Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017

PA-2017 With Grace to Complete the Race

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Isn’t the reason we homeschool to disciple our children? Unfortunately, we can become so busy educating them that we forget to disciple them. In our time together, we will think about: why young people walk away from the faith, why they stay, and what we as parents should focus on. Come learn how to keep the main thing the main thing.

ID: 2017-405
Jun. 2, 2017

Picasso claimed, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Does your homeschool dust need to be washed away with some invigorating art ideas? Come and glean from Linda Crosby’s 30+ years of art education. Knowing that art captures the visual learner, entertains the kinesthetic learner, and awakens language learning skills, Linda determined to use art in every area of their homeschool to meet the varied needs of her children. Through her humor and life experiences, she will inspire you to branch out and experiment with art history, techniques, supplies, and ideas.

ID: 2017-406
Jun. 2, 2017

Family Devotions can become the Holy Grail of Christian family life. Have family devotions consistently and you are a “good example.” Admit that you fail… and well let’s just say you are a second class Christian family. While family devotions is not the magic bullet of discipleship, there is something beautiful about Dad, Mom, and children opening the Word of God together. In our time together, you will learn what to aim for in family devotions, the rewards, and strategies for conducting “No Tears Family Devotions.”

ID: 2017-411
Jun. 3, 2017

How is your homeschool year going? Are you feeling overwhelmed right now, lacking strength and faith to continue? Perhaps you are just fed up with the constant battle, tired of being so tired. Would it surprise you to discover that these are normal thoughts and feelings for many (or even most) homeschool moms? There are answers – though you won’t find your answers in that new curriculum or in that clever chore chart. God has a much greater plan in store for you. Whether you’ve experienced a season of blessing as you homeschooled or you feel mired in self-doubt, this workshop will encourage your soul.

ID: 2017-415
Jun. 3, 2017

Faster than a speeding toddler. More perceptive than a loco teenager. Able to fold tall towers of laundry in a single hour. It’s a maid. It’s a teacher. It’s Supermom! Unfortunately, Supermom I am not. There are just not enough hours in my day or energy in this old body. So, how do we homeschool moms do it all? How is everyone else so successful when I’m such a failure? Is it possible to succeed in keeping up with the housework and the homeschool? Or do I just hope nobody phones in a tip to the Environmental Protection Agency that my home is a hazardous waste site? A homeschool mother of nine shares with you the tools she uses to cope with the pressures of doing it all.

ID: 2017-416
Jun. 3, 2017

One of the most important aspects of homeschooling is to prepare our children well for what comes next. Some of the topics covered in this session are how to determine direction and interests, exploring and preparing for college majors or vocations, conducting a college or career search, and preparing spiritually for life after homeshool. High school curriculum, transcripts, tests, college visits and applications will be covered in this session. We will also discuss relevant books and websites that will help you in this vital role.

ID: 2017-514
Jun. 3, 2017

Science offers an opportunity for your child to explore, wonder, and learn about our awesome God and the order He has placed in our world. Unfortunately, science is also one of those fields of study that many homeschooling parents find extremely intimidating. Dr. Callentine will help you unpack and address your concerns. Whether your student is currently in high school or in the elementary grades, you will be armed and ready.


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 13 through 14, 2016

PA-2016 Renewing Our Minds

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2016-101
May. 13, 2016

When do you get started and what do you do first? We’ve had precocious readers and late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. Learn to relax and introduce your little ones to the joy of learning in a gentle and realistic way that will prepare them to succeed academically.

ID: 2016-103
May. 13, 2016

It makes no sense to pour our lives into homeschooling, only to stumble at the finish line. We’ve got to pass the baton of Christian adulthood to our children and it can’t happen overnight. Hal and Melanie talk about this critical time in our children’s lives and how to transition from the benevolent dictator our 11-year-olds need, to the trusted advisor of our adult children. Let’s all finish well and prepare our sons and daughters to be servants of the Most High, even when we can’t make them any more!

ID: 2016-104
May. 13, 2016

The most important part of an education is the teaching of worthy character. Otherwise, we are only training more competent rebels! We sometimes fail to recognize that annoying traits such as whining, arguing, disobedience and tattling are not so much behavior issues as character needs. Character is the key that opens the door to successful adult living. It is the first thing that wise people examine when evaluating a prospective employee, spouse or friend. That’s why character is the most important subject you will ever teach your children! Come hear Marilyn Boyer, mother of 14 homeschooled kids and learn as she shares how to intentionally teach this most important of all subjects!

Many purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much larger problem for young men, and many parents seem hopelessly naïve about the battles their sons are facing. In a time when over 90% of teens have been exposed to Internet pornography, how can we teach our boys to keep their way pure? What can we do when temptation is lurking on friends’ phones and beckons just a click away? How can we give them a Biblical contact for sexuality–from their toddler years to adulthood? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

ID: 2016-106
May. 13, 2016

Eighty percent of the children labeled “Learning Disabled” in school are boys. That’s why wise parents understand that the confinement, boredom and regimentation of school are things to be avoided if boys are to thrive. The key to understanding and cooperating with the drives God has built into boys is in recognizing that boyhood is preparation for the roles of family protector, provider and leader that naturally and Biblically fall upon men. We must understand that we are not raising boys, but training future men if we are to make boyhood the exciting and profitable season of life that God intended it to be.

