Recordings Listing


West Des Moines
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 9 through 10, 2023

Iowa 2023 - Homeschool Iowa Conference

Presented by: Homeschool Iowa
ID: 23-53
Jun. 10, 2023

Parenting a teenage son can be challenging enough—what happens when you’re homeschooling him, too? Homeschooling dad, Shawn Sandersfeld, will present some real-life examples of the strategies and approaches that have worked with his seven sons.

Topics: High school
ID: 23-54
Jun. 10, 2023

Change your laborious reading instruction into a class that both you and your child will look forward to every day! Find out how easy it is to make reading time engaging and fun!

Dyscalculia often causes parents and children alike to want to run for the hills anytime math is even mentioned. This session will clarify what causes dyscalculia, how it presents in the learning environment, and key strategies to navigate learning and apply math skills successfully. If your child struggles with quantitative reasoning, math concepts, calculation, and math fact automaticity, this session will empower you with effective strategies to help your struggling student learn (and maybe even like) math.

ID: 23-61
Jun. 10, 2023

Frustrated by the fact that what works for your homeschooling friends doesn't seem to work for you or what works for one of your children doesn't work for all your children? For the first time ever discover the FOUR homeschool Temperaments. You'll discover if you're a Falcon, Owl, Swan, or Sand Piper and how to homeschool in light of those traits. You'll laugh, nod your head in agreement and find yourself saying, "That finally makes sense." During our time together we'll discuss tips for each temperament, how to teach your children who may NOT be your temperament, and what types of homeschool curriculum works best for your temperament. This is going to be fun as you discover your homeschool temperament!!

ID: 23-62
Jun. 10, 2023

Explore many ideas for managing the daily chore of feeding your family, including the benefits and methods for bulk cooking and several strategies for meal planning and preparation. Nancy will teach about the savings seen in time, energy, money, and stress levels, as well as the increased nutrition and enjoyment in sharing hospitality with others. We will then look at the how-to’s for getting it done and some of the resources available to get people on their way. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll wonder why you waited.

ID: 23-63
Jun. 10, 2023

An introduction to epistemology. Truth is revealed, and truth is a person. Discipleship is a practical outgrowth of the pursuit of truth. We discuss the source of truth, how we know what we know, and the means through which God reveals Himself. In this lecture, Mike spends a few minutes exploring potential conflicting views of revelation, particularly as they relate to the scientific method and scientism. We also examine the nature of discipleship and its relationship to one’s view of truth.

From the moment our babies enter our lives until their graduation day (and sometimes longer) they require an incredible amount of attention, affirmation, and training and ultimately TIME. At the same time, marriage needs a constant effort toward the goal. It is hard to keep those two in balance. But by the grace of God, and by His strength, He gives us the tools to maintain and grow a marriage through the trials and triumphs of kids in the home. Then one day, when the youngest leaves the nest, you aren’t looking at each other as strangers. God has a plan for your marriage to thrive THROUGH and BEYOND your years of homeschooling. We will look to the Bible for practical, foundational ways to pour into your marriage while you pour into your kids.

Sooner or later, we all have it: the most absolutely horrendous day of our lives. Maybe it’s a whole week! You know the story: Job goes through terrible suffering, God responds, and Job’s fortunes are restored. But there’s more to the story. In this session, Scott reveals the powerful, hidden tools within Job’s story that can help you not just survive, but overcome, when your day of testing comes. It could turn out to be your finest hour.

ID: 23-71
Jun. 10, 2023

Are you frustrated because your children aren’t changing in ways you want them to? Learn subtle attitudes and habits that make change difficult so you can decrease their effects. Then learn strategies, relevant Scripture, and a change process that will work!

ID: 23-72
Jun. 10, 2023

It’s easy to get caught up in the mentality that we’ve got to add more: we must do more, we must get more, and our children must study more. More, more, more! But the funny thing is that when we keep adding more, we usually end up with less of what really matters. Discover the richness that simplicity can bring to your schedule, your home, and your children’s education.

ID: 23-76
Jun. 10, 2023

Students are often expected to have strong study and organizational skills, but they are rarely taught what that means. This workshop includes practical information geared toward developing effective study habits like setting goals, managing time, organizing spaces, improving reading comprehension, taking notes, taking tests, and finding balance. You will be prepared to help your middle and high school students succeed in academics, in employment, and in life. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.

Save time and money by teaching most school subjects to all of your students together. Join Sonya for practical strategies to lower your stress level, provide a well-rounded education, and help you and your children build sweet memories. Learn how to keep it simple by teaching your whole family together with Charlotte Mason methods.

ID: 23-82
Jun. 10, 2023

Parenting can bring out the worst in us. Every unresolved conflict and unhealed wound threatens to destroy us as soon as we enter on the perilous path of parenting. So why in the world could you possibly think you could adequately parent your child? Because a shocking, miraculous divine grace has chosen you. God knows every one of your failures and flaws, and He still picked you to be the parent of your child! In this session, Scott presents God’s plan of redemption as it is worked out through broken parents rearing chosen children. Parents who have bought into the pessimism of our age and are ready to give up will leave this session with powerful reason for hope, excitement, and confidence.

Are you interested in learning simple ways to equip your family on how to apply health on a daily basis? This workshop is focused on empowering the family, wherever they are at in their health journey, to maximize their time by investing in areas that will create life changing results.

If you aren't teaching the Six Types of Syllables to your child, you are missing a huge support for decoding and spelling! Come see how easy it is to teach and apply this learning!

