Recordings Listing


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 20 through 21, 2014

OR-2014 Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Why aren’t your Christian neighbors homeschooling? What is the number one reason that parents do not homeschool? They lack confidence to believe that they can actually do the job, or, put another way – they fear failure. Many homeschoolers wonder how to determine whether they are successful or not. Mike explains in very clear biblical terms how to know whether or not you have been successful when you get to the end of your homeschool experience. The Bible gives clear and decisive direction in this area which should be very encouraging to all of us – even in the most difficult situations.

ID: 14-004
Jun. 21, 2014

A general overview of the challenges, burdens, and benefits of homeschooling from a veteran homeschool father and leader. Michael Smith encourages homeschoolers who are losing the vision, reminds them of the benefits of homeschooling, and offers some practical suggestions for relieving the pressure on the homeschooling family, especially moms.

Parental rights and religious freedom are the two pillars of the constitutional right of parents to teach their children at home. But today homeschooling freedoms are in jeopardy. This session shows how growing opposition to homeschooling by the intellectual elites is based on a belief that the state, not the parents, has the exclusive right and responsibility to educate children. Homeschoolers are in their crosshairs and we are clearly at risk.