Michael Farris discusses the importance of knowing the content and purpose of the founding documents of our country, and how that can impact our interpretation of issues today. Citizens concerned for the future of their country, under a federal government that’s increasingly bloated, corrupt, reckless and invasive, have a constitutional option. We can return the country to its original vision of a limited federal government that is of, by, and for the people. Come hear how you can make a difference.

“Why do little tiny offenses start big fights between my kids?” Both Scripture and history illustrate how simple forgiveness can stop great conflicts before they get started. Come and learn from Bible heroes and a hero of World War II how the ability to forgive is the key to peace in the home.

In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war break out in the middle of History, or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then you’re probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the Biblical way out – and a better way to turn wild little dirt-lovers into strong Christian men!

Scripture tells us to train up a child in the way “he” should go–not the way “they” should go. Every child is a unique creation of God, with his own fascinating blend of talents, interests and yes, weaknesses. To help them fulfill their life calling, we must develop a specific plan for the training of each one. Come and learn how to work “with” the uniqueness of your child. Escape the bondage of expectations and set your child free to pursue his passions and be the whole person God created him to be.

ID: 2016-115
May. 14, 2016

With the average age of first marriage approaching thirty, how can we make sure Christian young people are really prepared for marriage and parenting? It doesn’t happen overnight. How can we navigate the confusing years of singleness and honor God and each other? Should young men and young women be friends? Will I ever get married? Will my children ever marry? Hear Hal and Melanie’s own courtship story and get practical encouragement.

ID: 2016-118
May. 14, 2016

Your marriage is a living curriculum that daily instructs your children on the subject of marriage. Ladies, join Beth Mora, a homeschool mom for a look at the unique challenges of a homeschool marriage. Beth and her husband Forrest are the founders and past directors of their church’s marriage ministry that is still thriving ten years later. In this workshop, Beth gets real and practical. Take the time to invest in the one subject that will impact your child’s future even more than learning Latin or Algebra 2. You’re going to walk away from this workshop just as excited about your marriage as you are unwrapping that new curriculum you just purchased!

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture facing a host of issues and moral dilemmas that we never had to deal with at their age. Because many children are not prepared to counter their culture, startling percentages of those raised in evangelical homes abandon their faith and beliefs as they move into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do for them. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. In this session, Zan Tyler provides practical answers to the following questions: •What is a biblical worldview and why is it crucial for my children? •How can I teach worldview—especially if I don’t understand it myself? •How can I teach worldview to my elementary-aged children? •How can studying the life of Daniel change my teenager’s life? Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

ID: 2016-202
May. 13, 2016

Blossoming young men can be very challenging to a mother. What’s a mom to do with her son’s seeming disrespect? How should she correct him? Does there come a time when a mom can no longer tell her son what to do? Wives have similar questions about relating to their husbands. What’s a mom or wife to do? Norm provides answers to these questions and more.

Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done—and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? In this session, we will discuss five areas that pose particular challenges to homeschool moms and be reminded that He always holds us in the palm of His hand. This workshop contains many practical tips for solving problems and overcoming obstacles. It also encourages a biblical vision for what you are ultimately trying to accomplish in your children’s lives through homeschooling—a vision that will sustain you through the hard times and difficult days that are sure to come.

ID: 2016-204
May. 13, 2016

What makes Christian home education distinct from other educational philosophies is the perspective from which we teach and live–a heavenly perspective. You’ll learn how to live in heaven while you are on the earth and bring the presence, perspective, and power of God near to your children as you live your life before them and teach them daily.

ID: 2016-206
May. 13, 2016

One of the greatest needs of children is to feel secure. When they feel secure they are more teachable and more responsive. You’ll learn four powerful, practical ways you can make a difference in their lives–ways that build security in them.

ID: 2016-211
May. 14, 2016

Movies and music are the languages of this generation—but what does Scripture say about how we should interact with the good, the bad, and the ugly in our culture? How do we teach kids to think about the arts from a biblical worldview? With concrete examples and easy-to-apply principles, this workshop provides valuable tools that anyone can use. You will be challenged to grow in wisdom and grace as you choose and appreciate movies, books, music, and more.

ID: 2016-212
May. 14, 2016

One of the goals of Christian home education is to lay foundations for faith that will stand the tests of life. You’ll learn how to teach your children to draw near to Christ and hold fast to the foundational tenets of the Christian faith.

ID: 2016-213
May. 14, 2016

When you look at your children, what do you see? Do you see little people making constant demands on your time, or do you see what God sees—lives brimming with possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture. You will be inspired as you realize the crucial role you and your family play in shaping the identity and gifts of each child. The Master Gardener has given you powerful tools for cultivating your child’s potential; don’t miss this opportunity to discover what they are.

