Recordings Listing


Linn County Expo Center, Albany, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 28 through 29, 2019

OR-2019 Walking in Freedom

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: OR-2020
Original Price: $45.00
Set Price: $45.00

Homeschool Encouragement

These ten recordings have been hand-picked from hundreds in the OCEANetwork library specifically for your encouragement and support of Christian families who want to start strong and run the race with patience, honoring God, and raising a generation for HIS glory.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 13-001Anchored in Christ by: Norm Wakefield14-50217 Years of Homeschooling and I Hardly Twitch at All Anymore by: Carol Barnier15-107Three Simple Goals for Your First Year by: Melanie Young16-208Starting in the Middle by: Vicki Bentley16-301Father Power by: Todd Wilson16-408Homeschooling on a Shoestring Budget by: Vicki Bentley17-203Managing Anger and Conflict in Your Home by: Beth Mora17-401The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies by: Heidi St John17-506Homeschooling Teens – Tips That Work by: Colene Lewis18-01Family Worship: The Forgotten Home Discipleship Tool by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr. This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 23 through 24, 2017

OR-2017 Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 2017-all
Original Price: $247.50
Set Price: $99.00

All sessions from the 2017 Oregon Conference

This one price allows you to download any or all of the sessions from the 2017 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference, (for personal use only) now and in the future. Sessions unavailable (or lost) due to technical difficulties will not be included.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-01Fearless Homeschooling by: Heidi St John17-02The Home God Uses to Change the World by: Matthew Jacobson17-03Ripped from the Case Files by: Jim Mason17-04Uncommon Courage by: Heidi St John17-101Multi-Level Teaching by: Heidi St John17-102Homeschooling the Early Years: You Gotta Turn Right to Go Left by: Heather Haupt17-103High School 101 by: Jean Burk17-104Micro Business for Teens: Starting a Micro Business by: Carol Topp, CPA17-105Successful Homeschooling by: Lisa Jacobson17-106Homeschooling: Real Hard and Real Blessings by: Colene Lewis17-107Recruiting & Retaining Volunteers by: Beth Mora, Forrest Mora17-108The Prodigal Son, the Forgiving Father, and the Power of Beholding by: Jim Mason17-109Math-You-Hate becomes Math-U-Love with Math-U-See by: exhibitor17-201Strong Roots – Strong Families by: Heidi St John17-202Sharing Life, Loving, and Learning by: Heather Haupt17-203Managing Anger and Conflict in Your Home by: Beth Mora17-204Free College at Your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-205The Secret to Building a Strong Marriage by: Lisa Jacobson17-206Well Planned Day, Yes It's Possible by: Rebecca Farris17-207Top 10 Tips for Running a Homeschool Organization by: Carol Topp, CPA17-208Choosing and Using the Best Curriculum by: Caleb Crossman17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: exhibitor17-211Walking Tall: How a Man Can Win in This Sex-Saturated Culture by: Matthew Jacobson17-212Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-301Help and Hope for the Overwhelmed Mom by: Heidi St John17-302Marriage Wisdom: Practical Tools for Love and Friendship between Husband and Wife by: 17-303Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt17-304Learn Real Life Skills by: Carol Topp, CPA17-305Dream Bigger by: Beth Mora17-306Homeschooling Hints from Calvin & Hobbs by: Colene Lewis17-307Dyslexia: Facts and Fiction by: Joann Matson17-308Note to Self: The Vital Role of Homeschooling Dads by: Jim Mason17-309Logic Through All Ages by: exhibitor17-311Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist by: exhibitor17-312Seven Principles for Living a Passionate Life with Joy, Purpose, and Victory by: exhibitor17-401The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies by: Heidi St John17-402Beauty in the Bloom by: Beth Mora17-403Stepping Outside the School Box: Creating a Home Where We Learn by: Heather Haupt17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk17-405An Equipment Operator's Guide to Keeping Your Family by: Forrest Mora17-406How the IRS Sees Homeschool Organizations by: Carol Topp, CPA17-407Choosing and Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Students by: Jennifer Bliesner17-408History of Homeschooling in Oregon by: Dick Karman17-453Thriving in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Christian Homeschoolers by: exhibitor17-454Why Is My Fabulous Child So Forgetful and Frustrated? by: Bill Hartner17-455TROWEL - Teaching Children about Christ and Culture by: Dennis Tuuri17-456Radically Different Spelling Success with Spelling You See by: exhibitor17-501Better for Best: Keeping Christ as the Center of Your Home by: Heidi St John17-502Why We Need a Parental Rights Amendment by: Jim Mason17-503Help for the Homeschooling Mom: How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Move Forward by: Heather Haupt17-50430+ Micro Business Ideas by: Carol Topp, CPA17-505Treating Writing Allergies by: Beth Mora17-506Homeschooling Teens – Tips That Work by: Colene Lewis17-507The Who, What, When, Why & Hows of Developing a PDP by: Jennifer Bliesner17-50810 Relationship Mistakes by: Matthew Jacobson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-01
Jun. 23, 2017

"I’m not strong enough."
"My kids are going to have gaps in their education."
"Everything depends on me."
"I’ve failed too many times."
"I can’t do this right."
"I’m screwing up my kids."
"Everyone else’s kids are doing better than mine."

