Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 19 through 20, 2005

From Generation to Generation

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Most parents want a successful education for their children. With this assumption in mind, Kevin presents a powerful presentation that uncovers the ten secrets to a successful education and training for your child. They are time tested. They are the rock bottom principles that are basic to all education. And they affirm the homeschool vision. It's not a one-size-fits-all education. In fact, one of these ten principles is the Principle of Individuality, which requires a different model for each home and child. This impacting presentation will give the first time homeschooler confidence and vision. It will also provide encouragement and a reality check for the experienced homeschooler.

We thought we were just bringing desks into our home, but it ended up changing our lives and our worldview. In fact, it changed our world! That's the testimony Kevin brings to this moving presentation of three generations and 35 years in the homeschooling movement. It's a story about relationships, about maximizing our God-given potential, and making a powerful impact on our world for Christ. It was more than homeschooling. It was life God's way, that we found.

Topics: Vision

Sometimes it is hard to see beyond the drudgery of our day to day homeschooling regimen. There is more to homeschooling than meets the eye. Is God preparing to use the homeschooling in a powerful way to transform our families, churches, and culture? We will look at the trends within the movement, and the exciting developments that are coming in the future of this movement. This message will lift you up and help you to see where you are going. It is a vital message for the entire homeschooling movement. People do not quit homeschooling for lack of curriculum, they quit for lack of vision.

ID: 05-23
Aug. 20, 2005

Here is a rousing call for renewing the involvement, relationships, and powerful influence of fatherhood. In many ways, fatherhood is a lost art. Kevin comes to this presentation with the blessing of having received a great legacy of four generations of godly fatherhood. It is more than leadership, responsibility, and relationships. It is a generational vision that renews families, reforms cultures, and establishes family dynasties. Dads, get ready for a huge encouragement and uplifting vision in this presentation.

Topics: Fathers

In the wake of serious degeneration in the fields of art and literature, Christians must exercise careful discernment in these areas. Without giving way to extra-biblical legalism, Kevin Swanson will present several biblical principles by which you can discern the best of art, literature and movies for your family’s enjoyment and education. He will challenge you to look at every area of life through the eyeglasses of the Word of God.

ID: 05-41
Aug. 20, 2005

This workshop contemplates the unique qualities that God has given boys and presents a challenge that every parent of a boy needs to hear. The message is especially practical for the homeschooling family that struggles with high energy, young boys. It will leave you with a new vision for raising godly sons. This is a much-needed presentation to homeschoolers, many of whom struggle with what to do with boys in the home.