Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 18 through 19, 2006

Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 06-35
Aug. 19, 2006

This is for all the other moms who have been futilely asking for a maid every year for Christmas. How do you do more than is humanly possible? (which most of us are trying to do!) or justify not doing it? (which is an easily acquired skill!) You will be challenged to determine priorities as you seek to organize your time.

ID: 06-47
Aug. 19, 2006

The command for women to be keepers of the home is not persecution from God or man, but a gift from the Lord to free and fulfill us. As we become ALL He has called us to be, our family becomes mighty in the Lord and a beacon to this generation. Whether you had a nurturing mother or not, God can teach you how to be one as you seek His heart for yourself and your children.