in being REAL. You'll never be the same again.

ID: 2015-107
May. 8, 2015

Your house is a disaster, your kids seem out of control, and you wonder how you'll ever make it through another day of school. Your "get up and go" has "gotten up and went". You used to think homeschooling was the best thing since sliced bread, but now you're feeling like burnt toast. Take heart - you're not alone! No one homeschools because it's easy. You do it because you believe it is best. But there are times when you need to be reminded once again why it's best. Join me as we do just that. You'll laugh and be encouraged in the toughest job you'll

ID: 2015-108
May. 8, 2015

Learn the difference between a heart-based approach to child training and simple behavior modification. Although commonly practiced, behavior modification has significant weaknesses. A heart-based approach reaches children in ways that address their tendencies, motivations, and patterns in life. It's so much more powerful and the practical tools shared in this session will give great insight into the makeup of a child and how kids change. Five points will be shared to help the parent develop a heart-based strategy for any child.

ID: 2015-111
May. 9, 2015

Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the "Drama" level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? A Character Matters session will begin the process of moving your young people from ordinary to extraordinary. As they incorporate the skills of proactive daily living and Christ-like decision making, young people will be enabled to embrace the character healthy practices that will make them leaders in this next greatest generation.

ID: 2015-112
May. 9, 2015

In the sometimes bleak and harsh world of homeschooling, we need each other to make it through. So, if you've homeschooled for over 10 years, are new to the game, or are about to toss in the towel, you need to join us. And in case you are a dad and think you're off the hook, you're not! You're needed most of all. We promise that you'll laugh, be encouraged, and be challenged in YOUR distinct role on the Homeschool TEAM.

One of the most discouraging challenges parents face has to do with the bickering and fighting between their children. In this session parents will learn three roadblocks to sibling harmony and the three honor-based solutions from God's Word. Parents will gain greater confidence for dealing with sibling conflict, understand how to deal with common concerns like tattling and competition, and learn more about honor and how it can change the dynamic in their family.

ID: 2015-115
May. 9, 2015

There's a lot of talk about Christian worldview. In fact, never before have Christian teens received so much training in developing a proper worldview. But something seems dreadfully wrong, because the truth is...there just doesn't seem to be much difference between "our teens" and "their teens." To be honest there sometimes isn't much different between "our adults" and "their adults." That's about to change.

Many children don't know how to respond properly to correction. After all, correction is one of God's tools for learning. Unfortunately many children blame, defend, rationalize and justify their behavior. Furthermore, many parents view correction as an interruption to their days, not realizing the teaching opportunities present. When parents have a heart-based plan for correction they can help children develop good patterns for the rest of their lives.

Do you have a child who doesn't want to be homeschooled, in-laws who don't understand your reasons for homeschooling, a spouse who isn't sold on the idea, or a guilt complex reminding you that you have no business homeschooling your children? Those nagging, sometimes-silent disapprovals can crush a person under the weight of guilt and despair.

Attitudes affect much of our lives, including the relationships we have in the home. Sometimes children have bad attitudes about instructions, authority, schoolwork, or even about the family itself. Unfortunately, many parents focus only on the behavior and don't help children deal with the underlying heart issues. Learn to recognize thinking errors that lead to bad attitudes, see why it's important to address emotions in the family. In this session, parents will learn proactive and corrective strategies for addressing bad attitudes in family life.

ID: 2015-207
May. 8, 2015

Debra will share 10 proven strategies that kindle a love for learning in a child and help him master areas of difficulty; at the same time, reduce conflict and frustration for mother and child.

ID: 2015-208
May. 8, 2015

Are the "Terrrible Twos" eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with 8 toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. This workshop is intensely practical and will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!

ID: 2015-212
May. 9, 2015

Do you want a lifelong learner who initiates studies on his own? Then let go of the wheel and start giving your kids responsibility for their education. Here are practical, inexpensive steps that will encourage children to pursue their own learning, and prevent parent burnout as well.