ID: 23-86
Jun. 10, 2023

This lecture presents the basics of the Christian view of “calling” in all areas of life—family, church, work, and country. What does it mean to be “called” to a job or to a role in one’s family, and how does it help to think about life through the lens of calling? The discussion answers the questions “how do I know my calling?” and “are some jobs more “Christian” than others”?

Are your children easily frustrated by their mistakes? Do they give up quickly or resist taking risks? Do they complain that things are too hard? They need to be resilient so they can bounce back quickly from difficulties and disappointments. Resilient children have healthier mental health, are problem solvers, and aren’t afraid of using effort. Dr. Kathy’s practical techniques work, and you will be able to parent so resiliency is more likely.

ID: 23-92
Jun. 10, 2023

Hear from our Homeschool Iowa Lobbyist, Jeremy Vos, about our efforts to keep homeschooling rights secure. Find out about proposed legislation and learn how you can be a partner.

This workshop will address ways to discover the gifts and talents of your child and merge them into opportunities as they complete high school and beyond.

ID: 23-94
Jun. 10, 2023

Cut the cost of college tuition in half! This popular workshop will share how to accelerate the first two years of college by earning credit for subjects your student may already be studying in high school. The College Board’s College Level Examination Program (CLEP) along with Prometric’s DSST program are nationally recognized credit- by-exam programs that offer over 70 different exams, allowing students to test out of courses generally taken the first two years of college. Whether your student is gifted, motivated, or looking for purpose, this workshop will help save time and money earning a college degree. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.


Treasure Valley Baptist Church, Meridian, ID
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2023

2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Legacy: Rooted, Abounding, Enduring

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 2023-ALL
Original Price: $130.50
Set Price: $49.95

2023 Idaho Complete Convention Recordings Set

When you buy this set you do not need to check off any individual recordings. All available recordings from the 2023 Homeschool Idaho Convention will be in your account. You can download them and listen to them at your convenience (for personal use only)- they stay in your account for at least 3 years.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23-01Legacy by: Aby Rinella23-02Starve the Fear, Grow Your Faith by: Connie Albers23-03Homeschooling's Highest Goal: Lessons from the Story of Job by: Adam Andrews23-04Homeschooling Reimagined by: Connie Albers23-11Routine, Rules, Relationships by: Connie Albers23-12Raising a Worldview Detective by: Adam Andrews23-13Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates by: Pamela Gates23-21Resilient and Resourceful: Tips for Affording the Homeschool Lifestyle by: Connie Albers23-22Teaching the Classics from Seuss to Socrates by: Adam Andrews23-23Teaching the Right Brain Child by: Pamela Gates23-25Bringing Joy to the High School Years by: Jennie Nelson23-31Discover How Tiny Steps Can Lead to Significant Changes in Your Homeschool by: Connie Albers23-32Teaching with Grace: An Unlikely Path to Success in the Classroom by: Adam Andrews23-33Smart Kids Who Hate to Write by: Pamela Gates23-35Preschool: A Time of Joyous Exploration by: Jennie Nelson23-415 Ways to Protect your Child from the Dangers of Open AI, Chat GPT and Social Media by: Connie Albers23-42Thinking Carefully about College: A Homeschool Dad Evaluates Higher Education by: Adam Andrews23-43Training the Photographic Memory by: Pamela Gates23-44And They Want to Eat Too? by: Aby Rinella23-45Getting Started Q & A by: Audra Talley23-51Defining Your Journey by: Connie Albers23-52The Story of a Homeschool Family Feud by: Adam Andrews23-53The Biology of Behavior by: Pamela Gates23-54Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…oh my! by: Linda Patchin23-55Homeschool By Any Other Name by: Audra Talley23-61Raising Kids Amid Culture Crisis by: Connie Albers23-62Education in an Hour: Teaching Life's Most Crucial Lesson in One Sitting by: Adam Andrews23-63Auditory Processing and Memory by: Pamela Gates23-64But What About… by: Aby Rinella This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 23-01
Jun. 2, 2023

As we look around at an almost unrecognizable society, we find ourselves wondering what kind of world we will be leaving our children. We long for the good ole’ days, and dream of better times, as we ask ourselves how we are to raise up children in a world where our freedoms are under attack and where Biblical values are demonized while evil is celebrated. We must hold fast to the truth that this is our place on the world’s timeline; there never was another moment meant for us. Join us as we look to the One that gives us the strength to be Rooted, Abounding, and Enduring while we answer the call He has given us. We are parents in 2023, and this is our Legacy!

ID: 23-02
Jun. 2, 2023

From facing COVID to struggling with shutdowns and job loss to being silenced by cancel culture, the Albers have found that God is faithful. They’ve experienced first-hand the strengths that come when you starve the fear and move to faith and watching God work in your family. Sharing God stories they’ve experienced, Connie will guide you to discern God’s voice and find peace in obedience, how to accept God’s invitation to be a part of something bigger than yourself, how to focus on God’s ability rather than your inability, and how to keep your eyes on the Mountain Mover and not the mountains.

Education is not an object we can possess; it’s a state of the heart, mind, and soul. All great leaders share certain attributes in these areas, and Job was one of the greatest! Adam’s unique perspective on Job’s career inspires parents to prepare their own students for leadership. The lecture sends them away with renewed vision for the liberal arts and practical suggestions for applying this vision in the classroom.

ID: 23-04
Jun. 3, 2023

Homeschooling is the fastest growing educational model in the country, with millions of students doing at-home learning. Yet, peer bullying, classroom chaos, outdated learning environments, and online opportunities make leadership and families reimagine the possibilities of homeschooling. Veteran homeschool mother of five and trusted leader addresses the long-term benefits of staying the course. Connie Albers offers encouragement wrapped in humor from her 35 years of parenting and uses real-life stories as she paints pictures of possibilities for your homeschool success.

