Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Albany Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 17 through 18, 2022

OR- 2022 Joy in the Journey Conference

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
Recording ID: 22-1000
Original Price: $211.50
Set Price: $99.00

Complete Conference Set of recordings

This gives you access to all of the available recordings made at the 2022 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference. No need to click on any other title. This selection provides all of the available session recordings.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 22-01Whatever - (Deuteronomy 12:32.) by: Bill Jack22-02Freedom From Fear by: Melanie Young, Hal Young22-101Your Marriage and Your Kids by: Melanie Young, Hal Young22-102In Over My Head! What Was I Thinking? by: Jan Smith22-103Getting Started Homeschooling by: Tauna Meyer22-104Pieces of the Learning Puzzle by: Marcia Davis22-105Developing a Plan for High School by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville22-106Wizards vs. the Wiseman (pt1): An Introduction to Worldviews by: Bill Jack22-112Life is Sacred by: Right To Life 22-113Sorry, Mom, I forgot! by: HELP Vendor22-114Help Lord- I'm outnumbered ! by: Vendor 22-1155 Core Habits to Help Your Child Learn Anything by: Classical Conversations 22-201Help! High School is Coming! by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith22-202Homeschooling Young Children by: Melanie Young22-203Keeping Homeschooling Fun—for Children and Parents by: Jackie Whitesell22-204What Gifted Kids Really Need by: Hal Young22-205High School Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville22-206Tearing Up Tracks Leading to Destruction by: Bill Jack22-301No Longer Little by: Melanie Young, Hal Young22-302The Power of Your Child's Emotions and Your Need to Understand by: Roger Smith MD22-303Motivating the Reluctant Learner by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville22-304Privately Developed Plans for Special Needs Students by: Jo Edwards22-305Pathways to College by: Eliot Grasso22-306Wizards vs. the Wiseman (pt2): by: Bill Jack22-401How Not to Lose Your Teens by: Melanie Young, Hal Young22-402Strategies for Multi-Level Learning by: Tauna Meyer22-403Dad's Essential Role by: Roger Smith MD22-404Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Individualized Approach to Instructional Basics by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville22-405Framing the conversation on Transgender & LGBTQIA+ with Your Kids From a Biblical Worldview by: Corey Gilbert22-406Wizards vs. the Wiseman (pt 3) by: Bill Jack22-501Discipline that Draws Children Closer by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith22-502Teaching Boys to Love Reading and Writing by: Melanie Young22-503I'm Not So Sure About This by: Hal Young22-504You Can Homeschool Your Struggling Learner by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville22-505Love, Sex, Dating, & Marriage: for Preteens, Teens, & Parents by: Corey Gilbert22-506Wizards vs. the Wiseman (pt 4): by: Bill Jack22-511Hope for America: Equipping Youth with Constitutional Literacy by: 22-512Organizing Your Homeschool by: 22-514Light Sensitivity: A Piece of the Learning Puzzle? by: 22-515communicating Effectively In a Loud World by: 22-516Work from Home as a Medical Transcriptionist by: 22-601Rx for a Healthy Marriage by: Roger Smith MD, Jan Smith22-602Curriculum Approaches and Chioces by: Melanie Young22-603Boys and Media by: Hal Young22-604Understanding the Twice Exceptional Learner: Boundless Gifts by: Rochelle Mathews-Summerville22-605Going Beyond by: Corey Gilbert22-606Wizards vs The Wiseman: (pt 5) by: Bill Jack This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 22-01
Jun. 17, 2022

"Whatever is the meaning of life?" "Whatever happens when one dies?" "Whatever is your highest value?"—questions that demand more than a "Whatever!" answer. The "Whatever!" answer of Secular thinking dampens and even squelches serious thought and attempts at engaged conversation in our culture. The "Whatever!" of Secularism even invades the church. Rather than be discouraged, take heart in God's command in Deuteronomy 12:32.

The wizards are everywhere in our culture today. They promise that if we follow their yellow brick road, we can have it all—a brain, a heart, and courage. However—"There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12) The wiseman knows the right path to follow and to whom he should listen. Christians are to learn how to walk as wise men, "making the most of our time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). From this you will learn how to distinguish between the ways of the wizards and the way of the wiseman. You will learn how to destroy secular arguments "raised up against the knowledge of God" and learn how to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5).

