Recordings Listing


Linn County Expo Center, Albany, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 28 through 29, 2019

OR-2019 Walking in Freedom

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Many think good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think writing talent is a natural ability. Both are myths. History and research show clearly how good writers have developed. What two critical things can you do to develop a high level of aptitude from a young age and into high school? With humor and insight, Andrew will share two easy but powerful things that build language patterns and nurture competent communicators.

Homeschooling is the ultimate individualized education plan, so it’s no wonder parents of special needs children consider this educational choice. Peggy Ployhar, the CEO of SPED Homeschool, covers what it takes to get started homeschooling, avoiding and conquering common pitfalls, and homeschooling special education through high school. This talk gives practical advice from the trenches of homeschooling for 16 years and over a decade working as a special needs homeschool consultant.

ID: 19-104
Jun. 28, 2019

If you are a mom of preschoolers you won’t want to miss this fun workshop! You’ll put together busy bags with activities to educate and entertain your little ones. You’ll also hear important Christ-centered encouragement about the incredible value of the work you are doing in your family.

Topics: VisionPreschool

As Christian homeschoolers our goal must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems and bring glory to God in the process. In this session, Zan provides practical answers to the what, why and how of teaching your children a biblical worldview.

Topics: World View
ID: 19-106
Jun. 28, 2019

When you are trying to inspire and motivate children, there are two forces that are often exerted: positive and negative reinforcement. In this session, Israel explains the importance of affirmation as a way to inspire and motivate your reluctant child. Drawing from practical and biblical examples, this session will help you to keep those important relational connections as you are attempting to impart knowledge.

ID: 19-117
Jun. 28, 2019

In this workshop, Dr. Eliot Grasso examines the opportunities, challenges, preconceptions, and desirable outcomes for Christian homeschoolers who are exploring and participating in higher education. The objective of this workshop is to give insider perspectives on Christian and secular institutions so that families can make informed decisions about the next critical developmental step in their children’s education.

Topics: College
ID: 19-123
Jun. 28, 2019

“Living by Design” is a unique seminar about work, your God-given design, and finding a career where you can thrive. This seminar is valuable for high school students and adults to find out what God has to say about work versus the messages we hear from the world. Explore the concept of thriving in a chosen profession rather than the dangers of being "mismatched" in your career.

Few skills are more essential today than effective communication. But teaching writing can be rather challenging. Learn easy-to-implement strategies to successfully use the writing process, graphic organizers, and rubrics to simplify writing projects for both student and parents.

Topics: Exhibitor

All of us were designed for relationships, including our children. A relationship without conversation is no relationship at all. Students will thrive when given an opportunity to engage instead of being lectured. Remove your children from the "box" of education and lead them on a path to Know God and Make Him Known. Learn how to use the tools of the Classical Method to encourage your children in the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty, while growing in your relationship with them.

Topics: Exhibitor

Everyone struggles with anger on some level. But when anger is a frequent occurrence with your children, it will damage your relationships and hinder your effectiveness. Are you tired of being stressed-out and ready to have a peaceful atmosphere in your home? Learn how in this important workshop.

ID: 19-202
Jun. 28, 2019

Learn to figure out credits and calculate grades, how to find the perfect grading scale, and what it takes to make your transcript official. Receive motivation to finish a transcript, or help to figure out the "transcript thing." A great refresher on calculating grades and figuring out credits, or a needed nudge to get that job done while there is still time. Also perfect for parents with specific questions about creating transcripts for their unique children.

Be encouraged and informed as Peggy provides a “how-to” introduction on the basics of writing and implementing a homeschool Individual Education Plan (IEP). She will guide you through the hows and whys, explain the legality of using a homeschool IEP based on the American Disabilities Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and provide teaching strategies for reaching IEP goals for specific diagnoses and learning struggles.

What constitutes a meaningful preschool education that prepares a child for a life of learning and significance? In this workshop, we will discuss learning theories as well as practical skills you can teach your children. We will also cover how to develop a love for books in even your most active little ones. Join Zan as she addresses four vital components of a superb preschool education—and be encouraged that home is indeed the ultimate preschool!

Our goal as homeschoolers is to teach as effectively as possible, so it can be stressful when the lessons we teach aren’t understood, or our children seem frustrated. Come to this workshop to learn how to overcome obstacles that may limit your ability to teach and your children’s ability to understand. Shared from the perspective of the student, Ashley will provide tips that can help your children achieve their greatest learning success.

ID: 19-206
Jun. 28, 2019

What are the language arts? It’s actually quite simple! Regardless of your educational approach, there are really only four core language arts: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Attending well to the first two makes teaching the latter two so much easier. Prepare to have your educational paradigm adjusted, your load lightened, and your commitment to excellence renewed as you focus on the most important things in the limited time you have.

