Georgia Home Education Association

Speakers Detail

Skeet Savage

Skeet Savage

Skeet Savage is the Founder of Wisdom's Gate, Editor of Home School Digest, An Encouraging Word, and Brush Arbor Quarterly, and author of the book, Homeschooling for Eternity. Skeet began homeschooling in the 1970s and successfully home educated six children against numerous odds. In the face of court battles, social service visits, and the threat of having children removed from the home for being "truant," she stood firm and helped pave the way for the modern homeschool movement. Skeet ministers empathetically to those facing difficult obstacles -- such as homeschooling in the face of opposition, domestic violence, poverty, dyslexia and serious health problems -- because she has walked through those trials herself and came through a victor, not a victim. Her powerful messages are built consistently on a strong, Biblical foundation and delivered in her warm, down-to-earth (and often humorous) style. Her hard-hitting, no-compromise approach is seasoned with the wisdom of age and the love of the Lord that draws people to open their hearts and receive the convicting messages she brings. Wherever she has been called to speak, the Holy Spirit has used Skeet's message to bring many out of their double-mindedness and fully into the homeschooling camp -- and to a closer walk with Him. As she talks with moms who are discouraged, prays with parents who are struggling, encourages a timid young couple, or counsels a frustrated teenager, she is a conduit of hope. As a result, lives are changed and families renewed and strengthened.