North Dakota Home School Association

Recordings Listing


Bismarck Event Center
Friday & Saturday
Feb. 19 through 20, 2021

2021 North Dakota Home School Convention

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 21-000
Original Price: $112.50
Set Price: $49.99

Complete 2021 ND Convention Recording set

This set will allow you to listen to any or all of the recordings made at the North Dakota Home School Association 2021 convention. The audio messages from this purchase will be in your account and can be downloaded when and if you like for years to come. (For personal use only.)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 21-001How to Keep Your Children in the Faith by: Israel Wayne21-01CHOOSE THIS DAY by: Jared Dodd21-02YOU CAN DO IT and WHY YOU SHOULD by: Jared Dodd21-03CHALLENGE TO SONS & DAUGHTERS by: Jared Dodd21-10When Children question the Faith by: Jared Dodd21-11Dual Credit, What you need to know by: Dan Dreissen21-12Help! I'm Homeschooling with Toddler Strapped to My Leg by: Jamie Erickson21-13Exploring Learning Styles for More Effective Instruction by: Nancy Bjorkman21-14How Can I Know What is True by: Israel Wayne21-20Education VS Schooling by: Israel Wayne21-21Getting Started in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert21-22Learning Like da Vinci & Jefferson: Notebooking 101 by: Jamie Erickson21-23When You Have a Child who is Not Driven by: Sherri Seligson21-24Outside the Box Careers: Build Your Skills With and Without College by: Kathy Miiller, Cindy Sanford21-30History of Family Part 1 by: Jared Dodd21-31Mom with a Plan by: Krista Smith21-32Montessori? Isn't That a Dinosaur by: Jamie Erickson21-33Navigating High School by: Sherri Seligson21-34How Can I Know God Exists by: Israel Wayne21-44How can you Know that the Bible is True by: Israel Wayne21-50North Dakota Scholarships by: Jim Upgren21-51High School Answers by: Theresa Deckert, Llora Knight21-52Homeschooling When You're One Day Away From Crisis by: Jamie Erickson21-53Why Teaching Science is a Critical Part of Education by: Sherri Seligson21-54How Can I defend my Faith by: Israel Wayne21-60History of the Family Part 2 by: Jared Dodd21-61Increase Your ACT Score by: Kathy Miiller21-62It's Homeschool, NOT School-at-Home by: Jamie Erickson21-63Am I Ruining My Children? What I Wish I Knew As a New Homeschooling Mom by: Sherri Seligson21-64Creation Science Apologetics by: Israel Wayne This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 21-11
Feb. 19, 2021

Dual credit is a unique opportunity to earn high school credit while successfully completing college level courses prior to graduation. This session will cover all you need to know about dual credit as well as hints about when to align placements tests such as the ACT. If you are a family with a high school freshman, sophomore, and/or junior, this session is for you.

“Mom, Johnny’s drinking from the dog dish again!” Homeschooling with little ones under foot can feel a bit like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos...a bit counter-intuitive.But, the fact is, the foundation of homeschool is HOME and everyone in it...even the toddler who’s currently feeding Cheerios to the goldfish. Discover how you can engage your little ones CONstructively during the harried homeschool day.

ID: 21-21
Feb. 19, 2021

Mrs. Deckert will cover the North Dakota requirements for home schooling. She will also give many practical hints including suggestions for lesson planning and record keeping. This is the place to start if you are just beginning the home education journey or are just “checking it out.”

ID: 21-23
Feb. 19, 2021

We all have at least one of these children. They take extra time to complete every lesson, if they complete them at all. We may fall into the trap of sitting by them to “help” them finish, only to become an educational security blanket. We need to encourage these children to take up their own responsibilities. Their desire should be to work diligently for the Lord. Join us as we go over helpful suggestions to encourage those less-than-enthusiastic children.

ID: 21-31
Feb. 19, 2021

Krista will share her tips and tricks on setting your homeschool on autopilot. She'll walk through simple and cheap hacks to keep mom well-planned and sane as well as cultivating children who take initiative for their own daily work. She will share her family's chore, discipline and character development charts, because homeschooling isn't only about growing smart kids, but kids who love the Lord! Organization comes easy to some and is "Greek" to others. You are welcome to come and learn a little "Greek" and hopefully leave with lighter shoulders and some new tools in your toolbelt!

ID: 21-51
Feb. 20, 2021

Home schooling with High School students always brings with it questions. This session was a Question and Answer time. Llora and Theresa are on the board of directors of the North Dakota Home School Association and spend time coordinating and supporting the support groups across the state. There are very few questions that they haven't answered about home education. Listen to very personal and very straightforward answers to questions about homeschool high school.

If you’re anything like Jamie, you love homeschooling, but sometimes you only like it for 10 seconds, especially when you’re having a bad day or a string of bad days. Pair homeschooling with long-term illness, the death of a loved one, a job loss, or just an over-committed schedule and you have the makings of a perfect forfeit. But you don’t have to quit during a season of crisis. You just have to learn to homeschool differently. Be encouraged and learn practical tips for teaching from a place of delight, not defeat, during difficult days.

As the teen years approach, the impending need to teach science often creates fear for students and parents alike. This workshop will take the fear out of teaching science and will create excitement and enthusiasm for everyone. If you enjoy learning, then you can definitely get excited to learn along with your students. Get ready to meet your inner science geek and help prepare your teens for their future.