Homeschooling your child can be frustrating when things don't go smoothly. Even experienced homeschool parents know that what has worked with one child may not work with the next. Parents new to homeschooling often don't know where to turn when a child is struggling. Find out how to discover the cause of your child's challenges and frustrations as well as develop a plan to conquer it.

If you want excited and enthusiastic children who learn well, you must understand the key laws of motivation, and focus on the essential requirement of relevancy. If it matters, children will learn it, and if it doesn’t, they won’t. This session will enlighten you with specific ways to find and create relevancy for children, even when they have no apparent interest.

ID: 19-302
Jun. 28, 2019

One of the biggest high school anxiety producers is testing - specifically the PSAT, SAT, and ACT tests. Lee will help you understand these tests and how to put them in proper perspective in your high school journey. Learn strategies that will help your child improve their scores by 50, 100, even 200 points per section, without the expense of a professional coaching program.

Peggy answers one of the most asked questions she receives: “What curriculum is best to teach my child who has unique needs?” Whether your child has a specific diagnosis or just struggles in one area of school or another, Peggy addresses how to use the curriculum you already own, or plan to use, and adjust it to meet your child’s specific needs, and consequently dissolve the struggles you are currently seeing in homeschooling your unique child.

ID: 19-304
Jun. 28, 2019

Threatened with jail for homeschooling in 1984, Zan was forced to count the cost and decide if it was worth it. She learned powerful lessons about freedom, family, and faith that remain pertinent today. At a crossroads where liberties we often take for granted are at stake, we must work to preserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, while raising up a new generation of freedom fighters. This session will encourage and equip you with powerful principles to share with your children.

ID: 19-305
Jun. 28, 2019

Choosing your family’s personal approach in homeschooling can make one’s head spin! This session weighs individual learning styles, curriculum choices, and your own teaching style and provides an introduction to various methods. Given by a homeschool graduate and homeschooling mother of ten (with students ranging from preschool-12th grade).

Joe discusses the key issues dads face as we strive to instill a Christ-centered vision in our sons. He addresses the cultural pressures on our young men and shares practical advice to counter the culture and instill a vision of purity in our sons and daughters. Because of the frank and sensitive nature of this discussion, we request that only men attend.

Join Andrew as he shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) learned over thirty years of teaching and homeschooling, including: It’s hard not to do to your kids what was done to you; Process over product; All kids are different; “Progressive” education doesn’t mean progress; What real “college and career readiness” is, and Two secret keys to successful teaching. Challenged, reassured, or both, you’ll leave with an expanded vision of your calling as a homeschooling educator.

ID: 19-402
Jun. 29, 2019

Learn to create professional records that will convince colleges your student is worthy of admission and the highest possible scholarships. No matter how humble your homeschool, you can compete and WIN scholarships over students coming from the most intense college-prep high schools. Presenting professional, thorough, and beautiful homeschool records can give your student a HUGE competitive advantage over the two-dimensional transcript most applicants provide. Let Lee show you how to do it simply and quickly.

With experience as a parent and foster-parent of multiple special needs children, Peggy has first-hand knowledge of raising, training, and homeschooling children with special needs. Woven with personal stories, biblical truth, and lots of encouragement, this talk will truly speak to the hearts of parents who want to raise their special needs children as God has called them to do.

Experiencing many joys and triumphs, and weathering many storms, Zan and Joe have thoroughly enjoyed 40 years of marriage. In this refreshing session of laughter and encouragement, they candidly share the ups and downs of married life (including their biggest fight ever), while focusing on the biblical principles that have served as the unshakeable foundation of their marriage. Understanding and embracing the magnificent biblical vision of marriage is the key to a vibrant relationship.

ID: 19-405
Jun. 29, 2019

The natural approach to learning is founded on the desire to follow your child’s developmentally appropriate timetable. This approach is based on proven educational principles from Dr. Ruth Beechick, Charlotte Mason, Dr. Benjamin Bloom, and others. Natural learning does not mean learning without goals or structure. It means learning is customized, multi-sensory and engaging. Ashley will share the top ten reasons a natural approach will enable you and your family to flourish.

For many men, homeschooling has been looked at largely as something their wife does. Many believe that if they pay the bills, that is really all that God expects of them. Biblically speaking, what is the proper role for men in the process of home education?

ID: 19-417
Jun. 29, 2019

Imagine the possibilities for an elementary program filled with music, art, dance, drama, history, literature, and research. Learn how to build such a rich experience for a group of youngsters. The program is laid out in a 4-year cycle—ancient history, medieval/renaissance, American history, and finally world cultures. The weekly lesson plans show you how to schedule the full class and how to motivate the students to do their best.

ID: 19-501
Jun. 29, 2019

Many well-intentioned parents make harmful mistakes as they relate to their children. These mistakes often contribute to bitterness in their children. Over time, they can result in children rejecting their parents and their values. Learn to avoid these pitfalls.