ID: 23-11
Jun. 2, 2023

If you are like most parents, you know kids need the 3 Rs to be successful adults. But what about becoming emotionally mature adults? Connie shares from the unique perspective of raising five children into adulthood while working with teens for thirty-five years. The insights she has gleaned from personal one-on-one conversations with her adult children will encourage and equip you to create routines, rules, and relationships with your children that reach beyond the academic lessons and straight to their hearts. In this presentation, Connie will unpack how to include Biblical 3 Rs in your busy homeschool day.

ID: 23-12
Jun. 2, 2023

How do you teach your students to apply a “Christian Worldview” to the books they read, the movies they watch, and the culture they live in? The answer to this important question may surprise you, for well-meaning Christians often misunderstand the basic principles of worldview analysis. This misunderstanding often prevents Christian students from thinking clearly about contemporary culture. In this enthusiastic and engaging discussion of a literary classic, Adam Andrews helps you avoid a serious (though common) teaching mistake and presents three steps for understanding a story-teller on his own terms. This presentation will empower you to uncover, identify and evaluate an artist’s worldview for yourself – and to teach your students to do the same.

This is for your ‘puzzling child.’ Is it just a maturity issue, or is something else going on? If you have a bright, hardworking child who has to work too hard to learn, he is telling you that one or more of his Four Learning Gates is blocked. You can easily pinpoint which of your child’s gates are blocked. Learn how to be your own diagnostician using a checklist of symptoms, and then learn the necessary interventions. This can be done by the parents at home. It doesn’t have to be so hard for your child! Find out specifically how the brain processes information, and where that processing can break down. You will learn things you have never heard of before in a Homeschool workshop.

After homeschooling five children, getting each one through college, and managing to build a retirement fund in the process, Connie shares her secrets. She knows homeschooling isn’t cheap. But it doesn’t have to break the budget. She knows rising costs, tough times, and financial shortfalls are common to families. Your money may not seem to go as far as it once did, but it is possible to afford this fantastic adventure. This presentation is packed full of practical information to help you continue your homeschool journey without going broke.

Does the subject of literature seem like a mystery? Are you a loss about how to understand it yourself, much less teach it to your kids? This inspiring lecture demonstrates that everything you need to know about understanding and teaching literature is present in your second grader’s bedtime story. Adam reads a classics children’s story out loud and then leads the audience into a discussion of eternal literary themes. Along the way, he shows how you can do the same at home by following five simple steps. Your literature curriculum – to say nothing of family story time – will come alive automatically. You’ll never put the kids to bed the same way again!

ID: 23-23
Jun. 2, 2023

-original message lost s- this is a replacement -same topic - same speaker Is your child a right-brain learner? Half of the population is right-brain dominant, and half is left-brain dominant. You may have a right-brain learner in your midst! These wonderful children learn in a different manner than their left-brain siblings. If you have a child who does not “like’” schoolwork no matter what you do, you will learn much in this workshop. You will learn how to identify the right-brain child and learn many simple teaching techniques, such as Right Brain Spelling (making the words “stick instead of slip”) and Right Brain Reading. (As a bonus, you will also understand your spouse better since we tend to marry the opposite hemisphere...God’s sense of humor!) By using a totally different strategy, we consistently see a two-year gain in reading and spelling in one year! Parents say, “I can’t believe it, but my child asks to do spelling now.”

ID: 23-25
Jun. 2, 2023

By the time your children reach high school, you might be weary and uninspired. But the high school years can be some of the most exciting and rewarding of your homeschool journey. In this workshop, Jennie will help you find joy in the high school years. Each student and parent is uniquely created by God, and so our homeschools ought to reflect that uniqueness. Gather practical ideas from this workshop that can impact your daily homeschool life.

We often downplay the impact of small actions by thinking they aren’t enough. But what if Connie Albers told you those small actions could lead to a big change? Connie explores the power of small actions and how they contribute to positive changes to your mental well-being and a child’s mindset. We’ll look at real-life examples of ordinary individuals and organizations that have achieved remarkable results through small, incremental steps, and offer practical tips and advice for parents who want to help their child make a difference, no matter how small of an action. If you’ve ever felt like your efforts were too insignificant to matter, or if you’re looking for inspiration on how to make a positive impact in your child’s education, this talk is for you.

How do we maintain high standards in the classroom while also encouraging and supporting our students? CenterForLit director Adam Andrews addresses this question with an inspiring explanation of Grace: the most powerful engine of achievement ever invented. With a mix of demonstrations and discussion, Adam offers step-by-step instructions for unlocking the power of this world-changing principle.

ID: 23-33
Jun. 2, 2023

Do you have a child who seems to be “allergic” to a pencil? If you have a child who groans and fusses about writing, or still writes reversals, or spells a word orally correctly but leaves out letters when he writes, this workshop is for you! This child’s math papers are often hard to read because the numbers are lined up so poorly! These children are often thought of as sloppy, lazy, or unmotivated when they really have a writing glitch. They are using way too much energy for the writing process, so they are reluctant to put pencil to paper for anything. This often is a true dysgraphia. The writing learning gate is the most common gate that is blocked with gifted kids. They know so much, but just can’t get their thoughts down in writing because of this blocked learning gate.

ID: 23-35
Jun. 2, 2023

In this workshop, Jennie encourages you with ideas to engage and connect with your preschooler. These years can be a joyous exploration of letters, numbers, and creation, all while building a foundation of relationship with your child. Set the tone for years of homeschooling to come.