ID: 2016-214
May. 14, 2016

When parents display humility, their children are attracted not only to them, but to Christ. You’ll be encouraged as you see the power of humility in the lives of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. You’ll learn how you can grow in humility and add tremendous value to your relationship with your children.

ID: 2016-216
May. 14, 2016

Do you know what the most powerful words are that you can say to your children? God said them to all of the Hebrew fathers. Then He said them repeatedly through His Son to His disciples. These words will encourage your hearts and fill you with faith as you homeschool and disciple your children. (By the way, it’s not, “I love you.”)

ID: 2016-301
May. 13, 2016

You had a wonderful plan at the beginning of the school year for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted offspring. But then . . . life happened. How do you find “normal” again? In this workshop, Vicki helps you focus on the essentials when you’re on the frontlines, especially in a crisis situation.

ID: 2016-303
May. 13, 2016

A recurring theme among homeschoolers is: Help! I’m committed to homeschooling, but I’m feeling overwhelmed just by everyday life! For many of us, standard organizing suggestions don’t “stick,” and we wonder what’s wrong with us. In this workshop, Vicki shares some tools that have helped her (and other busy moms) to homeschool and get dinner on the table. . . on the same day. (If you were “born organized,” you may find yourself in this workshop anyway, to possibly pick up one more idea!)

ID: 2016-305
May. 13, 2016

Our precious daughters…do they know how special they truly are and are they confident enough in this truth that they will one day only accept the hand of a true gentleman? Today, our society is teaching girls that being a lady is a thing of the past. This is FALSE. Today’s young ladies need now more than ever to have conviction in what it means to be a lady, as they have an amazing opportunity to be an example to so many. Come, bring your daughters and listen to national motivational speaker and certified Etiquette Coach, Monica Irvine, teach what being a lady is all about. They will walk away inspired and excited to continue to learn the skills that will lead them to happiness. This is not just for moms…dads please come too.

ID: 2016-307
May. 13, 2016

Parents, this is such an important workshop if you are raising boys! We’ve got to do all that we can to help our boys understand that these life skills will directly impact every part of their life, both personally and professionally. These skills change lives and contribute to happier, healthier and more stable relationships. These skills are essential for true success. Dads, you will be so grateful you attended this as well. You can’t raise a gentleman if you’re not a gentleman. Let’s make sure we are. Don’t miss this!

ID: 2016-308
May. 13, 2016

Training in Diligence and Thoroughness – You know you need to let the children be more involved in helping at home, for training them in character and in practical skills, AND for your sanity! But where do you begin? This foster mom to almost 50 children will share tips and practical helps that have enabled her to homeschool 17 children and still be able to open the front door to guests.

ID: 2016-313
May. 14, 2016

One of the absolute greatest gifts we can give our children is a schedule. Studies show that keeping our children on a schedule & creating routines produces stability, calm, trust, discipline and most importantly, happiness. Yes, we’re busy. Yes, we don’t want to be burdened down with trying to stay on a schedule, but wait…you’ve got to come and see and hear why scheduling gives us the freedom to have fun and to accomplish great things. You will walk away from this workshop with wonderful ideas to implement in your home that will be a gift to the whole family.

ID: 2016-315
May. 14, 2016

Learn how to create an atmosphere of service instead of one that is dominated by selfish desires and division. This presentation will help any group, church, business or family develop a spirit of unity. Great for large families.

ID: 2016-316
May. 14, 2016

Is your second grader building a fusion reactor in your backyard or calculating rates of speed and velocity? Forrest and Beth Mora’s daughter, SmartCookie #1 received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in three short years at 21 years of age and is a state certified teacher. Their son, SmartCookie #2 and twin to #1, received a 104% in Calculus 2 in his senior year of high school and reads C++ programming textbooks for enjoyment. Join Beth Mora as she travels back through time to when their “smartcookies” were in their elementary years. Beth candidly shares about her journey home educating her two academically advanced children and learn how she kept the wheels of opportunity turning. She’ll also share about the challenges “smartcookies” can present and what you can do to help.

ID: 2016-318
May. 14, 2016

In a traditional classroom environment, students have an average of eight to ten individual interactions with their teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal interactions can number in the hundreds and greatly enhance the education your children receive at home. Zan Tyler shares how the simple and free tool of conversation can help your children replace boredom during lessons with a motivation to learn. Discover why parents make the best teachers and capitalize on these strengths. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your home and promote camaraderie, enthusiasm, and learning with stimulating academics instead. Conversation is the key! Conversation IS core curriculum.

ID: 2016-401
May. 13, 2016

Whether you want ready-made unit studies or the tools to develop your own, this workshop could be the answer! Come for an overview and explanation of definitions, comparisons, and resources for implementing unit studies into your home. In this workshop, we will also develop your personal Unit Study P.R.O. skills and provide you tools to create your own unit study at home.

