North Dakota Home School Association

Recordings Listing


Jamestown, North Dakota
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 6 through 7, 2020

2020 North Dakota Home School Convention

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 20-000
Original Price: $166.50
Set Price: $65.00

2020 Complete NDHSA Convention Recording Set

By purchasing this "complete set" you have the ability to listen to any or all of the great sessions at the 2020 NDHSA convention. A few sessions had been excluded at the request of the speaker. Sessions that were technically damaged or not recorded are not included in this set.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 20-01Train.Defend.Stand.— by: Chuck Black20-02Homeschooling: the Right Choice by: Chuck Black20-11Dealing with Doubt by: Chuck Black20-12Reaching the Heart of Your Child by: Ginger Hubbard20-13Learning & Teaching History From a Biblical Worldview by: Angela O'Dell20-14The Culture of God's Kingdom vs the World's by: Jared Dodd20-15Three Hot Careers: Plumbing, HVAC, and Refrigeration by: Mark Wood, Ryan Meisch20-16Ministry in the Midst of Mothering Many by: Jana Biel20-21Keeping your Kids from Losing their Faith by: Luke Miller20-22Taming Your Tongue— by: Ginger Hubbard20-23What I wish I'd Been Told at the Beginning by: Angela O'Dell20-24How to Have an Ever-Increasing Marriage by: Jared Dodd20-25Getting Started Homeschooling in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert20-26CLEP / Dual Credits by: Kathy Miiller20-31Call to Arms: The Guts & Glory of Courageous Fatherhood by: Chuck Black20-32Talking to Your Teens About Pornography by: Keith Soencksen20-33Charlotte Mason for Today's Families by: Angela O'Dell20-34Seven Mistakes Many Homeschoolers Make by: Jared Dodd20-35You CAN Be a Great Math Teacher by: Maren Ehley20-36You Are Your Teen's Best Guidance Counselor by: Kathy Miiller20-41Practical Apologetics by: Chuck Black20-42Taming Your Child's Tongue by: Ginger Hubbard20-43Aiming at a Moving Target by: Angela O'Dell20-44Why Gender is Paramount by: Jared Dodd20-45Language Arts in the Real World by: Nancy Bjorkman20-46Why You Need to Teach Geology and How by: Patrick Nurre20-51Dads Homeschool, Too by: Bryan Dalzell20-53Helping Our Kids to De-stress in an Overstimulating World by: Angela O'Dell20-54How to Get to the Marriage Altar with Purity by: Jared Dodd20-55High School Transcripts How-To's by: Llora Knight20-56Four Powerful Words by: Patrick Nurre20-61Escapism: Avoiding the Snares of Media by: Chuck Black20-62How to Parent Without Provoking Anger by: Ginger Hubbard20-63I Believe in You, Kiddo...Here's Why!— by: Angela O'Dell20-64Essentials for Your Child's Success by: Jared Dodd20-65What's Next? Our Changing Role: Letting Go With Joy and Peace by: Rebbecca Nyberg20-66Apologetics From the Ground Up by: Patrick Nurre This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 20-01
Mar. 6, 2020

Homeschooling families are on the frontline of spiritual warfare, and only diligent preparation brings victory. The reasons to homeschool vary greatly, but for believers in Jesus Christ the goal is the same—train them up in the way of the Lord, equip them to defend their biblical beliefs, and strengthen their faith so that they will stand firm in the days to come as they engage in spiritual warfare with the enemy. Chuck challenges and offers key instruction on how to disciple your children to train, defend, and stand as ambassadors for Jesus Christ in a world that desperately needs hope

ID: 20-11
Mar. 6, 2020

At fourteen years old I faced an episode of doubt in my life that lasted for fourteen years. Because of it I could not claim God’s Word as infallible nor witness boldly to anyone seeking answers about Jesus Christ. God preserved my faith through it all, but much was lost to those years lived in flimsy faith. It doesn’t have to be so for your child. As parents we have an obligation to equip, pre-pare, and launch our children into the world fully capable of standing against the spiritual attacks and waves of doubt that they will often face. Discover how to discern if doubt is something your child is dealing with and learn a few basic principles on how to help them overcome and live a faith-filled life, even as a youth

ID: 20-14
Mar. 6, 2020

Culture is what you do without thinking about it. Unfortunately, the culture of the world has seeped into the church of America, having devastating effects. God is inviting people to repent and return to the priorities and practices of His Kingdom Culture.

This session covers the North Dakota requirements for home schooling. Theresa gives many practical hints including suggestions for lesson planning and record keeping. This is the place to start if you are just beginning the home education journey or are just “checking it out.”

ID: 20-41
Mar. 6, 2020

The deception of the Enemy in our modern world seems overwhelming at times, especially for our young people. Is there scientific evidence for God? Does faith deny logic and reason? Chuck tackles these challenging questions and offers solid answers through practical apologetics. Equip your youth using the synergy between scripture, science, technology, logic and reason to stand against the onslaught of deception the world will throw at them.

ID: 20-44
Mar. 7, 2020

Gender is under attack in our culture, and for good reason. The enemy of God hates gender because he understands its power. If parents make it their greatest ambition to teach their sons what it means to be men, and to teach their daughters what it means to be women, then their children will succeed.

ID: 20-61
Mar. 7, 2020

In today’s technology culture, the enemy’s lure of our young people’s minds to escape into an artificial world is great. As the line between reality and simulation blurs, the stronghold of escapism becomes more and more powerful. Apathy and self-indulgence are two destructive consequences that lead to broken relationships, broken homes, and broken hearts. Find some practical tools you can implement to help keep your children from getting caught in the snare of escapism.

ID: 20-63
Mar. 7, 2020

Is the world sending you mixed messages? Have lies about your identity from the pop culture, high expectations from others, and confusing self-talk from your own emotions and brain become a jumble of exhausting mental activity tossing and turning like a washing machine’s agitator? Many teens are secretly wondering, “How do I sort through all of this to find out who I really am and what I’m supposed to be? Do I really have what it takes to be a Christ- follower in this culture?” Angela will reach into the hearts and minds of teens with the TRUTH of God’s Word that brings confidence, peace, and wisdom to those who are searching.

ID: 20-66
Mar. 7, 2020

There is more to building a solid worldview than having a right catechism of creation. Our culture is on the move to destroy Biblical faith. This is no more apparent than in the treatment of the book of Genesis. Part of the solution for our kids is in knowing what the Bible says and how is explains the physical earth around them. Learn about evidence for the Flood and the truth of the Bible with every step you take!