Have you heard the lies, too? Join Heidi as she talks about her own experience of homeschooling out of fear and into faith. You’ll want to bring a friend to this one!

ID: 17-101
Jun. 23, 2017

Toddlers, Tweens, and Teens, OH MY! Do you have a houseful? Are you planning on having a houseful? If so, then this is a great workshop for YOU! Heidi and Jay St. John are the homeschooling parents of seven perfect, never messy, always obedient, very sweet, usually tidy, generally obedient, always energetic, very curious children. They have homeschooled all the way through high school.

One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day! Moms are always wondering if they are “doing enough” and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually… can be overwhelming.

In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten you! If you’ve got a houseful, then you’ve got your hands full! Let’s laugh together, and rediscover the JOY of homeschooling with a full heart AND a full house


Nampa, ID
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 3 through 4, 2016

2016 CHOIS Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
ID: 1301
Jun. 3, 2016

Tick Tock. Have you ever experienced a series of days, weeks or even months when you felt like you just could NOT get on top of all that you had to do? Have you just decided that it’s either school or dinner? Or maybe you just gave up school and now everyone has matching socks again! Most moms struggle with finding a balance when it comes to homeschooling and staying on top of the rest of your day. Have you ever read 2 Corinthians 12:9? You probably have… it says, “My strength is made perfect in weakness”. Homeschooling reveals weakness … it’s true! And that’s a good thing, because it means you get to give even more glory to the Lord when you graduate your kids and see that they are walking with the Lord. Homeschool mom, if you’re struggling with trying to do it all, you will enjoy hearing some of Heidi’s favorite tips for managing homeschooling and homemaking…and still finding time to fit in “other things” (like alone time with your husband!) This is an opportunity to GET SET FREE from the expectations of others, laugh out loud learn how two words: BE INTENTIONAL can make a huge difference in your ability to manage your home and your homeschool well. Heidi really loves to use acrostics and this is one of her favorites! Bring a friend and leave your preconceived ideas at the door because real moms sometimes serve Cheerios for dinner!

ID: 17-101
Jun. 3, 2016

One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day! Moms are always wondering if they are “doing enough” and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually… can be overwhelming. In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten you! If you’ve got a houseful, then you’ve got your hands full! Let’s laugh together, and rediscover the JOY of homeschooling with a full heart AND a full house!


Portland Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 through 22, 2013

OR-2013 Anchored in Christ

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 13-205
Jun. 22, 2013

Homeschooling is challenging. Sometimes it can feel like a major accomplishment just to take a shower and get the breakfast dishes cleaned up before dinner! Most homeschool moms feel the pressure of providing their children with a solid academic foundation ¬– but there's so much more to homeschooling than academics, isn't there? The truth is that the greatest accomplishment of homeschooling is to nurture children in the ways of the One who made them. Whether you are on the edge of homeschool burnout, wondering why God has called your family to this homeschooling journey, or just need some honest, real encouragement, this is the one homeschool workshop not to miss out on!

ID: 13-305
Jun. 22, 2013

Blessed are the flexible – for they shall not break! It has been said that the only thing we can be sure of in this life is that nothing stays the same. Homeschooling is no different. There are seasons of upheaval. It's easy to wonder if it is possible to successfully homeschooling throughout periods of change. Join Heidi as she talks about how to navigate through the seasons of life and find joy and freedom in homeschooling along the way

ID: 13-405
Jun. 22, 2013

One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day. Moms are always wondering if they are "doing enough" and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually can be overwhelming. In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten!

ID: 13-605
Jun. 22, 2013

Have you experienced some trials in leadership lately? You're not alone! Leadership can be messy. Wise leadership requires the strength of a warrior and the heart of a shepherd. The heart of a strong leader requires a love that will get involved in the struggles and messes that will inevitably come up within their organizations. It may be frustrating, even exasperating at times, but successful leading in the body of Christ is not just about accomplishing a vision. It is about growing other leaders and knowing how to respond to challenging situations. Come learn some of the foundational principles of strong leadership - as well as some of the warning signs that will help you avoid division within your ministry and even GROW in the midst of adversity


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2012

OR-2012 Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 12-14
Jun. 22, 2012

YES YOU CAN. Hey, we won't lie to you! It can be intimidating. But the fact of the matter is that you really CAN do it! Homeschooling through high school is the gift that keeps on giving because it affords the one thing that is so fleeting in the teen years: time.