ID: 2016-402
May. 13, 2016

Dan Beasley is the “new lawyer on the block” at the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, and he’s advocating for homeschoolers in Pennsylvania. Come get to know Dan and catch his vision and passion for homeschool freedom.

ID: 2016-403
May. 13, 2016

Are you new to homeschooling or new to Pennsylvania? Are you thinking about homeschooling at some point in the future? Do you have questions about what homeschooling might look like and how to get started? This session is designed to encourage and equip you to homeschool your children. Topics include: Why homeschool?, how to get started in PA, a typical day, curriculum, record keeping, testing, portfolios, and evaluations. There will also be time for questions.

ID: 2016-404
May. 13, 2016

After some desperate moments of crisis and crying out to the Lord I learned that many of my problems were a direct result of my thought life. Learn to get your thought life out of the dumpster and onto the Most High. Based on 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 I will share with you an acrostic that has helped me live in freedom and truth. This tool can also be used to teach our children who they are in Christ and how they too can walk in the truth.

ID: 2016-407
May. 13, 2016

Are you or your teens looking for some extra cash? Want to get some great experience with work and finances? Then entrepreneurship may be for you! Come learn the ins and outs of home business formation, growth, and management from the ground up. Whether you’re looking to build your product, service, ministry, or web-based enterprise, you will find great ideas, resources, and scriptural principles to help you on your way.

Loving God and each other are relationships. Relationships are built on edifying communication. No one can build up, or tear down, more than those that we love the most. In this workshop we will examine how to hear and understand each other in a safe place.

ID: 2016-411
May. 14, 2016

People often view scientists as neutral, disinterested observers that draw conclusions from the data without bias. This, however, is a myth. Believing and unbelieving scientists, alike, view and interpret the universe through a set of faith assumptions regarding God and all things (their worldview). These assumptions are determined by one internal and simple reality: love or hostility toward God as the creator of all things. The nature of one’s heart drives speculation about life and the universe that cannot be derived by the scientific method, even as they are often considered “settled science.” Come hear how the nature of our heart (will) influences how we view, interpret, and draw conclusions regarding God and His world.

ID: 2016-412
May. 14, 2016

Dr. Eagleson draws on 30 years of homeschooling to share the how and why of homeschooling. What are the two ways to learn. What matters the most when teaching.

ID: 2016-414
May. 14, 2016

Dr. Eagleson looks at what worked from the research and from real life. If you wanted your children to be Christians as adults what would you do?

ID: 2016-416
May. 14, 2016

Does the idea of homeschooling a high school student strike fear deep into your heart? Or are you ‘in the trenches’ of homeschooling high school and looking for direction. Join us in this practical workshop designed to provide you with a road map for navigating high school. High school record keeping, graduation requirements, transcripts, apprenticeships, and PSAT/SAT and ACT testing will be explored. We will also journey across the myriad of college and military opportunities available to our young adults a they reach their final destination in the homeschool expedition. Q & A time will be specifically set aside to get your questions answered!

ID: 2016-418
May. 14, 2016

Romans 1:18-22 tells us that all people are without excuse for not honoring and giving God thanks. Why? Because His handiwork so clearly display His power, genius, and goodness that they “know” God, even as they go about denying His existence and authority. Every known fact and scientific discovery shouts the existence and glory of its Creator, while nothing in the universe supports the idea that all things are founded and operate according to random chance. Unbelievers ask for evidence as they deny the obvious. Imagine the aid to our faith and hope in our darkest trials when we never lack clear testimony of God’s goodness and power. Imagine the help to our witness and interaction with unbelievers when we understand how all things support the truth of our worldview and faith in Christ. Imagine the encouragement to our faith when we rightly view all things as supporting God’s ultimate purpose and plan in Christ, when every atom, bite of food, and star in the sky declare His infinite glory.

How do we acquire and nurture in our children a God-honoring worldview that strengthens joy, comfort, and faith in God and Scripture, even while exposing the unreasonable blind faith of unbelief? It’s much easier than you think if you start in the right place. God is the infinitely excellent creator and sustainer of all things, apart from whom we have nothing, including life, knowledge, truth, authority, and moral absolutes, on whom we depend for everything, to whom we owe all things. God, then, constitutes the proper starting place for a proper worldview. You will be surprised how many mysterious and confusing threads fall into place in the marvelous tapestry of God’s work and purpose when we begin with the source and explanation of all things. Indeed, apart from God as their source and sustainer, life and all things reduce to an impossible and pointless absurdity.


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 8 through 9, 2015

PA-2015 Plans to Give You Hope

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God's providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent. Intensely practical and Bible based, the Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent is designed to give parents both the tools they need and the hope necessary to build a Christ-centered character-driven home environment. The Nine Practices are a great way to revitalize parents in the all important task of parenting. This session will take highlights from the 10- week Parenting Matters small group study. Steve will unwrap the Three Pillars of Parenting, The Motivation Model, The Growth Continuum, The Proactive vs. Reactive Parent, and more. You don't want to miss this once in a lifetime event.