ID: 19-502
Jun. 29, 2019

Unlock the mysteries of college applications and find a college that fits your teen (location, affordability, worldview, degree choices, etc.). Parents will learn to guide their teen in writing the perfect college application essay, one that demands admission and scholarship attention. Understand how to prepare homeschool records that set your teen above their peers. You will leave prepared for the bittersweet transition from homeschooling to launch—the art of releasing your teen with joy and confidence.

ID: 19-503
Jun. 29, 2019

Homeschooling special needs high school doesn’t have to be a daunting prospect. Peggy has graduated two sons with special needs and helped countless other parents walk the special needs homeschooling road. She will share ideas about how to pick curriculum, write a transcript, and prepare a transition plan. She will also present record keeping strategies to consider if your child will need accommodations and modifications in college, in testing for college entrance, or for workforce placement.

How can you enjoy the benefits of technology in your homeschool without the potential dangers and strife it can sometimes bring with it? Join Aaron and Tauna for a fun session with ideas for using technology as well as tips and principles that will help you do so in a safe and balanced way.

We do our best to follow God and love our families, yet we may still find ourselves in the “fiery furnace,” ready to throw in the towel. Explore causes of burnout and learn ways to avoid them, including practical tips for streamlining your life. Zan will encourage a biblical vision for what you are ultimately trying to accomplish in your children’s lives through homeschooling—a vision that sustains through hard times and difficult days.

Men often tackle the tasks of husband, father, shepherd, and disciplinarian without the vision to define and accomplish the goal. Joe helps define the goal and discover the divinely appointed means of achieving it. You may even learn to make your wife deliriously happy, your home a quiet and peaceful kingdom, and your father-in-law in awe of your accomplishments. Join this discussion of what it means to leave a legacy as a Christian husband and dad.

From struggling readers, to gifted but "lazy" students, to unfocused ADHD type students, to those living with headaches/migraines, to moody youth, and others, Irlen syndrome affects one in six or more people of all ages. Learn non-invasive, helpful solutions involving the use of color and other accommodations. Sort out Irlen from dyslexia, ADHD, headaches, etc.

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started.

In this workshop we will introduce you to family-friendly mission trips, share stories of a recent trip to Mexico, and give you tips on how to learn Spanish in the most effective way.

Are you feeling like you're being pulled in every direction? If you’re about to burn out, come get some encouragement and look over some biblical principles and practical tips for balancing homeschooling with the relationships and responsibilities God has given us.

ID: 19-525
Jun. 29, 2019

Math is best learned sequentially. Often even strong math students will find themselves struggling due to learning gaps. The key is to take a pause occasionally and check for those important skills which determine success or frustration. Sue will provide information as to when and how to assess for learning gaps and make suggestions as to how to get them filled.

Homeschooling your child can be frustrating when things don't go smoothly. Even experienced homeschool parents know that what has worked with one child may not work with the next. Parents new to homeschooling often don't know where to turn when a child is struggling. Find out how to discover the cause of your child's challenges and frustrations as well as develop a plan to conquer it.

ID: 19-601
Jun. 29, 2019

As homeschoolers, we are often accused of retreating from society instead of impacting it. What is the balance between sheltering our children and reaching out to a lost world around us? In this session, Israel explains how you can equip your children for the ‘real world’ by developing a family ministry.

ID: 19-602
Jun. 29, 2019

You can afford college and earn BIG merit-based scholarships you thought were reserved for the uber-intelligent or Olympic-level athletes. Learn why merit scholarships provide the most money. Find out which college admission test is best and why, and make sure your child stands out above the crowd, regardless of their gifts or challenges. Learn to find colleges that give great scholarships, and the secrets to creating homeschool records that will reduce college costs.

Any parent knows a student’s learning goes beyond basics academics. But parents of special needs students are even more aware of this truth. Successful, post-homeschool transitioning of a special needs student requires planning. In this talk, Peggy takes parents of special needs homeschooling students through a plan that helps them be intentional in setting up a transition plan that will ready their student for life beyond homeschool.

ID: 19-604
Jun. 29, 2019

In this session we will discuss six traits of servant leaders and what it takes to fill the leadership gap. Zan and Joe will talk specifically about family life and homeschool leadership so that we do not alienate our spouses or our children as we work to encourage other homeschool families. You’ll learn ways to effectively incorporate your children so your leadership becomes a mission that unites the family.

ID: 19-605
Jun. 29, 2019

Do you question your ability to homeschool? Are you afraid you might "mess up" your kids, or that you might not do a good job? You'll be equipped and encouraged as Joyce shares from her many years of homeschooling how you can gain confidence and homeschool without fear.