Protecting children on social media is a critical issue in today’s world, where online platforms are increasingly becoming a part of everyday life. With the rise of cyberbullying, online predators, selling of drugs laced with Fentanyl, and exposure to inappropriate content, it is essential to establish new approaches and guidelines to safeguard kids on social media. In this speech, Connie will discuss what parents can do to protect their child from the dangers of social media.

—Andrews American higher education has become unfriendly territory for Christians and other conservatives in many ways. Many parents wonder whether they should consider sending their students to college at all. Drawing from extensive experience in higher education, Adam offers invaluable advice on this all important question, suggesting ways to make the considerable benefits of a college education available to your homeschool graduates. You’ll learn valuable tips for deciding what kind of school to choose, and for avoiding the pitfalls that await the unsuspecting freshman. A must for every parent of high schoolers.

ID: 23-43
Jun. 3, 2023

Technical quality problems (this is from 2017) Many people think that some are just born with a “photographic memory.” But we now know that this amazing ability can be easily taught. Teach your children the lifelong skill of studying for tests by taking a picture of the contents of a chapter. These memory techniques are commonly used by Cambridge University students to reduce studying time. For some children, math is a monster! They hate it and always feel dumb when doing it. These children have difficulty learning math facts. They tend to do poorly on tests because they “forget” how to do the math processes (division, fractions, algebra, etc.) You will learn how to help your child finally store the math facts in their long-term memory. Your child will finally be able to pass the math tests and go on to higher math courses using right-brain math. No curriculum to purchase... just fast, effective, right-brain strategies to use at home to reduce math frustration and tears! So many moms report that their child now likes math. These powerful visual memory techniques work with all types of learners and can be a Godsend for a child who has an auditory processing glitch. Have a happier child this year. Even works with adults!

ID: 23-44
Jun. 3, 2023

As homeschool moms, we are not just the educators in our home but also the cook, cleaner, diaper-changer and so much more. In addition, we play the role of wife, mom, friend, and teacher; everyone needing something different from us. Often it feels overwhelming and almost impossible to do it all, let alone to do it well. In this message, Aby discusses balance, priorities, and practical tips to run your home and homeschool smoothly without losing your mind in the process!

ID: 23-45
Jun. 3, 2023

If you are just getting started on your homeschool adventure, this is a great workshop for you to hear! Come with questions and leave with answers. Homeschool Idaho Board Member Audra Talley is a homeschool graduate as well as a homeschool mom. She has a wealth of information to share.

ID: 23-51
Jun. 3, 2023

The world, friends, and celebrities will define your journey if you don’t know God’s plans for your family. When children come along, parents are given the unique opportunity to help them understand who they are in Christ and discover their God-given strengths. You may know your child has exceptional skills and talents but understanding how to help them identify these to fulfill their purpose is the key. You will learn from a mother with 35 years of experience who has learned how to help children hit their targets.

ID: 23-52
Jun. 3, 2023

Adam Andrews recounts the difficulties of his scholastic journey. Fathers will find something to relate to in the testimony of this homeschool veteran. What do our children need most from their fathers? How can we be sure to give it to them? Most importantly, how do we fix things when we do it wrong? Come hear about the hope that waits for us all on the other side of failure. You will find balm for your wounds, peace for your mind, and rest for your soul – and all in a most unlikely place.

ID: 23-53
Jun. 3, 2023

Technical difficulties - same speaker- same topic from Washington convention--- Johnny is a constant motion machine. Tom cries in frustration over minor matters. Susie forgets what she has just learned. According to Dr. Sydney Walker, children tend to “act how they feel.” This fascinating workshop provides you with clues to your child’s brain/body chemistry. William Crook, MD, has found that over 85% of children who suffer with Sensory Processing Disorders or attention or mood disorders when older have experienced multiple ear infections as a young child. Untreated, these children often go on to have many hidden food allergies and asthma. It is easy to correct these imbalances at home and dramatically affect your child’s learning day. The testimonies that we receive from parents across the United States who are using these simple remedies with their children are amazing!

ID: 23-54
Jun. 3, 2023

If you have ever wondered how to design a high school course of study, evaluate the results, develop a transcript, or award a diploma, then this is the workshop for you! Linda will cover all of these subjects and more in one quick paced hour.

ID: 23-55
Jun. 3, 2023

Homeschooling has gone mainstream and with its growth has come all manner of variations: pod, micro, bridge, co-op, and etc. The list seems endless. They all claim to be homeschool and each has their own benefits, drawbacks, and unique features. But what does homeschool really mean, particularly in Idaho? What are all the options out there and what do they involve? How do you decide which option best fits your needs? Learn the basics of them all.

ID: 23-61
Jun. 3, 2023

How do we raise children in a culture of chaos when confusion and strife surround us? And how do we remain steadfast while adjusting along the way? While the culture is in chaos, you can tune out the turmoil and provide stability in your home. As the culture shifts, God’s Word provides the answers we need to navigate this season, knowing we are equipped to lead our family. Whether you are new to homeschooling or a veteran, you can raise godly children who will stand strong through it all.

If you had only one hour in which to give your student a complete education, could you do it? If you accepted the challenge, what lesson would you teach? Adam Andrews argues that a complete and profound education can be acquired in one lesson – and then sets out to prove this audacious claim in an eye-opening, inspiring presentation. Adam first demonstrates the lesson using an example from his own subject, Literature. He then shows you how to teach it in your own area of interest. Adam gives examples of the lesson from every subject in the curriculum and invites the audience to contribute their own ideas. The power of this lesson may revolutionize the way you teach on a daily basis – and it only takes an hour!