ID: 2015-102
May. 8, 2015

Dads and moms, in all the busyness of life and swell of expert advice, we've forgotten the fundamental truths of homeschooling and family. In short, we've forgotten why we do what we do. We have plenty of "how tos" but have forgotten the "why tos" and it evidences itself in our lack of joy of homeschooling, family, and parenting. Join funny guy and familyman, Todd Wilson, as he sets the stage for a great homeschool convention and the best year ever as he brings us back to the basics of what we believe about family and homeschooling. You're not going to want to miss this for the world.

ID: 2015-103
May. 8, 2015

Anger gets in the way of many relationships. Children often need training to deal with the emotion of anger and God has several helpful strategies in the Bible. In this session parents learn practical ideas that help children change their behavior, adjust their hearts, and even go a step further to become peacemakers as well. In this session parents will discover how to become counselors or coaches instead of a policemen when helping children deal with anger.

If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children we must focus on the first things first and character is always the first thing! In this session, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge you to use every opportunity to teach your children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.

ID: 2015-105
May. 8, 2015

Are you convinced that every homeschooling family except yours is great? Do you believe the lie that others are more organized, better prepared, have smarter kids, are wiser parents, and have a child in the national spelling bee? Well, let me set the record straight...that's not the way it is! The truth is most moms feel inadequate. Homeschooling moms fear that they're letting their kids down in their education and in example. They feel like their house is out of control, their children are beasts, and the sizzle has left their marriages. Join us as we unleash the power in being REAL. You'll never be the same again.

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing. Attendees will learn to use an Action Plan Worksheet to develop a unique plan for their child. Parents gain hope and encourage by learning a biblical plan to work with a challenging child.

ID: 2015-107
May. 8, 2015

Your house is a disaster, your kids seem out of control, and you wonder how you'll ever make it through another day of school. Your "get up and go" has "gotten up and went". You used to think homeschooling was the best thing since sliced bread, but now you're feeling like burnt toast. Take heart - you're not alone! No one homeschools because it's easy. You do it because you believe it is best. But there are times when you need to be reminded once again why it's best. Join me as we do just that. You'll laugh and be encouraged in the toughest job you'll

ID: 2015-108
May. 8, 2015

Learn the difference between a heart-based approach to child training and simple behavior modification. Although commonly practiced, behavior modification has significant weaknesses. A heart-based approach reaches children in ways that address their tendencies, motivations, and patterns in life. It's so much more powerful and the practical tools shared in this session will give great insight into the makeup of a child and how kids change. Five points will be shared to help the parent develop a heart-based strategy for any child.

ID: 2015-111
May. 9, 2015

Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the "Drama" level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? A Character Matters session will begin the process of moving your young people from ordinary to extraordinary. As they incorporate the skills of proactive daily living and Christ-like decision making, young people will be enabled to embrace the character healthy practices that will make them leaders in this next greatest generation.

ID: 2015-112
May. 9, 2015

In the sometimes bleak and harsh world of homeschooling, we need each other to make it through. So, if you've homeschooled for over 10 years, are new to the game, or are about to toss in the towel, you need to join us. And in case you are a dad and think you're off the hook, you're not! You're needed most of all. We promise that you'll laugh, be encouraged, and be challenged in YOUR distinct role on the Homeschool TEAM.

One of the most discouraging challenges parents face has to do with the bickering and fighting between their children. In this session parents will learn three roadblocks to sibling harmony and the three honor-based solutions from God's Word. Parents will gain greater confidence for dealing with sibling conflict, understand how to deal with common concerns like tattling and competition, and learn more about honor and how it can change the dynamic in their family.

Recognizing that a healthy marriage is the basis of a healthy home, this Marriage session is a fun and fruitful way to invest in your folks. Steve and Megan teach from their book The Eight Rules Of Communication For Successful Marriages and finish the session with a fun loving look at marriage and F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P Practical advice in a guilt free environment make the teaching real and applicable to all those in attendance.

ID: 2015-115
May. 9, 2015

There's a lot of talk about Christian worldview. In fact, never before have Christian teens received so much training in developing a proper worldview. But something seems dreadfully wrong, because the truth is...there just doesn't seem to be much difference between "our teens" and "their teens." To be honest there sometimes isn't much different between "our adults" and "their adults." That's about to change.

Many children don't know how to respond properly to correction. After all, correction is one of God's tools for learning. Unfortunately many children blame, defend, rationalize and justify their behavior. Furthermore, many parents view correction as an interruption to their days, not realizing the teaching opportunities present. When parents have a heart-based plan for correction they can help children develop good patterns for the rest of their lives.

Do you have a child who doesn't want to be homeschooled, in-laws who don't understand your reasons for homeschooling, a spouse who isn't sold on the idea, or a guilt complex reminding you that you have no business homeschooling your children? Those nagging, sometimes-silent disapprovals can crush a person under the weight of guilt and despair.

