Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Recordings Listing


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2022

Nebraska 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 2022COMP
Original Price: $210.00
Set Price: $65.00


Complete set of recordings for the 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair, held at Indian Hills Church, March 11 & 12 2022.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22Fri101The Gift by: Todd Wilson22Fri201Fostering a Hate of Learning by: Todd Wilson22Fri202Joyful Mother of Children by: LaNissir James22Fri203The Power of Parental Authority by: Monica Irvine22Fri205Trubl Spelling by: Nancy Coffey22Fri206Socialized Children? No Thank You! by: Deborah Wuehler22Fri301Homeschool Discrimination and What We're Doing About It by: Dan Beasley22Fri302Essential Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: LaNissir James22Fri303Homeschooling on a Shoestring Budget by: Dara Halydier22Fri304Identifying and Adapting to the Challenges of Homeschooling by: Yvonne Strachan22Fri305Reading Struggles & Overcoming Obstacles by: Deborah Wuehler22Fri306Ready, Set, GO! Homeschooling in Nebraska by: Michelle Pietzyk22Fri401Invasion of the Conviction Snatchers by: Todd Wilson22Fri402Extracurriculars & Electives – Resumes & Recommendations by: LaNissir James22Fri404Homeschooling Through Hardship by: Deborah Wuehler22Fri405Vision and Learning by: Mikaela Betka22Fri406Jurassic Park and the Bible by: Shawn Hoffman22Fri407Discipline with Love so We Don't Break Our Child's Spirit by: Monica Irvine22Fri408College Counseling: How to Get Accepted and Get Money by: Merritt and Dannika Nelson22Fri501Homeschooling in 2022: Liberty or License? by: Dan Beasley22Fri601As They Sit and Stand: Teaching your Child the Bible by: Dara Halydier22Fri602How to Use Museums in Your Education by: Gage County Historical Society22Sat101Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad! by: Todd Wilson22Sat102Recordkeeping & Organization for High School: Simplifying the Process by: LaNissir James22Sat104Table Manner Essentials for the Whole Family by: Monica Irvine22Sat105Homeschooling the Rebel by: Deborah Wuehler22Sat106Why is a Christian Worldview Important in Education? by: Greg Koehn22Sat201Important Lessons to Teach Your Children - “How to Argue” by: Todd Wilson22Sat202Charting Your Way through High School for College, Career, or Military by: LaNissir James22Sat203Dyslexia is Real! Imagine That! by: Nancy Coffey22Sat204Teaching Math with Card Games? Yes, You Can! by: Kathleen Cotter Clayton22Sat205The Erosion of Parental Rights and How to Stop It by: Dan Beasley22Sat206Building a Biblical Self-Esteem in Your Child by: Dara Halydier22Sat301A Homeschool Graduate Looking Back: What Worked, What Didn't, and Why I'm Homeschooling My Kids by: Dan Beasley22Sat302High School Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips by: LaNissir James22Sat303Keeping Your Family Safe in the Digital World by: Tyler Morten22Sat304Building Home: How to Disciple Your Children and Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind by: Amy Juett22Sat401College Prep 101 by: Concordia University22Sat402Family Ministry-Reaching the Next Generation by: Child Evangelism Fellowship 22Sat403Homeschooling: More Than Just Education by: Master Books 22Sat404Recalculating: When homeschool plans change course by: Yvonne Strachan22Sat501How to Choose Relationship When There's So Much to Do by: Todd Wilson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 22Fri202
Mar. 11, 2022

As the mother of seven children, LaNissir emphasizes the foundational importance of answering the call to mother many children while nurturing each individual child’s relationship with God. She discusses how to parent with godly communication and provides organizational tips to find harmony in this fast-paced world. She also shares special encouragement to help you train up your child all the way from the toddler through the teenage years.

ID: 22Fri203
Mar. 11, 2022

So, I don’t want to offend, but parents, we are seeing entirely too many families where the children seem to be leading the family instead of mom and dad leading the family. Do you have children that tell you, “No?” Do you have children that you spend hours trying to convince them to do something you’ve asked? Do you find yourself giving in to your child’s request even though deep down, you don’t really want to? Don’t beat yourself up. We’ve all been guilty of this at one time or another, however it’s time to stop. We’re not helping our children when this behavior is common in our home, instead we’re actually hurting them. Come and listen to motivational speaker, Monica Irvine, as she helps unravel this tendency and give great insight on how we can regain our parental authority. It truly can change the direction of your child’s life. Don’t miss this!

ID: 22Fri206
Mar. 11, 2022

What is the true definition of socialization? Who should be socializing our children? Will your children be looked at as “different” or criticized for being unsocialized? Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine will answer these questions and reveal the negative socialization in the present education culture, as well as the points of positive socialization that homeschooling affords when you keep your children Home Where They Belong.

I know you have felt the pain of regret when you have had a moment of failure when discipling your children. I know many of you are fighting against habits you learned from your parents that you swore you would never do. I know you want to parent with love, honor and respect, but sometimes you don’t. Parents, did you know that it is God’s perfect plan that his imperfect children raise his imperfect children? He knew you and I would not be perfect parents. He knew we would get it wrong on some days. However, still, he knew that the best people to raise your children was YOU! It is! It’s you. Listen to Master Motivator, Monica Irvine, share some invaluable insights in parenting with greater understanding and greater self control. Mrs. Irvine will help you to understand the difference in discipling to stop or start behavior and disciplining to change our children’s hearts. It makes all the difference. If you want a loving happy health relationship with your adult children, you must start today creating that relationship. Don’t miss this!

ID: 22Sat105
Mar. 12, 2022

“I won’t do it!” my child screamed after being asked to sit down and start the day’s math assignment. “You will too!” I resolutely stated back. “I will not!” And thereupon ensued an all-out fight of wills. The strong-willed mother determined to win over the strong-willed child. This workshop is designed to give you helpful tips in dealing with a strong-willed child, how to nurture as well as homeschool this child, how to stay sane in the midst of anguish, and to give you hope for the future.

Mothers have every good intention of discipling their children in the ways of the Lord, but a lack of knowledge of how to go about it and the day-to-day necessities of keeping a home and getting lessons done often get in the way of following through on those good intentions. Using the analogy of a home from Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house…,” Amy will walk you room by room through the home looking at scriptural examples to empower mothers to build a spiritual home of discipleship for their children while gaining practical tips for managing each room in their physical homes—all without losing their minds. Come away from this workshop with a plan to implement both in the discipleship of your children and keeping of your home.

Years ago, a homeschool mom came up to me with a pen in hand and a notebook in the other and said, “I believe that the relationship with my children matters more than anything else…so can you tell me what “relationship” is? I didn’t have a great answer at the time…but I do now. Join me as we look at TWO homeschooling moms. One spends her days doing what matters and one spends her days on what does not last. My desire is to help you and me do what matters.