ID: 22-206
Jun. 17, 2022

The Nazis used language to redefine Jews out of the human race. Once that was accomplished, atrocities and death camps followed. Language is important because it lays the tracks that are the ideas that carry the consequences—boxcars filled with people's lives. Christians are on a search and destroy mission; we are destroying ideas but not people. Learn 4 Killer Questions that will empower you to derail faulty thinking and challenge others to think God's thoughts after Him

ID: 22-306
Jun. 18, 2022

The wizards are everywhere in our culture today. They promise that if we follow their yellow brick road, we can have it all—a brain, a heart, and courage. The wizards even promise us a way home. However—"There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12) Christians are to learn how to walk as wise men, "making the most of our time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). Come join us as we take a walk on the "wise" side. You will learn how to distinguish between the ways of the wizards and the way of the wiseman. You will learn how to destroy secular arguments "raised up against the knowledge of God" and learn how to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5). This is the third in the series

ID: 22-406
Jun. 17, 2022

This is the second in a series by Bill Jack The wizards are everywhere in our culture today. They promise that if we follow their yellow brick road, we can have it all—a brain, a heart, and courage. The wizards even promise us a way home. These wizards include evolutionists, new agers, atheists, and sincere followers of false religions. The wiseman, on the other hand, knows the right path to follow and to whom he should listen. Christians are to learn how to walk as wise men, "making the most of our time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). Come join us as we take a walk on the "wise" side. You will learn how to distinguish between the ways of the wizards and the way of the wiseman. You will learn how to destroy secular arguments "raised up against the knowledge of God" and learn how to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5).

ID: 22-506
Jun. 18, 2022

The wizards are everywhere in our culture today. They promise that if we follow their yellow brick road, we can have it all—a brain, a heart, and courage. The wizards even promise us a way home. However—"There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12) These wizards include evolutionists, new agers, atheists, and sincere followers of false religions. The wiseman, on the other hand, knows the right path to follow and to whom he should listen. Christians are to learn how to walk as wise men, "making the most of our time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). Learn how to distinguish between the ways of the wizards and the way of the wiseman. You will learn how to destroy secular arguments "raised up against the knowledge of God" and learn how to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5).

ID: 22-606
Jun. 18, 2022

During this session, students will have the opportunity to study living sea stars and dissect a preserved sea star! Previous knowledge is not necessary. At least one parent must be present for the activity. Children as young as 5-years-old can be successful in this activity with direct parent support. All students must take directions and safety seriously, or they will be asked to sit out. Together we will answer questions which could include: How does a sea star feed? Where do sea stars live? Why did God make sea stars? What are the parts of a sea star? What types of sea stars live in the Pacific Northwest? Are sea stars and starfish the same thing?


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2012

OR-2012 Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 12-01
Jun. 22, 2012

“Whatever is the meaning of life?” “Whatever happens when one dies?” “Whatever is your highest value?” – questions that demand more than a “Whatever!” answer. The “Whatever!” answer of secular thinking dampens, even squelches, serious thought and attempts at engaged conversation in our culture. The “Whatever!” of Secularism even invades the church. Rather than be discouraged, take heart in God’s command in Deuteronomy 12:32.

ID: 12-16
Jun. 22, 2012

Learn to discern worldviews and to understand their impact on every aspect of our culture. We will analyze worldviews through interviews with those who hold opposing worldviews. Learn practical tools to reach non-Christians and to confront the culture with the Truth.

ID: 12-26
Jun. 22, 2012

We, as Christians, are sometimes afraid to talk with many Atheists, New-Agers and Evolutionists. Too often, we fear we won’t have answers to their tough questions. Be encouraged. Learn four killer questions that will help to destroy the secular thinking that encases the minds of friends, relatives and others. Learn to destroy sloppy, secular arguments without destroying the person.

ID: 12-36
Jun. 22, 2012

Too often, Christ's followers lend credibility to artificial authorities, posers who speak persuasively and wield influence. In this session, students will learn to recognize the characteristics of artificial authorities, witness artificial authorities from both church and culture, become adept at discerning the difference between true and artificial authorities, and discover how Christ's followers are to respond with truth and grace.

ID: 12-46
Jun. 23, 2012

Who cares what Jesus would drive? Christian environmentalists are asking the question in order to "drive" the church to proclaim a greener Gospel, claiming the Church needs to be more concerned about climate change, overpopulation, melting polar caps and animal rights. Christian environmentalists want churches to instruct believers to become activists on these vital issues facing the planet. Have Christians missed the importance of caring for the earth? In this timely evaluation, Bill Jack examines what the biblical response should be to an issue that is dictating government policy, changing the economy and shifting Western culture.