ID: 19-606
Jun. 29, 2019

Andrew will teach you a specific and successful method of separating the complex process of writing into the smallest possible steps making it possible for reluctant writers to produce short but complete compositions. Your student will be proud and motivated to write again. If you remove the problem of what to write, you will be free to help your child learn how to write using source texts, key word outlines, and “dress-up” checklists. Results guaranteed!

This workshop will teach you about five surveys and checklists that have been developed that can make clear what strengths and weakness a student possesses. From here, this workshop also provides tips and means to teach to students' strengths while supporting their weaknesses. This workshop will cover learning styles, learning channels, a student's grit level measured on a scale, study habits measured by checklists, and the Multiple Intelligences Survey—with career possibilities suggested.


Lancaster County Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 14 through 15, 2019

PA-2019 In Everything Give Thanks

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
Recording ID: 2019-000
Original Price: $259.25
Set Price: $125.00

The Complete 2019 CHAP Convention Set

Enjoy all of the sessions on this complete set from the 2019 Convention from Lancaster, PA.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2019-101Miracles in American History by: William Federer2019-104Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates by: Pamela Gates2019-105Teaching the Right Brain Child by: Pamela Gates2019-107Auditory Processing and Working Memory by: Pamela Gates2019-111Fearless - Living Impervious to the Frets, Forebodings & Anxieties of Life by: Eric Ludy2019-113Smart Kids Who Hate to Write by: Pamela Gates2019-115Training the Photographic Memory by: Pamela Gates2019-117The Biology of Behavior by: Pamela Gates2019-203Raising William Wallace by: Eric Ludy2019-204George Washington Carver-His Life & Faith in his Own Words by: William Federer2019-205The Power to Do It - Exchanging Failure for Victory in Your Daily Christian Life by: Eric Ludy2019-206The Fall of the Ottoman Empire & the Birth of Modern Day Israel by: William Federer2019-207Immovable by: Eric Ludy2019-213Change to Chains-the 6000 Year Quest for Global Power by: William Federer2019-214Getting Started Homeschooling by: Barb Beideman2019-215Separation of Church and State by: William Federer2019-216Fortification by: Eric Ludy2019-217How Do Democracies & Republics Rise and Fall by: William Federer2019-304Jurassic Reality: Dinosaurs & Most Asked Questions by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-305Biological Robotics: Incredible Design in Life by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-306Homeschooling in PA: Up-to-date Law Reviews, Legislation & Legal Issues by: Dan Beasley2019-307The Christian Roots of Science & Busting Evolutionary Myths by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-313Bioethics: Issues of Life, Death & Morality by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-314The Erosion of Parental Rights & How to Stop It by: Dan Beasley2019-315Is Genesis a Literal History? by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-316Homeschool Discrimination & What We're Doing About It by: Dan Beasley2019-317Design, Deluge and Dilemma by: Jonathan Sarfati2019-403A Lamp in the Dark by: Christian Pinto2019-404Prayer - Building Foundations for Life by: Kirk Thomsen2019-405The True Christian History of America - Part 1 by: Christian Pinto2019-406Growing in Our Relationship with God by: Thomsen Family2019-407The True Christian History of America - Part 2 by: Christian Pinto2019-412The Bible & the Sword by: Christian Pinto2019-413On Language Arts: A Charlotte Mason Approach by: Sandi Queen2019-414Tares Among the Wheat by: Christian Pinto2019-415Raising Disciples, Not Just Believers by: Kirk Thomsen2019-416Bridge to Babylon by: Christian Pinto2019-417Creative Ways to Enjoy Praying with Your Children - Part 2 by: Thomsen Family2019-502Becoming a Tech Confident Parent by: John Lowrey2019-503Math You Understand by: Steve Demme2019-504Mentoring Boys into Manhood by: Adam Hultstrand2019-505Fostering Lifelong Learners by: Steve Demme2019-506Ministering to Boys and Men by: Roy Smith2019-507Training Your Child to Live Forever by: Steve Demme2019-51215 Principles of Manhood by: Adam Hultstrand2019-513The Honorable Man by: Eric Ludy2019-514Hearts, Minds and Technology by: John Lowrey2019-515Deepening Family Relationships by: Steve Demme2019-516Marriage - A Most Valuable Work by: Roy Smith2019-517Celebrating Hope & Redemption in the Valleys of Life by: Steve Demme2019-602The Charlotte Mason Approach - An Introduction by: Sandi Queen2019-604Homeschooling During Difficult Times by: Sandi Queen2019-605Developing Godly Character in Children Through Discipline by: Bonita Greiner2019-606Good Man by: Nathan Clarkson2019-607Identifying Your Child's Learning Style & Learning to Teach It by: Sandi Queen2019-612Organize, Declutter and Find Time by: Bonita Greiner2019-613Creative Ways to Enjoy God's Word with Your Children by: Thomsen Family2019-614Support Group Leadership for the 21st Century by: Debra Bell2019-615The Writer Within: Unlocking Your Child's Creative Writing Potential by: Sandi Queen2019-616Developing a Gentle Spirit by: Bonita Greiner2019-617Creating Your Own Unit Studies by: Barb Beideman This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2019-001
Original Price: $42.50
Set Price: $39.95