How was the time Saint Patrick lived similar to today? The Roman Empire was falling: Illegal immigrants were overrunning boarders; Latin Language was displaced: Sexual immorality; Exposure of unwanted infants; Violent gladiatorial entertainment; Outsourcing to North Africa; Enormous debt & government; Explosion of welfare & government jobs; Taxes unbearable; the Church was discouraged to have political involvement; Military was over stretched; and Atilla the Hun committed terrorist attacks.

ID: 2015-202
May. 8, 2015

Welcome to the digital age. What does the future of education look like, and how can the homeschool community take advantage of this? Here's a look at free tools and free content sites online that can make your homeschool more efficient, more economical, and more powerful. Harness the educational advantage of online learning and give your kids a jumpstart on their future. We will look at how Web 2.0 applications are changing the definition of education - blogs, wikis, Google applications, Skype, VoiceThreads, open courseware, YouTube, Facebook and even Twitter, when used appropriately can really help kids learn.

ID: 2015-203
May. 8, 2015

Are you aware of these past crises when America's fate hung desperately in the balance? From the French & Indian War, Revolution, Barbary Pirate War, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI & II, etc., you will learn 'the rest of the story' of how leaders with faith and courage arose and disaster was averted! Captivating true-life incidents of seemingly unexplainable circumstances resulted in the nation being saved! You will be inspired as you uncover "Miracles in American History - 32 Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer." In 1746, 70 ships with 13,000 troops sailed from France to lay waste to the American colonies. Massachusetts Governor William Shirley proclaimed a Day of Fasting. What happened next was unexplainable! After the Battle of Monongahela, George Washington wrote from Fort Cumberland to his younger brother, John Augustine Washington, July 18, 1755: "But by the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!" How did Thomas Jefferson's resolution for a Day of Fasting on June 1, 1774, lead to the forming of the Continental Congress, and eventually Independence? How in 1781 the providential rising of three rivers in 10 days allowed Americans to escape British General Cornwallis? Or how the uncanny way Benedict Arnold's planned betrayal of West Point was discovered? George Washington exclaimed: "The Hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this (the course of the war) that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith." Ben Franklin declared: "In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain...we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection...All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending Providence in our favor." In 1865, President Lincoln proclaimed a Day of Fasting for April 30. What freak accident happened two days later which changed the course of the Civil War? What did Woodrow Wilson declared as the U.S. entered WWI. Or Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression? Or FDR, Eisenhower, MacArthur and Patton during WWII? Or Truman during the Korean War? When Apollo 13 was lost in space, what happened after President Nixon called all of America to pray? Are you aware of these American Miracles?

ID: 2015-204
May. 8, 2015

What are thinking skills and why all the fuss? This seminar challenges traditional teaching methods head on by outlining the best way to teach so your child can remember and use what he has learned-- even when he is an adult. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation explained; samples of creative and critical thinking. And lots of suggested resources and activities that are uncomplicated, time-saving, inexpensive, and effective.

Overlooked! That's what often happens to foreign language instruction. And yet, the "language window" is open and waiting in our children for only a short period of time. Sara Rask, Rainbow consultant and former, High School French teacher, encourages homeschooling moms to introduce a foreign language to young children. She walks through the transition to formal language learning in middle school and addresses the high school credit dilemma. Throw open the window and let foreign languages carry your child to fluency!

What is going on in the world? Is it politics as usual or is there a bigger picture? How did past civilizations rise and fall? Can the past give us an insight into the future? In the nearly 6,000 years of recorded human history, POWER, like gravity, seems to inevitably concentrate into the hands of ONE individual, sometimes called pharoah, caesar, czar, kaiser, king, caliph, emperor, monarch, sultan, president or communist dictator. No matter what the autocratic leader's particular title is, the default setting for human government throughout history has been monarchy. How rare is America's experiment with a republic? On the spectrum of human government, one side is TOTAL GOVERNMENT with power concentrated in the hands of a totalitarian dictator, and the other side is NO GOVERNMENT - anarchy. America, out of all previous nations on earth, was able to get closest to the anarchy side of the spectrum and still maintain order because of a secret ingredient - Judeo-Christian morality. Society could exist with less external control because citizens had more internal control. When power is concentrated, the State is supreme. When power is separated, the individual is supreme. America's founders had a unique window of opportunity to maximize the freedom and opportunity of the individual.

ID: 2015-207
May. 8, 2015

Debra will share 10 proven strategies that kindle a love for learning in a child and help him master areas of difficulty; at the same time, reduce conflict and frustration for mother and child.

ID: 2015-208
May. 8, 2015

Are the "Terrrible Twos" eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with 8 toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. This workshop is intensely practical and will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!

ID: 2015-212
May. 9, 2015

Do you want a lifelong learner who initiates studies on his own? Then let go of the wheel and start giving your kids responsibility for their education. Here are practical, inexpensive steps that will encourage children to pursue their own learning, and prevent parent burnout as well.

