Recordings Listing


Redmond, WA
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019

WA - 2019 Spring Conference

Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
Recording ID: 2019-AUDIO-SET
Original Price: $414.00
Set Price: $125.00

2019 Conference Complete Audio Set

This set contains all recordings available from the 2019 Christian Heritage Spring Conference, Building a Godly Legacy.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-001The Puritan Philosophy of Education - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-003Doing Apologetics in an Anti-Apologetic Age - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-004The Theology of Work - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-005Modern Spirituality and Your Mind – Truth Endures - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-02ARelational Wisdom: Preparing Children for Life - Keynote  by: Ken Sande19-02BRelational Wisdom: Preparing for Life - Keynote by: Jeff Sande19-101Building a Strong Family Legacy - The Art of Intentionality by: David McAlvany19-102Resolving Everyday Conflict by: Ken Sande19-103If Your Children Are Not Headed for College, Prepare Them for Home Business by: Rhea Perry19-104Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four-Year Plans by: Carol Becker19-105The War on the Constitution, Why Youth Should Care by: Jake MacAulay19-106Hacking Physics: Making Physics Wonderful for Your Students by: Wes Olson19-107Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt19-108That's Impossible by: Mike Snavely19-109Getting Kids to Help at Home: Training in Diligence and Thoroughness by: Vicki Bentley19-110The Journey to Novarupta by: Pat Roy19-111Strong Marriages for Healthy, Homeschooling Environments by: Scott LaPierre19-112Teaching Literature from a Christian Worldview by: Kevin Swanson19-201Disposing of Baggage: The Proper Disposal of Generational Junk by: David McAlvany19-202Harnessing the Power of Emotions   by: Ken Sande19-203Formative Discipline by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-204Essential Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: Carol Becker19-205Maximizing on the Power of Mentorship by: Kevin Swanson19-206Preparing the Biblical Christian for Engagement in the Culture by: Jake MacAulay19-20710 Ways to Boost Brain Power by: Heather Haupt19-208Grand Canyon – The Puzzle on the Plateau by: Mike Snavely19-209Exploring Curriculum Options by: Vicki Bentley19-210The Laws of Thermodynamics by: Pat Roy19-211Health from a Biblical Perspective by: Allan Blain19-212Relational Wisdom in the Movies by: Jeff Sande19-213The Grand Design: A Chess Master's Strategies to Success in Life by: Elliott Neff19-300Building a Strong Father and Son Legacy by: Ken Sande, Jeff Sande19-301Pop Culture, Entertainment, and the Family by: Kevin Swanson19-302The Negotiation Skills of Solomon by: Ken Sande19-3035 Home Business Projects that Teach Financial Literacy and Create Income by: Rhea Perry19-304Multi-level Teaching by: Vicki Bentley19-305Embracing Disturbance: Blessings in Disguise by: David McAlvany19-306The Homeschooling Dad by: Jake MacAulay19-307Spiders! by: Mike Snavely19-308The Life of Isaac Newton and Why it Matters by: Wes Olson19-309Building on a Sure Foundation: Staying the Course through High School by: Carol Becker19-310The Need to Be Prepared by: Scott LaPierre19-311Why Movement is Essential to Learning by: Heather Haupt19-312The Scopes Trial by: Pat Roy19-313Young Peacemakers by: Corlette Sande19-401Building a Financial Legacy: A Jump Start Before Marriage by: David McAlvany19-402Homeschooling and Missions by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-403How We Brought Our Dad Home from Corporate America in Just 3 Years and How You Can Too! by: Rhea Perry19-404Hope for the Organizationally Challenged by: Vicki Bentley19-405Managing Change by: Ken Sande19-406Ape Men Fossils by: Pat Roy19-407The Pillars of Evolution by: Mike Snavely19-408Making Math and Science Meaningful by: Kevin Swanson19-409You Can Homeschool High School . . . If You Can Make It through Tomorrow! by: Carol Becker19-410The Institute on the Constitution for Youth by: Jake MacAulay19-411Conquering Your Fear of Educational Gaps by: Heather Haupt19-412Tips for Enjoying the Process of Child Training by: Mary Craig19-501Raising Empathetic Children by: Ken Sande19-502Avoiding the Pitfalls of Investing in Today's Markets by: David McAlvany19-503Understanding the Times — How the Western World Loses the Christian Faith by: Kevin Swanson19-504When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool by: Vicki Bentley19-505Rebels/Prodigals: God can Rescue Them . . . He is Our Hope by: Jake MacAulay19-506Expanding your Comfort Zone for Maximum Impact by: Allan Blain19-507Dinosaurs by: Pat Roy19-508The Life of Albert Einstein and Why it Matters by: Wes Olson19-509Preparing Your Teen for Life by: Carol Becker19-510Overcoming Artificial Maturity  by: Jeff Sande19-511Equipping Kids to Persevere and Pursue Excellence by: Heather Haupt19-512How to Permanently Remove the Deep Roots of Bitterness by: Tim Roth This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 19-210
Apr. 26, 2019

The First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy/matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The Second Law states that disorder in the universe is always increasing. Together, these laws completely invalidate the idea that the universe could create itself. But, they are in harmony with the Bible.

ID: 19-312
Apr. 27, 2019

In 1925 there was a trial in America that changed the world’s trust in God’s Word. Pat reviews the main evidence given during the case, and shows what we know about the evidence almost one hundred years later.

Topics: World View
ID: 19-406
Apr. 27, 2019

A recent survey shows that teens believe that ape men fossils are the strongest proof for evolution. Pat shows that the evidence clearly tells us something else.

Topics: World View
ID: 19-507
Apr. 27, 2019

Because we are shaped by our personality types, the power of grades can motivate some and destroy others. Linda shares grading theories, as well as practical tips to make keeping grades simple. With Linda’s “real life” examples from the work of her own children, be encouraged—newbies and veterans alike!

Topics: World View