Georgia Home Education Association

Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Saturday - Monday
May. 1 through 3, 2010

2010 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1010
May. 1, 2010

In all of world history, up until a century ago, teenagers were considered adults. There was no such thing as the childhood phase we call "adolescence."? This workshop will examine modern culture and its influence on the slow maturing of today's young people, to help parents identify those things they do to keep their children irresponsible and self-absorbed, consequently, unprepared for adulthood. Also, drawing from history, Reb presents a plan for unlocking children's full potential for early maturity.

An in-depth look at four parenting styles: Dictatorial, Detached, Enmeshed, and Indulgent, will reveal some of the root causes of childhood apathy, depression and rebellion. This insightful session will help parents see the effects of their particular style of parenting, and how it may be cultivating four types of foolishness in children. Teens will also benefit from these insights as they learn that their parent's failures are not an excuse for irresponsible behavior. Biblical and present-day examples of each of these styles will be illustrated, and the consequences and steps needed to break these patterns of harmful behavior will be addressed.

Learn how to teach proper manners in the home using songs, stories, role play, kind discussion and a lot of laughs. Etiquette skills take time to form and perfect, so it's NEVER TOO EARLY TO START! Can you imagine mealtime as a time of peace, tranquility and warm discussion? Can you imagine your child saying, "Well, thanks for thinking about it, Mom,"? when you just told your child, "No, you can't go to the swimming pool today."? You will be so grateful you attended this workshop and will leave with confidence and excitement to implement these ideas into your home. Bring your children along. We have a special lesson for them, too.