Favorite Recordings of 2019

Favorite Recordings of 2019

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2019-104Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates by: Pamela Gates2019-105Teaching the Right Brain Child by: Pamela Gates2019-107Auditory Processing and Working Memory by: Pamela Gates2019-111Fearless - Living Impervious to the Frets, Forebodings & Anxieties of Life by: Eric Ludy2019-117The Biology of Behavior by: Pamela Gates2019-205The Power to Do It - Exchanging Failure for Victory in Your Daily Christian Life by: Eric Ludy2019-513The Honorable Man by: Eric Ludy2019-605Developing Godly Character in Children Through Discipline by: Bonita Greiner2019-612Organize, Declutter and Find Time by: Bonita Greiner2019-616Developing a Gentle Spirit by: Bonita Greiner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 2019-101
Jun. 14, 2019

How Prayer & Courage turned Crises into Victory. Exciting, faith-building stories include: Revolutionary War-Fog allowed Washington to escape, Benedict Arnold's treason exposed, and after Battle of Cowpens rivers rose stop British pursuit; during the War of 1812-Olive Hazard Perry's Battle of Lake Erie, Hurricane that saved Washington DC, Battle of New Orleans; Cholera Epidemic stopped; World War I-Sergeant York single-handedly captured 132 Germans; World War II-Patton's prayer & Battle of the Bulge; and Apollo 13 "Houston, we had a problem."

How to “Diagnose and Correct” learning disabilities or mild processing glitches. This is for your “puzzling child”. Is it a maturity issue, or is something else going on? If you have a bright, hardworking child who has to work too hard to learn, he is telling you that one or more of his Four Learning Gates is blocked. Find out specifically how the brain processes information, and where that processing can break down. Learn how to be your own diagnostician using a checklist of symptoms; then learn the necessary interventions. It doesn’t have to be so hard for your child!

ID: 2019-105
Jun. 14, 2019

You may have a right brain learner in your midst! These wonderful children learn in a different manner than their left brain siblings. You will learn how to identify the right brain child, and learn many simple teaching techniques, such as Right Brain Reading and Right Brain Math. Right Brain Reading is the method Dianne used in her Resource room to help students make a two-year gain in reading in one year! For kids who find math “miserable”, this is a Godsend. No curriculum required! Help your children get in touch with the “smart part of themselves”!

ID: 2019-107
Jun. 14, 2019

Do you have a child whom you suspect has an Auditory Processing Problem? There are ten auditory channels. Some channels affect academics (reading, phonics and sight words, spelling, and math), while others affect everyday life (easily confused, misunderstands verbal information, poor working memory, speech delay or articulation issues). Become your child’s own diagnostician as you identify, bypass, and correct auditory processing problems at home. Learn to bypass the auditory learning glitch by using the child’s natural photographic memory and how to correct the auditory glitch by using the proven methods of home Brain Integration Therapy and Targeted Nutritional Interventions.

Anxiety has become a familiar house guest to a strong majority of modern-day Christians. Many of us accept it as a personality issue, rather than addressing it as a dangerous enemy. The Bible teaches a life of fearlessness. And, to many of us, the idea of fearlessness, sounds wonderful, but wishful. This session was built to train the Body of Christ in how to cultivate the fearless life that laughs at empty bank accounts, mocks disease, chuckles over impossibilities, and smiles at the future.

ID: 2019-113
Jun. 15, 2019

Do you have a child who is “allergic” to a pencil? You may have a child who groans about writing, writes reversals, or misspells words he knows when he writes. These children are often thought of as sloppy or lazy when they are really using way too much energy for the writing process. The writing learning gate is the most common gate that is blocked with gifted kids. In this workshop you will be shown a daily exercise you can do with your child to get the writing into his “automatic” brain hemisphere, and remove stress from the writing system.

ID: 2019-115
Jun. 15, 2019

Many people think that some are just born with a “photographic memory”. But we now know that this amazing ability can be easily taught. The ability to use the photographic memory is one of the best gifts you can give your child. Your child can store his spelling words in his photographic memory for quick retrieval. Vocabulary is learned in a totally different way! Imagine your child actually having fun improving his vocabulary for the SAT. Poor test takers will learn how to store facts using their photographic memory. Everyone looks smart when these strategies are used.

