Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 13 through 14, 2016

PA-2016 Renewing Our Minds

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture facing a host of issues and moral dilemmas that we never had to deal with at their age. Because many children are not prepared to counter their culture, startling percentages of those raised in evangelical homes abandon their faith and beliefs as they move into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do for them. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. In this session, Zan Tyler provides practical answers to the following questions: •What is a biblical worldview and why is it crucial for my children? •How can I teach worldview—especially if I don’t understand it myself? •How can I teach worldview to my elementary-aged children? •How can studying the life of Daniel change my teenager’s life? Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done—and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? In this session, we will discuss five areas that pose particular challenges to homeschool moms and be reminded that He always holds us in the palm of His hand. This workshop contains many practical tips for solving problems and overcoming obstacles. It also encourages a biblical vision for what you are ultimately trying to accomplish in your children’s lives through homeschooling—a vision that will sustain you through the hard times and difficult days that are sure to come.

ID: 2016-205
May. 13, 2016

Teaching your children to love and serve others is the second most important principle you will ever teach them. This principle, in turn, provides the necessary foundation for training them to become leaders. Come to this workshop and learn how you can effectively teach the lessons of service and leadership in the midst of your already-full homeschool days. We will also discuss how to build powerful, life-changing service and leadership projects into your everyday lives. Be prepared to see your children come alive as they experience the joy of serving others!

ID: 2016-213
May. 14, 2016

When you look at your children, what do you see? Do you see little people making constant demands on your time, or do you see what God sees—lives brimming with possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture. You will be inspired as you realize the crucial role you and your family play in shaping the identity and gifts of each child. The Master Gardener has given you powerful tools for cultivating your child’s potential; don’t miss this opportunity to discover what they are.

ID: 2016-318
May. 14, 2016

In a traditional classroom environment, students have an average of eight to ten individual interactions with their teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal interactions can number in the hundreds and greatly enhance the education your children receive at home. Zan Tyler shares how the simple and free tool of conversation can help your children replace boredom during lessons with a motivation to learn. Discover why parents make the best teachers and capitalize on these strengths. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your home and promote camaraderie, enthusiasm, and learning with stimulating academics instead. Conversation is the key! Conversation IS core curriculum.

ID: 2016-507
May. 13, 2016

One thing is for sure, if you have homeschooled for more than a week, people everywhere will question you about it—from grandparents and neighbors to pastors and friends to grocery store clerks and legislators. You need to be able to articulate the apologetics of homeschooling and answer questions that come from those who know you, from curious by-standers, and from those who are hostile toward homeschooling. Do you know why your parents have chosen to homeschool you? Do you know the advantages of being given a custom-designed, tailor-made education? Do you know the spiritual, emotional, and social benefits of being homeschooled? We will have fun learning how to answer these questions, as well as others that people love to ask you when they can get you away from your parents: Do you really like homeschooling? What do you think you’re missing in life? What have you been studying lately? When it comes right down to it, you will probably be called upon more frequently than your parents to make the case for homeschooling. Come and learn how to do it well.