ID: 2015-214
May. 9, 2015

Debra Bell will review the 20 Power Tools of Learning and the brain science behind them. This session is for teens and their parents. Debra will help you cut your study time in half, remember what you learn, and recall it when you need it.

ID: 2015-215
May. 9, 2015

Does God want you to homeschool? Wouldn't Christian School be just as good? (Maybe better) I think God is calling my children to be missionaries to public schools. What did Jesus have to say about homeschooling? What will become of America? Where is the homeschool movement headed?

ID: 2015-218
May. 9, 2015

Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our kids to play-dates. With only a few short years to impart important spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an important opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. A Discipling Mom conference will give mothers the tools they need to disciple their children in the important areas of prayer, service, Bible study, Scripture memorization, and true fellowship. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side.

Presenter Carol Topp, CPA, has encouraged hundreds of teenagers to start their own micro business. She'll share with you at least 30 viable business ideas that a teenager (or parent) can launch this week. Plus information on how to get started, pitfalls to avoid and tips for success.

ID: 2015-306
May. 8, 2015

Everybody doesn't win all the time and not everyone deserves a trophy. Remember when playgrounds weren't 100% rubber, bullies eventually got beat up and you had to be home by dark? More and more our young adults are behaving like deserving children. Unfortunately there are a lot of 30 year old boys and girls running around our culture, expecting all things to go their way. Come be encouraged and learn how and why it is best to raise up men and women who are equipped and prepared for a successful adulthood.

ID: 2015-307
May. 8, 2015

You are not only your child's teacher, you are also his guidance counselor! Find out how to maneuver through the entire college admissions process, from narrowing down the selection of colleges to filling out college applications, applying for financial aid, and asking the right questions that will help you discern whether your child is spiritually, academically, and emotionally prepared for college.

As your child grows older, you may be considering high school at home — but you've got your doubts! Why is homeschooling high school a crucial decision for your teen? How is it possible? What help is available? We'll answer your questions; but more importantly, we'll encourage and challenge you to explore the steps you should take as you weigh the possibility of teaching high school at home.

Basic Academic knowledge is important, but does it prepare a student for success in their field of employment? Is your student becoming a Collaborator, a Communicator, a Critical Thinker, a Creator? Are they developing Media, Information, Technology, Life and Career Skills? When College Professors and CEO's are surveyed, they disagree greatly on how prepared a graduate is for life in the modern world. Come learn how to set up your student for success... beyond the curriculum.

ID: 2015-315
May. 9, 2015

Are you in a quandary as to what tests your teens need to take during high school? Do you know the array of possible tests—from college admissions tests; to tests for college credit, placement, or military enlistment; to tests necessary for certain scholarships; to even career tests? When should they be taken? Where? How can your teen prepare for them? Come with your questions and receive answers and new confidence.

ID: 2015-402
May. 8, 2015

Dr. Eagleson draws on his 30 years of homeschooling and twenty years on the CHAP board to introduce the topic of getting started in homeschooling. A summary of the research into home education is provided. Curriculum, schedules and record keeping will be covered. Dr. Eagleson takes questions from the floor both during and after the presentation. Many homeschoolers comment that they heard this talk when they were just starting.

ID: 2015-403
May. 8, 2015

Have you wondered, "How can I afford to homeschool" or "Am I capable of teaching my children?" You and thousands of parents these past 30 years have wondered the same exact things and have homeschooled their children successfully. There are so many options today, so where do I start? You can homeschool on one income and do it very well! Homeschooling is a journey for the whole family, one in which you will all grow individually and together. Come and glean from the 30 plus years of experience as Renee Miller shares hundreds of ideas to save you money as you teach your children and raise them to love the Lord with all their hearts.

ID: 2015-405
May. 8, 2015

There are unique things that are learned from Dad. When Dad is not in the game, the family suffers. Gain some insight on why Dad is so important in the life of any kid. Delve more deeply into the connection between many issues facing our culture today and the failure of dads to fulfill their mission. These points originated from discussions during the MMR Father/Son Retreat which Donnie has hosted for nine years.