ID: 23-63
Jun. 3, 2023

Do you have a child whom you suspect has an Auditory Processing Problem? Become your child’s own diagnostician as you identify, bypass, and correct auditory processing problems with your child at home. There are ten auditory channels. Some channels affect academics (reading, phonics and sight words, spelling, and math,) while others affect everyday life (easily confused, misunderstands verbal information, sequencing, hearing own silent thinking voice, can’t think with background noise, poor working memory, speech delay or articulation issues.) Learn to identify the exact auditory channels that are affected. Learn to bypass the auditory learning glitch by using the child’s natural photographic memory and how to correct the auditory glitch by using the proven methods of home Brain Integration Therapy. MIT research shows that Targeted Nutrition Interventions (such as using the correct amounts of Essential Fatty Acids and a special supplement called lecithin) greatly improve memory in children and adults. Find out what common food can be contributing to a child’s articulation issues, by causing them to hear sounds, ‘like under water.’

ID: 23-64
Jun. 3, 2023

You know what they are because you get them too: Questions from within our own hearts, often leading to doubt and fear, and questions from others, thinking they know what is best for our family. Aby shines truth on the common questions that creep into our hearts and threaten to derail our homeschool, as well as build solid answers to common questions homeschoolers get from outsiders.

ID: 23-73
Jun. 3, 2023


Mount Hope Church, Lansing, Michigan
Thursday - Saturday
May. 18 through 20, 2023

MI 2023 Convention - Teach Me to Walk in Truth

Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool Network
Recording ID: 2023-ALL
Original Price: $252.00
Set Price: $79.00

MICHN 2023 Complete Convention Set

When you buy the set there is no need to select individual recordings from MICHN. Any recording made at the 2023 event is available to you as they become available. Enjoy each or any recording whenever you like (for personal use only).

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23-01Keynote introduction to speakers by: Todd Wilson, Israel Wayne23-02Morning devotional by: Israel Wayne23-03Culture Proof: How to Grow the Resistance by: Meeke Addison, Wil Addison23-04Smile Stealers and Smile Makers by: Todd Wilson23-05The Gift by: Todd Wilson23-101Is It Enough? by: Rebecca Spooner23-102The Heart of the Homeschool by: Meeke Addison, Wil Addison23-103Integrating Theology into Your Homeschool by: Phylicia Masonheimer23-104Leading and Learning by: Joel Brown23-105In Their Own Words by: Mark Boonstra23-106Common Mistakes Christian Parents Make by: Israel Wayne23-107Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing by: Andrew Pudewa23-108The 4 Homeschool Temperaments by: Todd Wilson23-109Beginning Homeschool Basics by: Patty Blackmer23-110Help! My Child has an Attitude!! by: Kim Sorgius23-111Life Lessons on Being a Supportive Husband and Faithful Father by: Steve Demme23-201Parents – Uniquely Designed to Teach and Disciple Their Children by: Steve Demme23-202Who's Got Next? A Look at the Next Generation by: Meeke Addison, Wil Addison23-203Inductive Bible Study by: Phylicia Masonheimer23-204Developing a Plan for High School by: LaNissir James23-205Applying the Principles of Minimalism to Homeschooling by: Ann Troast23-206Balancing Marriage, Parenting, and Homeschooling by: Israel Wayne, Brook Wayne23-207Teaching Boys and Teaching Girls: Better Understanding by: Andrew Pudewa23-208Add the Wonder by: Ginny Yurich23-209History of Homeschooling in Michigan & Understanding Michigan's Law by: Dave Kallman, Scott Woodruff23-210How to Create a Curriculum Plan Your Child Will Love by: Kim Sorgius23-211Help! I'm Married to a Homeschool Mom! by: Todd Wilson23-301Preparing Homeschooled Children for an Uncertain Future by: Ginny Yurich23-302Cultivating Competent Christian Communicators to Conquer Corrupt Culture by: Andrew Pudewa23-303What Is Gather 'Round? by: Rebecca Spooner23-304Highschool Transcript Clinic: Practical Help and Tips by: LaNissir James23-305Character as Core Curriculum by: Kathie Morrissey23-306Sibling Conflict: Breaking Up the Fight, Solutions for the Real Home by: Brook Wayne23-307Fear Not! You & Your Child Can Learn Math Together by: Steve Demme23-308Taming the Techno-Beast: Parenting in the Internet Age by: Todd Wilson23-309Defending Homeschooling When Critics Say Parents Abuse Their Kids by: Scott Woodruff23-310Get Off the Couch: Helping Kids Be Disciplined Workers by: Kim Sorgius23-311Man Up! Be the Homeschool Dad by: Mike Winter23-401Raising Tiny Disciples by: Phylicia Masonheimer23-402Bridging the Racial Divide by: Meeke Addison, Wil Addison23-403Working + Homeschooling: How Is It Possible? by: Rebecca Spooner23-404Essential Skills for Teens by: LaNissir James23-405Frustrated, Stressed (& Maybe A Little Angry) by: Kathie Morrissey23-406Raising Esthers, Daniels, & Nehemiahs by: Katherine Bussard23-407Math You See and Understand by: Steve Demme23-408The Do's and Don'ts of Teaching Your Children Theology by: Israel Wayne23-409Don't Slow Me Down with That Calculator by: Clif Petrak23-410How to Create Your Perfect Homeschool Schedule by: Kim Sorgius23-411Man Up! Lead Yourself, Your Family, and Your World by: Mike Winter23-501Preparation for Persecution: A Curriculum Proposal by: Andrew Pudewa23-502Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by: Israel Wayne23-503Teaching the Child You Have, Not the Child You Want by: Rebecca Spooner23-504Charting Your Way thru High School: For College, Career, or Military by: LaNissir James23-505`Growing Our Children: Why Home Is Best by: Brook Wayne23-506Adapting Bible Study to Your Childs Learning Style by: Phylicia Masonheimer23-5071000 Hours Outside by: Ginny Yurich23-508Priority Homeschooling by: Todd Wilson23-509Keeping Your Family Safe during a Child Abuse or Neglect Investigation by: Scott Woodruff23-510Secrets to Cultivating a Life-Giving Family Culture by: Kim Sorgius23-511Family Worship You See by: Steve Demme23-601Getting Started: Homeschool 101 by: Rebecca Spooner, Ginny Yurich23-602Be a Great Wife, A Homeschool Mom, & Passionate Pursuer of the King by: Phylicia Masonheimer23-603Man Up! Godly Manhood Defined by: Mike Winter This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 23-01
May. 18, 2023