ID: 2019-117
Jun. 15, 2019

Johnny is a constant motion machine. Tom cries in frustration over minor matters. Susie forgets what she has just learned. “Children act how they feel,” Sydney Walker, MD. This fascinating workshop provides you with clues to your child’s brain/body chemistry. William Crook, MD, has found that over 85% of children who suffer with Sensory Processing Disorders or attention or mood disorders have experienced multiple ear infections as a young child. Untreated, these children often go on to have many hidden food allergies and asthma. It is easy to correct these imbalances at home and dramatically affect your child’s learning day.

ID: 2019-203
Jun. 14, 2019

Often our aim for our children’s development is to see them “above-average” or “better than most.” But, when the Truth of our super-conquering Jesus Christ is infused into the training of our children, nothing short of “children that change the world” will do. In this session, Eric Ludy will pass along both a vision and a practical platform for beginning to think and parent with even greater boldness and purpose.

"Only alone can I draw close enough to God to discover His Secrets." The amazing story of George Washington Carver, slave birth, Iowa State graduate and Tuskegee Professor who revolutionized the economy of the south by discovering hundreds of uses for the peanut. “God is going to reveal things to us that He never revealed before if we put our hand in His,” stated George Washington Carver, 1924, to the Women's Board of Domestic Missions in New York. From slave birth to international fame, George Washington Carver advised Presidents, Congress, and world leaders. He was offered jobs by Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, but declined them as he determined to stay at Tuskegee Institute to help those less fortunate attain new and boundless opportunities. Discover the faith that motivated this great African-American scientist to create and popularize hundreds of uses for the peanut, soybean, sweet potato and other plants, which resulted in a revolution in the economy of America's South.

The constant declaration of the Christian life should be “I can’t, but God can!” Our lives were made to be inhabited by the living God, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to be used as a “glove” upon His hand. This enabling power of His life, called grace, supplies all we need for life and godliness. Grace is far more than a mere hug of God. In this life-changing message, Eric Ludy equips you with the spiritual tools to stop trying to manufacture the Christian life and instead let God do it in and through you.

The Ottoman Empire was known as the "sick man of Europe" until oil was discovered there, pulling the Middle East into World War I. After the war, not only was the map of Europe redrawn, but so was the map of the Middle East. New nation were created out of the old Ottoman Empire, being under the protection of the victorious European powers. Britain gave a portion of the land it controlled for Jewish resettlement. After World War II, more Jews settled there. Discover how decisions were made that set the stage for current conflicts. See how America supported Israel from its rebirth under President Harry S Truman to the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War, up to the present. An exciting and necessary presentation which explains the current headlines!

ID: 2019-207
Jun. 14, 2019

When the winds and rains beat against your house, are you movable? Do you grow weak in the knees when bad news strikes? Are you susceptible to the bait of anxiety, foreboding, fretting, and fear? This message holds the secret to an immovable soul. We'll give you a hint: it's a person.

An Overview of 6,000 Years of History & Why America is Unique Who is the king in America? Before you answer, do you know what the most common form of government in world history? From the invention of writing around 3,300 BC, the world has mostly been ruled by kings. Though called by different names: Pharaohs, Chieftains, Emperors, Caesars, Sultans, Khans, Maharajas, Monarchs, and Dictators, they act the same. Power, like gravity, concentrates into the hand of one person, who rewards his friends and punishes his enemies. In Socialist and Communist countries, too, though professing equality, they inevitably end up being ruled by dictators. The King of England was the most powerful king the planet had seen. When Americans got the chance, they set up a government as far from a king as possible. They flipped it and put the people in charge. A "republic" is where the people are king, ruling through their representatives. The Constitution, in effect, is a collection of hurdles to prevent power from snapping back into the hands of a king. Where did founders get their idea of people ruling themselves? -England's Magna Carta; -Roman Republic; -Athenian Democracy; and ultimately, -Ancient Israel. Israel, during its initial 400 years out of Egypt, was the first well-recorded instance of a nation ruled without a king. Did this influence colonial pastors who founded New England? You will be surprised! What ingredients are needed for a nation to function without a king? Is the God of Bible an integral part? You will be amazed how history gives insights into what is happening today!

ID: 2019-214
Jun. 15, 2019

Are you new to homeschooling or new to Pennsylvania? Are you thinking about homeschooling at some point in the future? Do you have questions about what homeschooling might look like and how to get started? This session is designed to encourage and equip you to homeschool your children. Topics include: why homeschool, how to get started in PA, a typical day, curriculum, record keeping, testing, portfolios, and evaluations.