ID: 2015-214
May. 9, 2015

Debra Bell will review the 20 Power Tools of Learning and the brain science behind them. This session is for teens and their parents. Debra will help you cut your study time in half, remember what you learn, and recall it when you need it.

ID: 2015-215
May. 9, 2015

Does God want you to homeschool? Wouldn't Christian School be just as good? (Maybe better) I think God is calling my children to be missionaries to public schools. What did Jesus have to say about homeschooling? What will become of America? Where is the homeschool movement headed?

The faith that gave birth to tolerance is no longer tolerated! How did America go from Pilgrims seeking freedom to express their Judeo-Christian beliefs to today's discrimination against those very beliefs in the name of tolerance? "Backfired" chronicles the history of this disturbing development now rampant in our country. Do these headlines sound familiar? •Ten Commandments taken down •"Under God" removed from the Pledge •Prayer prohibited •Nativity Scenes banned •Salvation Army defunded •Boy Scouts sued •Christmas Carols stopped •Bible called 'hate speech' Discover how tolerance evolved from Pilgrims to Puritans from Protestants to Catholics from Liberal Christians to Jews from Monotheists to Polytheists from All Religions to Atheists to only Politically Correct "The frustrating thing is that those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in the name of tolerance. Question: Isn't the real truth that they are intolerant of religion?" - Ronald Reagan, August 23, 1984

ID: 2015-217
May. 9, 2015

From the perspective of a mom who raised four teens, long time high school level teacher and evaluator of numerous high school homeschool programs. The high school years are your child's resume for the future. Here's how to maximize his time, prepare him for a changing job market, get doors to open, and facilitate non-traditional learning experiences.

ID: 2015-218
May. 9, 2015

Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our kids to play-dates. With only a few short years to impart important spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an important opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. A Discipling Mom conference will give mothers the tools they need to disciple their children in the important areas of prayer, service, Bible study, Scripture memorization, and true fellowship. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side.

Presenter Carol Topp, CPA, has encouraged hundreds of teenagers to start their own micro business. She'll share with you at least 30 viable business ideas that a teenager (or parent) can launch this week. Plus information on how to get started, pitfalls to avoid and tips for success.

ID: 2015-304
May. 8, 2015

Change is happening rapidly in higher education. Universities are doing their best to keep up with the demands of the student marketplace. Come learn how to be on the cutting edge and not left behind. Learn strategies and tools to ensure you receive a quality education, have a great college experience and walk away with a degree but without a mountain of debt.

ID: 2015-306
May. 8, 2015

Everybody doesn't win all the time and not everyone deserves a trophy. Remember when playgrounds weren't 100% rubber, bullies eventually got beat up and you had to be home by dark? More and more our young adults are behaving like deserving children. Unfortunately there are a lot of 30 year old boys and girls running around our culture, expecting all things to go their way. Come be encouraged and learn how and why it is best to raise up men and women who are equipped and prepared for a successful adulthood.

As your child grows older, you may be considering high school at home — but you've got your doubts! Why is homeschooling high school a crucial decision for your teen? How is it possible? What help is available? We'll answer your questions; but more importantly, we'll encourage and challenge you to explore the steps you should take as you weigh the possibility of teaching high school at home.

The Introduction to American Government workshop provides a comprehensive overview of our local, state, and federal systems of government, with an emphasis on how to engage in the civic arena for Christian causes. If you have an interest in history, political science, government, or statesmanship, you will not want to miss this workshop!

Why is documentation of high school course work important? Keeping good records does not need to be time consuming or burdensome; it will actually save you time and effort in the long run. Learn what, when, and how to track your student's progress through high school.

Basic Academic knowledge is important, but does it prepare a student for success in their field of employment? Is your student becoming a Collaborator, a Communicator, a Critical Thinker, a Creator? Are they developing Media, Information, Technology, Life and Career Skills? When College Professors and CEO's are surveyed, they disagree greatly on how prepared a graduate is for life in the modern world. Come learn how to set up your student for success... beyond the curriculum.

ID: 2015-316
May. 9, 2015

Does the idea of homeschooling a high school student strike fear deep into your heart? Or are you 'in the trenches' of homeschooling high school and looking for direction. Join us in this practical workshop designed to provide you with a road map for navigating high school. High school record keeping, graduation requirements, Transcripts, Apprenticeships, and PSAT/SAT and ACT testing will be explored. We will also journey across the myriad of college and military opportunities available to our young adults as they reach their final destination in the homeschool expedition. Q & A time will be specifically set aside to get your questions answered!

ID: 2015-402
May. 8, 2015

Dr. Eagleson draws on his 30 years of homeschooling and twenty years on the CHAP board to introduce the topic of getting started in homeschooling. A summary of the research into home education is provided. Curriculum, schedules and record keeping will be covered. Dr. Eagleson takes questions from the floor both during and after the presentation. Many homeschoolers comment that they heard this talk when they were just starting.