Each of the featured speakers this year share a 5 to 10 minute introduction of themselves and the topics they are most passionate about. Hear the lineup of INCH 2023 speakers: Meeke Addison, Steve Demme, LaNissar James, Phlyicia Masonheimer, Andrew Pudewa, Kim Sorgius, Rebecca Spooner, Israel Wayne, Todd Wilson, and Ginny Yurich.

ID: 23-02
May. 19, 2023

A special time together for worship and encouragement from Israel Wayne.

Meeke explores the best way to grow Christian children who are able to resist the strong pull of the culture. Learn a new term: Culture-proof. Learn how to do it and what results you should expect. The loss of generations of Christian kids should be enough to force the question, "How do we help them resist?"

ID: 23-04
May. 19, 2023

Many of us started this homeschooling journey thinking this was going to be "fun." You envisioned yourself teaching your children and smiling through each day. Then something happened: You stopped smiling. There’s a reason for that and some things you can do to bring back those smiles, not only for yourself but for your children, as well. During our family night time together we’re going to talk about the smile stealers and smile makers in your homeschooling world... and get everyone smiling again. Because you have a lot to smile about!!!

ID: 23-05
May. 20, 2023

Like you, when we began our homeschooling journey we asked ourselves, “Will we be able to teach them all they need to know for success?” There were so many options and subjects to teach them. They were loaned to us to us knowing almost NOTHING and we were expected to fill up their noggins and prepare them for adulthood. Little did we know then that homeschooling turned out to be not only what we taught them…but what THEY taught US. Never would we have believed how God would use homeschooling to teach us what he needed us to know as parents, homeschoolers, and as His children. So join me for an intimate time of sharing and laughing at the lessons my children taught me. My hope is that you’ll start to view your homeschool day less as a time to teach and muscle through... but as a gift.

ID: 23-101
May. 19, 2023

How do you know that you are doing enough? The pressure to do it right, not mess up your kids, and fill in all the gaps is coming from all sides-- often to the detriment of our children. This session is all about permission: permission to make homeschooling what it needs to be for you, to raise out-of-the-box thinkers, to skip that lesson, and to refuse to settle. If this question has been plaguing you, then this session will remind you that you don't have to aim for the national average... you can choose extraordinary!! Raise world changers!

ID: 23-102
May. 19, 2023

We're all set. We've got the curriculum, the co-op, and the extra-curricular activities. The days shape up nicely, when they do shape up nicely... but what about Christ? Have we neglected the primary reason for homeschooling? In this presentation, Meeke and Wil encourage parents to check the heartbeat of their homeschool. The end of homeschooling isn't homeschooling or even education!

How does theology impact your homeschool? In more ways than you think! In this session look at how our theology (our view of God, salvation, and Christian identity) consciously and unconsciously impacts how we educate our children and how to make sure the things we believe about God align with His Word.

ID: 23-104
May. 19, 2023

Learn about Leading and Learning with Colonel Brown. He is a father of 5 children who are currently excelling in a home school education program while continuing his service commitment in the United States Air Force. Col. Joel N. Brown is the Commander, 360th Recruiting Group, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania.

ID: 23-105
May. 19, 2023

The Judge's premise is that we as a country have strayed far from what our Founding Fathers intended, and that the fundamental, underlying reason for that is that we have lost God. Modern-day America is seeking to banish God from our society, and it has led to the mess in which we now find ourselves. Hear the contrast of what the signer said with an example from modern American life, and pose the question, What would [that signer] think of where we are today?

ID: 23-106
May. 19, 2023

Many well-intentioned parents make harmful mistakes as they relate to their children. These mistakes often contribute to bitterness in relationships and in their children. Over time, they can result in children rejecting their parents, their faith and their values. Learn to avoid these pitfalls.

ID: 23-107
May. 19, 2023

We've all suffered frustration about writing assignments. Either on the receiving end, or perhaps now on the giving end, there can be a few distinctly discouraging aspects to teaching and being taught writing. The tough questions include: What do l correct and how do I give a grade? How much help is too much? Isn't the assignment clear enough? Why don't students find their own errors? Learn and avoid four teaching mistakes that contribute to this frustration: overcorrecting, holding back help, unclear assignments, and over-expectation.

ID: 23-108
May. 19, 2023

Frustrated by the fact that what works for your homeschooling friends doesn't seem to work for you or what works for one of your children doesn't work for all your children? For the first time ever discover the FOUR homeschool Temperaments. You'll discover if you're a Falcon, Owl, Swan, or Sand Piper and how to homeschool in light of those traits. As you listen, you'll laugh, nod your head in agreement and find yourself saying, "That finally makes sense." Todd will discuss tips for each temperament, how to teach your children who may NOT be your temperament, and what types of homeschool curriculum works best for your temperament. This will be fun as you discover your homeschool temperament!!

