Recordings Listing


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 23 through 24, 2017

OR-2017 Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 2017-all
Original Price: $247.50
Set Price: $99.00

All sessions from the 2017 Oregon Conference

This one price allows you to download any or all of the sessions from the 2017 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference, (for personal use only) now and in the future. Sessions unavailable (or lost) due to technical difficulties will not be included.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-01Fearless Homeschooling by: Heidi St John17-02The Home God Uses to Change the World by: Matthew Jacobson17-03Ripped from the Case Files by: Jim Mason17-04Uncommon Courage by: Heidi St John17-101Multi-Level Teaching by: Heidi St John17-102Homeschooling the Early Years: You Gotta Turn Right to Go Left by: Heather Haupt17-103High School 101 by: Jean Burk17-104Micro Business for Teens: Starting a Micro Business by: Carol Topp, CPA17-105Successful Homeschooling by: Lisa Jacobson17-106Homeschooling: Real Hard and Real Blessings by: Colene Lewis17-107Recruiting & Retaining Volunteers by: Forrest Mora, Beth Mora17-108The Prodigal Son, the Forgiving Father, and the Power of Beholding by: Jim Mason17-109Math-You-Hate becomes Math-U-Love with Math-U-See by: exhibitor17-201Strong Roots – Strong Families by: Heidi St John17-202Sharing Life, Loving, and Learning by: Heather Haupt17-203Managing Anger and Conflict in Your Home by: Beth Mora17-204Free College at Your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-205The Secret to Building a Strong Marriage by: Lisa Jacobson17-206Well Planned Day, Yes It's Possible by: Rebecca Farris17-207Top 10 Tips for Running a Homeschool Organization by: Carol Topp, CPA17-208Choosing and Using the Best Curriculum by: Caleb Crossman17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: exhibitor17-211Walking Tall: How a Man Can Win in This Sex-Saturated Culture by: Matthew Jacobson17-212Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-301Help and Hope for the Overwhelmed Mom by: Heidi St John17-302Marriage Wisdom: Practical Tools for Love and Friendship between Husband and Wife by: 17-303Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt17-304Learn Real Life Skills by: Carol Topp, CPA17-305Dream Bigger by: Beth Mora17-306Homeschooling Hints from Calvin & Hobbs by: Colene Lewis17-307Dyslexia: Facts and Fiction by: Joann Matson17-308Note to Self: The Vital Role of Homeschooling Dads by: Jim Mason17-309Logic Through All Ages by: exhibitor17-311Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist by: exhibitor17-312Seven Principles for Living a Passionate Life with Joy, Purpose, and Victory by: exhibitor17-401The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies by: Heidi St John17-402Beauty in the Bloom by: Beth Mora17-403Stepping Outside the School Box: Creating a Home Where We Learn by: Heather Haupt17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk17-405An Equipment Operator's Guide to Keeping Your Family by: Forrest Mora17-406How the IRS Sees Homeschool Organizations by: Carol Topp, CPA17-407Choosing and Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Students by: Jennifer Bliesner17-408History of Homeschooling in Oregon by: Dick Karman17-453Thriving in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Christian Homeschoolers by: exhibitor17-454Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-455TROWEL - Teaching Children about Christ and Culture by: Dennis Tuuri17-456Radically Different Spelling Success with Spelling You See by: exhibitor17-501Better for Best: Keeping Christ as the Center of Your Home by: Heidi St John17-502Why We Need a Parental Rights Amendment by: Jim Mason17-503Help for the Homeschooling Mom: How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Move Forward by: Heather Haupt17-50430+ Micro Business Ideas by: Carol Topp, CPA17-505Treating Writing Allergies by: Beth Mora17-506Homeschooling Teens – Tips That Work by: Colene Lewis17-507The Who, What, When, Why & Hows of Developing a PDP by: Jennifer Bliesner17-50810 Relationship Mistakes by: Matthew Jacobson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-01
Jun. 23, 2017

"I’m not strong enough."
"My kids are going to have gaps in their education."
"Everything depends on me."
"I’ve failed too many times."
"I can’t do this right."
"I’m screwing up my kids."
"Everyone else’s kids are doing better than mine."

