Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 20 through 21, 2004

A Bountiful Harvest

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 04-04
Aug. 21, 2004

A brief look at the way God gave us the victory in the Oregon legislature and the way HE gives us freedom to home educate.

Topics: Vision

Mike Farris discusses how America’s principles of morality, liberty, and self-government are under attack. He explores ways that we can restore these three essential values so the future generation can continue to enjoy their benefits.

The main reason the Prodigal Son was a rebel was because he was rejected by his older brother. Most rebels in the Bible and in history were not 2nd born, but 1st born. When 2nd borns got into trouble, it was usually because they were following their older siblings. It is no quirk of nature that 1st borns are often very strong willed. God wanted that strong will turned in the right direction so that the influence of the parents and the 1st born cause the 2nd born to move in the right direction; then the influence of the parents, 1st born, & 2nd born move the 3rd born in the right direction, etc. There are 10 key principles from III John that older children should apply in relation to younger children that will bring joy to their own hearts as well as sweet harmony to their entire family.

ID: 04-13
Aug. 20, 2004

"I'm from the government schools and I have some 'free' curriculum, computers, and programs for you." Does this make you jump for glee, or does it make your hair on the back of your neck start to twinge? Every Christian needs to consider the principles of scripture and what makes a liberty-loving nation succeed before accepting such "free" services of handouts. The spreading practice of charter schools, virtual schools, and other permutations of state-run schooling-at-home that is marketed to current and perspective homeschoolers is one of the most serious issues facing the parent-lead home-based education movement in America. Dr. Ray will challenge you to go deeper and face the realities of what and why you believe and do what you do as you model courageous living for your children and adult peers.

ID: 04-27
Aug. 21, 2004

This introduction to apologetics starts by pointing out that every worldview is fundamentally religious. Although secularists behave as though some worldviews require faith and some are purely rational, the fact remains that everyone makes faith assumptions. This lecture explores the faith required to embrace atheism while encouraging students to ask atheists and other non-Christians to defend what they believe.

Topics: Vision