ID: 2019-215
Jun. 15, 2019

How did America go from Pilgrims seeking freedom to express their Judeo-Christian beliefs to today’s discrimination against those very beliefs in the name of tolerance? In an easy-to-understand presentation, you will clearly see the progression of how tolerance evolved from Pilgrims to Puritans fleeing England for religious freedom, then the with the flood of immigrants, the colonies generally tolerated Protestants, then after an Irish potato famine began to tolerate Catholics, then extended tolerance to liberal Christians and new denominations, to tolerating Jews immigrants who fled from European persecution, to tolerating anybody who believed in God, to anybody that believed in any religion, to finally tolerating the atheist and anit-religious. Ten Commandments taken down; threats to remove “Under God” from Pledge; Prayer prohibited; Nativity Scenes banned; Salvation Army defunded; Christmas Carols stopped; Bible called "hate speech." Ronald Reagan stated August 23, 1984: “The frustrating thing is that those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in the name of tolerance. Question: Isn’t the real truth that they are intolerant of religion?” This presentation will equip you to knowledgeably answer with confidence those attacking faith.

ID: 2019-216
Jun. 15, 2019

This word is usually used in regards to strong fortresses of old, but it is also meant to describe the believer's life - fortified. In this session, Eric expounds on how to live a fortified life spiritually, physically, and emotionally in order to remain strong against the enemy of our soul.

ID: 2019-217
Jun. 15, 2019

What is the difference between a democracy and a republic. How do they rise & fall? Learn about ancient Israel-before they got King Saul. Learn about the ancient Greek city-state of Athens and the development of theater to sway the masses? How did Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, get control of Athens? Learn about how the Roman Republic "SPQR" was turned into Roman Empire by Julius Caesar? Discover the political tactics of seizing power, from Plato, Machiavelli, Robespierre, Hegel, Marx, & Alinsky?

People of all ages are captivated by dinosaurs. Unfortunately, evolutionists use dinosaurs to indoctrinate the young and the old with an earth history that includes millions of years but has no room for the Bible. This presentation will show the power of a person’s starting assumptions (or “worldview”) when interpreting past events, and will define the different types of sciences used in investigating the world around us, with a thorough exploration of these enigmatic lizards. Let’s take dinosaurs to the Bible and see what God’s word has to say about them!

We can tell when something shows evidence of having a human designer. So when things in nature show those same characteristics—only on a much more complex level—it makes sense to attribute that to a Designer as well. Jonathan discusses several evidences of magnificent design in nature, including DNA, molecular machines, the complexity of the cell, and more. He also demolishes arguments of ‘bad design’.

Dan breaks down your homeschool law in easy-to-understand steps to help you homeschool with confidence. He also highlights legal issues and legislation that impact homeschooling and shares some of the ways he is advocating on behalf of homeschooling families.

Why did science flourish in the West, and only the West? The biblical worldview provided the presuppositions that allowed science to flourish while it was stillborn in other places such as Greece and China. Evolutionists deny this biblical foundation for science by accusing Christianity of superstitions that held science back. Jonathan deftly busts the myth of the ‘Dark Ages’—a time marked by many scientific advances. He also busts the myths of Galileo, belief in a flat earth, and more.

ID: 2019-313
Jun. 15, 2019

The right view of Genesis Creation enables us to think clearly about ‘life’ issues such as abortion, euthanasia, cloning, animal rights, stem cells, etc. Conversely, consistent evolutionary thinking undermines the biblical sanctity of innocent human life, as in Nazi Germany.

ID: 2019-314
Jun. 15, 2019

Parental rights are foundational to a parent’s right to homeschool. While the Supreme Court has historically recognized parental rights as fundamental, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Troxel v. Granville in 2000 has led to confusion and intensified attacks on parental liberty. Come learn how you can help protect parental rights for years to come.

ID: 2019-315
Jun. 15, 2019

A six-day, young earth understanding of Genesis is the only one that comes from the text itself, which is why the rest of Scripture interprets it that way. Long-age views are a modern aberration that comes from imposing outside ideas of uniformitarian “science” upon the text. See how compromising views render the Bible meaningless to a dying world. You’ll be encouraged and energized to hear there is no need for compromise and that there are answers. The evidence for Creation and the Bible’s account of history is all around us if only we know how to look for it, and Jonathan will show you how to do just that!

Homeschool graduates still encounter discrimination when applying for employment, civil service, admission to colleges and trade schools, and participation in extracurricular competitions and programs. While homeschooling is now widely recognized as a legal form of education, there is still much work to be done to ensure that students and graduates are not discriminated against because their parents choose to exercise their right to homeschool. HSLDA continues to advocate for students and graduates who face this kind of discrimination. Come hear the stories, legal battles, and solutions for how to end homeschool discrimination.

ID: 2019-317
Jun. 15, 2019

1 Peter 3:15 commands us to have answers and always be ready to defend the Christian faith. This presentation will supply people with vital information about fossils and the Flood. This is a great presentation designed to train people in how to share the Christian faith using the creation account found in the book of Genesis.

ID: 2019-403
Jun. 14, 2019

The untold history of the Bible, from the first century through the time of the great Protestant Reformation.

