Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 1 through 2, 2018

PA-2018 Walking by Faith and not by Sight

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Have you ever said something like this to you child: "Johnny, stop fooling around with that and get to your school work!" or "That would be nice for a hobby, dear, but let's get back to focusing more on this subject that will help you be employable." If so, come listen to Forrest, homeschool graduate and entrepreneur (who prefers the portmanteau "evangetainer"), as he recounts his own story about stepping out into faith and answering the call that God put on his life while using his God-given talents and interests. Maybe it's us as parents that need to sometimes "get out of the boat" and step out in faith?!

High school math at home can be an intimidating endeavor. How are you going to teach your kids algebra, trigonometry, or even calculus? Further, will they be prepared by graduation for college level work? In this session Kathryn provides practical solutions to some of the common pitfalls of teaching math at home. She also shows you how to harness the strengths of homeschooling to create a competitive high school program. Whether your child is STEM-minded or focused on the humanities, you’ll leave this session with a concrete four-year plan. Kathryn is a homeschool graduate with ten years’ experience as a high school math teacher; in addition, she has tutored homeschool students in math since high school.

ID: 2018-311
Jun. 2, 2018

Afraid that you can't homeschool through high school? Think your young adult would do better inside the four walls of a school building? Come learn why staying the course through the teen years can be the most fruitful and important years of homeschooling for your child as well as the most rewarding for Mom and Dad.

ID: 2018-318
Jun. 2, 2018

Most parents “let go” of a rebellious child when they should not, and don’t “let go” when they should. Love must be strong enough to deal with rebellion and also strong enough to “let go” when unstoppable consequences start to come. Every Christian may profit from hearing these principles, but they are especially helpful for parents of rebellious children 18 or older.

70% of all Christian seniors ditch God when they go to college. Come and discover a compelling reason why! This workshop equips you to teach your kids how to die to themselves and live passionately for the glory of God.