Recordings Listing


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017

PA-2017 With Grace to Complete the Race

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2017-111
Jun. 3, 2017

Sarah and Grace Mally, two homeschool graduates, together with their father, will discuss the importance of being a Christ-centered family in an ungodly world. How can parents pass on a Biblical foundation? How can young people be prepared, not just for college or a career, but for the mighty works the Lord has called them to do? How can they avoid rebellion and shipwreck? How can they find purpose and gain zeal? When a family has an eternal mindset and takes initiative in ministry, the young people are given motivation and vision, the family learns to overcome struggles and work in harmony, and mighty works are accomplished for God’s kingdom. This workshop will give practical ideas, direction and encouragement to help children and young people become mighty warriors for Christ.

Many girls try to change their wrong actions, but never learn to discern the wrong thinking behind the actions. As girls replace lies with the truth, they will see how God’s Word will transform each area of their lives as the truth sets them free! In this session Sarah will include many stories, illustrations and practical tips for both mothers and daughters as she discusses topics such as a girls’ emotions, purity, an understanding of who God is, and a proper view of who we are in light of the truths from Scripture. With all the twisted thinking around us, it is absolutely necessary for our young people to be well grounded in the truth of God’s Word. Sarah will challenge parents to help their daughters identify lies which are root issues behind struggles they face. When a young lady learns to “speak truth” TO herself, she is planting her feet upon an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy.

How do we get a witnessing conversation started? What if someone asks a question we can’t answer? What if we feel scared? How can we articulate the truth of the gospel with boldness, confidence, clarity and accuracy? In this session, Sarah and Grace Mally, together with their father Harold, share practical tips, ideas, and stories about how to effectively communicate the gospel to those around us. We only have one life to live, and it goes by quickly! Today’s Christian home school youth are in a position like Esther. God has raised them up “for such a time as this.” We need to work together and encourage each other. The question is, “Will our generation speak?”