Recordings Listing


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 1 through 2, 2018

PA-2018 Walking by Faith and not by Sight

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

70% of all Christian seniors ditch God when they go to college. Come and discover a compelling reason why! This workshop equips you to teach your kids how to die to themselves and live passionately for the glory of God.

ID: 2018-417
Jun. 2, 2018

This simple, but powerful and life-changing, workshop will help you rise above the day-to-day existence of homeschooling and help you see the BIG PICTURE of why you've chosen to homeschool.

For 20 years, Debby has been teaching this workshop based on the the biblical virtues of honor and respect. Both moms and dads rave how this teaching has created a peaceful home environment they were missing. Come ready to learn 8 standards with practical application ideas for training the heart attitude of your preschoolers.

ID: 2018-511
Jun. 2, 2018

Come listen to Debby Sjogren share how God gave her creative ideas to train up children (even as early as 3) to serve others by starting in the family then expanding to their church, the broader community, and the world! Age-appropriate chores, serving the elderly, baking for “new mothers”, tutoring in the inner-city, and taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to a waiting world are just a few of the practical ideas you will leave with when attending this inspiring workshop based on the life of Jesus.