ID: 12-30
Jun. 22, 2012

Do you feel like your homeschooling has hit the wall? Or maybe you have hit the wall?! Would you like to engage your children more? Heidi will teach you the wonderful skill of notebooking using the "show ‘n’ tell" approach. She will have plenty of examples for you to look at and resources to take home. This is not a condemnation of workbooks (They do have their place.), but rather it is an opportunity for you to discover a life-giving, truly interactive way of learning. This is also a very hands-on workshop. Heidi will walk you through several approaches to notebooking, and you will discover that there is a notebooker inside of you!


Portland, OR
Friday - Sunday
Jun. 24 through 26, 2011

OR-2011 Delight in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

If homeschooling up until now feels more like drudgery than delight, or if the thought of homeschooling makes your knees shake and your palms sweat, this is the workshop for you! Perhaps you've been hearing from "experts" that view homeschooling as just another form of education, like any other. Public schools think that way, but homeschooling is nothing like the school system. It's just the opposite. Learning at home is an adventure, a journey, a new lifestyle. Join veteran homeschool mom of seven (including one homeschool graduate!) Heidi St.John as she talks about the three things you've got to know as a new homeschooler that will set you on a track for success and enjoyment with your children. Because, although you're nervous now, it'll all be okay. Homeschooling is worth it. So sit back, relax. You'll soon discover that homeschooling is a journey like no other. Take it in stride that you will bumble and stumble, stick your foot in it, take wrong turns, backtrack, start again, and again . . . and your child will be just fine. Come and bring a friend for a dose of information and encouragement. You can do it!

Do you have a houseful? Are you planning on having a houseful? If so, then this is a great workshop for YOU! Heidi and Jay St. John are the homeschooling parents of six perfect, never messy, always obedient very sweet, usually tidy, generally obedient, always energetic, very curious, children. They have homeschooled all the way through high school. One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day! Moms are always wondering if they are "doing enough" and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually... can be overwhelming. In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten you! If you've got a houseful, then you've got your hands full! Let's laugh together, and rediscover the JOY of homeschooling with a full heart AND a full house!


Recording ID: 2016-1000
Original Price: $49.50
Set Price: $35.00

Beginning Home Schooling

A set of messages that encourage and support those who are just beginning or are considering the idea of Christian Home Education. Some of these are specific to Oregon, some are more geographically general.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 12-04Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong by: Dick Karman14-004Remembering the Reason, Renewing the Vision by: J. Michael Smith14-204Starting Your Preschooler Off Right by: Jennifer Bliesner14-208Beyond Textbooks to Creative Curriculum by: Elizabeth Smith14-505The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies by: Heidi St John15-107Three Simple Goals for Your First Year by: Melanie Young15-607Homeschooling from the Beginning by: Melanie Young16-001Rooted, Grounded, and Abiding in God's Love by: Steve Demme16-105Homeschooling: God's Design by: Linda Crosby16-205Curriculum: How Do I Choose? by: Linda Crosby16-601An Unbeatable Team by: Todd Wilson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2016-MOMS
Original Price: $58.50
Set Price: $40.00

Mother Encouragement

Thirteen recordings to help the homeschool mom keep focused on the important aspects of homeschooling -- her family. Whether it's keeping the spark in your marriage, or dealing with teen age sons, or finding joy in difficult times, these recordings will encourage you.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 13-107Nurturing your Marriage While Homeschooling by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan13-200What's a Mom To Do with Teenage Sons? by: Norm Wakefield13-209Mary and Martha Homeschool: A Workshop for Marys Only! by: Linda Hobar13-505Ten Marriage Myths that Will Steal Your Joy by: Heidi St John14-110What I Would Do Differently as a Homeschool Mom by: Pam Forster14-205The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Daylight: How to Fit Your Size 16 Day into a Size 10 by: Heidi St John14-402Margins for Moms: Limits that Liberate by: Carol Barnier14-506100 Ways to Love Your Husband: The Life-Long Journey of Learning to Love by: Lisa Jacobson15-108Nurturing Your Marriage While Homeschooling by: Ann Dunagan, Jon Dunagan16-106How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Homeschool by: Todd Wilson16-405Laughing in the Midst of Mothering by: Linda Crosby16-508“Jump-Start” to Joyful Motherhood (Psalm 113:9) by: Vicki Bentley16-609A Mother's Love by: Joyce Padilla This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.