Recordings Listing


Bismarck Event Center
Friday & Saturday
Feb. 19 through 20, 2021

2021 North Dakota Home School Convention

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 21-000
Original Price: $112.50
Set Price: $49.99

Complete 2021 ND Convention Recording set

This set will allow you to listen to any or all of the recordings made at the North Dakota Home School Association 2021 convention. The audio messages from this purchase will be in your account and can be downloaded when and if you like for years to come. (For personal use only.)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 21-001How to Keep Your Children in the Faith by: Israel Wayne21-01CHOOSE THIS DAY by: Jared Dodd21-02YOU CAN DO IT and WHY YOU SHOULD by: Jared Dodd21-03CHALLENGE TO SONS & DAUGHTERS by: Jared Dodd21-10When Children question the Faith by: Jared Dodd21-11Dual Credit, What you need to know by: Dan Dreissen21-12Help! I'm Homeschooling with Toddler Strapped to My Leg by: Jamie Erickson21-13Exploring Learning Styles for More Effective Instruction by: Nancy Bjorkman21-14How Can I Know What is True by: Israel Wayne21-20Education VS Schooling by: Israel Wayne21-21Getting Started in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert21-22Learning Like da Vinci & Jefferson: Notebooking 101 by: Jamie Erickson21-23When You Have a Child who is Not Driven by: Sherri Seligson21-24Outside the Box Careers: Build Your Skills With and Without College by: Kathy Miiller, Cindy Sanford21-30History of Family Part 1 by: Jared Dodd21-31Mom with a Plan by: Krista Smith21-32Montessori? Isn't That a Dinosaur by: Jamie Erickson21-33Navigating High School by: Sherri Seligson21-34How Can I Know God Exists by: Israel Wayne21-44How can you Know that the Bible is True by: Israel Wayne21-50North Dakota Scholarships by: Jim Upgren21-51High School Answers by: Theresa Deckert, Llora Knight21-52Homeschooling When You're One Day Away From Crisis by: Jamie Erickson21-53Why Teaching Science is a Critical Part of Education by: Sherri Seligson21-54How Can I defend my Faith by: Israel Wayne21-60History of the Family Part 2 by: Jared Dodd21-61Increase Your ACT Score by: Kathy Miiller21-62It's Homeschool, NOT School-at-Home by: Jamie Erickson21-63Am I Ruining My Children? What I Wish I Knew As a New Homeschooling Mom by: Sherri Seligson21-64Creation Science Apologetics by: Israel Wayne This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 21-001
Feb. 18, 2021

The majority of youth raised in Christian homes by Christian parents abandon their faith before their high school graduation. Research has shown four proven steps that parents can take to dramatically improve the likelihood that their children will remain vibrant and active Christians throughout their adult lives. This message will help you understand those four steps.

ID: 21-01
Feb. 19, 2021

The culture of this world is so strong and deceptive that if we are not proactively fighting against it, we will become it. God is calling your family to choose His narrow path, not the path of mainstream American Christianity. The road ahead will be challenging, but well worth it.

ID: 21-02
Feb. 20, 2021

The pressures of society and the lies of modern philosophy have convinced many parents to doubt their ability to educate their children. God’s Word is clear. Not only can you do it, but you can do it better than anyone else, and I’m going to tell you why.

ID: 21-03
Feb. 20, 2021

A Multigenerational Vision: It is high time for young men and women to stop bowing down to the mediocre expectations of modern culture. This talk is given directly to your children. The future of this nation and her church is upon them

ID: 21-10
Feb. 19, 2021

How should we respond if and when our children question the faith? Unfortunately, many parents react in a way that adds to the doubt and rebellion rather than cure it. No family is beyond such dealings. It is wise to prepare and be ready if such a day should ever come.

ID: 21-11
Feb. 19, 2021

Dual credit is a unique opportunity to earn high school credit while successfully completing college level courses prior to graduation. This session will cover all you need to know about dual credit as well as hints about when to align placements tests such as the ACT. If you are a family with a high school freshman, sophomore, and/or junior, this session is for you.

“Mom, Johnny’s drinking from the dog dish again!” Homeschooling with little ones under foot can feel a bit like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos...a bit counter-intuitive.But, the fact is, the foundation of homeschool is HOME and everyone in it...even the toddler who’s currently feeding Cheerios to the goldfish. Discover how you can engage your little ones CONstructively during the harried homeschool day.