ID: 2015-403
May. 8, 2015

Have you wondered, "How can I afford to homeschool" or "Am I capable of teaching my children?" You and thousands of parents these past 30 years have wondered the same exact things and have homeschooled their children successfully. There are so many options today, so where do I start? You can homeschool on one income and do it very well! Homeschooling is a journey for the whole family, one in which you will all grow individually and together. Come and glean from the 30 plus years of experience as Renee Miller shares hundreds of ideas to save you money as you teach your children and raise them to love the Lord with all their hearts.

ID: 2015-405
May. 8, 2015

There are unique things that are learned from Dad. When Dad is not in the game, the family suffers. Gain some insight on why Dad is so important in the life of any kid. Delve more deeply into the connection between many issues facing our culture today and the failure of dads to fulfill their mission. These points originated from discussions during the MMR Father/Son Retreat which Donnie has hosted for nine years.

ID: 2015-408
May. 8, 2015

This talk includes many of the evidences for creation that the Lord used to bring Dr. Martin from being an agnostic, zen-Buddhist, evolutionist to a young earth creationist. Dr. Martin uses statistics and current studies to vividly demonstrate how our Christian school kids are following the same downward path into secular humanism that the public school kids are taking and that it is only the homeschoolers who are "stemming the tide," though they are also sloping off into moderate Christianity instead of staying solidly Biblical. When belief in the Bible's authority and accuracy is shaken, people lose their trust in it and the culture departs from Biblical principles. This talk will help equip all ages with foundational truths about creation which will enable young people to stand strong against the attacks of evolution and secular humanism in the academic arena and today's culture.

ID: 2015-411
May. 9, 2015

Are you new to homeschooling or new to Pennsylvania? Are you thinking about homeschooling at some point in the future? Do you have questions about what homeschooling might look like and how to get started? This session is designed to encourage and equip you to homeschool your children. Topics include: Why homeschool?, how to get started in PA, a typical day, curriculum, record keeping, testing, portfolios, and evaluations. There will also be time for questions.

Ages 2 to 7, are critical years that help form your child's ability to comprehend and do well later in their educational process. Come learn why and how to help your "little blessings", gain the most from those early years and increase their success and love for learning. Renee Miller will share many ideas that will help make these years truly fulfilling.

ID: 2015-416
May. 9, 2015

Dr. Martin shares five key Scriptures to combat problems within the family. He challenges fathers and husbands to be loving, spiritual leaders in their families. He gives examples of ways that family members can practice right responses to each other. A theme verse for this talk is Col. 1:10.

ID: 2015-418
May. 9, 2015

The Christian Statesmanship workshop blends Biblical truths, American history, and an overview of civics to form an inspiring, educational, and fun message for Christians who desire to learn more about becoming involved in the civic arena. You will learn about our nation's Christian heritage, our recent loss of religious freedoms, and ways YOU can "stand in the gap" to help restore righteousness to this great country.

ID: 2015-502
May. 8, 2015

Whether you want ready-made unit studies or the tools to develop your own, this workshop could be the answer! Come for an overview and explanation of definitions, comparisons, and resources for implementing unit studies into your home. In this workshop, we will also develop your personal Unit Study P.R.O. skills and provide you tools to create your own unit study at home.

ID: 2015-503
May. 8, 2015

Do you feel like life is rolling over you in waves? Do you wish you had a pause button so you could catch up on everything? Do you feel tired and discouraged? You might be burned out. In this talk, Sarah Mae encourages you in choosing your life by faith so you can move forward with the hope and energy you need to persevere with joy in your Kingdom work.

ID: 2015-506
May. 8, 2015

Picking curriculum can be an overwhelming, confusing, and a surprisingly expensive venture. If you are starting out on the homeschool journey, or if you are a curriculum junkie who has struggled with completing curriculum, this talk might be for you. Sarah Mae gives you the confidence that you can give your child a wonderful education without spending hundreds of dollars.

ID: 2015-512
May. 9, 2015

Whether or not becoming a "special needs" parent was something for which you planned, finding yourself in this "club" can cause a sense of being overwhelmed yet also uniquely blessed. In a round-table discussion, Karen & Colton Weber will lead in discovering how to experience God's grace and joy in the midst of the difficulties of parenting and homeschooling children with special needs. You are invited to share your successes and challenges and network with other parents in this "special" session!

ID: 2015-513
May. 9, 2015

You love homeschooling your children, and you get so excited for planning your child's education. But then, you sit down with all your joy, and you freeze. All of a sudden you start to sweat. Lesson planning involves so many details and suddenly you're hiding in a closet wondering if you will be able to do this homeschooling thing after all! Plus crafts. You are terrible at crafts! How do all the other homeschool moms make homeschooling look so...perfect? You, my friend are not alone. Sarah Mae is a fellow Type-B mom and she wants to encourage you that you can homeschool your children well and with confidence. No crafting skills required.

ID: 2015-514
May. 9, 2015

Walking away from your own shadow is easy! What your voice sounds like on the Sun. Every action, word or thought can be recorded. IBM can already do two of those three things over your entire life! What kinds of records does God have on us? Can one's damaging past be erased?