Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 25 through 26, 2010

OR-2010 Educating for Eternity

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Rick Boyer and his wife have been home schooling since 1980. Starting out young and green in a time when only a handful of families was home schooling, Rick and Marilyn found few resources to help them in their journey. They had to blaze their own trail, surviving such obstacles as skeptical grandparents, hostile school authorities, unhelpful curriculum publishers, blizzards, Indian attacks&(just kidding). The Boyers are still home schooling today and now share their experiences around the world through their books and their speaking ministry. Rick will share some of the most profound lessons learned along the way, including: -It's not schooling, it's discipleship -Life is the curriculum -The kid is the can -Socialization is for socialists -George Washington survived without Little League -and many more!

ID: 10-31
Jun. 25, 2010

If you sometimes feel like homeschooling is drudgery, you can bet your kids feel the same way! It's such a temptation to stress over teaching predicate nominatives or the steps of division that we forget to delight in our children and make time to enjoy being with them. In this session, Marilyn shares how she and Rick have found this to actually be the key to instilling values that stick and building in them a heart for things of the Lord.

ID: 10-58
Jun. 26, 2010

What is your goal in educating your children? How can the preschool years be the starting point for a solid foundation in your child's life? There is much more to a child's education than a simple diploma. Be encouraged and challenged to raise children who will be mighty in God's kingdom, as you learn to teach your preschoolers with intentional purpose. Practical and fun ideas, with thought provoking challenges, will send you home excited and eager to take advantage of your child's early years.

ID: 10-59
Jun. 26, 2010

Learn your own teaching style as well as how to adapt curriculum for your child's specific needs. Make your lesson planning a breeze. This session is especially good for families with more than one child who also have a hectic schedule.