Gain a fresh perspective on how your children’s actions and attitudes help you discover their natural bent, so you can plan strategies that will help them grow into the person they were created to be. We’ll peel back the layers to reveal pieces of the puzzle that go beyond the usual “auditory, kinesthetic, and visual” discussions. This workshop will provide you with insight into a variety of ways you can effectively teach to various learning styles in your children.

ID: 21-14
Feb. 19, 2021

There is a common skepticism today about knowing anything with certainty. It is assumed by many that if you claim to know something in an absolute sense that you are arrogant. How do Christians respond to this challenge? Can objective truth really be known and defended? This will be a thoughtprovoking and engaging session.

ID: 21-20
Feb. 19, 2021

“Education vs. schooling" ...they are NOT the same! Most people think of “schooling” when they hear the word “education”. In reality, however, the two are not intrinsically linked in any way. Learn why most people are schooled but never truly educated and how you can ensure your children get a great education...even without schooling.

ID: 21-21
Feb. 19, 2021

Mrs. Deckert will cover the North Dakota requirements for home schooling. She will also give many practical hints including suggestions for lesson planning and record keeping. This is the place to start if you are just beginning the home education journey or are just “checking it out.”

Educational pioneer, Charlotte Mason, championed the idea of “notebooking”. But, this wonderful extension of learning can be dated back long before she gave it a name. For centuries, The Greats cataloged what they learned in notebooks… rehearsing their daily discoveries with pen, paper, and imagination. Discover how to inspire learning through a simple notebook, see several types of notebooks and how to use them effectively, and learn about some simple tools and techniques for drawing your children into notebooking with purpose.

ID: 21-23
Feb. 19, 2021

We all have at least one of these children. They take extra time to complete every lesson, if they complete them at all. We may fall into the trap of sitting by them to “help” them finish, only to become an educational security blanket. We need to encourage these children to take up their own responsibilities. Their desire should be to work diligently for the Lord. Join us as we go over helpful suggestions to encourage those less-than-enthusiastic children.

Life after high school can take many paths, and some of those options can pay big dividends without jumping into college debt. We’ll talk about practical, tangible ways to get the training you need to hit the ground running after high school with apprenticeships, technical colleges, on the job training, fouryear degrees and programs that can help maximize value and minimize or eliminate student loan debt.

ID: 21-30
Feb. 19, 2021

In this session you’ll discover the Seven Principles of Family that were embraced from Creation until around 1890. These are great mission objectives for the Kingdom family. If you will embrace, apply, and pass on these principles to your children, and they will be set up for success in God’s Kingdom.

ID: 21-31
Feb. 19, 2021

Krista will share her tips and tricks on setting your homeschool on autopilot. She'll walk through simple and cheap hacks to keep mom well-planned and sane as well as cultivating children who take initiative for their own daily work. She will share her family's chore, discipline and character development charts, because homeschooling isn't only about growing smart kids, but kids who love the Lord! Organization comes easy to some and is "Greek" to others. You are welcome to come and learn a little "Greek" and hopefully leave with lighter shoulders and some new tools in your toolbelt!

ID: 21-32
Feb. 19, 2021

“Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Unit Study, Un-Schooling, Project-Based Learning, Waldorf, Traditional Textbook, and the list goes on! There are so many different teaching methods and approaches to homeschooling that it can be overwhelming to choose just one. They all have their strengths. But, then again, they all have their struggles. Let me introduce you to the most popular methods and philosophies of education, show you the pros and cons of each, and help you to discover which, if any, is right for you and your kids.

ID: 21-33
Feb. 19, 2021

If you have high school age children, no doubt you have had moments of confusion or even fear regarding courses, documentation, career prep and college. We tell ourselves that high school COUNTS, and we feel we need to conform to what others are doing or our kids will be unprepared. There is no need to fear! Discover how to choose courses that will best meet your child’s needs, electives and internships, how to help assess strengths/giftedness, how standardized tests fit into the equation, and the easy process of building a transcript. You’ll gain practical direction and ideas to implement immediately!

ID: 21-34
Feb. 19, 2021

Is there truly an infinite, loving, personal God who exists, and can be known? How can I believe in God when I can’t experience Him through my five senses? Do I just accept it by blind faith? How do I answer the objections made by atheists and agnostics? This session will enable you to have certainty that not only does truth exist; God does as well.