ID: 2015-408
May. 8, 2015

This talk includes many of the evidences for creation that the Lord used to bring Dr. Martin from being an agnostic, zen-Buddhist, evolutionist to a young earth creationist. Dr. Martin uses statistics and current studies to vividly demonstrate how our Christian school kids are following the same downward path into secular humanism that the public school kids are taking and that it is only the homeschoolers who are "stemming the tide," though they are also sloping off into moderate Christianity instead of staying solidly Biblical. When belief in the Bible's authority and accuracy is shaken, people lose their trust in it and the culture departs from Biblical principles. This talk will help equip all ages with foundational truths about creation which will enable young people to stand strong against the attacks of evolution and secular humanism in the academic arena and today's culture.

ID: 2015-411
May. 9, 2015

Are you new to homeschooling or new to Pennsylvania? Are you thinking about homeschooling at some point in the future? Do you have questions about what homeschooling might look like and how to get started? This session is designed to encourage and equip you to homeschool your children. Topics include: Why homeschool?, how to get started in PA, a typical day, curriculum, record keeping, testing, portfolios, and evaluations. There will also be time for questions.

ID: 2015-412
May. 9, 2015

Our culture is changing at a terrific speed and today's youth are not always getting the Biblical principles they need in time to help them make wise decisions. In this session Dr. Martin will share a Biblical approach to social networking, blogging, YouTube, Smartphones, texting, iPods, Kindles, etc. which are a huge part of everyday life now. While these technology innovations are not bad in and of themselves, they can have a negative influence on our lives if our use of them is not guided by Biblical principles. This session will present specific Scriptures to help guide Christian teens and young adults in their use of technology-based systems so that they will glorify the Lord - not feed the flesh.

Ages 2 to 7, are critical years that help form your child's ability to comprehend and do well later in their educational process. Come learn why and how to help your "little blessings", gain the most from those early years and increase their success and love for learning. Renee Miller will share many ideas that will help make these years truly fulfilling.

ID: 2015-503
May. 8, 2015

Do you feel like life is rolling over you in waves? Do you wish you had a pause button so you could catch up on everything? Do you feel tired and discouraged? You might be burned out. In this talk, Sarah Mae encourages you in choosing your life by faith so you can move forward with the hope and energy you need to persevere with joy in your Kingdom work.

ID: 2015-512
May. 9, 2015

Whether or not becoming a "special needs" parent was something for which you planned, finding yourself in this "club" can cause a sense of being overwhelmed yet also uniquely blessed. In a round-table discussion, Karen & Colton Weber will lead in discovering how to experience God's grace and joy in the midst of the difficulties of parenting and homeschooling children with special needs. You are invited to share your successes and challenges and network with other parents in this "special" session!

ID: 2015-513
May. 9, 2015

You love homeschooling your children, and you get so excited for planning your child's education. But then, you sit down with all your joy, and you freeze. All of a sudden you start to sweat. Lesson planning involves so many details and suddenly you're hiding in a closet wondering if you will be able to do this homeschooling thing after all! Plus crafts. You are terrible at crafts! How do all the other homeschool moms make homeschooling look so...perfect? You, my friend are not alone. Sarah Mae is a fellow Type-B mom and she wants to encourage you that you can homeschool your children well and with confidence. No crafting skills required.

ID: 2015-515
May. 9, 2015

It gets better! You will not always be sleep-deprived or brain-depleted! If you are a mom of little ones, Sarah Mae will offer you some clarity and perspective on the often exhausting years of baby and toddlerhood.

ID: 2015-516
May. 9, 2015

Between the ages of 10-20 your son or daughter will make the transition from child to adult. Along the way there are some significant and easily identified milestones and transitions. This is also a time where the right kind of training can pay multi-generational dividends. This session will give you a year-by-year plan for training and equipping your child for the rest of their life, and will show you how to create your family's own unique ceremonies and rites of passage to recognize and celebrate the growth and accomplishments in these ten crucial years.