ID: 23-109
May. 19, 2023

"Are you new to homeschooling? Are you nervous about starting? Then this is for you. We will consider the why's and how's of homeschooling; discuss why homeschooling is a rich option for today's parents, including a few statistics along the way, and look at various teaching approaches and available resources. We'll finish by giving you a simple outline for a gentle start, even if you're not quite ready to begin."

ID: 23-110
May. 19, 2023

From rolling eyes to slamming doors, sometimes a kid's attitude is simply frustrating! If you're at your wits' end or just looking for practical ways to get to the HEART of the matter, this session is for you. As Proverbs 4 says, your attitude determines your life's path.

God designed men to be servant-hearted leaders and lay their life down for their families. Married for 40 years and father to four homeschooled sons, Steve shares with men what he has learned from God's word and his own family experiences over the years

As a parent, you are uniquely qualified to be the primary educator of your children. You have more assets than you realize. Listen and be encouraged by a veteran homeschooling father of four sons.

Do you ever wonder about the type of world your kids will inherit? What about their contemporaries? Do you want to understand the children your kids will study with and work alongside in the future? Meeke explores the big-picture questions of who exactly has the next generation and how they are shaping that generation right now. Christian parents don't need to be alarmed; we just need to be equipped

ID: 23-203
May. 19, 2023

Do you feel confident to break down Bible passages on your own - without a bible study guide? For most of church history Christians have learned faith from the Bible itself. In this session you'll learn practical tools for studying a passage, drawing out the author's meaning, and applying it to life! You'll be able to study scripture with confidence and teach your kids to do the same.

ID: 23-204
May. 19, 2023

What plan would suit your high school student? What subjects do you teach and when? Do you follow a basic high school plan, a general college prep plan, or a rigorous college prep plan? This seminar will help organize your thoughts and lay the groundwork for a viable four-year plan. You'll learn about high school credits, simplifying grading, and the fundamentals of record keeping - transcripts, extra-curriculars, and diplomas.

Are you inspired by Charlotte Mason's philosophy, but overwhelmed with how to serve an educational feast to your children? This session shares how applying the principles of minimalism to your weekly lessons will result in a rich education, a joyful home atmosphere, and the abundant life you were created for. We will walk you through narrowing down your priorities, eliminating clutter in your homeschool, and focusing on quality over quantity.

If you are married with children, and homeschooling on top of that... you probably find that there is a huge balancing act between caring for your children, educating them, and nurturing your own relationship as a married couple. This straight-forward message by Brook and Israel Wayne gives practical and Biblical advice on how to keep the fires of love alive in your marriage, even when you are busy raising children.

An in-depth look at the neuro-physiological differences between boys and girls- how they hear differently, see differently, handle stress and pain differently-- as well as the implications for our teaching of both boys and girls. (This is an expansion on Andrew's "Boys" talk.) With added research, together with humor and practical stories, this presentation will delight and enlighten parents of boys, girls, or both!

ID: 23-208
May. 19, 2023

Add the Wonder Nature Curriculum is a multi-age, cross-disciplinary curriculum that capitalizes on the wonder that exists around us to learn many subjects all at once in a family setting. By adding elements of fascination, this curriculum helps learning stick and beyond that, it causes each member of the family to be more aware of the daily miracles surrounding them. Learn how to implement Add the Wonder Nature Curriculum into your homeschool and why it is a great fit for today's learners!!

This message comes from an all-star team. Learn how to legally homeschool in Michigan. Attorney Dave Kallman, who fought to legalize homeschooling in Michigan in the 1990's will join our Michigan HSLDA attorney to covers everything you need to know about our homeschool law, so you can homeschool with confidence. It includes a thorough presentation of the basics with plenty of time for questions.

If you love the idea of a flexible curriculum guided by your child's interests but aren't sure how to make that happen without holes or headaches, this session is for you. 20+ year veteran homeschool mom Kim Sorgius will show you how to create your own curriculum plans for your child's interests, using tools and resources to make the job easy. It's time to think outside of the box!

ID: 23-211
May. 19, 2023

It's a fact! The only thing tougher than being a homeschooling mom is... being married to a homeschooling mom! Dad, your wife needs your help. Come join me as we discuss how to support and assist our wives in the homeschooling journey. We'll also do a lot of laughing, as I encourage men to be encouragers of their homeschooling wives.

Gone are the days when people would choose a career and stick with it for life. Many careers these days last less than three years and the majority of 20-year-olds will have four career changes within that decade. In fact, it is likely that the careers they will have, haven't even been invented yet. How are we supposed to prepare our homeschooled children for a world we can't predict? Lean research backed ways to ensure your homeschooler is prepared for an uncertain future.

Today, many of us have an intuitive sense that major changes are coming, that soon our world may be very different in ways not necessarily convenient or comfortable. But at the same time, we must wake up each day and live as though things will continue on pretty much as they are. Resolving this cognitive dissonance requires that we carefully contemplate our circumstances because we truly are in a cultural war, fighting the "non-gospel" of aesthetic and moral relativism on three fronts - personal, familial, and social. What should our priorities be, and how can we prepare our children to be "culture warriors?"

ID: 23-303
May. 19, 2023

A unit study that will cover all your subjects but math for all your kids from kindergarten to grade 12-- it seems too good to be true. Listen to the story of Gather 'Round Homeschool: kingdom-based teaching that connects every subject, unites your whole family around the table, and brings it all back to Jesus. No more bouncing around from one subject to the next or one child to the next. What if you could do school with all your kids together? From the philosophy, the values, and the approach, if you've been considering Gather 'Round or are looking for something new for this next school year, don't miss this message.