ID: 21-44
Feb. 20, 2021

Is there truly an infinite, loving, personal God who exists, and can be known? How can I believe in God when I can’t experience Him through my five senses? Do I just accept it by blind faith? How do I answer the objections made by atheists and agnostics? This session will enable you to have certainty that not only does truth exist; God does as well.

ID: 21-50
Feb. 20, 2021

The Academic and CTE Scholarships are merit-based scholarships issued to graduating seniors upon meeting scholastic and testing requirements. Students that meet all scholarship requirements will qualify for a $6000 scholarship able to be used at a North Dakota college or university. This session will focus on the requirements needed to obtain the Academic and CTE Scholarship and ways that the scholarships can be used.

ID: 21-51
Feb. 20, 2021

Home schooling with High School students always brings with it questions. This session was a Question and Answer time. Llora and Theresa are on the board of directors of the North Dakota Home School Association and spend time coordinating and supporting the support groups across the state. There are very few questions that they haven't answered about home education. Listen to very personal and very straightforward answers to questions about homeschool high school.

If you’re anything like Jamie, you love homeschooling, but sometimes you only like it for 10 seconds, especially when you’re having a bad day or a string of bad days. Pair homeschooling with long-term illness, the death of a loved one, a job loss, or just an over-committed schedule and you have the makings of a perfect forfeit. But you don’t have to quit during a season of crisis. You just have to learn to homeschool differently. Be encouraged and learn practical tips for teaching from a place of delight, not defeat, during difficult days.

As the teen years approach, the impending need to teach science often creates fear for students and parents alike. This workshop will take the fear out of teaching science and will create excitement and enthusiasm for everyone. If you enjoy learning, then you can definitely get excited to learn along with your students. Get ready to meet your inner science geek and help prepare your teens for their future.

ID: 21-54
Feb. 20, 2021

Mr. Wayne teaches how to defend the Christian faith in a postmodern culture. The term, Relational Apologetics, describes how we are to communicate objective truth in a way that is truly loving. It demonstrates where the Church has been ineffective in evangelism and apologetics and what changes we should make. Learn to be gracious absolutists!

ID: 21-60
Feb. 20, 2021

This is the second half of the messasge - part one is found in recording # 21-30 In this session you will learn the Seven Philosophies that have destroyed family from around 1890 to the present. Educate and warn your children in regards to these evil philosophies, and they will be able to recognize them and protect their hearts from conforming to the pattern of the world.

ID: 21-61
Feb. 20, 2021

Many colleges are saying the ACT isn’t necessary, but don’t be fooled! Though it is not required for admission in many schools, scores are often used for skipping remedial and entry level coursework and gaining scholarships. The time and money saved in college with a solid ACT score can be well worth the effort of preparing for this test in high school. We will talk about how colleges use ACT scores as indicators, what scores will typically earn scholarships and how to prepare for the test with tips by two homeschoolers who increased their scores enough to earn sizeable scholarships.

ID: 21-62
Feb. 20, 2021

Many mothers choosing to homeschool think it will ensure their kids will be happy, healthy, and well-educated. The end. Yet, so often, we allow our past experiences and expectations of “real” school to hitchhike into this new journey. The traditional models may be necessary and good over there when teaching a hoard of children, but those same practices when used here, constrict. “Real” school may be ruining your homeschool. If you’re to survive, and better yet, thrive, you’ll need a new way of teaching and learning at home.

Topics: Vision

Let’s face it. At one time or another we all feel that by homeschooling our children, they are missing out on “something.” After all, we’re pretty sure the 7th grader down the street is up for a Nobel Prize, everyone else is receiving a full-ride scholarship to Princeton, and we haven’t even begun to cover 13th century humanities in China! RELAX. This workshop will talk you down from the cliff – or at least encourage you that homeschooling is the BEST thing for your children. Join Sherri as she shares how she went from stressing over teaching everything about everything to trusting in the path, resources, and experiences God had for her children.

ID: 21-64
Feb. 20, 2021

Learn how you can defend a Biblical view of origins, with only a basic knowledge of science. By learning a few key concepts, you can dismantle any significant evolutionary argument. This is a great workshop for anyone who has ever felt unsure about what say when talking about Creation with a skeptic.