ID: 2019-404
Jun. 14, 2019

Kirk Thomsen, a homeschooling Dad of over 25 years, will share on the practice of prayer in living the Christian life. Our home is where discipleship happens in the family and our children learn from what is practiced. So, how do we do that? How do we talk with God and how do we teach our children? Come discover practical steps for growing in this foundational part of our relationship with God.

How the early American colonies, and ultimately the United States itself were formed as a direct result of the great Protestant Reformation.

ID: 2019-406
Jun. 14, 2019

Melanie, Kristen and Melissa Thomsen, homeschool and college graduates, share about how the habit of a daily Quiet Time can help us grow in our relationship with God. They will share why the Quiet Time is important, how simple it can be and the difference it makes in their personal lives. Bring your Bibles and join other mothers and daughters in learning how spending daily time with God is not only doable, but tremendously rewarding. This session is for daughters ages 10-20 and their moms.

How modern historians have systematically (and deliberately) changed the historic record of our nation's history, to move us away from our Christian heritage, and towards a Marxist worldview.

ID: 2019-412
Jun. 15, 2019

A historic explanation of the original understanding of the separation of Church and State, where the Church preached the Gospel, and the State defended the moral code of God's Law -- yet both operated as the "ministers of God" (Romans 13:4).

ID: 2019-413
Jun. 15, 2019

In this session, multiple award winning author and longtime homeschool mom of six Dr. Sandi Queen discusses the many facets of language arts - phonics and reading, grammar, handwriting, spelling, vocabulary, writing, etc., and how to teach each of these using the Charlotte Mason approach. Included will be information on how to identify and choose materials that fit into this method.

ID: 2019-414
Jun. 15, 2019

How scholars in the 19th century changed the text of the Bible (the New Testament in particular) as a result of the discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus -- called "the world's oldest Bible." But was it really the oldest? Or was it a 19th century production, as claimed by at least two Greek scholars of the time?

ID: 2019-415
Jun. 15, 2019

Raising up followers of Jesus is a noble calling for parents. The first twenty years of our children’s lives are the most important in terms of a parent’s investment. But all investments require a strategy, careful planning, and detailed execution. Enabling and encouraging our children to follow Jesus is our most important mission as parents. As a former home schooling father of three home school graduates, Kirk reflects on how he and his wife Marian purposed to accomplish that mission.

ID: 2019-416
Jun. 15, 2019

How the corruptions in modern versions of the Bible have been used to undermine faith in the Holy Scriptures as the inspired, inerrant Word of God.

In this workshop Marian will continue to share from her personal experience of spiritually investing in the lives of her children. Come glean some creative, inexpensive and practical ways to enjoy praying with your children. Marian will share how to organize these ideas into a weekly prayer plan. Kristen, one of Marian’s daughter will share about her prayer journey. This workshop is for mothers.

ID: 2019-502
Jun. 14, 2019

Parents have tough questions. “Can I make Snapchat safe from sexting? How can I block the bad stuff on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media? Can I be notified if someone e-mails or texts my teen a sexual picture or video? Help me protect the whole device!” If you’re looking for answers to solve today’s tech dilemmas, this session is for you.

ID: 2019-503
Jun. 14, 2019

Math is so much more than memorizing rules and facts. With a unique and humorous approach, Steve demonstrates how to use hands-on manipulatives to illustrate important math concepts such as place value, double digit multiplication, fractions, algebra, exponents, squares, square roots, and factoring trinomials.

ID: 2019-504
Jun. 14, 2019

Presently there is a big identity crisis among males regarding what a man is. There is no clear transition from childhood to manhood, and the culture has defined men simplistically. As a result, many fathers are relationally isolated and emotionally disconnected leaving them at a loss for how to lead boys into manhood. This workshop will address the culture’s attack on boys/males, the impact of biology on boys/males learning style, mentoring and educational principles to help boys develop into honorable men and concrete action steps moms and dads can take in the developmental process of boys.

ID: 2019-505
Jun. 14, 2019

Sandi and I wanted to give our sons a good foundation in language arts and math along with a love for learning. Our vision worked, for each of our sons is a lifelong student and always learning and growing. We catch a fire from someone who has a fire. This workshop will share strategies for encouraging a passion for learning through books, family excursions, and exposing your family to fellow firebrands.

ID: 2019-506
Jun. 14, 2019

This seminar will look at several specific challenges to reaching out and developing men spiritually, beginning at boyhood. We will look at some practical guidelines to magnify your effort with these significant participants in God’s Kingdom. Men are the rebar in the concrete that holds up the structure of an effective church ministry. Often misunderstood if not ignored, a male’s relationally challenging responses have caused many in the church to not develop the vital resource of a men’s ministry. Women and children have also been harmed as the representative of Jesus they were dreaming of is often a no-show.

When Steve is asked why we made the decision to teach our children at home, I respond, to train our sons to live forever. Join Steve as he reflects on strategies discovered in the word of God on how to influence our children to follow Jesus.