Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2008

When You Walk By the Way

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 08-22
Jun. 21, 2008

Encouraging dads to be the godly leaders in their homes that they desire to be.

Topics: Fathers
ID: 08-32
Jun. 21, 2008

Many evangelical churches today are crying out for more men to take leadership. But at the same time, they often require advanced degrees in seminary or Bible College. Is that biblical? How can a local church raise up men to lead without having to send them off for academic training. The answer is found in the basic principles of the home schooling movement. Those who walk with the wise will become wise. Ordinary (i.e. regular) men can become more than adequate for service as Elders and Deacons in Christ's church by being "home schooled by the church" in preparation for the ministry. Steve Rouse is a Teaching Elder for Household of Faith Community Church, a local church that fills five pulpits every Sunday with a roster of over 20 competent preachers and Bible teachers from its five neighborhood congregations

Topics: Fathers