Creating a high school transcript is a vital part of your teen's high school records. In this interactive, practical seminar, you'll create a transcript that can be used as a pattern when designing your own. The session will guide you through the essentials of transcripts, how to evaluate credit, steps to simplify grading, and how to calculate grade point averages (GPA).

ID: 23-305
May. 19, 2023

Character is the most important fruit that parents can nurture in their children, and is the foundation for academic learning. Discover how character is learned, and how to make a plan for teaching it to your children. Kathie will give several creative & practical ways you can encourage your children to develop in this important area, and help your kids grow in Godly character.

Managing sibling squabbles and rivalry can feel like a part-time job, and a stressful one at that. In the homeschool environment, where siblings are not just sharing dinner together, but most of their waking hours, the struggle can be long. All that time together can bring out the worst in these sibling interactions ... or it can be a catalyst for healthy growing relationships. Come to this down to earth, solutions oriented session to explore options that will be right for your family.

Each student is unique. Since parent educators are tutors, they are able to adapt to the needs of their individual child. Find out what they know, and begin there. Giving your children a firm foundation in math will equip them to succeed at every level of math. They are not behind, they are where they are.

SmartPhones, X-Boxes, Playstations, online gaming... Facebook, InstaGram, SnapChat, TikTok, and all the other social media platforms- They have changed the way we live, have fun, and interact. Children silently glued to screens for hours have replaced laughter and creativity in our homes. They beg to play, whine when they can't, and even lie about the time they've spent on "the gadget". Teens, pre-teens, and even their parents, spend many of their waking hours tweeting, texting, chatting, FaceTiming, and "snapping." Today's latest-breaking technology becomes tomorrow's obsession, demanding more time, attention, and ever-increasing distraction. Technology has become a powerful tool and 'everyone is doing it'..but maybe you feel like you've lost control in your own home. Does the chill down your spine tell you that something is terribly wrong? Do you feel like a beast has invaded your home, but you don't know how to handle it? If so, then join me as we talk together about the timely topic of taming the TECHNO-BEAST!

One day a terrible parent in your state may do something criminal to a child-and the media may push the narrative that because the child was homeschooled, more restrictions should be placed on homeschooling families. This session will analyze some real-life situations where this has actually happened and equip you to give a compassionate, commonsense answer when family, friends, coworkers, or the local media assert that the problem is not enough homeschool regulations.

Do your kids "forget" to do their chores? Is their schoolwork just a box that gets sloppily checked off? Do you feel like they'll never take initiative? If you're looking for the magic pill to help your kids get off the couch and work hard, this isn't the session for you. But if you want practical ways to kick laziness to the curb, be sure to join us as we learn how to encourage and nurture our kids to be disciplined and responsible workers

ID: 23-311
May. 19, 2023

Homeschool principal? Teacher? Provider? What is a homeschool dad supposed to do? Homeschooling allows you to become the dad you always wanted to be. You have both responsibilities and opportunities to impact your children significantly for Christ through homeschooling if you embrace them. Let's talk about where you are greatly needed and where you can have great fun as a homeschool dad.

ID: 23-401
May. 19, 2023

Designed for moms of kids 1-8, this session teaches you how to integrate Scripture and theology into your parenting from the youngest ages. You'll learn how our theology of sin, holiness, love and grace directly impacts our parenting and how to teach Scriptural truths without becoming legalistic or overbearing. It's possible to LOVE the little years while disciplining effectively!

ID: 23-402
May. 19, 2023

Let's look at a realistic solution to America's ethnic and cultural problems... Do the Word of God and the history of the Church help us navigate hostile territory? Certainly. When we dig into the Word and acknowledge the legacy of the Body of Christ, we win critical battles. Christians don't have to run from our history; we must know it and share it as we demolish arguments

Are you trying to homeschool, keep up with your house, fit in your job, and find time for yourself? How do you juggle it all when you are doing practically three full-time jobs at once? If you are working (or considering how feasible it might be), this session is for you. Hear from Rebecca- author, speaker, CEO of an international company, and homeschool mom of five-- as she shares her strategies and tips. Yes, this is possible... but it is going to take determination, a fresh perspective, and a whole lot of God. Bring coffee and a notebook-- we have a lot to talk about!

ID: 23-404
May. 19, 2023

The high school years are a prime opportunity to equip your teens with skills they will need for future success. If your teen is headed to college, a career, or the military, they will benefit from study and time management skills. This session provides parents and teens with ideas to incorporate these skills into high school coursework and lists resources to help cultivate these essential skills.

Are you a frustrated homeschooling parent? Many homeschooling parents struggle with stress, anger, and discouragement. Kathie discusses several causes of frustration, and then tells how to deal with them. She also stresses the importance of dealing with anger, and having the right spirit in dealing with our children.

ID: 23-406
May. 19, 2023

Training Children who Live Out Their Highest Calling and Identity in Christ Amid a Corrupt Culture: Today, the enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy is after our children's very identity. In a godless culture, how do we equip children to hold fast the Lord, to stand with confidence in the true identity He has given them, and to refuse to let the culture shape them? How do we prepare children to reclaim lost ground, lead others in returning to the ways of the Lord, and rebuild the walls? Scripture provides practical answers for parenting and discipling a generation for such a time as this. Just as the Lord provided godly parents and mentors for Daniel, Esther, and Nehemiah, the Lord is equipping you to raise your children to do extraordinary, eternally impactful things in the kingdom. This session will explore the examples of scripture for generational discipleship and leave you encouraged as you equip your children to stand for truth and contend for the faith.