Have you heard the lies, too? Join Heidi as she talks about her own experience of homeschooling out of fear and into faith. You’ll want to bring a friend to this one!

ID: 17-101
Jun. 23, 2017

Toddlers, Tweens, and Teens, OH MY! Do you have a houseful? Are you planning on having a houseful? If so, then this is a great workshop for YOU! Heidi and Jay St. John are the homeschooling parents of seven perfect, never messy, always obedient, very sweet, usually tidy, generally obedient, always energetic, very curious children. They have homeschooled all the way through high school.

One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day! Moms are always wondering if they are “doing enough” and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually… can be overwhelming.

In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten you! If you’ve got a houseful, then you’ve got your hands full! Let’s laugh together, and rediscover the JOY of homeschooling with a full heart AND a full house

ID: 17-103
Jun. 23, 2017

Many parents are intimidated at the thought of homeschooling a teenager through high school. The idea of teaching physics, chemistry, and calculus elicits fear and trembling from most parents… throw in grading essays and creating transcripts and you’ve got a complete recipe for a true mental breakdown! Home school high school veteran Jean Burk’s two homeschooled students received full-rides to college, grad school, and law school. She joyfully testifies that the high school years have been the most rewarding! She’ll share her successes and failures and everything else you need to know to homeschool through high school. At this workshop she’ll answer these questions and many more:

  • Why homeschool high school?
  • Statistically, how do homeschool graduates perform as adults?
  • What’s the difference between credits, grades, and transcripts?
  • What every high school student needs to know beyond academics (life skills, spiritual skills, social skills)
  • How can middle school students acquire high school credit?
  • How in the world do I teach chemistry, algebra, and calculus?
  • What’s the difference between CLEP, AP, and Dual Enrollment?
  • Can my homeschooled student really get into college?
  • What scholarships are available to home school students?
  • Do I need an accredited transcript?
If you have a middle or high school student and you’re considering home education through high school, you should definitely attend High School 101! You’ll walk away knowing you CAN do it!

ID: 17-105
Jun. 23, 2017

The very thought of homeschooling can be overwhelming—whether you're a newbie or a veteran homeschooling parent. It's a big job and there's no way of getting around it. But after 18 years of teaching, I've found these steps that actually work. And these aren't merely academic solutions, but answers that have helped our family relationships—and my sanity—as well. It's a surprisingly simple plan that will prepare your student—and the teacher—for real success.

Presented by Math-U-See

Math-U-See’s unique instructional approach using simple but powerful manipulatives, videos, and textbooks helps students master math concepts and fundamental skills. Our manipulatives are used to represent abstract math concepts to be represented in clear, relatable ways. Come see how even reluctant mathematicians can help children develop a positive relationship with math.

ID: 17-206
Jun. 23, 2017

Having a productive day is so much more than buying a planner or a tool for organization. In this workshop, Rebecca, the Well Planned Gal, takes listeners a few steps back, helping them begin with a philosophy and understanding of the uniqueness God has created in each family. From there, Rebecca explores ten essentials for having a Well Planned Day.

ID: 17-209
Jun. 23, 2017

Presented by Excellence in Writing

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started.

ID: 17-304
Jun. 23, 2017

Wouldn’t it be great to earn money and learn important life skills that are needed every day in adult life? A micro business can help you do that! Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has encouraged hundreds of teenagers to start a micro business and has seen them learn a lot about real life. She’ll offer tips to get you started on launching a viable micro business. Teenagers and their parents are encouraged to attend together.

ID: 17-306
Jun. 23, 2017

Almost everything you need to know to homeschool, from educational philosophy to practical homeschool how-to’s, can be found in Calvin & Hobbes. Come laugh, learn, be encouraged as a veteran homeschooler presents wisdom gleaned from the stories of a young boy and his stuffed tiger.

ID: 17-307
Jun. 23, 2017

Have you ever wondered if you or anyone you know has dyslexia? If so, you are not alone. dyslexia affects approximately 1 in 5 people. As a mom and home educator of a dyslexic learner, Joann has experienced the worry and frustration of watching her bright and creative child struggle, even though he tries hard. As a person with dyslexia, she has experienced the difficulties and benefits first-hand.

This presentation will encourage you on your journey. Dyslexia is a distinctive difference, not a divisive deficit. Using the most reliable research, we'll cover the basics of identifying, re-mediating, and accommodating. We will also cover the gifts and strengths of the dyslexic mind - because, yes, those exist too!

ID: 17-309
Jun. 23, 2017

Presented by Classical Conversations

Learn how Classical Conversations programs from Foundations all the way through Challenge, promote logical thinking and help build relationships through effective communication.

Learning to embrace a natural, holistic way of education can make homeschooling doable and successful academically, spiritually, and socially for both the students and the parents. It’s important to let go of our pre-conceived notions of what “school” should look like and instead major on the strengths of homeschooling – flexibility, real life learning, real books (living books), dialogue rather than formal tests, etc. Discover how to emphasize the benefits of homeschooling and avoid the burn out that happens when parents try to replicate a traditional school in their homes.

ID: 17-404
Jun. 24, 2017

Test-prep Guru, Jean Burk, will share her secrets of SAT success that have helped tens of thousands of students raise their test scores as much as 600 points! Learn how to find shortcuts in test patterns and save time on all types of questions. Math, Writing, and Verbal sections are all covered in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Learn tips to help you prepare for the SAT! Parents and high schoolers, you are welcome to sit in this session and learn the tips for preparing for the SAT to help your students score well.

Gutenberg College tutor Dr. Eliot Grasso examines the opportunities, challenges, preconceptions, and outcomes for Christian homeschoolers who are exploring and participating in Higher Education. The objective of this workshop is to give insider perspectives on Christian and secular institutions so that families can make informed decisions about the next critical developmental step in their children's education.

EXHIBITOR, help Eliminate Learning Problems

As the Director of Help Eliminate Learning Problems (HELP, Inc.), Bill Hartner has a unique perspective of seeing learning problems from both sides. Bill will give a fascinating look at the right brain and left brain and why balancing the two is so important to effective learning. You’ll learn how concentration, focus, time management, cause-and-effect thinking and organization can be improved by integrating more left-brain critical thinking into the learning process.

PRESENTED BY Parent's Education Association

What should we teach our children about the relationship of Christ and Culture? There are few topics as important in schooling as the telos, the goal, of all that we do. This workshop is aimed to help us become more self-conscious about the goal of our schooling, which may change what and how we teach. The workshop will also present some initial material on developing specific lesson plans about Christ, Culture and Vocation.

EXHIBITOR: Demme Learning

Spelling You See’s unique low-stress learning experience guides students through four essential activities (listening, reading, copywork, dictation) presented at appropriate developmental stages. Without using word lists or tests, these activities help students transfer correct spellings of common words to long-term memory, so they can use correct spellings in everyday writing.

ID: 17-505
Jun. 24, 2017

Do you have a student who is allergic to writing? You are not alone! It seems there is an epidemic, especially in the elementary grades. Could it be that we as educators might have lost sight of the goals of writing in the younger years? Join Beth Mora, 20-year homeschool veteran and the creator/author of Here to Help Learning‘s Writing Program, as she shares effective teaching strategies that will unlock your child’s ability to write. She’ll also unpack the latest research in elementary school writing education. You won’t leave empty-handed because you’ll walk away with ten teaching techniques that you can immediately implement and see results!

ID: 17-506
Jun. 24, 2017

Most teens crave to be independent, express their opinions, and control their lives. Smart parents will channel these tendencies to propel homeschool forward. Learn how to start to communicate with your teen to work together on your teen’s homeschool strategy.

Who needs a Personal Development Plan? What exactly is it? When should you apply? Why should you apply? And most importantly, how do you write an effective measurable plan for your child? Mother of eight, (five with special needs) and homeschool consultant/tutor who has worked with more than 200 individual special needs children in the last 25 years, Jennifer Bliesner will lay out a clear course for developing and maintaining an effective “Personal Development Plan” for your special needs child. This important document will navigate you through the state requirements as well as enhance your child’s education.